the unnamed avenger

By inky2810

269 11 0

constantly being referred to as Kid or Kiddo you were rescued from HYDRA before being thrown head first into... More

age of Ultron part 1
age of ultron part 2
age of Ultron Part 3
age of ultron Part 4
age of Ultron Part 5
Age of Ultron Part 6
age of Ultron Part 7
the unnamed avenger
Captain America the winter soldier part 1
Captain America the winter soldier part 2
captain America the winter soldier part 3
captain America the winter soldier part 4
captain America the winter soldier part 5
Captain America the winter soldier Part 6
Captain America the winter soldier part 7

age of Ultron Part 8

13 1 0
By inky2810

"It's my job." she tells him before he nods and says "Kid, Nat this way."

"No, I'll help Wanda. Our powers look the same so could work together?" you say trying to convince the stubborn archer "Fine." he says after a second they all go their separate ways and you are left with Wanda

"you said our powers could combine?" she almost pants

"Well mine looks a lot like yours and we both have telekinesis so its possible that they could create something huge," you say and she just nods before her brother arrives

"Get the people on the boats."

"I'm not going to leave you here."

"I can handle this." then you both blast the same bot "We can handle this."

"come back when everyone else is off. not before." he just grunts in annoyance "you understand?" she asks

"You know I'm 12 minutes older than you?" he says cockily while she just chuckles and says "Go." then he speeds off. from where you are you can see Clint getting on a boat while Nat runs off to do the lullaby Clint spins around he must have heard something he scans the road in front of him and then suddenly stops follow his line of vision and see a child still in the market he looks downwards then runs off towards where the kid is

"Thor I'm going to need you back at the church."

"Is this the last of them?"

"Yeah everyone else is on the carrier."

"you know, this works, we maybe don't walk away."

"maybe not." then suddenly you hear gunshots and look over at where Natasha and Hulk just were to see Natasha on the floor shielding herself and hulk roaring at the jet while Clint grabs the kid and gets ready to bring him back you and both Maximoff's realise what is going to happen at the same time Pietro runs towards Clint and grabs him you shut your eyes to stop yourself seeing it but when you reopen them you see only the one bullet in his stomach you are confused and look down to see you and Wanda holding hands and when you look back at speedy he has a purple force field surrounding him you realise you were right and that you had combined your powers with Wanda's to create an extremely powerful forcefield you guessed that would mean that you could both use each other's abilities when you did that but Stark and banner would test that later
"you didn't see that coming?" Pietro said before falling to the floor Clint checked his pulse as you and Wanda rushed towards him
"he's alive just passed out," he said you and Wanda used some of your anger and annoyance to tear the last few bots apart while hulk got the main one from the jet but didn't leave it little did you know that you wouldn't be seeing him until another alien army attacks and even then Hulk won't be in action. no one knew what to do Pietro was whisked off to medical attention and you went with Wanda to take the last bot you both had tendrils of your telekinesis swirling around your hands you bent down on one side of the bot while Wanda bent down on the other

"Wanda, if you stay here you'll die."

"I just did, do you know how it felt?" you both reach in and rip his heart out once it's out you release it from your telekinetic hold and allow Wanda to hold it "It felt like that," she said before Sokovia suddenly started falling

"Thor on my mark." Stark said before you could do anything else you saw vision he grabbed Wanda while you gripped onto his back suddenly Sokovia was blown to bits and what was left went crashing into the water below

when you arrived back at the new avengers facility you went and found Natasha you were both stood there in silence thinking when you got a message at the same time you both pulled your phones out to see a video of a baby dressed in a blue baby grow with Nathaniel Pietro Barton written on the front 'look-say hi to aunt Nat and your cousin.' Laura's voice came through the speaker "Fat." Nat said
"You're just jealous that he got named after speedy rather than you." she just smirked

"One of our tech boys flagged this. splashed down in the Banda sea, could be the quinjet. but with Starks stealth tech we still can't track the damn thing." Fury said walking in 


"We'll find him," you tell her

"Yeah he probably jumped out and swam to Fiji, he'll send a postcard."

"Wish you were here." nat mused 

"You sent me to recruit him way back when. did you know then what was going to happen?"

"you never know you hope for the best then make do with what you get. I got a great team."

"Nothing lasts forever."

"Trouble. Ms Romanoff, kid. no matter who wins or loses trouble still comes around." Natasha returns to staring at the wall you look around and see Thor Steve and Tony walking past you run towards them and begin walking backwards in front of them Steve laughs at your childlike behaviour

"The rules have changed."

"we're dealing with something new."

"Oh, the visions artificial intelligence."

"a machine."

"so it doesn't count?"

"no, it's not like a person lifting the hammer."

"Right different rules for us." you just roll your eyes at the childishness of the trio

"Nice guy. artificial."

"thank you."

"he can wield the hammer he can keep the mind stone. it's safe with the vision, and these days safe is in sort supply."

"but if you put the hammer in an elevator..."

"It still goes up." you start laughing. they are just like 3 six-year-old children

"Elevators not worthy."

"I'm going to miss these talks of ours."

"We will too thor," you tell the Asgardian

"You won't miss them if you don't leave," Tony says

"I have no choice, the mind stone is the fourth of the infinity stones to show up in the last few years. it's not a coincidence. someone's been playing an intricate game and has made pawns of us and once all of these pieces are in position..."

"Triple Yahtzee."

"you think you can find out what's coming?"

"I do."

"Besides this one and that one there is nothing that can't be explained," he said pointing to you and stark he nodded to the three of you and you smiled at him before he raised his hammer above his head and he was swallowed up. when the tower of light disappeared all that was left was burn marks in the grass

"That man has no regard for lawn maintenance. I'm going to miss him though and you're going to miss me, there is going to be a lot of manful tears."

"I will miss you tony," Steve said

"We all will," you told the billionaire

"Yeah? well, it's time for me to tap out. maybe I should take a page out of Barton's book, build pepper a farm hope nobody blows it up."

"The simple life."

"You'll get there one day."

"I don't know. Family, stability, the guy who wanted all that went in the ice 75 years ago. I think someone else came out."

"You alright?"

"I'm home." 

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