Fire and Ice

femalefictional tarafından

182K 4.2K 3.1K

Bucky Barnes x Y/N You are Thor and Loki's younger sister, Goddess of Fire. Banned form Asgard after you lo... Daha Fazla

Authors Note
Goddess of Fire
Stark Expo
Captain America
Rescue Mission
Howling Commados
The Return
The Fight Begins
Y/N Odinsdotter, Goddess of Fire, Avenger of Earth
The Winter Solider
He Is Free
Ragnarok Begins
Ragnarok Continues But Not Before Being Interrupted by The Grad Master
Mrs Barnes
Did We Just Lose?
Blip Life
We're In the Endgame Now
On Your Left
Peace Never Lasts
That Shield Was His Legacy
Captain America and the White Wolf
The Barnes Family

Your New Captain America!

2.4K 66 56
femalefictional tarafından

A few weeks have gone by, you're starting to show, your magic and strength are not at full capacity again due to your baby being a super-solider mix. Bruce has been doing your scans and has guessed again that the child will be strong and likely inherit your magic just as your first child inherited your fire-powers. You also know it's going to be a girl, but you had wanted to surprise Bucky as he had been hoping for a daughter, so you had one of each.  

The other reason you haven't told him is because you had attended a secret, discreet but beautiful funeral for Steve... He went happily in his sleep and left a hand written note to you and Bucky wishing you the best in life and telling you how glad he was to have done his part for the world but still get his own happy ever after and as you had said, not wasting the opportunity Tony had given him. Its was shortly after this that Sam put the Shield on display... Bucky having huge issues with it, you being more supportive of Sam.

The last two day Bucky and Sam, when not bickering, have been gathering intelligence on the leader of the Flag-Smashers and what it is they need in oder to complete their mission of taking things back to during the blip. There is talk of a vile of serum which a scientist in Madripoor who is ex-hydra and will be able to re-create the serum. 

Your phone buzzes.... "Hey Sarah" You say cheerily down the phone. Switching George to you other side. Since Sam has been a more vocal part of Bucky's life you and Sarah, Sam's sister have seen a lot of each other and you love her, she's a mum, businesswoman and all round bad ass midgardian. 

"Turn on the TV..." She sounds mortified. 

"Whats happening?" You say concerned as you put the news on, holding the phone between your ear and your shoulder. 

"Just watch..." 

You watch in horror as John Walker steps out with Steve's shield. 

"What the fuck..." Is all you can say, you then put your hand over your mouth and look up at a wide eyed George. 

"Is Sam ok?" You ask Sarah says she's going to talk to him and will phone you back. 

"Well, Your Daddy is going to go nuts when he sees this.." you look at George.

"Daaaddaaa" Your son looks up at you almost as if he's repeating, you smile at him, his Dads eyes twinkling back. "Dada".

"Couldn't have been mama first? Ma ma?" George makes some giggle noises. 


"Dada it is then..." you laugh. You heart beaming with pride "Who is the cleverest baby in the the whole world!" you kiss his checks and his baby hairs light on fire his fists doing the same as he really laughs. 

"Well that isn't in any baby manual." You hold him away from anything flammable. 

"I'm back" a grumpy monotone voice comes though the door. 

"How was it?"

"She asked if I'd had another nightmare, I said no, she then proceeded to tell me I have no friends..." he walks over to the kitchen and pours himself a drink. 

"So well then?" You say in a testy tone. 

"I don't think the day could get any worse." 

"I beg to differ..." You mutter. 

"Oh god what now?" He looks over at you. 

"Do you want the good news or the bad news?" 

"Start with the good...might ease the pain..." 

"George..." you smile at him and he beams up at you "who's this?" You walk over towards Bucky who joins you looking confused but happy to see you both. You stand close to each other his metal arm around your waist, his real hand holding a finger out for George to grab with his tiny but strong fist. He takes a look at Bucky and points excitedly. 

"Daaada dada" He wiggles around arms outstretched. Bucky looks a little taken back but happy... you had him over and George continues to say dada excitedly until he's in Bucky's arms. 

"Dada?" He looks at you over Georges shoulder. 

"Believe you me, I'm as surprised as you are!" You throw your hands up in mock anger but your grin at seeing you family gives you away. 

"Are you going to tell me the bad news now?" 

"Not whilst your holding our son..." you motion for Bucky to put George in his playpen and he sits happily playing. "Brace yourself..." you flick the TV back on just in time for the big interview. 

**Stop Video at 1min 50 Seconds**

There was silence. 

"I have to talk to Sam..." Bucky gets up. 

"Bucky no please don't ...  not in this mood... he didn't know..." 

**Imagine you are Sam, you say "Sam had his reasons, you need to talk to him..." and Bucky then says what he says but instead of saying 'you' he says 'Sam'.**

"Bucky..." you say softly. You walk over to him and cup his face. "Steve wasn't wrong about either of you... you are good men doing the best you can." He looks at you sadly. 

"I know he is ..." 

"So are you..."

"I..." he protests but you grab his face.

"So are you James Buchanan Barnes... so are you." 

"You're too good to me.." he looks between you, George and your belly "all three of you."

"You are perfect, for all of us.... now kiss me and then go talk to your friend.. he needs you."

 You kiss him deeply. 

"You could take George with you.. he's been changed, fed and had a sleep...I  on the other hand have not and would like a few hours to myself... plus he's made it clear where his loyalties lie" you smile at your son then back to Bucky. 

"Are you sure?" He seems on edge. 

"I know you'll keep him safe... plus Sarah will probably have him most of the time you know what she's like." You grab Bucky's cheeks again. "You can't hide us both away forever Bucky."

"Alright little man, lets take you on your first mission shall we?" Bucky picks up George and you help him put him in the car seat then magic a papoose into the back seat for Bucky to use when he gets there. 

"Awh, my boys" you kiss Bucky on the check "be safe" you smile and he kisses you back. 

"Its only a quick trip to Sam's, I think it will be ok." You watch them drive away before going back into the house. You suddenly feel quite lonely but also so ready for a nap. You use your magic to put on some comfy maternity joggers and a comfy matching t-shirt before making a drink and heading upstairs... on the way up you hear a noise. 

"Did you forget something?" You shout rolling your eyes smiling expecting to see Bucky walk though the door... but when you get back to the bottom of the stairs... no one is there and the front door is wide open. 

"What the..." Without warning you feel a giant smack to the back of the head causing you to drop your mug and fall to your knees. Before you get a chance to get up and see your attacker a needle in rammed into your neck and everything goes black and someone lifts you and takes you away. 

Okumaya devam et

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