Sword of Supremacy (Rwby fanf...


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In the continent of Menagerie, a swordsman takes on the world will he succeed or will he fail... Any art or c... More

Chapter. 1
Chapter. 2
Character Description
Chapter. 3
Chapter. 4
Chapter. 5
Chapter. 6
Chapter. 7
Chapter. 8
Character Description 2
Chapter. 9
Chapter. 11
Chapter. 12
Chapter. 13
Chapter. 14
Chapter. 15
Chapter. 16 Finale

Chapter. 10

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Yang's Confession.

y/n:"Blake a-are you sure?"

Blake:"yep,she told me when you left"

Y/n:"are you ok with this?"

Blake:"yeah i am actually.... Plus me and her had already talked and we have a plan"

Y/n:"what is it?"

Blake:"you are going to date me and yang together"


Blake:"you heard me, staring today im giving you permission to have a harem as long as im the alpha"

Y/n was just confused and did not know how to react.

Y/n:"do i even have a say in this?"

Blake:"nope... Now go to yang"


As y/n left to find yang all he was thinking was.

Y/n:"what the hell?"

After walking for half an hour trying to find yang, y/n encountered ruby and asked her where yang was.

Ruby:"well if I remember correctly she wanted to have fresh air..... So she's probably on the rooftop."

Y/n:"thanks ruby!"

As y/n ran to the rooftop, there he saw yang sitting down over the edge looking at the moon.

As y/n slowly approaches yang sge turns around.

Yang:"hey y/n!"

Yang waves her hand and y/n went beside her.

Yang:"I'm gonna guess blake told you about me liking you?"

Y/n nodded.

Y/n:"did you force blake?"

Yang:"nope, actually after you left i kinda started seeing blake as a very close friend of mine and told her about my feelings for you, at first she was mad but then she stopped and said. Ok i'll give it a chance but I'll remain as the alpha girl and so we decided you might attract other girls as well so we thought of a harem."

Y/n:"but still... I'm not ready having a harem"

Blake appears out of nowhere.

Blake:"you'll be fine, after all your the sword of Supremacy"

Yang:"and i can't wait to see your sword~"

Blake blushed.

Blake:"yang! Thats lewd!"

Yang, y/n and blake laughed.

Y/n:"fine I'll give this try then"



As the two girls hugged y/n l

Yang:"also by the way y/n were going on a date just you and me"


Yang:"well tomorrow, since its vytal festival classes are suspended."

Y/n:"ok then"

Blake:"I'll just hit the library tomorrow then"

Yang:"well see you after our date blake"

Blake:"ok then"

Then y/n escorted blake and yangbto the dorm. After that y/n went straight to his dorm, but when he opened his door he was suprised to see his mom.

Y/n:"hey ma.."

Glynda:"come here y/n"

The two then hugged.

Glynda:"i missed you my son"

Y/n:"i missed you too ma"

Glynda:"know what is this i heard about you dating blake and yang from team rwby"

Y/n sweat dropped expecting his mother to be angry but then glynda suddenly smiled.

Glynda:"i nevr expected my son to he such as lady killer... Be good to your girlfriends y/n"

Glynda then left her son's room.

Y/n:"what a very surprising day..."


Yang and y/n was walking the streets of the city whilst holding hands.

:"wanna go to the cinema first?"


Y/n smiled, and then they went to the cinema watched a movie and then left. After that they went to have lunch at a 5 star restaurant and y/n paid.

After that they went to the parkbjust sitting and walkingvtalking about what they missed and what their likes and dislikes.

Y/n:"actually yang"


Y/n:"this is actually my first actual date"

Yang:"wait you went on a date with blake right?"

Y/n:"yeah.... But our date felt more like a shopping spree and I was just the baggage carrier...."

Yang:"but you had fun right?"

Y/n:"yep i did"

Yang:"well there you that was still a date, but if you want just bring blake on another date eazy as that"

Y/n:"you know what I'll do that"

Y/n then gave yang a peck on the cheeks whilst yang blushed.


Yang and y/n was on the library nowblooking for blake, after passing through multiple tables they saw blake and weiss along with ruby playing some sort of card game.

Y/n:"hey guys"


Y/n:"everyone seems focused"

Ruby:"thats beacause were playing a very hard card game and weiss is losing"

Weiss blushed.

Weiss:"well of course i would lose i don't know how to play this game.."

Ruby:"aha!! Blake just lost"

Blake:"weeeell.....thats that"

Yang:"can i joing ruby"

Ruby:"off course!"

Blake then gave her chair to yang"

Blake:"well how's your date with yang?"

Y/n:"it was quite nice actually... Wanna have another date blake?"

Blake:"hmm? But didn't we just had one last time?"

Y/n:"i don't know i felt more like that was a shopping spree than a date plus we weren't even dating that time yet?"

Blake:"i guess your right"

Blake then started walking.

Blake:"walk with me?"


Y/n then took blake's hands as the two roamed around the library halls eventually reaching the end of the library.

Y/n:"so Blake i heard from professor oz that you guys have problems regarding the white fang?"

Blake immediately looked sad and stressed.

Y/n:"was this a sensitive topic?"

Blake:"kinda i guess, but its ok"

Y/n:"you sure?"

Blake:"its just the white fang is planning something big and i fear the city maybe in trouble"

Y/n:"don't worry im already here plus while im here u doubt the white fang would do something stupid."

Blake:"thats what i fear.... They might target you y/n and im scared to lose you..."

Y/n then hugged blake and comforted her.

Y/n:"don't worry you wont lose me... But if you really think the white fang might become a problem, wanna help me hunt them then?"

Blake:"i-i dunno maybe that what they want..... How bout you stay at the school for know and let me and the other handle it"

Y/n:"well i can't do that.... But i can use my wings to stay on the skies while you guys hunt so i can protect you while your hunting..."

Blake:"yeah that might be a better plan."

Y/n:"ok then..."

Blake:"hug me?"

Blake hugged y/n as the two hugged a a faunus was seen jumping off a ship running away from the crew.

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