taes anatomy

By juvaebee

244 34 4

"then what? what would you possibly want from me, jungkook?!" "all i fucking want is your love and attention... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 2.5
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
Jimins anatomy
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 9.5
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 12.5
chapter 13
chapter 15
chapter 16

chapter 14

8 1 0
By juvaebee

No one's pov

The four boys walked.out of the church, being blinded by the bright rays of the sun. They immediately took the opportunity to look cool again by putting on their sunglasses.

"I think I'm drunk." Taehyung said, grabbing control of his balance.

"That might probably be the longest funeral I've been to in the 26 years of my existence." Hoseok said, putting his hands on his hips.

Jin, who had been ignoring the clutz of a man, fully agreed with the younger.

"I mean, you'd expect very little to be said at the funeral of a woman loved by none but her four cats but damn, mr valentine.."

"That man cried more than he actually spoke!" Jimin said, grabbing a hold of his temples.

"I almost threw him with a flask" Jin grimaced.

The boys stood in silence as they checked their phones that haven't been tended to in a while. Hoseok was the first to look up from his phone.

"So my boss took his kids grocery shopping and stopped by his mother's house so im free... What are your plans? Wanna hang out?"

Taehyung smiled and put his phone back into his bag.

"The lady I'm looking afters son it with her and I'd like to.give them a little free time so... I guess I'm free"

"What about you Jimin?" Hoseok asked hopefully.

"Well I was looking for an excuse for getting out of visiting my almost but hopefully dying aunty's weekly visit so I'm down." Jimin said.

"Yeah I can join since I'm off but Namjoon can't go, I'm afraid."Taehyung frowned at this, aswell as the man himself.

"Wha- why can't he go?" Taehyung pouted.

"Yeah why can't I go??" He asked sadly.

"Because... Because you have to clean my office Jin brightly exclaimed.

"Why would I clean your.office?!" Namjoon exclaimed.

"Because you're my cleaner and that's what cleaners do!" Jin's smile was so deadly that it made Namjoon flinch visibly, just thinking of what the older could do to him.

"Right, I'm your... cleaner- Uhm yes. And I have to clean"

"But does he have to.clean on a weekend tho?" Taehyung asked, cocking his head to the side

"Yeah do I have to.clean on a weekend tho?!" He reiterated, really.wanting to join the four on their little excursion.

"Yes he has" Jin smiled. "He has to clean the COFFEE STAIN he left on my carpet from the other day.!" Jin's glare was so intense that Namjoon thought his eyes were gonna burn out.

"Uh.. yes!" Let me- let me go clean that coffee stain." Slowly, Namjoon backed down, further away from Jin and his friends, cautiously eyeing Jin, resulting in him falling down the stairs in a swift and commical manner.

"Oh my god- Namjoon honey are you okay?!" Taehyung shouted, worried that the older might have gotten seriously hurt.

"I'm okay!!!" Quickly, the clumsy boy got back up.on his feet and kept cautious eye contact with Jin, until it felt safe to dash to his car.

"What a weird young fellow" Hoseok said, shaking his head and folding his arms.

Jungkook's pov

"Areum, say hello to your grandma"

The five of us were all seated on the back porch of my mothers house, looking out onto the beautiful landscape of flowers.

"Grandma?" Areum's eyes lit up. " I've never had one of those before!" Immediately, she climbed onto my mother's lap and wrapped her arms around her neck.

"Oh" my mother gasped into surprise, filling afterwards.

"Areum, youre
Hurting grandma, get down there" I said worriedly.

"No it's fine" my mother laughed. "It's more than fine."

Areum smiled broadly as she started chatting to my mother about this and that, giggling and laughing like old buddies.

"It's been a while... Jungkook" Margaret said, smiling at me"

"It has... Hasn't it?" I said, scratching the back of my neck in embarrassment.

"Well I'm glad you came back..." She smiled. "We're glad you came back."

"I can't believe how much I've missed this place." I sat down on the swinging bench next to Margaret, looking out at the beautiful array of flowers.

"What can you say? Home is always where the heart is, no?"

I smiled at Margaret, agreeing one hundred percent with her wise choice of words.

"I shouldn't have left in the first place... I'll always be remorseful for leaving my mother here." I sighed, looking down at my hands.

"Oh my child" Margaret pulled me into a tight hug.

I've always loved Margaret. I felt that I could come to.her and talk about anything that made me upset. She'd always give me a unique perspective on things. She'd make.sure that I made the right decisions and even if I didn't, shed try and better the mistakes i made. The two of us had a very beautiful understanding... Which we still had today... Apparently.

"We can't fix what's in the past... But we can better the circumstances that were in now. And look, you've already started. You showed up when you should have, you've introduced your kids to your mother- look how happy she is."

I looked over at my mother and Areum, playing and goofing around in her wheelchair.

"See? Everything is starting to go better for you. Start mending your relationships with people you ruined them with one by one. It may take a while but trust me... It's worth it. Maybe in between all the fixing, you just might find something valuable laying in the rubble. All you have to do is dig and rebuild"

Margaret winked at me and got up from the seat next to me, walking back inside, leaving me to think about what she just said.

Rebuild my relationships? That sounded like a lot of work... But was I willing to try? Maybe...

But right now, the most important thing to me has been accomplished. I've restored my relationship with the most important woman in my life. Seeing a smile on her face just made me happy inside.

But what if- what if I could make another person smile like that again? Would that make me happier? Would that make them happier? Maybe... But as Margaret said, I'd have to take it one by one.

But who do I start with?

No one's pov

"Okay so we did not just walk into a convenience store to buy flip flops and beach shorts" Hoseok said, slipping his wallet back into his back pocket.

"Do you know how wack we look?" Jimin laughed, looking at Taehyung, who was still wearing his formal black chiffon top with his newly bought colourful beach shorts and his leather leopard printed handbag.

"God we look horrendous." Jin said, pushing his sunglasses further up his face.

"WHO CARES" Jimin exclaimed, stopping at the boardwalk.

"WERE HAVING FUN AND NOTHINGS GONNA STOP US- except that." Immediately Jimin his behind taehyung, peering out from behind him.

"What's the meaning of this?" Taehyung asked, trying to look at the boy who used him as a shield.

"Hot guy two o clock."

The three guys looked into the beach and saw the guy Jimin was referring to.

He was short and powerful. His minty hair was drenched in sea water as he made his way back to the dry land. His whole body looked... So toned and looked after. He had a hardened expression plastered on his face. An expression that made all three boys mentally and a bit physically melt.

"Oh my god, kill me now." Hoseok said unknowingly.

"Damn, if I was looking for a man, he would definitely be it" Taehyung said, not looking interested in the way Jimin was.

"Same this side... He's cute though" Jin said optimistically.

"Just- just hide me" Jimin whispered.

"Jimin he doesn't even know who you are, why are you worried about him?" Hoseok asked.

"You're right, you're right." Jimin said, getting out from.behind Taehyung and released his grip off the youngers waist. "One could only wish."

"Jimin, what would.you have done if he actually came across you in the future if you couldn't even face him here?" Hoseok asked.

"I don't know, I'll cross that bridge when I get there" Jimin said, dismissing the fact that Hoseok had a completely valid fact.

The group have each other the same knowing look, confusing jimins poor kid sized brain.

"What?" Jimin asked irritatedly.

"Nothing." Jin said sharply. "Let's go have fun"

"Yes let's do that!" Taehyung agreed wholeheartedly, running ahead of the others,in the direction of the ocean.

The other boys passionately cheered, following Taehyung suit, leaving Jimin highly confused... But being the multitasker he is, he ran behind them in thought of what that was about.

Jungkook's pov

"Taehyung just called me on the telephone" Margaret announced as she came.out onto the deck.

"Yes? And what'd he say?" My mother asked.

"He asked if I could stay here a while longer so he could spend some time with his friends."

My mother smiled fondly upon hearing this.

"I'm so glad Taehyung could just go out and be himself. Poor child"

"Does he not go out with his friends often?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows.

"My child, not everyone was as fortunate as you were at the age of 20" Margaret sighed, making me.feel kinda bad.

"The poor boy had to go straight into work after highschool, studying part-time while earning money." Margaret said.

"But what about his father? Where was he at the time?" I asked.

"Taehyung's father passed away in England. He was a fire fighter by trade. While Taehyung was in his last year of highschool, his father got offered a huge promotion so his parents moved there while Taehyung stayed here in LA to finish his highschool career you see?" I nodded in understanding.

"One day, Taehyung got called out of his mid term exam to receive the news that his father had burner to death in a burning building, the poor soul. From there, everything went downhill with the boy"

"What do you mean down hill?" I asked. "We're they not well off?"

"No they were, they were..." Margaret trailed off.

"When Taehyung's father passed away, it was revealed that he was actually knee deep in a lot of debt and loan sharks wouldn't take the fact that the man was deceased so he could pay the money. They wanted that money at what ever cost it took."

"But that's horrible!" I said, shaking my head in disbelief.

"And that's not all. So with Taehyung's father's payouts, they payed off all the debt and when they looked again, there wasn't even enough money to get Taehyung's mother back to LA, they were sunken rock bottom. I remember the first time Taehyung and I met. He looked horrible. I actually thought that he was a beggar. He went up to the counter and explained his situation to the owner of the flower shop. The man took pity on him and took Taehyung home, had him fed properly and gave him a place of his own."

"Damn, Taehyung really had a tough life." I sighed.

"Yes he did. When Taehyung was finally able to stand on his own two legs, he started sending money to his mother in England, who also started working to gain more income so that she didn't leach off Taehyung that much. Taehyung was smart though. With his first paycheck, he invested it. He kept the second and third and invested the fourth paycheck as well. He told me that he never wanted to run out of money and live a life like his father, even though he lived that man dearly."

"Taehyung is really something else isnt he?" I giggled softly.

"He's totally your type, though" Margaret winked.at me.

"Wh- what?" I chuckled.

" I saw how your eyes were searching the place for a certain someone when you came in this morning." Margaret nudged my shoulder playfully

"You're seeing things" I denied, looking at the lady cupid.

"Okay, I'm seeing things" she said smugly. "I'm.seeing beautiful things"

"Margaret I'm married."

"So? So what?" Margaret asked, unaffected by my marital status.

"So what? Come on Margaret, that's just morally messed up. You raised me better than this."

"Just- just forget your morals for one minute, and think of Taehyung. TAEHYUNG. He's kind, compassionate and not bad looking at all." Margaret listed, counting all Taehyung's good aspects on her fingers.

"And he has the booty." She added.

"Stop talking nonsense Margaret" suddenly, I felt a heat creep up to my face.

"Oh come on, it's not.like.you haven't looked at his booty before" Margaret laughed.

"But that's the thing Margaret, I haven't." I justfified.

"Quit lying boy."

"IM NOT!" I exclaimed truthfully.

"Well then just know that's it's round and plump. Makes you wanna tap that-"

"You need to stop." My face was as red as a beetroot by this point, talking about Taehyung in this way brought up so many questions in my head, regarding the boy but one of the biggest was... Does he really have such a fine ass?

"Okay mister, I'll stop, but just know. I see a spark where there is one. I'm not blind and neither is love."

Taehyung's pov

"Do you think it's a good idea to drink again after finishing basically a whole bottle of mixed undercover drinks?" I asked as we looked at the menu.

"I think it's a perfect idea" Jimin said. "It's.not everyday that long lost friends meet up at the funeral of the most despised teachers in school history."

"True dat" Hoseok agreed.

"And plus, let's look at this as a celebration of the old hags life. How about that?" Jin asked.

"Ooo that's a nice way to put it. Well done Jin." Hoseok and Jin shared a high five and laughed straight after.

"This is so wrong." I sighed, shaking my head.

"What's so wrong about it? I see nothing wrong." Jimin opposed. "Jin, do you see anything wrong?"

"Oh no sir, I don't. Do you Hoseok?"

"Absolutely nothing wrong with it."

I looked at the three, wondering how we even ended up being friends in the first place. Disrespectful fuckers.

Jimin looked back down into the menu and scrolled through the varieties of drinks.

"Tae, what will you be having?" Jimin asked.

"Do they have anything with gin and fruit?" I asked peering over at jimins menu.

"They have the 'summer time' fruit cocktail. That sounds nice" I nodded, deciding that I would take that one.

"I'll have the passion fruit mamosa" Jimin announced.

"Hoseok and I ordered a bowl of fruit punch. We could all share that with the food." Jin offered.

"Jesus were gonna be so drunk when we leave this place." I said, fearing what I was going to look like in the next two hours or so.

Just then, a guy approached the table, wearing an apron and a headband. He held a notepad and a pen in his hand.

"Oh shit!" Jimin cursed and hid under the table.

"Wha- oh..." It all came together in my mind once I saw the guys mint green hair.

Who would have thought?

Jin and Hoseok looked at me with wide eyes and open mouths. I signed for them to keep cool and stop looking so weird.

"Hello, my name is Yoongi. May I take your order?" The man politely asked.

"Uh- uhm good day Mr Yoongi." I pieced out. "How may I help you?"

"I'm supposed to take your...order?" Yoongi asked confusedly.

"Oh Uhm... That's right! Because you're the waiter and I'm the customer and all." I awkwardly laughed.

The other two vultures just stared at the two of us speechlessly. Not knowing even how to act without having to ake a  bigger fool of themselves.

"Do you- do you need a minute? Cause I can go-"

"Nonono." I dismissed. "were just being silly. I'm ready to order."

Yoongi readied his notepad to take down the order but I was just to surprised to even remember my drinks name properly.

"Mr Yoongi, I'll have the uh ...sum- summer-"

"Summertime fruit cocktail. Got it" Yoongi wrote down the order and then turned to the two creatures sitting opposite me.

"And you two gents?"

"We'd- wed like a punch fruit of bowl" Jin stuttered, still looking dumbfounded by the odds of seeing this man here.

"One bowl of fruit punch. Got it. Is that all?"

"Jimin you want Anything- ow!"

I hissed at the sharp pain delivered to my shin. That's when it hits me- oh yes.

I pursed my lips tightly as I rose back up to the top of the table, where Yoongi looked at me weirdly, probably wishing he'd passed this table to another waiter. i laughed loudly to avoid any awkwardness.

"Because I'm the alcoholic I am, I would like a passion fruit mimosa as well please Mr Yoongi."

"Okaaaayyyyyy..." Yoongi wrote down the order. "So your friend under the table wouldn't like anything to drink? He's good?"

Yoongi looked down to the foot of the table, where a set of feet stuck out like a sore thumb. he crouched down to give the cowardly boy a little patronizing wave.

"Oh shit!" Jimin cursed under the table. Quickly, Jimin huddled and bussled out of his hiding spot and sat back down on his seat, looking completely normal.

"Guyyyys, you didn't even tell me that the waiter was here!!!" Jimin scolded.


"Sir would you like anything?" Yoongi asked, sighing deeply.

"No!" He exclaimed, catching us all off guard, including Yoongi, who looked like he was about to break.

"Okay... I'll be back soon with your drinks" quickly, Yoongi turned around and Beelined from the table to the kitchen, leaving us all there in complete and utter shock and regret of our actions.

Jimin sighed and looked at the three of us.

"i ruined my chance to get with him, didn't i?"


"Most definitely"

"No doubt about it"

"i looked like a complete idiot, didnt i?" jimin pouted.


"Most definitely"

"No doubt about it"

Namjoons pov

"Pfft, cleaner." I muttered to myself as I walked up the stairs of the hospital.

Honestly, I was quite bummed out over the fact that Jin didn't want me joining his friends on their little excursion. I don't have many friends- mainly because of d around a lot and because of my awkward personality.

It's not the first time I ran away from a situation, believe it or not. It's just that I had a history of running away from the loud popular people because I was very afraid of being bullied.

Even the thought of it made me lose it... And when I say lose it, I mean completely. It's like my mind just freezes and doesn't function at all...and by the time I actually assess the situation, I've already upset the people so what do I do?

I run.

God I really hate that. I hate that run away from a situation instead of being man enough to see it through. It sucks balls.

I entered the main doors of the hospital, being greeted by Rhoda and the other hospital staff. As well as that homeless man that always comes here to wash his socks. I liked his vibe.

When I got to the elevators, I was met with Amber, who snuck up to me and gave me a bit of a fright.


"Oh my God amber, you scared me" I said, grabbing a hold of my chest.

"I'm so sorry." Amber giggled. "if that were Jin, this whole place would be echoing with Jins darned scolding."

We both shared a light giggle as the elevator doors opened. We both entered and pressed the floor numbers we were going to.

"So..." Amber trailed off. "Where'd you go to?" She asked.

"A funeral" I answered nonchalantly.

"Alone? Or... Maybe a certain someone special that I know and witnessed leave this building at the same time as what you did, and was also very nicely dressed for an occasion such as a funeral?"

"If you're implying that I went to the funeral with dr Kim? You're wrong. We just happened to... Meet each other there." I reasoned.

"Oooooooo... I bet you sat next to him too didn't ya. Maybe comfort him a little huuh??" She nudged my arm smugly.

"Actually no, I spilt a flask containing alcohol all over him" I said, making Amber's smile drop immensely

"You really need to consider adding sippy cups as a part of your kitchenware." She said.

"But the best part is, he didn't even look mad when it happened!" I exclaimed, remembering the way he just shushed me quitely and politely in the church.

"Yeah, did he quietly excuse himself with a tight smile on his face- also telling you to not say a word?" Amber asked bluntly.

"Yes, that's exactly what he did."

"Yeah, you're going to get killed."

"what" i deadpanned,

"well thats usually what he says when hes secretly planning your demise.

"well- well what do i do?" i asked, concerned for my life

amber smiled and turned to me, taking me by both my shoulders, releasing a exhausted huff.

"you come to terms with it. theres no escaping dr kims wrath. trust me on this one. prepare yourself either to be unfairly treated for the next three months or so of your career here at mercy hospital, or to be publicly shamed at any time... and i mean AT ANY TIME!!!"  

amber turned back to the doors of the elevators and stuffed her hands in her lab coat.

"he shamed me on the intercom of the mall once..."

"oh my god, im doomed" i muttered to myself

The elevator went silent. I knew that Jin's sweet silence was too good to be true. Amber looked straight ahead, probably not even knowing what to say because she knew it and I knew it- I was a gonner. For real this time.

The elevator doors dinged and amber for out, turning to me when she got out.

"Nice knowing you- I mean talking to you" she waved awkwardly.

"Bye now." I waved back.

When the elevator doors closed, I started thinking of ways to protect myself from the doctor. Heaven knows what he was capable of doing to me and I didn't wanna find out. I was too young to die and I haven't even gotten my first paycheck as a chief yet! I had so much to live for and dying now would be very unfortunate.



hello yoongi!!! 

hello readers!!!

its very cold here so... instead of typing a long chapter of authors notes, imma just not say anything and  stick my hands underneath the covers where its warrrrmmmmmmm

vote and comment honeys!!!

love you all! 


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