In love with a Winchester. ||...

By pieobsesseddean

473 31 11

Liam Turner and Dean Winchester have been friends since they were 4 years old, during his teenage years Liam... More

~> graphic's gallery
{1} Letters To Liam
{1.2} Letters to Liam -alternate end
{3} Detention For Two
{4} Prom Night... mare,
{A Janthony special} Only I call him that...

{2} Time To Slice And Dice

50 2 0
By pieobsesseddean

This story is dedicated to Mollie, You've waited for this for long enough.

Dean kicks off his scuffed-up boots, flopping back on to the old dusty motel couch. Stretching out to get comfy, throwing his legs over Liam's as he lies back.

"Dude, why?" Liam coughs out, clearly unamused attempting to push his legs out of his lap. A chuckle escapes Dean's soft lips, as he lifts his head up to look at Liam.


"You know wha-", Liam doesn't get time to finish that sentence, as dean scrambled to sit up proper upon seeing John.

"Remember the rules boys." John huffs, walking straight past the both of them, clearly heading to the door.

"Sir, yes, Sir." Dean mutters rolling his eyes, while Liam just nods.

John turns to face dean seemingly unconvinced, "what are they?" he questions, as the room falls into an uncomfortable silence. Dean stumbles with his words clearly unprepared for john to actually question him on the subject, "uh... salt the doors and windows, don't leave the motel, make sure Liam has his asthma pump and no smoking around Liam." He looks at Liam, as the room fall's silent once again. The look in dean's gorgeous green eyes is almost begging him to continue for him.

So, Liam take in a breath before filling the silence, "Keep a weapon on you at all times, no friends or girlfriends are allowed over," A smug smirk appears across Liam's lips as he glances at dean, "And No horror movies." Dean sinks further in his seat hearing the last rule, He really wanted to watch All saint's day 4.

There's a soft chuckle as Anthony walks out of the bathroom, "Come on now, that horror movie rule is a bit outdated, they've seen worse than a bit of fake blood." he said with a grin and managed to ruffle his son's soft black hair as he walks past, even though Liam had attempted to duck away. John shoots him a glare, grabbing his duffle bag off the floor.

"Fine, watch whatever you want. It was you're stupid old rule anyway." John grumbles. Practically marching out of the door. As Anthony turns to the boy's pointing over in the direction john had stomped off in "What crawled up his ass and died?"

They both shrug, "I dunno but good luck Dad"

"Good luck Anthony" dean says with a slight smirk.

"I need it," rubbing his face he heads to the door before john can come back and complain. "we'll be back tomorrow, tomorrow night at latest. Order yourselves some pizza or something, the moneys on the counter. Bye boys." Anthony says as he pulls the door, leaving both boys in total silence.


"Oh, come on! All Saints Day 4: Hatchet Man Lives is my favourite." He says, snatching up the tv remote before Liam gets the chance. He flicks through the channels looking for Shocker Tv, "look if you get scared, you can hide under the blanket." Dean jokes, as his best friend gets up in a pout.

Not answering him, Liam tries to push past. Horror movies are the movies he hates the most, why would he watch things about monsters, when he's constantly surrounded and hunted by their counter parts. However, Dean has his own idea and wraps his arms around Liam's waist, pulling him down into his lap.

Liam's breath hitch's slightly, Dean's gentle breath hitting the back of his neck. His grip on Liam doesn't loosen. "You know I was joking, right?" Dean whispered gently into his right ear, "I didn't mean to hurt your feelings." The corners of dean's lips turn up into a small smirk, as Liam shuffles loosening dean's grip.

"You're an asshole." Liam quickly countered, reluctantly pushing himself out of dean's lap and back onto the dusty couch. He huffs quietly crossing his arms, Dean glances over to Liam a smirk growing as he slowly grabs a couch cushion, waiting for the moment Liam just gets comfy.

He moves swiftly, Swinging the cushion around hitting Liam in the face and bursts into laughter.

Liam doesn't laugh...

He looks at dean unamused, picking up a cushion of his own, "Oh you are so dead, Winchester."

"I wouldn't be too sure of that, Turner." Dean grins back at him, looking him up and down. Dean always wins. He's undoubtedly stronger and faster than his best friend, but it's funny to watch him try just as long as it doesn't set off an asthma attack as then Anthony will kill him.

Liam grins a bit as he slowly stands with his cushion. "Come on Turner, show me what you've got?" Dean mocks also now also standing, "Come on, hit me or are you too chick-"

Liam's cushion hits him in the face, with a loud thud. The silence is deafening as Liam bites down on his bottom lip realising, he probably shouldn't have done. "Oh... so that's how you want to play, is it?"

From then on, the next 20 minutes is filled with them running around the motel room as they hit each other back and forth, slowly making their way from the living area, to near the beds, to the tiny kitchen where they then circled back into the living area.

Liam was taking more hits than he was giving, but he didn't care. They've just got back to the living area when Dean trips Liam up, granted it was by accident, but he hits the ground quickly rolling over so he's on his back.

Dean however, tripped on his own boot that he'd carelessly discarded earlier in the evening, landing right on top of his best friend. Groaning gently, he pushes himself up slightly, "See? I told you."

"You cheated." Liam coughs out, having had dean crushing his already weak lungs. "How did I che-" he's interrupted by Liam, who's coughs harshly trying to push dean off. Dean very quickly pushes himself up more, taking the remaining pressure from Liam's chest

It doesn't take the pair long to realise the compromising position they have found themselves in, blush slowly rising on Liam's cheeks, yet neither move. Liam takes in a few uneven breaths, gulping slightly as dean continues to stare.

"Hey, are you alright?" His voice is hushed as he glances at Liam's lips then back to his exceedingly blue eyes, have they always been that blu- He's getting of topic.

"Liam? Are you okay?" Dean asks softly, continuing to study his face. "you're not having an asthma attack, are you? Because you've gone really red... oh god you are, your dad is going to murder me." Dean's panicking.

Liam shakes his head quickly, "I... I. uh I'm fine." He forces out, staring up into deans concerned forest green eyes. Somehow the pair are slowly gravitating back together, dean's mouth now only millimetres from Liam's.

Neither say a word as dean's hands find their way to Liam's cheeks. Dean lips hover over his, they are so close to trying something they had often wondered over...

What would happen if they just... Kisse-?

Their lips barely brushed together as a loud knock on the door bring them back to reality, Who's that? Are their dads back so soon? No no, it can't be they left barely an hour ago. It's not a simple salt and burn, they've been planning to take down a vamp's nest for almost weak. There is no way that John and Anthony could be back so soon. They won't be back until morning or the morning after that at latest.

The room is now in a tense silence. They stare at the door practically studying it, trying to estimate the amount of strain that door could take, in case of the worst case. Both coming to the same conclusion that the door stood no chance against any monster.

Another knock comes from the door, that time it was louder causing Liam to flinch a little underneath dean. Feeling that, dean slowly scrambles to his feet making his way to the door, his hand resting on his gun ready preparing for the worst.

He hesitated slightly, before looking though the peep hole, chuckling softly he sighs a breath of relief, it's the pizzas they had ordered

Unlocking the door and opening it, he greets the pizza boy with a soft smile.

"One house special with extra cheese and pepperoni and a uhhh...." The delivery boy pauses, looking concerned by the description on the box. "Double cheese pan pizza with a Hot sauce base, 4 servings of jalapeños, Spicy Pepperoni, Green chillies and Spicy pork?"

"That's us, the house special is mine. I'm not a weirdo... unlike some people." He turns to give Liam a smug look. "Uh Great, that's just 18.95." The delivery boy shifts awkwardly on his feet.

Dean nods, leaning over to get the money from the small side table placed by the door, leaving just enough room for the delivery boy to glance up and spot the dishevelled looking Liam laying on the floor, slightly out of breath and giggling at something.

When the boy glances back at dean. He notices how dishevelled dean also appears, immediately flushing red having assumed he'd interrupted an intermate moment.

The pizza boxes are shoved into Dean's arms and the money snatched out of his hand; The pizza boy having felt too awkward to say anything else. Just leaving dean standing there.

He turns around, pushing the door closed with his foot. Walking over to where Liam is still lead on the ground, "I think your order freaked him out," He gets an eye roll in response, "I'm serious, the guy didn't even give change." Dean states, practically chucking it to him. "Why won't you ever order a double cheesy pepperoni, instead of that absolute monstrosity." That earned him yet another eye roll.

"Because I like it, Cheesy pepperoni is just so... bland," Dean gasps, taking offence to Liam's words. "You take that back!" He dramatically demands.

"No, I don't think I will."


"You're watching shocker tv."

Dean plonks himself back down on the couch next to Liam, pizza in hand.

"Tonight, on Shocker, All Saints Day 4: Hatchet Man Lives."

"I love this movie." Dean says, cramming the slice of pizza into his mouth kicking his feet up onto the tiny coffee table. "I know," Liam mumbles, nibbling at his own pizza "You tell me every time you decide to put it on, and I stupidly decide to watch it with you."

Dean chuckles softly, "Well, what can I say. I have a reputation to uphold!"

"A reputation? Of what, being an asshole?" Liam questions, His eyebrow raised and a smirk playing along his lips. "Now that's just mean. What have I ever done to you that's so asshole worthy?" He asked, genuinely offend by Liam's statement.

"That list is never ending."


Suspenseful music plays from the tv as the plucky protagonist is making their way around the old schoolhouse, sneaking into the abandoned swimming pool which still filled with what can only be described as green sludge.

Liam peeks up from his blanket, "I don't know why I agree to watch these movies with you," he whispers, bracing himself for the inevitable hatchet man jump scare. He hears dean give a soft chuckle from beside him.

The music from the movie gets more intense as the young protagonist calls out a stupid 'hello? Is anyone there?' only to get no answer, other than the sudden creaks of a deaerating building.

"You have to watch it; you lost the pillow fight." dean states smirking. "I wasn't aware those were the terms and conditions" Liam whispers half-jokingly back. "Well buddy they are, so stop being a whimp and hiding under that blank," he grins pulling the blanket away from him. Just then a scream erupts from the tv as a character trip while they were running away from David Yaeger, grabbing both the boy's attention.

"I'm sorry, we never meant to hurt you," Dean whispers over the characters original line, he knows it all off by heart. "It was just a prank!" he continues in the same hushed tone.

Deans so immersed in the scene that Liam slowly reaches back over for the blanket, pulling it back over himself slowly.

Soon after, Dean's eyes glance over to his best friend. Who is now once again hogging the only blanket. He realises that Liam has curled himself back into it, seemingly not wanting to watch the screen.

Rolling his eyes dean stretch's, resting an arm a top of the couch. Secretly hoping that Liam will get frightened enough to cuddle into him as per usual.

His least favourite part is coming up soon. Surely that should earn Dean a cuddle.

A loud scream erupts from the tv and the one of the characters is dragged to the depths of the sludgy green pool by hatchet man, causing Liam to squeeze his eyes shut and allowing Dean's arm to slowly snake around Liam. Holding his breath, he hopes silently that he doesn't notice.

He doesn't, however, peeks his eyes open to see whether the scene had ended yet or not. Seeing as it had not Liam squeezes his eyes shut once again.

Seeing this, Dean very gently pulls him closer. Liam doesn't protest, even turning so he could further snuggle his face into Deans soft chest...

The truth is one the only reason all saint's day 4 is Deans favourite movie, is because Liam almost always cuddles into Dean. And then always likes to fall asleep.

He keeps Liam close, very gently playing with his fluffy black hair. He can feel Liam relax slowly into his chest, as he carries on twirling his hair. "Are you okay?" He hears himself saying. Liam barely answers, mumbling back what dean hopes was an I'm fine, but he can't be sure.


As the movie continues on, Liam progressively becomes heavier on Dean's chest. Signalling that he's falling asleep, very gently pulling at the blanket Liam is gripping to. Somehow loosening his grip and carefully pulling the blanket around the both of them, as well as turning down the tv, in an attempt not to disturb him.

Without realising, He's started to run his hand through Liam's fluffy black hair, muffling his own yawn as the time is ticking by, he twists the hair between his fingers in an attempt to play with it tenderly.

It's not long after this, Dean's eyes beginning to droop as another yawn escapes his delicate lips. His hand resting in Liam's hair as his own body begins to grow heavy, especially his eye lids. Which appear to be increasingly becoming heavier, feeling as if weights have been tied to his eyelashes.

As dean is drifting off, he doesn't notice that his hand has slid down and out of Liam's hair, now lightly resting on his back, then closely followed by dean's head which slowly falls forward and then rests a top of Liam's, almost using his hair as a pillow.

The tv eventually becomes drowned out by dean's gentle snores, he'd managed to fall asleep in only a matter of minutes. Unbeknownst to him Liam cuddled in closer feeling safe in dean's warm arms, His face seemingly fitting perfectly into the crook of dean's neck.

Liam's little movement cause's dean to stir somewhat, groaning softly and whilst still wrapped in the blanket. He somewhat decides to lay across the couch, gently pulling Liam down with him as he does so.


The motel room door swings open, "Fucking vampires." Anthony complains as he follows john into the motel room. Not exactly paying attention to his surroundings and ignoring the tv on in the background. "Why is it always vampires, Toothy little bastards... remind me again why WE had to do that hunt," He continues as he dumps his duffle bag on the floor.

There's silence from john, who's stopped in his tracks. "Hellllooo, Earth to John Winchester, Earth to john Winchester. Are you going to answer me or not? John!"

John spins around quickly "Shhhh!"

"Don't shush me!" Anthony says, unamused. "Just sh!" "So, no explanation" "SSHHH" "Not till you expl-"

"Anthony. Shut up." John whispered exasperatedly.

"Why?!" he reluctantly whispers.


Anthony's looks over in the direction of which john is pointing, his face softening at the sight of his son cuddled up asleep with dean. They both look so peaceful.

'This morning on shocker tv.' Announces the tv, causing the boys to stir slightly from their sleep. Anthony very quickly rush's over to turn the tv off, slowly looking over his shoulder to look at dean and Liam. Relief washes over him as he realises both are still asleep, despite the slight startle they just had from the tv

"Why don't we go get some breakfast and leave them sleep?" Anthony suggests, rubbing his face gently. "Anthony, I'm tired." "And I'm hungry, what's new?" He states crossing his arms. John opens his mouth to give a snarky comment in return, but Anthony cuts him off, "Look, Liam doesn't ever sleep this well. So, if you think, I'm risking waking him up by snoring. You thought wrong." He's looking at john with a stone look in his eyes, He's not going to take no for an answer.

"So, you admit you snore?" john says with a small chuckle, while Anthony rolls his eyes. "Are you coming or not john." He huffs out.

"I'm just going to find a different room, you can bring me back a breakfast though and a hot black coffee," he replies, while going to grab a fresh pair of clothes. "Anything else good sir." Anthony mocks, bowing dramatically.

John chuckles gently, walking to the door fresh clothes in hand.

"Well, now that I think about it. For you to stop acting like an idiot, but ... that's never going to happen. So maybe a new best friend?"


Author's notes
Sooo, I finally finished it for y'all. Mostly for mollie (My Bestie). Once again please try to ignore any mistakes. I have been trying to work on grammar and stuff like that. Once again I'm sorry this has taken so long, I've had a lot of shit happen in my personal life.

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