Her Sanity

xprincessstatusx által

122K 4.8K 5.5K

A chance encounter turns into an obsession that spirals out of control Több

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Is This The End? •2•
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Fake It Til You Make It
The Truth
Gotta Move On
What's Your Story?
I Love You •1•
I Love You •2•
I Love You •3•
Unexpected Blessing
The Awakening
Take This Walk With Me
Meet The Sisters •1•
Meet The Sisters •2•
Meet The Sisters •3•
Stress Free
Why You Ain't Tell Me?
Your Time Is Up
Your Son
Check Up
Birthday Bash •1•
Birthday Bash •2•
Birthday Bash •3•
Let's Talk
Can We Talk?
Baby Names
It's A.....
Business Matter
Getting Him Out
Common Sense
Get Even
New Beginning?
Naive Nancy
Bad Feeling
Cast Update
Something's Wrong
Don't Tell Mama
I'm Sorry
Know The Truth
Unexpected Love
Truth Tales
Let Them In
Guess what? 🌚
Truth Revealed
Babyshower Tingz
Wifey's Birthday
It's Your Day
Fatherly Bliss
She's My Everything
Wedding Bells
Family Matters
Bridal Woes
Graduation Day
Something Else There
Forever Girl
We Got This
Wedding Day •1•
Wedding Day •2•
Wedding Day •3•
We're Back ! 🤍

Alter Switch

1.3K 60 49
xprincessstatusx által

Karen ~ Grace

"Man, what the fuck? Get the fuck off me, put me down!" J Drew yelled.

Watching the men that Quintella knew strap J Drew down in a chair that was sitting in the middle of the floor with a bag over his head, I tilted my head and watched in amusement.

"Yo, get yo fucking hands off me bruh! Hey, get off-" I snatched the bag off his head making him look around.

He looked at me, then looked at Kierra, J Drew, and his aunts surrounding him.

"Man, what the fuck is this shi-" I slapped him cutting his sentence in half.

"I'm sick of your dirty mouth. If I've only been here a millisecond and I'm tired of it I know your mother is." I said.

"My mama? You are my ma- wait... what the fuck is this?"

"Boy!" I grabbed him by his shirt. "Didn't I just tell you about your mouth? Say another disrespectful out of line thing from your mouth and I will get Kierra to punch you in it. You will respect me and your mother when you're in our presence. Do you understand me?"

J Drew looked at me hard for a moment before sighing.

"Yes ma'am."

"Good, now that you're settled I'm sure you know why I'm here and why you're here. If you don't I'll tell you. Your reign of disrespect, being rebellious, and acting like a hoodlum with no home training has come to an end. You need to man up and act like you were raised with an inch of common sense in your brain." I said.

"Why should I do anything? I have every right to be upset. No one can tell me how to feel except me because no one has been through what I've been through except for me."

"J Drew, you were angry but now you're just being plain stupid, spiteful, malicious, and vengeful. Karen and Dave are in a relationship if you don't like it that's a problem you are going to have to work out within yourself. What's the real reason you're so angry about all of this? Is it the fact that they didn't tell you or is it something else, because I'm sensing something else. So, spit the truth out boy."

"Why is it that I'm supposed to be okay with a nigga that's younger than me being my stepdad? My mama and him gon' get married have a family and what just forget that Kierra and I even exist? We was here before any of this got started now they wanna push us out the way and act like we don't exist? I'm not gon' just let that slide. That shi- stuff ain't right." J Drew said.

"So, that's why you so angry? You think mama is going to replace us with the new baby?" Kierra asked.

"That and the fact that Dave ass should have came to me before stepping to my mama. He didn't ask me if he could date her. Had he came to me like a man about the situation with my moms knowing the pact we made I wouldn't have had a problem with it. Instead he went behind my back and acted like what we'd talked about ain't mean nothing. Out of all the stuff we been through nigga we ain't never went back on our word. Yo word is yo bond, but obviously that don't mean shit."

I sighed as Dave shook his head.

"Look, J Drew I'm sorry. I didn't realize how much keeping my word meant to you. I should have asked you first out of respect of you being my best friend man. So, as a man I want to take this time to sincerely apologize from the bottom of my heart bruh. The way I started things with ya moms wasn't right. I should have done it another way. I can't take back the past, but I can work towards the future and being a better man. You still my brother no matter what happen between us. I've always looked out for you and I always will. Can you forgive me man?"

Looking at J Drew I could tell that he wanted to give him another chance but he was hesitant.

"J Drew, it's okay to forgive him. I know that you've never been put in this position before, but no one has. This is a new journey for all of you. But that doesn't mean that it can't be a positive one, but you have to make that decision to let it be. Are you willing to forgive him and put this all behind you?" I asked.

"Can we be boys again? I miss you bruh. You my brother for life no matter what you decide." Dave said.

J Drew sighed before looking down.

"Man, honestly I've never been in this position before and I don't know how to exactly deal with it. I know that I'm tired of keeping all this anger inside. I'm not this type of dude. I don't go around wreaking havoc. I'm not made for the street life. I'm done with it for good cause you was right about Ghost. He tried to play me too and I'm honestly tired. It's gon' take some time adjusting and getting use to it, but I'm willing to work on it. So, I can give you another shot and let this situation go."

Everyone sighed in relief as Jacky, Twinkie, and Dorinda looked at each other.

"Bout time you came to yo damn senses boy." Dorinda said.

"I'm sorry auntie." J Drew laughed.

"Wait, so does that mean that you're okay with Dave and Karen dating? Are you going to give him a chance?"

"He really makes mama happy J. I've been around them and I've witnessed it with my own eyes. They're having a little girl. As far as her replacing us with the new baby it's not like that at all. I think that if anything it's just adding on to the family. We're expanding our family in a dope blended family kind of way. I can't wait to meet my little sister." Kierra said, adding on to Twinkie's statement.

J Drew nodded his head okay.

"Yeah, man I'll give you a shot. If you make my mama happy then I'm coo with dat. Just don't hurt my fucking mama bruh. That's all Ima say."

"You got my word bruh. We can shake on it."

Walking up to him, Dave unloosed the ropes off of J Drew and set him free. Standing up, J Drew and Dave dapped up, then hugged.

I smiled to myself as I closed my eyes. My work here was done. It was time for Karen to come back now.

Opening my eyes slowly, I smiled widely realizing I was back to normal and everything was over.

"Mama, you good?" J Drew asked, coming up to me.

"I'm fine son, just perfect actually. Thank you for giving Dave a chance I love you." I placed my hand on his face.

"I love you too ma and I'm sorry for everything. I don't know what I would do without you." J Drew said, holding my hand.

Smiling, my smile suddenly faded as I felt myself began to get faint and before I knew it I'd passed out. Dave caught me before I could hit the floor.

"Yo, what the hell? What's happening?" Dave asked.

"Mommy! Auntie Jac, please help her." Kierra cried.

"Call an ambulance."

Laying me on my back, pillows were grabbed and placed underneath me. Feeling Jacky grab my wrist, she searched for a pulse then put her head against my chest.

"Her breathing is very low. I don't think we'll have time for that ambulance. We need to get her there now! Let's go."

Picking me up bridal style, Dave carried me outside to the car.

"I got her things. Let's go now." Kierra said.

Dorinda got in the driver's side as Twinkie got on the passenger side. Dave got in the back with me as he continued holding me with Jacky on the side of us to coach him through anything. Kierra and J Drew took another car. Turning on her emergency lights, Dorinda sped all the way to the hospital going pass traffic lights, stop signs, and whatever else was in her way.

"Baby, hang in there for me please? You spoke life into me when I was on the verge of death so I'm going to do the same for you. Your work here isn't done. There's so much you have to do here on this earth bringing our child into the world and being my wife just happens to be at the top of that list. You have to be here when we open our restaurant, you have to be here to see me graduate and get my diplomas and degrees from both culinary and business school. You have to walk down the aisle and say your I Do's with a young nigga. You've done so much and given back to the community. For all you've done your labor was not in vain. You shall live and not die. You can't leave me here. I need you in my life ma. Please fight for me the way I fought for you? Ion wanna be here without you in my life." Dave sniffled.

Leaning down, he kissed my lips as he held me against him. He began to cry as he rocked me back and forth.

"How far are we Doe?"

"We're almost there just hang on." Dorinda said.

"Bruh, this killing me seeing her like this. Can we pray? We need to do something." Dave said.

"Of course, we'll pray. Dave do you want to start it off?" Twinkie asked.

"Yeah, I got it."

Dave cleared his throat before closing his eyes.

"Father God, it's me Dave coming to you on behalf of my wife and my unborn child. I know I don't pray like I should and for that I'm sorry. We don't know what's going on, but Father you see and you know all things. You know our beginning and our end. You know what happens before it happens. So, God I ask that you would spare her life. She's labored and she's done everything she can to make the world a better place. She's won souls for your kingdom. She brought me to you. I know that we didn't do things the right way bringing our daughter into the world, but Father I promise that if you would save their lives the way you did me we'll do things right and according to your word from every step on moving forward. I know that you can save them because you're a God that holds all power in your hand. You can do anything but fail. So, I thank you for this healing that's about to take place and we'll be ever so careful to give you all the glory, honor, and praise because it belongs to you, in Jesus name, Amen."

"Amen." My sisters said in agreement.

Placing his head on mine, Dave kissed my lips as he whispered.

"You gon' be aite ma. Don't give up the fight." Grabbing my hand, he held it as he continued holding me.

Arriving to the hospital finally, Jacky got out and ran inside to grab a few doctors and nurses on standby. Before I knew it I was being rushed through the doors on a gurney and taken immediately to the back.

I wasn't sure what was going on, but I wasn't worried because I knew one thing to always and forever be true.

God was in control.



A few hours had passed since Karen had been rushed to the back without any word from the doctor and everyone was on edge waiting for news.

"Yo, what is taking so long? We should have been heard back from a doctor like bruh?" Dave said, pacing back and forth.

"This is ridiculous. We need to know what's happening back there." Kierra said, getting irritated.

Seeing the look of panic on both of their faces, Jacky decided to play the role of Mother Peace.

"I'm sure the doctors are working as fast as they can we just have to be patient. We'll hear something soon."

"We better or I'll burn this bitch down. You know I don't play about Karen. I'll let all these folks in here have it." Dorinda said.

"Doe, please? I'm already trying to keep them calm I don't need you rowdy too." Jacky said.

"I wouldn't be rowdy if I knew what was going on. Someone tell me what's going on with my damn sister!"

"Dorinda Grace, don't make me take you outside and calm you down. Act like you got some home training and be a example for these kids." Twinkie said.

J Drew sat there not saying much of anything. He felt guilty. He felt like this was his fault. The fact that his mother was in the hospital and his unborn baby sister was facing a life threatening situation. He felt the guilt of it all weighing down on his shoulders.

"Family of Karen Clark Sheard?" A doctor called.

"That's us!" Dave said being the first to hop up.

They all went over to the doctor as Dr. Vanessa came out and took over Karen's case.

"Vanessa, thank God it's you. Can you tell us what's going on?" Dorinda asked.

"Yes, well I first want to start by saying Karen and the baby will be fine to put all of your minds at ease."

They all sighed in relief.

"Thank you Jesus." Twinkie said.

"Can you tell us why she fainted?" Dave asked.

"Yes, her blood pressure was through the roof. I'm so glad that you got her here when you did because had you not she could've slipped into a coma. You did good bringing her here. We got it down and she's resting now, but I'm curious to know what happened to cause this. What triggered it?"

Everyone looked at each other as they went silent. They didn't want to get in trouble for playing Hopscotch with Karen's alters. Dave decided to step up.

"Okay, it was like this doc. Karen's alters came out because of a situation regarding her son. I didn't know that I made her have a break until she had it. We broke through to her and some stuff led up to another alter coming out but we needed her to come out because she helped us with the situation now it's all over." Dave confessed.

Vanessa stared at Dave for a moment silently before looking at the rest of the family and shaking her head.

"You all do realize that all of these alter switches can kill Karen, right?"

"What? What are you talking about?" Jacky asked.

"I'm talking about the fact that Karen is 49, 5 months pregnant, and has DID. I don't know if you all realize this, but when a person with Dissociative Identity Disorder has an alter switch it takes a toll on their body. Very rarely do you ever see a person with DID switching from alter to alter especially not in one day because it drains them. With Karen being under stress and then switching from alter to alter it did a number on her. I'm sure there are reasons she hasn't had a break in a very long time. She's not like everyone else especially because she's pregnant. Someone who's not expecting can switch without a problem, but when she switches there will be complications. She has to be extremely careful especially because there are lives at stake. I know that you all didn't know this, because if you had you wouldn't have asked her to switch. So, with that being said I'm placing Karen on a two week bedrest and during that time she isn't allowed to use her alters. As a matter of fact for the rest of her pregnancy her alters are off limits."

"How are we going to stop her from using her alters? They come out when they want to." Dorinda said.

"They do whatever Karen needs them to do because their main purpose is to protect her. So, they will stay away knowing that if they come out they will kill her. They are there for her protection not to harm her. They know the rules and they will obey." Dr. Vanessa said.

Sighing, Dave rubbed his hand down his face.

"So, from this point moving forward what can we do to make sure she good?"

"Dave, just do whatever you can to make sure she's comfortable and stress free. That's the number one rule. She has to stay stress free. Can you manage that?" Dr. Vanessa asked.

"Yes ma'am, I'll do everything in my power to make sure she good. Can I see her?" Dave asked.

"She's only allowed two visitors at a time right now."

"That's fine. J Drew and Dave should go visit her first. We'll stay out here and wait." Kierra suggested.

Looking at J Drew, Dave nodded his head okay. The two of them followed Vanessa to the back as everyone else waited.

Hopefully things didn't take a turn.

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