Strawberry | Jikook {COMPLETE...

By chimmyxkookies

259K 6.9K 8.2K

"I want you," Jungkook whispered against his skin, sensually teasing the sensitive spot under Jimin's ear. "Y... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

Chapter 1

57.9K 1.1K 1.3K
By chimmyxkookies

Since people are not reading tags properly, adding my Ao3 tags below. Please read before proceeding. If you're not comfortable with any of this, stop reading this fic and choose something else to read.

Smut ahead... he he I know I know but don't tell me I didn't give heads up.

- Mafia story but won't be too dark
- Contains lot of smut
- Contains murder and violence

I am not good with words. This fic was written because I was in mood to write some good smut. It was supposed to be an one-shot but then I thought why not. So here it is.

Bangtan members are the only original characters in this book. Rest are all fictional and created for the purpose of the story. I use similar names in all my fics to maintain stability and it's easy for me to follow.

Sorry guys I'm not that great with leaving notes...excuse this introvert who sucks at people skills :(


"They're here."

Jungkook lifted his gaze to meet Taehyung's gaze briefly before fixing it back on the dead man in front of him. "Dispose of him."

The small room was as gloomy as he felt right then. The smell of death and blood clung in the air. Not that he minded. He stood from his crouched position, taking the wet wipes Taehyung offered to wipe the blood off his hand.

He normally didn't use knives. Mostly preferred the handgun or left the dirty deeds to Taehyung or the others who worked for him. But sometimes like today... some things like this one had to be handled personally. You see...Jungkook hated when someone meddled in his business. Despised it to the extent that he ignored the party upstairs to get his hands dirty on his birthday.

"Did he talk?"

Jungkook cocked a brow with a smirk. "Cops," he said, throwing the soiled wipes carelessly on the floor. "They had reached out to someone asking him to aid them in the investigation." He walked out of the small interrogation room, entering the long corridors lined with more interrogation rooms and storage rooms. "His identity is unknown, but we might have a mole. Do a thorough check on all recruits for the past year and a half."


He stopped by the bathroom on the way to rinse his hands to get rid of any traces of blood that might have been left. Not that he minded a little bit of blood on him or his clothes. Hardened by a strict upbringing with rules of the underground etched into his brain, blood or gore rarely fazed him.

He stopped being afraid at the age of seven when he witnessed his father killing the man who had tried to kill his mother. It should have scared him because he was frightened to death when he saw his mother falling with a hand over her chest, crimson pooling the ground from where she fell. But it felt right to watch his father punish the man who put his mother in a hospital bed.

But then, things change and people change too. These days he was extra careful with his business because he didn't want the only person he cared about in this world to fear him.

"Kang has brought gifts." The disgust in Taehyung's voice had Jungkook pause in his track. "You know the usual." His second-in-command and the right-hand man shrugged. "You might want to put him in his place. The bastard won't take no for an answer."

Jungkook started walking again. "Anything else?"

"Your dad called. I told him you were busy," Taehyung continued handing him the phone. "There's a message from your Strawberry. I called him to inform him that you'll be late."

Jungkook nodded. His posture visibly relaxed at the mention of his boyfriend. He couldn't wait to get home. The sooner he finished this the better.

When he entered the party hall, which was basically the main area of his nightclub, it was too crowded and too loud for his liking. Jungkook wasn't a fan of parties. But these things were necessary to keep both his enemies and allies close. He couldn't just escape his own birthday party even if he wanted to. All the underbosses and the leaders of other territories were here.

"Ah, there he is!" Greeted a voice. "The man of the hour."

Jungkook suppressed the urge to roll his eyes and returned the firm handshake; eyes narrow and face an impassive mask. "Nice to meet you, Kang." He greeted the others with the same expression before marching toward Yoongi and Namjoon who were immersed in some deep conversation on the couch.

He plopped down next to Yoongi, taking the whiskey he offered. Min Yoongi was his most trusted hacker and Taehyung's boyfriend. Yoongi was also the commander of his base, who handled almost everything. With him and Kim Namjoon, South Korea's most renowned attorney by his side, he was invincible.

He scanned the party hall, his lazy gaze flitting through the crowd. The music was upbeat with the strippers dancing around and entertaining the guests. Alcohol flowed like a river minus the drugs. It was one domain Jungkook refused to venture into. His father had banished the drugs and stopped the drug dealing after it claimed his elder brother Jungwon's life eight years ago.

"I have a gift for you," Kang announced with short laughter that made his round belly jiggle with the movement. He turned to his second-in-command who waved at someone behind him and three giggling women walked into the small area and stood in front of his couch.

Jungkook lifted his gaze, a snort ready on his lips before he shifted his gaze to the man. "You know I stopped accepting gifts."

The mafia boss knew what those gifts were. He'd accepted them in the past because it was rude to decline gifts from your allies. It was mostly weapons, new trade deals, or sometimes women. But he'd stopped accepting such gifts since his last birthday.

"Come on, JK. I've handpicked these three especially for you." Kang laughed out loud. "I heard you like it more when they're naughty and feisty." He motioned for the girls to go to Jungkook, who cocked a brow with a slight tilt of his head, causing them to halt on their tracks.

Jungkook knocked back the whiskey he was drinking and lifted his index finger, ordering another drink. He eyed the three women clad in skimpy dresses with distaste. They were beautiful but not just his type. They didn't have pink hair or an angelic face. Most importantly, their name wasn't Park Jimin.

"My taste has changed." He dismissed them with a wave of his hand. His eyes narrowed at the women. "Leave."

They glanced at Kang before nodding jerkily and hurrying out of his vicinity.

"Ah, I should have brought more flavors. My bad." Kang let out nervous laughter. "That can be arranged though."

"Only if you want them back in body bags," Jungkook cut him off with a harsh glare.

Kang swallowed. He might be one of the gang leaders who ran the west and in alliance with the Jeons, but Jeon Jungkook was not the man to be messed with. He was feared for a reason. Jeon Jiwon ruled South Korea with his iron fist until he passed the domain to his son to retire in some foreign country with his beloved wife.

Jeon Jungkook, the only son of the most feared mafia bosses of all time had gained fame when he burned down the cobras of South, taking over their territory like it was a piece of cake.

Jungkook was so many things. He was arrogant and cold-hearted. He was a cold-blooded murderer when the situation demanded. Mercy, kindness, or patience didn't go in the same sentence as his name. And this man was testing his patience now.


"Someone leaked information about our exchange last week," Jungkook cut him off. "I almost lost two billion worth of goods. Thanks to our source who warned us at the right time. Any idea how that happened?"

Kang swallowed thickly and leaned in his seat, an impassive mask covering his face.

"What have you done to identify the mole? Or did you even know there is a mole?" Jungkook continued, crossing his legs as he finished his second drink, ordering another.

"We are investigating." Kang's face was as hard as a stone as he glared at his second-in-command standing behind them. The man didn't like being questioned, especially by someone who was younger than him and that someone being Jungkook. He'd witnessed Kang trying to assert dominance over the Jeons multiple times. Tried and failed every single time.

"I'd rather work than fuck around when we have such pressing matters in hand." Jungkook knocked back another drink getting infuriated by every passing second. "Contact me when you have intel on this."

With that, he stood and went to speak to his underbosses standing around a table and talking among themselves. He didn't know how much time had passed but his irritation only continued to flare. His underlings knew nothing about this mole and he swallowed the anger coursing through his veins.

He was always careful when it came to the police. Most of their businesses were legalized during the time of his father's reign. They had all their bases covered with Namjoon's help. So it wasn't easy for the cops to find the loophole.

Jungkook hated killing cops or even dealing with them. They were just a bunch of messy folk. He avoided them like a plague whenever he could. But when they touched what was his... They just don't know when to stop.

"That's enough." Taehyung stopped him from drinking and grabbed the glass. He frustrated growl died in his throat when his friend spoke the next words, "You have to go home now. It's almost midnight."

Jungkook blinked, checking the time and cursing again. It had totally slipped his mind. Jimin was waiting for him.

Ditching his own birthday party might have sounded absurd for him in the past. Not anymore. He slipped out of the nightclub barely paying attention to the others and quickly climbed inside his car.

Taehyung revved the engine effortlessly easing into the traffic which was moderate at this time of the night.

"You have to change," his best friend and chauffeur for the night said and Jungkook sniffed at his suit with a groan. Jungkook had a driver but on nights like this, he preferred his trusted confidante. Mostly because he wanted to keep his world as far from Jimin as possible. There were only a handful of the men he trusted with Jimin.

"Do I stink?"

"It's not that heavy, but you know Jimin won't like it."

Jimin hated the smell of cigars. His boyfriend never said that loud. One day he had headed to see Jimin from one of his meetings and Jimin had scrunched his nose while hugging him. He had kept a distance from Jungkook that day, which the mafia boss despised with a passion that he was tempted to ban anyone smoking near him again.

Jungkook never smoked being sensitive to smells and he never fancied it as opposed to the people surrounding him. But he can't stop every single person from smoking around him especially the fellow gang leaders, so the smell often clung to his clothes after meeting them. Hell, he didn't even drink that much because he liked to be in control. So he had begun to change clothes before meeting Jimin or he always headed to shower first now that they lived together.

But tonight was his birthday. Though it was close to midnight he had no doubt Jimin would be waiting for him. He always did. They reached sooner than usual. The car slowed down in his driveway. Jungkook slipped out, having already changed his clothes to remove any traces of smoke or alcohol.


The mafia boss wasn't even surprised to see Jimin standing up from the steps that led to their home and running toward their car. Jungkook picked him up, pecking his lips and savoring his melodic giggles before letting him down.

"Hey, my Strawberry...Did you miss me?"

" much." Jimin brushed his nose against his. "Happy birthday, my Jungkookie. I love you so much."

"Thanks." Jimin's lips looked so inviting that Jungkook couldn't help himself. He bent capturing his lips in a chaste kiss. "I love you, Strawberry."

"Take it inside, guys." Taehyung chuckled. "I'll see you two lovebirds later. Good night."

Jimin smiled widely, leaning sideways to get a better look at Taehyung who was shifting the gears. "Goodnight, Taehyung-ah. Don't forget our date this weekend."

"I won't, my soulmate." Taehyung sent him a salute before pulling away from the driveway.

"Stop calling your outings with Taehyung a date," Jungkook grumbled, pulling Jimin flush against his chest.

Jungkook couldn't help it though he knew they were platonic. Jimin and Taehyung had clicked right away when they learned they were of the same age. And soon they were calling each other soulmates much to Jungkook's dismay. Where it had taken weeks for Jungkook to get Jimin to say yes to date him, Taehyung had taken him out on the very first day. From then, every weekend they went out and called it a soulmate date.

"Jealous much?" Jimin teased light-heartedly. "Don't worry, babe. You're the only one for me."

He despised having a weakness. Once upon a time, he even took pride in not having a single weakness. But now, his kryptonite stood right in front of him, smiling at him sweetly. And was he the least bit concerned? Never.

"Sorry I made you wait."

"It's okay." Jimin smiled like he always did. "You told me you'd be late." He took Jungkook's large hand in his. "Are you hungry, my love?"

"Famished." He followed Jimin. He hadn't touched the food at the party because he knew Jimin was waiting for him. The Jungkook from two years ago wouldn't have given a shit about that. But now no matter how hungry he was, he always came home to eat.

Jimin was way out of his league. They were from different worlds and Jimin didn't belong in Jungkook's world. While Jungkook dealt with blood and violence in his day-to-day life, Jimin was someone who fainted at the mere sight of blood.

People who saw them together would easily notice the stark contrast of their styles. While Jungkook preferred dark monochromatic colors with his dark tattoos on display, Jimin preferred light pastel colors that were full of life and his skin was a clean canvas.

Perhaps that was what lured Jungkook. It was the way Jimin moved with the grace of a dancer he was. It was in the way he spoke, his voice soft like a sensual caress. It was in the way he smiled with his eyes closed or sometimes with his entire body. It was in the joy and warmth he radiated that even competed with the sun. So bright.

Yes, Jimin didn't belong in his world. But that didn't stop Jungkook from pursuing him. Well, why would he bother about that when he just wanted Jimin in his bed? At first, he chased him because he couldn't get the pink-haired teacher out of his mind. He hoped to fuck him out of his system only to realize Jimin wasn't the type to kiss on his first date.

For a person who was well-known for impatience, one date turned into many and by the time Jungkook kissed Jimin on their sixth date, he knew he wouldn't get enough of those lips anytime soon. The mafia boss learned there was a pleasure in waiting.

Jungkook didn't understand why he was different when he was with Jimin. Perhaps, he still had a little drop of humanity left in him. Or maybe it was all Jimin bringing out the best in him. Something Jungkook believed he was never capable of.

On their tenth date, Jimin received bad news, which caused him to cry. His grandmother who raised him after his parent's death as her own had passed away and Jimin was sad for days following that. It pained Jungkook more than Jimin because he couldn't stand the crestfallen look on the teacher's face. Every time his angelic face crumbled with tears, Jungkook felt as if something sharp was piercing his own heart. He had decided he'd do anything to keep Jimin smiling.

When he finally had Jimin under him, after dating him for four months, Jungkook realized he couldn't just fuck him out of his system. For someone who has never done vanilla in his life, it was the only thing Jungkook did after Jimin. Sex with Jimin was always bliss. Well, it wouldn't be one of the many rules he broke to be with Jimin. He'd move mountains if Jimin asked him to.

Surprisingly there was never a dull moment with the unsuspecting kindergarten teacher. Every human being had an addiction. For some it was the alcohol or some sort of drugs, and for some it was the music or other hobbies but for Jungkook, it was Jimin.

Addiction. That was the right word. Perhaps it wasn't healthy. But who cared when you had the world's most gorgeous man as your boyfriend? And to top it all, he had the kindest and purest heart. He knew he didn't deserve Jimin, but he craved for him and he was fortunate Jimin returned his feelings. Jungkook was one lucky son of a bitch.

Together they entered the mansion that was their home. It had been a year since they moved in together. His once black and white interior was now colorful and blanketed him with warmth. He saw Jimin in every inch of their home. So full of life and color.

An involuntary smile tugged at his lips at the sight of the cake. A seven-layered cake decorated with strawberries and cream on top. He had no doubt those frosting and icing were made from scratch. Jimin preferred doing it himself.

He could already imagine Jimin flitting around the kitchen in his white apron with a peck of flour dusting on his cheek as he baked. Oh, how he wished he was there to kiss him silly while stealing a few strawberries. He also itched to fuck him senseless on the kitchen counter one day. Jungkook had to clench his fist to stop that thought. Jimin was shy and reserved in bed. He loved soft and slow lovemaking.

Fuck his brain though. It kept supplying delicious images of Jimin writhing under him in the bed while he ate him out. He was already thinking of several ways to use that frosting on Jimin's naked body.

"Lovely. I can't wait to taste," Jungkook commented instead, his eyes trailing down on Jimin's body. Something must have given away his desire on his face because Jimin blushed, his cheeks tinted red.

"You aren't even looking at the cake," he murmured.


How was he supposed to look at the damn cake when Jimin himself looked like a damn five-course meal?

"Can you blame me?" Jungkook closed the distance, towering over Jimin. "I'm a weak man for Strawberry." He cupped Jimin's ass, making him squeak in response. Their crotches pressed together and Jungkook rolled his hips letting him know his intention. He grabbed a fresh strawberry from the cake popping it into his mouth; eating it sensually all the while their gazes were locked. "So delicious."

"Y-You have to c-cut the cake." Jimin gasped when their cocks brushed.

Jungkook dipped a finger on the icing, bringing it to Jimin's lips. "I am..." He spread the icing on those plumb lips that looked delicious than the cake. "Happy birthday to me." He dipped his head capturing Jimin's lips in a smoldering kiss, paying extra attention to his bottom lip as he licked and sucked the icing clean. " fucking delicious."

Jimin panted softly. "F-food is getting cold," he stuttered, his fingers curling at the front of his shirt.

Pink tinted his cheeks and Jungkook was tempted to bite. His boyfriend's stomach rumbled as if on cue reminding Jungkook that Jimin always waited for him to get home to eat. He never changed that habit despite Jungkook telling him to eat sooner on days he came late. As much as Jungkook wanted his boyfriend to eat on time, it also warmed his heart to know he had someone waiting at home for him.

"I cooked your favorite."

Anything Jimin cooked was his favorite. Jungkook glanced at the table and hummed, letting go of him hesitantly. Jimin's cooking beat even the finest five-star restaurant food any day. His mouth watered at the delicious aroma and artful presentation. He was definitely one lucky bastard.

He released his boyfriend hesitantly and led him to the chair, pulling it out for Jimin to sit. Jimin smiled warmly before occupying the seat. Jungkook remembered the times he ate at the same table alone with his servants standing stiffly at a distance, waiting for his call. But with Jimin in the picture, he never ate alone.

Jimin talked animatedly about his day, asking questions about Jungkook's day as well. He was absent-mindedly feeding Jungkook now and then as they ate. It was sickeningly domestic and if someone had told Jungkook he'd be soft for someone two years ago, he wouldn't have hesitated to shoot them between the eyes.

He traced Jimin's knuckles, pressing a kiss idly as he praised his cooking once again and watched in satisfaction when the older got flustered. His gaze averted to the plate and he tried to act nonchalant, but Jungkook could tell how affected he was. Jimin loved praises. His boyfriend was too easy to please. None of those materialistic things Jungkook bought ever could bring this joy or smile out of him. Jimin preferred words and actions, so Jungkook made sure he praised him a lot.

After dinner when Jimin went to clear the dishes, all Jungkook could do was to stare at his shapely ass. Fuck. Jimin had the best fucking ass in the entire world. He was yet to have the pleasure of biting into that flesh and marking him there.

Jimin was so shy even in the bedroom so Jungkook had controlled his insane urges for so long. He stood and sauntered to the sink where Jimin was filling it with soapy water, sleeves rolled to his elbows and his t-shirt hiked on one side revealing his plumb ass over that jogger he wore.

"You look fucking sexy like this." Jungkook pressed his body to his back, fingers digging into Jimin's waist.

The older gasped, dropping the spoon with a clatter. Jungkook kissed the side of his neck, the tip of his tongue teasing the soft, supple flesh. The blank canvas of his almost offended him. It deserved to carry his artsy marks. He'd sucked marks on his neck before. Jimin always whined he had school and it was hard to cover, but Jungkook couldn't help that one possessive part of him. He wanted everyone to know Jimin was taken.

"Jungkookie...I'm doing the dishes." Jimin's breath hitched at a particular hip roll that pressed his growing hardness between the crack of his ass.

"How am I supposed to keep my hands to myself when you look so delicious?" he murmured as he nosed the column of his neck.

One of his hands reached, shutting off the water as he turned Jimin around latching on to his neck, earning a soft gasp as he mouthed the skin. His hands went under his thighs, lifting him with his ease.


The older sported a furious blush as his hands flew around Jungkook's neck to hold steady. Jungkook occasionally picked Jimin up and tossed him around. Much to his delight, the older had the best reactions to it just like now.

"Put me down, you overgrown brat." He swatted at his chest with his small hands. "I have to do the dishes."

"Everything can wait." He kissed his fussing boyfriend shutting him up effectively. It didn't take long for him to squirm in his arms as Jungkook effortlessly climbed the stairs with him in his arms.

He detached their lips only to throw Jimin on their soft mattress, where the older bounced with a soft laugh. Fuck! He looked so fucking ethereal on top of his dark sheets. His bedroom was one thing Jimin never changed. From black silk sheets that covered the mattress to the dark velvety curtains draped around the windows and grey walls, the interior was just the same.

The bedroom was Jungkook's domain. Jimin stared at him as he discarded his suit jacket carelessly and unbuttoned his shirt. His teeth sunk into his plush bottom lip as the red deepened on his cheeks.

So fucking beautiful.

Jungkook teased his boyfriend as he did a little striptease for him, taking his time, their eyes locked. He knew Jimin enjoyed watching him though he was too shy to reach and run his hands all over Jungkook like he wanted to. Jimin's breath hitched when he unbuttoned his slacks and Jungkook watched in satisfaction as Jimin's fists clenched around the sheets, his eyes taking that hooded look, his breathing slightly erratic.

Such a responsive baby.

Jungkook let the slacks pool around his ankles but kept the fully open shirt, displaying his toned abs littered with tattoos. His boyfriend loved his tattoos. He often liked to run his fingers over them tracing each line while they lay together in the aftermath of lovemaking. Jimin licked his lips unconsciously when Jungkook hooked a finger on the waist of his boxer brief. The mafia boss chuckled deciding to keep that for now.

Jimin looked startled when he crawled over to him, making sure to maintain eye contact, enjoying every flutter of Jimin's lashes as he struggled to keep their eye contact intact. His mouth parted when Jungkook grabbed one of his ankles, digging his fingers into his smooth skin and rubbing it gently.

A groan slipped past his lips. Jungkook ran his other hand up and down on his other leg, slowly moving to part his thighs. Jimin was still fully dressed, a situation Jungkook was determined to change soon.

But he took his time though, unwrapping his delicious present with all the care in the world. Unlike the other times, today Jungkook had the urge to push Jimin's limit a bit and drive him crazy. To see him lose control and writhe in pleasure, begging for more.

His eyes darkened when he finally leaned forward to capture Jimin's lips in a heated kiss. His hand slipped under Jimin's t-shirt, climbing higher to grace his sensitive nipples. It had the desired effect on the elder because he gasped into Jungkook's mouth. The younger used the chance to slip his tongue into his mouth.

Jimin arched into him, falling back on the bed. Jungkook straddled him, kissing him with wild abandon. It was nothing like those soft, gentle kisses they had shared in the past. With his extreme arousal and neediness, all he could think was having Jimin underneath him.

The kiss was dirty, full of tongue and some teeth. He devoured Jimin's mouth like a starved man and from the soft moans Jimin let out, he was enjoying it. His movements were hesitant, but he wasn't pushing Jungkook away. His fists were curled around Jungkook's shirt as he pulled him impossibly closer.

When Jungkook parted for breath, his boyfriend was a sight to behold with swollen lips, slicked with their saliva and disheveled hair that was fanned all over the pillow, his chest heaving and gaze unfocused.

He lifted the t-shirt leaving a wet trail of kisses on the revealed skin before removing it and dropping it on the floor somewhere. Jimin was now panting gently, his hands gripping the sheets as Jungkook pressed his tongue flat on his nipple, gently scraping it with his teeth. Jimin arched off the bed, letting out a loud mewl that was obscene.


That sound shot directly to his cock. His boyfriend was always conscious in bed, biting his lips to keep the moans in or hiding his face in the crook of Jungkook's neck while they made love. But tonight, Jungkook was having none of it. He wanted to see Jimin undone, completely wrecked, and under his mercy.

He kissed Jimin before he could recover swallowing his soft moans as he cupped his ass, pulling his hip and rolling his hip to rub against Jimin's crotch. Jimin let out soft whimpers, his hands now fisting at his shirt. Jungkook wanted them in his hair, pulling and tugging at it as he devoured him.

He pulled away to discard Jimin's joggers and underwear in a hurry. Jimin watched him with half-lidded eyes as he leaned to suck a hickey on his hip bone before dragging his lips to his aching cock. Jimin's hands flew to his shoulders. He tried to close his thighs ineffectively.

"J-Jungkook, wait..."

But Jungkook took his cock into his mouth, causing Jimin to let out a choked moan. His large hands cupped his boyfriend's ass, kneading the firm yet soft flesh while sucking him off. He twirled his tongue around the head before dipping the tip into the slit licking off the precum.

"Oh, God!"

Jimin let out a litany of moans as Jungkook hallowed his cheeks taking him as much as possible into his mouth. His boyfriend was well-endowed, not as long as him, but thicker. Jungkook choked a little when the cock hit the back of his throat but he didn't mind. The strangled moan Jimin let out, as a result, spurred him on.

This was another thing he never did with any of his sexual partners before. The great Jeon Jungkook never went down on anyone. Only for his boyfriend. Not that Jimin would let him often. He was too shy for that. But he didn't want Jimin to just come yet. He wanted something different tonight.

Jungkook was tipsy from consuming alcohol earlier at the party. If there was one thing he was always careful with it was never to touch Jimin when he was inebriated. It was the one rule he never broke. Because Jimin was perfect, so pure and innocent. He was oblivious to Jungkook's dark desires and for some reason, Jungkook wanted to keep him that way. However, it appeared that Jungkook would break another rule tonight. Because not touching Jimin was sin itself.

He released Jimin's cock from his mouth with a pop, wiping the corners of his mouth before flipping his boyfriend on his stomach. His breath caught in his throat when his glorious back was in view.

Jungkook ran his hands over his spine, caressing his ass before bending to trail his lips along Jimin's spine. Whatever protest was on Jimin's lips died the moment he began sucking on the curve of his neck.

"I want you," Jungkook whispered against his skin, sensually teasing the sensitive spot under Jimin's ear. "You make me wanna do things. Wanna fuck you harder, my strawberry." Jimin arched his back with a soft moan. "Wanna make you cum just from my tongue and fingers, and then pin you to the bed while I take you from the back. Wanna hear you scream my name. Will you let me, baby? Will you let me do that tonight?"

"Y-Yes," Jimin whimpered burying his face into the pillow, his hands fisting the sheets for purchase.

Jungkook didn't waste a second. He grabbed the lube from under the pillow and manhandled Jimin to a childlike pose before diving in and licking a fat stripe from his perineum to his hole. Jimin's body jerked, a loud moan tumbling out of his lips.

The younger parted his butt cheeks with his hands before tonguing around the rim, sucking on it with a lewd moan of his own that he was sure would vibrate along Jimin's body. The response was immediate. Jimin arched further, his moan even louder.

Without detaching his lips, he drizzled some of the edible lube on his fingers and warmed the liquid before plunging one of his fingers inside his entrance, fingering him gently as he continued to lick and suck.


Jimin was shaking, his moans turning into soft sobs as Jungkook slipped his tongue inside with his finger. Oh, how long was he waiting for this? He cursed himself for not seducing Jimin sooner to have him in this position. Perhaps liquid courage was all he needed.

He added another finger, curling his finger in a way he knew Jimin liked and finding his prostrate soon. Jimin cried out, his knees giving out as he slumped on the bed, his back arching helplessly. Jungkook pinned his hip with a hand as he scissored his fingers to stretch him for his cock.


The new position allowed Jimin to rut his hips against the sheets causing friction. Jungkook allowed it, observing with a lust-filled gaze at the way Jimin's ass clenched around his fingers. Soon, he added a third finger hitting his prostate dead on.

Jimin was a wreck in this position. Tears spilled out, hair disheveled and his body flushed red. Jungkook pulled his finger out and plunged his tongue inside.

"I'm...I'm..." Jimin screamed before he could even form a sentence, his body convulsing under Jungkook's unrelenting tongue. He sobbed out as he rode his orgasm that hit him out of nowhere.

Jungkook pulled away only to slick his cock with lube and align it with Jimin's entrance. His boyfriend looked wrecked with tears running down his cheeks, his eyes half-closed but he wasn't complaining. Jungkook pushed the head of his cock inside, leaning forward to kiss his tears away.

"You're doing so good, baby," he murmured against his sweat-coated skin, now glistening under the dim lights of the bedroom. Jimin looked like a sculpture lying all naked and ready to take him with a blissed-out expression. "Look at're the most beautiful man I've ever met in this lifetime. I'm a lucky bastard."

He bottomed out gently as opposed to the sexual tension clung thick in the air. Jimin deserved all the pleasure in the world nothing less. He would never let any of his desire hurt his lovely boyfriend in any way. Jungkook ran his hands on Jimin's torso, kissing his nape.

"So, beautiful for me, Strawberry. The best boyfriend." He continued to kiss and stroke every inch of his skin he could reach. He felt Jimin visibly relax under his gentle caress. "I'm gonna move now, baby." He nibbled at Jimin's earlobe causing him to shiver and moan.

He started out rolling his hips gently allowing Jimin to get used to the sensation, gradually increasing his pace. Jungkook angled his hips slightly finding Jimin's prostrate. The older let out another loud moan followed by a whimper.

Jungkook caged his body, balancing his weight on his elbow as he kissed Jimin tenderly. "I'm gonna go faster, baby."

Jimin could only nod with another whimper. Jungkook pulled away with another kiss and grabbed his ass, marveling how soft and round it was. He massaged the flesh, moaning at how soft it was under his touch. He snapped his hips forward, slamming into him. Jimin cried out, no words forming this time. It was a mixture of moans and soft whimpers as he lay there, pinned under his boyfriend, and took what he was being given.

"You feel so good like this, Strawberry. I love your ass." Jungkook caressed his ass again, bending to kiss his spine before picking up speed. "Been dreaming about this forever. So...beautiful like this. All for me."

Jimin whimpered again, more tears flowing free. His hole clenched around his cock. Jungkook slipped his hand under Jimin, wrapping his hand around his hardened dick. He jerked him in time with his thrusts.

"Come for me, Strawberry. You're a vision when you come apart in my arms."

Jimin's back arched like a bow before his hips stuttered and he was coming in Jungkook's hand with a soft cry. Jungkook continued to fuck him through the orgasm. "I'm so close, baby. Almost there," he grunted.

The familiar pleasure coiled in the pit of his stomach and one look at Jimin's wrecked-out form was enough to push him over the edge. Jungkook came with a guttural moan, his hips humping helplessly as he released inside his boyfriend and collapsed on top of him, careful not to crush him under his weight.

Jimin was breathing harder, his eyes fluttering and lips parted. Jungkook slipped out gently, turning Jimin to face him. He grabbed the tissue from the bedside table, cleaning them both and throwing it on the floor.

"That was so amazing, baby." He pulled Jimin flush against his chest, kissing on top of his head.

Jimin looked so out of it, his eyes unfocused and breathing erratic. Jungkook continued to rub his back as he held his boyfriend closer speaking gently in his ears, telling him how much he loved him.

"J-Jungkook..." Jimin spoke after a while, balling his fists between them.

"Are you okay, baby? Did I hurt you?"

"No," he whispered. "I liked it."

"Yeah?" Jungkook kissed his lips, sucking at his bottom lip. "You're a dream, baby. My fucking wet dream." He caressed his side with a smile. "How did I get lucky, hmm?"

"I'm the luckiest one," Jimin murmured sleepily.

"No. You're the kindest, cutest and best boyfriend in the world. If there's anyone lucky, it's me." Jungkook rested his cheek on top of his head. "It's a bonus that you're so gorgeous with an ass like that. I could eat you all day."

"Jungkook..." Jimin whined.

"What? It's the truth. Have you seen yourself? I'm a fool. I don't know why I waited this long."

Jimin slapped at his chest playfully. "You're shameless."

"You're my boyfriend. I'm allowed to be shameless with you."

"Shut up." He buried his face into Jungkook's chest and he could feel his smile against his skin.

"I love you, baby."

"I love you too, my Jungkookie."

The mafia boss hummed, feeling sated and exhaustion of the day kicking. Soon he drifted off with the love of his life in his arms.


Jimin woke up to pleasure coiling in his belly. A soft moan slipped out of his mouth. He jolted disoriented at a particularly hard thrust that hit his prostrate.

He blinked his eyes open, his vision slowly adjusting to the light as pleasure exploded in his lower region. The loud breathing and grunts against his ears were automatically turning him on. His cheeks heating up when he realized Jungkook was fucking him awake.

He bit his bottom lip trying to keep his moans at bay. Last night still left him reeling and he was definitely not ready for this morning. It was still too early given how dark the room was and his alarm hasn't gone off yet.

They lay on their left side. Jungkook's left hand was wrapped around Jimin's chest while the right hand held Jimin's right leg open for him as he fucked him from behind.

"Good morning, Strawberry."

Jimin groaned as the tension coiled in his lower abdomen. The man sounded like pure sin in the morning and the pleasure clouding his senses was definitely not helping.

"You feel so fucking good like this," Jungkook murmured against his skin, sucking at the soft spot in his neck causing him to moan louder.

Jimin's eyes rolled back and his mouth parted with a silent whimper as his boyfriend continued to ram into him. It was nothing like the soft, slow morning sex they'd had before. This was fast and dirty. So dirty that Jimin felt his entire body heat up just at that realization and the pleasure was too much to bear. But he loved every moment of it.

"So fucking beautiful in the morning." Jungkook picked up speed, slamming into him in a brute force that caused him to cry out in pleasure, the sound of their skin slapping too obscene in the otherwise silent room. He was still sensitive from last night but the overwhelming pleasure was creating a floaty feeling in his head. It was too much yet Jimin didn't want that to stop.

Though this side of Jungkook was new, something had changed last night and he wasn't used to this before, there was something about the way Jungkook held him and fucked him relentlessly. His boyfriend's actions and dirty talking turned him on. It made him feel desirable.

Jimin had always known his boyfriend wanted more. Despite how subtle or controlled Jungkook wanted to be, he had seen the way Jungkook eyed him every single time as if he was his next meal. Always known Jungkook was holding back, but it was his own shyness that always held Jimin back. There were several instances where Jimin was tempted to ask Jungkook what he wanted but he had always chickened out.

As Jungkook trailed his lips along his jaw and reached for his mouth, Jimin wanted to turn away because he had just woken up. But Jungkook was having none of it. Because the hand around his torso had somehow crept up to hold his face in place and Jungkook claimed his mouth, his tongue plundering inside as he fucked him deeper hitting his prostrate expertly.

Jimin cried out into his mouth, his orgasm crashing onto him out of nowhere. For the first time in his life, he came untouched. Jungkook continued to fuck him through his orgasm, his thrusts becoming sloppy before he too released inside him with a loud groan.

"Fuck, baby. You feel incredible." Jungkook buried his face into his neck as he panted. "Can't believe you're all mine." He thrust a few more times as he rode out the orgasm.

Jimin was rendered speechless with the mind-blowing orgasm still vibrating through his body. His boyfriend recovered faster, gently pulling out of his as he peppered kisses all over his neck.

"Sleep some more, Strawberry. I'll take care of breakfast, yeah?"

Jimin hummed, his eyes already fluttering shut and his mind barely registering the soft hands cleaning him.

The next time he came around was too gentle kisses all over his face and a warm feeling of water and the fragrance of his favorite bath bomb. Jimin sighed contently, a smile tugging at his lips as he turned his face nuzzling into his boyfriend's cheek before opening his eyes.

How long did I sleep?

They were in the bathtub, the warm water soothing his deliciously aching limbs. He moved only to wince with the burn he felt down there.

"Sorry to wear you out on your working day, baby," Jungkook whispered.

"Do you even mean it?" Jimin griped because Jungkook sounded more smug than sorry.

"No." His boyfriend chuckled earning a slap on his hand that was holding Jimin.


Jungkook's hand tightened around him. "Your brat."

Jimin rolled his eyes, smiling as he ducked his face to hide the blush from his boyfriend. "What time is it?"

"You still have an hour to get ready. We can stop for breakfast at Odeng's café. Then I'll drive you to school."

"What about lunch?" Jimin mumbled wanting to sleep some more.

"I made kimchi fried rice. It's not like the one you make but that should do."

Jimin turned in his arms, stars twinkling in his eyes. Jungkook didn't like cooking. He wasn't good at it mostly because he didn't like doing it. But he knew if his boyfriend set his mind on something he gave his hundred percent.

"Did my boyfriend cook for me?" Jimin kissed his jaw, braving himself to nip under his chin and enjoying the way Jungkook's breathe hitch in his throat.

"He did." Jungkook's voice was thick as his hands slipped underwater to caress his ass.

Jimin slapped at his hands without thinking twice making his boyfriend hiss. "You're not going anywhere near my ass today."

"Baby..." Jungkook pouted. "It's not my fault you have the most glorious ass in the world."

"Shut up." Jimin sunk into his embrace, pressing his cheek on Jungkook's chest, listening to his gentle heartbeats. One of his most favorite things in the world. "When did you become this shameless?"

"I've always been shameless."

It drew a chuckle from the older. A part of his enjoyed this side of Jungkook that often slipped out when Jungkook was more relaxed and fooling around. He was just too shy to play along.

"Was this morning okay?" Jungkook hooked a finger under his chin lifting his face gently. "I couldn't help it. I should have asked earlier."

When Jimin saw the concern etched on Jungkook's face, he softened. "I loved it," he said truthfully and watched the concern melt into that signature smirk.

"So I can fuck you awake in the mornings?"

Jimin slapped at his chest again, this time a bit harder. "Stop saying that word."

"What word, baby?"

"That word." Jimin hid his face in Jungkook's chest.

"But that's what it literally is..." Jungkook laughed. He sure was having fun at Jimin's expense.

"Jungkookie..." Jimin whined, his face heated up and he was sure he would look as red as a tomato.

His boyfriend finally stopped teasing with a kiss on the crown of his head. "Come on, Strawberry. Let's get you ready for work."

It has been a year since Jungkook started calling him Strawberry. But it still made him flush like a teenager. He said it was because he tasted like strawberries, thanks to his strawberry-flavored lip balm. Later he learned it was also because of his pink hair.

He had initially dyed his hair pink after a messy breakup with his ex. Fortunately, the school had no restrictions against the hair or style of the teachers as long as it was appropriate. But the children seemed to love his hair. Soon he became popular among the kids and stuck to the color.

As fates would have it, he had met Jungkook who was so taken with his hair when they first met. He still was. Jimin couldn't fathom how the man never got tired of his hair. He was smitten with his hair just as much as he was smitten with his ass.

While Jungkook got out of the bathtub to grab a towel, Jimin's mind went back to the day they first met. As cliché as it sounded, they had run into each other in a coffee shop. Jimin was running late for his private dance tutoring session and had run literally into Jungkook just outside, pouring the iced Americano all over his expensive suit.

"I'm on my way, Ms. Song."

Jimin speed-walked into the coffee shop, feeling relieved that there was no queue. He quickly ordered an iced Americano cursing himself internally for sleeping through his alarm. It was a Saturday. Apart from working as a teacher in a kindergarten, he also taught contemporary dance to teens during his free time.

This client was particularly demanding and the ambitious mother had already called him thrice. "I'm sorry, it won't happen again. I'll be there soon."

He paid for the coffee mouthing a thank you before grabbing it.

"I know I know. I'll stay to cover the delayed time, Ms. Song." A sigh drifted off him when the mother went on ranting. "Don't worry, Ms. Song. Your daughter is extremely talented. She'll perfect the choreo before the recital."

But nothing could stop the young mother from voicing out her displeasure. Jimin regretted the day he accepted her daughter as a student. However, the money was good so he just has to suck it up.

"I understand, Ms. Song. I'll—"


Jimin's breath was knocked out of his lungs when he ran into something solid and fell backward, landing on his ass. His phone had slid out of his grip. The coffee was history. It had met with its untimely demise and upon inspection, it would appear that the solid thing he crashed into was in fact, a living and breathing person.

A very tall, handsome, furious, seething person staring at Jimin. The dark liquid soaked the pristine white shirt and black Saint Laurent suit.

Jimin swallowed thickly, his butt throbbing from where he had landed unceremoniously. He dared to trail his gaze upward, the screaming mother in his phone long forgotten. If looks could kill, Jimin would be dead right now. One look at those dark onyx eyes, despite it being cute like that of a doe, Jimin's soul left his body. He should be doing something. Offering to clean up and apologize. But he was frozen to the spot.

A guy in a black suit approached the one staring at him offering a tissue to clean up, but the stranger's gaze never once wavered from Jimin's face. Jimin's eyes followed every movement of his long fingers, rubbing furiously over the coffee stains.

Something switched in his brain and just like that he was out of his zone. He staggered to his feet, a string of apologies ready on the tip of his tongue and eyes already burning with unshed tears. It was a shitty day. Well, the entire week had been shitty. Running into your ex and his current fling could do that to someone. It sure ruined Jimin's week because he was running from one trouble into the other.

He couldn't even spare time to think of the public embarrassment he caused himself by falling on his butt in front of at least twenty or so strangers, who had moved on with their life like it didn't matter. Jimin, however, would spend at least a week sulking over this.

Before he could think, his small hands were on the stranger. Somehow he had pulled out his soft, cotton handkerchief and pressed it over his chest trying to absorb the cold liquid as best as he could, grimacing visibly when he realized how bad the situation actually was.

What if the person was heading to some urgent meeting? He looked like he was someone important.

"I-I'm sorry." He tried his best to hold in his tears as he dabbed the stranger's shirt. "What can I do to make this better?" His hands were shaking as he lifted his gaze to the stranger's face.

"You're making it worse."

The deep voice had sent chills down his spine. Nope, definitely not in a good way. It was like, this man was dangerous and run as far from his as possible way.

Jimin swallowed thickly and glanced down, spotting the newly formed red spots on the shirt. His eyes grew wider. "D-Did I hurt you?"

Dark spots clouded his vision. Is that blood?

The stranger grabbed his wrist in a steel-like grip, making him hiss. It was too tight but what he saw caused him to stop breathing.


It was his blood. He had scraped his palms real bad when he fell earlier. Their gazes had locked briefly before Jimin's world went dark.

A soft chuckle left Jimin's mouth at the memory.

"What?" Jungkook hugged him from behind, wrapping him in a fluffy robe.

Jimin shrugged. "Just thinking about the day we met." He turned in his arms, snuggling into his naked chest. "I legit thought you were gonna kill me. You were scary."

"Nah..." Jungkook disagreed. "I just wanted to eat you alive." His hands slipped down to cup his ass through the robe. "Just like last night." His voice lowered to several octaves that short a sliver of arousal through his bloodstream.

"Jungkookie..." He pinched his boyfriend's arm, pulling away and hurrying away to their shared closet. "You're unbelievable," he griped and rubbed his cheeks hoping to get rid of the heat spreading there.

He quickly sifted through the clothes, picking his go-to black slacks and a button-up. That should do. Discarding the robe, he got dressed and turned only to see Jungkook leaning with folded hands by the closet door, staring at him with that look on his face again.

Jimin bit his lip averting his gaze and pretended not to notice. If he looked longer, he would give in and if Jungkook kissed him again, it was game over for him. Though Jimin was tempted to kiss him again, his aching ass reminded him that he needed a break.

"I'm hungry," he stated instead, knowing that would distract Jungkook.

As expected, his boyfriend hurried to get dressed and Jimin rushed outside releasing the breath he was holding. Phew. That was close.

It didn't take long before both of them were in Jungkook's car. Jimin greeted his boyfriend's driver with a smile. Jungkook had bought him a car when they moved in but he often rode with Jungkook every morning. His boyfriend held his hands, rubbing circles in the back of his palm as they drove to the café.

The drive was relaxing as every morning. Jimin leaned into Jungkook's shoulder with a soft smile. Life was bliss with Jungkook. His boyfriend was caring, kind, and loving in every aspect. Sure, his people skills sucked and he didn't mingle well with the crowd, but he was a total baby to Jimin.

Jimin was afraid to get into another relationship after his ex, but Jungkook had changed that. He had fallen faster and harder. To his delight, Jungkook happened to share the same feelings. They had moved in after a year of dating and Jimin had been the happiest.

When the car stopped at Odeng's café, Jimin was the first to get out of the car. He tried not to wince every time he walked, having belatedly realized that morning that he was indeed limping a bit. Jungkook appeared smug beside him, not an ounce of remorse on his face. Brat.

"Hyung!" Jimin greeted at the sight of the lovely café owner, Kim Seokjin, the eldest of the Kim brothers.

Seokjin owned a popular restaurant chain in South Korea, China, and Japan, but this café used to belong to his late mother. So he was often here when he wasn't busy with meetings and such. It was one of those rare mornings when he could catch his beloved hyung when he was laid back. Kim Namjoon, his brother was Jungkook's attorney and the third Kim Taehyung was Jimin's soulmate. Duh!

They all met when Seokjin invited Jungkook over for dinner last year. Jimin had grown closer to the man over the year.

"Jimin-ah! It's been a while." Seokjin hugged him tighter. The man was probably the most handsome of all. Even with his bare face and dressed in a simple blue hoodie and jeans, he looked striking.

"How are you, hyung?" Jimin returned the hug enthusiastically, welcoming the warmth.

"Tired. Just got home from China this morning. The new restaurant is taking forever and the contractor is shitty."

"I'm sorry to hear that." Jimin pulled away.

"Don't worry about that." He waved a hand. "I fired him yesterday and hired someone new. I hope it works this time. Hey, Jungkook-ah." They shared a brief hug before he led them to a table and pulled the chair for Jimin. "The opening date is drawing closer, so I'm a bit stressed out. What do you guys want for breakfast?"

Jimin looked at Jungkook who just shrugged. The kindergarten teacher rolled his eyes. Most of his friends were introduced to him by his boyfriend. They were his friends before they became Jimin's friends. But Jimin was closer to them than Jungkook will ever be. His boyfriend was a man of few words and wasn't big for physical affection, unlike Jimin who craved for it.

"We will take the usual, hyung."

Seokjin grinned. "Be right back. We have a new chef. He's amazing and I'm sure you'll love the food."

Jimin turned to Jungkook who took his hand in his again, running his thumb over his wrist this time before pressing his lips over his pulse. The older flushed. He would never get used to his public display of affection while his exes tried to hide their relationship from the public.

He was quick to snub the thought of his ex. The bastard didn't deserve a time of his day, but he couldn't help but think how fortunate he was to have Jungkook as his boyfriend. He wished Jungkook felt the same about him too and they stayed together for years to come. Jimin could already never imagine a day without him and he knew if Jungkook was to walk away he wouldn't be able to love anyone else. Ever.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you. I've been looking for a few places for your dance studio. Tae will send you the details later. He also has a few contacts you can use," Jungkook said bringing him out of his thoughts.

Jimin beamed, his features softening further. It was getting harder to manage his private tutoring and traveling back and forth to teach them at their homes wasn't that easy. Jimin had cut back many classes to spend some quality time with Jungkook. Also, after his previous client tried to get handsy with him during one of the classes, he decided it was time to stop home tutoring.

So, Jungkook had encouraged him to open a dance studio instead. This way he could manage his time efficiently, avoid traveling long distances, and professional. It would also help him avoid compromising situations like the previous one in the future.

"That'd be great." He squeezed his hand. "Thanks, my love."

Jungkook kissed the back of his palm, his gaze never leaving him. "Anything for you, my Strawberry."

Their food arrived and they started eating. Jimin didn't realize how hungry he was until he saw the food. If one thing changed after Jungkook, it was his unhealthy eating habits. Either he forgot to eat or he avoided heavy meals to stay fit. That had brought him several health issues and caused him to faint a few times.

But Jungkook had helped him overcome his insecurities, made him feel beautiful inside and out. The praises that often left his mouth were unintentional, but they had healed his wounded soul and Jimin had begun seeing himself for who he was. The younger never shied away from praising him and those daily praises were his daily affirmations.

The ride to school after breakfast was short and silent. They had settled comfortably against each other.

"I'll pick you in the evening," Jungkook murmured kissing the side of his head. The car slowed down in front of his school and Jimin shouldered his leather bag.

"Sure, my love. Don't forget your lunch." He leaned forward pecking his lips, which Jungkook followed with a few consecutive kisses as they smiled against each other's lips. "I love you."

"I love you too, my Strawberry. Now go and make the kids happy."

Jimin grinned as he exited the vehicle, waving until the car disappeared from his view.

"You're glowing."

He whipped around to greet his fellow teacher and best friend Jung Hoseok, who was locking the door of his car, his signature sunny smile already in place. He had joined the school less than two years ago and they both had hit it right off. Hoseok's background in dancing was another reason they bonded.

"Hey, hyung." Jimin greeted him with a hug and they both turned to walk inside.

"So last night..." Hoseok drawled, eying him sideways. "That good, huh?"

"W-what?" Jimin blinked, hands automatically going to cover his neck, which he was sure to cover with an insurmountable amount of concealer that morning.

The elder rolled his eyes. "You're limping."

"Hyung..." Jimin hit his arm. "It could have been anything," he hissed under his breath, gaze scanning their surroundings as he lowered his voice. "Why would you think of that?"

"You aren't denying." Hoseok wiggled his eyebrows. He looked extremely handsome in his blue sweater and slacks; his dark hair parted to the side styled to look soft and wavy.

Jimin huffed but smiled. Hoseok and Taehyung were the only people he was comfortable with when talking about his private life. They never judged him though they made fun of him a lot of times.

"Fine. I had the best sex in my entire life, okay?" he admitted, his face growing hotter by the minute. Thankfully, they were still outside the school and there weren't many people closer.

Hoseok whistled low under his breath. "I can see that."

"I know how we do only vanilla, right?" Jimin asked, looking around again, but he couldn't help but gush about his boyfriend. He became a giggling mess whenever he talked about Jungkook and that never happened with any of his exes before. "Yesterday was his birthday and...he was a bit tipsy. Totally shameless, you know. He kinda..." Jimin trailed, rubbing his cheeks to get rid of the heat. "Um...went down on me?" he squeaked, feeling a sudden urge to hide his face. "Then he did it from the back...Oh, God! I swear hyung... This morning he woke me up with you know and that was so hot."

"I can imagine." Hoseok shrugged. "I mean. Have you seen his aura? I was honestly surprised when you said he's too soft in the bedroom."

Jimin hummed perfectly understanding where Hoseok was coming from. Jungkook came off as strong, unapproachable with his penchant for dark clothing, tattoos, and wavy long hair that he often left open to frame his beautiful face. In fact, Jimin too was taken back initially with his look but once they got past the initial awkwardness he realized Jungkook was a total softie.

"Stop exaggerating. He's a total baby," he defended his boyfriend even though he knew his reputation.

His boyfriend was the sole heir to the multinational empire called Jeon Corp that dealt with weapon manufacturing and exporting. He had diversified businesses ranging from aerospace & mechatronics to solar and energy. As far as he knew, he took a lot of projects from governments across the world and the majority of them were confidential.

Jungkook had become the President of Jeon Corp four years ago when he was barely twenty-four following his father's retirement for health reasons. Jimin knew how hard he worked to be where he was now.

He was too lost in his thoughts that he hadn't realized they had already reached the staff room. Hoseok excused himself shortly and soon it was just Jimin. With a smile, he headed to the classroom, an involuntary smile already taking over at the thought of meeting the children. It was going to be a great day.

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