Bertram's Adventures of Crash...

By Lendsey2004

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A Bertram from a universe where he was reborn, travels the multiverse to team up with Dr Neo Cortex and Dr Ne... More

Chapter 1: Bertram meets Dr Cortex and N Tropy
Chapter 2: The 11th Dimension, 1954
Chapter 4: Bermugula's Orbit, ????
Chapter 5: The Sn@xx Dimension, 3023
Final Chapter: Cortex Island, 1996

Chapter 3: Eggipus Dimension, 80,000,000 BCB

31 0 0
By Lendsey2004

Brian: Are we in the past?

Bertram: It seems to be so.

Stewie: It says here that this is the Eggipus Dimension, set in the year of 88,000,000 BCB.

Coco: What is BCB an acronym for?

Bertram: Before Crash Bandicoot.

Coco: Oh.

Stewie: My multiverse remote is picking up gravitational energy.

Dr Cortex: Let's go!

The heroes and villains were exploring the Eggipus Dimension.

Bertram: Me and Cortex will make a path for you guys.

Dr Cortex and Bertram went to make a path for the heroes.

With Bertram and Cortex

Dr Cortex: Let's see how these prehistoric predators like my blaster's new settings.

Bertram and Cortex were exploring the Eggipus Dimension.

Dr Cortex: Watch this!

Dr Cortex blockified the chicken sized dinosaur.

Dr Cortex: Ha ha ha! They laughed when you added blockification, Bertram!

Bertram: And who is laughing now? Ha ha ha ha! We are! And you can gelatinize enemies too!

Dr Cortex: Ooh! Bouncy!


Bertram: It's done.

Brian: OK, let's go!

Crash: Shh...

Bertram: A T-Rex. 😨

Stewie: Don't make any sudden moves. Let's just get that mask and get to the Rift Generator fast.

Brian: How do we get there?

Stewie: The gravitational energy is coming from that way.

Bertram: Well, let's go!

T-Rex: RAWR!

Crash: Woah!

Stewie: Run for your lives!

The heroes ran from the T-Rex.

Bender: In here, quickly!

Rocks covered the T-Rex.

Bertram: That was odd.

Stewie: But the T-Rex has been covered in the rocks.

Bertram: This reminds me of Jurassic Park.

Brian: There's the mask!

Lani-Loli: WAKE UP!

???: 😱

Gravity changed direction.

Ika-Ika: Bwah? Goodness, if it isn't Lani-Loli! How are you, brother?

Lani-Loli: Doing fine, Ika-Ika.

Stewie: We have to stop N Tropy from erasing all of existence, Ika-Ika.

Ika-Ika: 😔 When's existence ever done anything for anyone, anyway?

Brian: God, you're kind of a bring down.

Ika-Ika: 😌 Don't mind him, he's always a downer. 😔 Yeah, don't mind me, I don't matter. Nothing matters.

Bertram: We have all four masks! Now to shut down the Rift Generator.

Coco: Sounds like it's time to kick some N Tropy butt!

Crash: 😃

Stewie: Let's go!

To be continued...

Next time Bertram and Cortex will help Crash and Co stop N Tropy from erasing all of existence. See ya later folks!

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