Love Beyond Words.

By FlorK2D

289K 13.8K 1.4K

Regret was what Arnav was feeling for what he did to her. He wish to correct his mistake and a perfect oppor... More

πŸ’–Chapter 1πŸ’–
πŸ’– Chapter 2 πŸ’–
πŸ’– Chapter 3 πŸ’–
πŸ’– Chapter 4 πŸ’–
πŸ’– Chapter 5 πŸ’–
πŸ’– Chapter 7 πŸ’–
πŸ’– Chapter 8 πŸ’–
πŸ’– Chapter 9 πŸ’–
πŸ’– Chapter 10πŸ’–
πŸ’– Chapter 11 πŸ’–
πŸ’– Chapter 12 πŸ’–
πŸ’– Chapter 13 πŸ’–
πŸ’– Chapter 14πŸ’–
πŸ’– Chapter 15 πŸ’–
πŸ’– Chapter 16 πŸ’–
πŸ’– Chapter 17 πŸ’–
πŸ’– Chapter 18 πŸ’–
πŸ’– Chapter 19 πŸ’–
πŸ’– Chapter 20 πŸ’–
πŸ’– Chapter 21 πŸ’–
πŸ’– Chapter 22 πŸ’–
πŸ’– Chapter 23πŸ’–
πŸ’– Chapter 24 (Last) πŸ’–
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πŸ’– Chapter 6 πŸ’–

12.6K 642 134
By FlorK2D

A luxury private jet landed on the runway of Delhi airport and into it own private hanger.

A handsome man waiting with his Ferrari in the hanger smiled happily because of the person in the jet.

The door of the jet opened and out emerged a sophisticated, classy and beautiful young woman.

She looked at the man and smiled and each walked up to the other and hugged each other as if their lives depended on it.

They both pulled out and their lips connected into a hungry rough but passionate kissing.

The couple miss each other so much even though they have only been apart for three days but for them, it felt like three years.

They pulled out due to lack of oxygen and heard the giggles of the pilots and flight attendants and one glare from the man made them run out of there not wanting to incur the man's famous wrath which many people knew of and knew never to miss with him.

The lady rolled her eyes and glared at the man who smiled sheepishly at her.

"Aru...... When will you stop scaring the living daylight out of people? " The lady asked and the man pulled her into his arms by the waist.

"Cookie.... I will only stop when they start minding their own business. " The man replied in outmost sincerity making her shake her head. "Come on let's go home........ I really miss you and want to show you how much. "

They were none other than Arnav Singh Raizada and Khushi Kumari Gupta or to be more correct Mr and Mrs Raizada.

Arnav then planted a kiss on her neck and pulled out with a smirk on his face seeing the woman all flustered and blushing profusely.

They moved to the car and drove off with smiles on their faces.


The doors of the huge Raizada mansion opened and in entered Nani, Mami, Anjali and a lady with huge shopping bags.

They all sat down in the hallway and called out to Hari Prakash to take their bags to their respective rooms.

Nani sighed seeing the sad face of Anjali and was feeling bad for not being able to cheer her up even when they went shopping which is Anjali's favorite thing to do.

"Anjali my dear........ Please stop being sad...... I thought going out for shopping will cheer you up but here you are still sad. " Nani said and Anjali who had tears now streaming down her cheeks looked away.

"Hello hi bye bye........ How will she not be sad when it's been three days since Arnav came back and he hasn't even looked at her left alone talk to her. " Mami exclaimed in anger.

"Maybe he is busy that's why. " Nani said with a smile to cheer her up but Mami rolled her eyes in annoyance.

"I don't mean to intrude Nani but even you know that not true. " The lady with the said and Nani looked at her knowing she was right. "It's been three and half years since that incident......... Because of that Shyamji and di left this house and what did it cause........ In Shyamji's effort to prove he is worthy of di, he invested his entire life savings and lost it in a Ponzi scheme........ He not only lost his money but his respect as a lawyer and a man, he lost his dignity and on top of it he had no choice than to come back to the house where is was being disrespected just to have a roof over his and Di's head........ Di also ended up suffering a miscarriage and imagine the stress and devastation he might have felt....... How much of a failure he might have felt for losing everything in just a span of six months?....... All this while ASR was already in the UK and refused to come back even when Di lost her baby........ I understand he is mad because of what was said that day but it's over three years now and he still hasn't gotten over it......
To me it's just plain selfishness of his and Akash's part and speaking of Akash and uncle, they live in the same house as all of you but as strangers......... So please Nani....... Di has every right to be upset because they are not doing right with her and Shyamji who is trying his best to provide for her. "

Nani looked down in shame knowing she was indeed right and the lady who was sitting by Anjali, held Anjali's hand and rubbed it with her thumb.

"You understand me so much in ways my own family doesn't. " Anjali said in tears and the lady's eyes teared up hearing this.

"You would make a perfect wife for my chote and I will make sure you are the only woman he marries. " Anjali said in determination and the others nodded smiling at her and the lady blushed hearing this and Anjali laughed at her.

Seeing Anjali laughing warmed the hearts of the Raizada women and each mentally vowed to make her part of the family.

"I have to go to the office now or else Akash will scold me for over staying my lunch break. " The lady said with a smile and stood up and picked up her bag and left.

"Sheetal is a very good girl....... She changed my perception of modern day women and she will be perfect for our chote. " Nani said to and Anjali nodded.

"Hello hi bye bye....... My Sheetu is the best after all she is my niece. " Mami bragged.

"But will chote accept a woman by us? " Anjali voiced out in worry. "He not talking to me proves he is still mad at me for what happened years ago. "

"Stop worrying Anju...... Now that chote is back am sure he won't be angry at you for long and remember once he stop being angry at you, Manohar and Akash will also stop. " Nani said and Mami nodded in support making Anjali sigh.

"So when is Shyamji coming home? " Nani asked and Anjali smiled.

"He will be home tomorrow........ I have to prepare a feast for him when he comes back. " Anjali beamed and this made the women happy seeing her happy.

But a pair of eyes and ears hearing everything from upstairs looked down at them in disgust.


Inside the room of a luxurious penthouse.

A man dressed handsomely stood outside waiting for a woman.

A few seconds later the woman emerges out and both smiled seeing each other.

"My Aru is looking so handsome. " Khushi exclaimed with a smile seeing Arnav extra hot and tempting with his well trimmed beard and shades wearing a light pink shirt with a light oceanic blue blazer paired with white jeans and dark brown suede sneakers.

Arnav moved closer to Khushi and kissed her cheek and swirled her around.

"You look so beautiful and gorgeous in your sundress that I would have carried you back and gone for another round. " Arnav said with a naughty devilish smirk on his lips and Khushi hit him on the chest.

"Aru.... Stop this your naughtiness....... You have to AR because Akash needs your signature and I have to go check on the location for the restaurant...... I will meet you are AR and we will go to RM together. " Khushi said and the look on Arnav's face changed which didn't go unnoticed by Khushi and she cupped his face. "Don't you trust that I can face them? " She asked and Arnav moved her hand from his face and kissed it.

"I know you will handle them perfectly but I really don't like us leaving there....... Those witches especially Shyam will surely bother you which I don't want." Arnav voiced out his concern and Khushi smiled.

"You are right....... They will but I won't allow them...... Besides its our house and not their and we won't let anyone chase us out. " Khushi said firmly and Arnav knew better not to argue with her.

So he sighed and both moved to their respective cars and drove away.

AR Designs.

Sheetal Kapoor rushed into the building only to find an angry Akash looking at her and she gulped seeing his angry face but it turned to calm  and smile when she saw Arnav behind him.

Arnav frown and felt uncomfortable seeing her checking him out.

"Bhabhi would have slit her neck if she had been here. " Akash thought.

"Hi ASR. " Sheetal greeted with a smile but Arnav ignored her and turned to Akash which made Sheetal angry but she masked it.

"I need to discuss something really important with you........ Come to my office. " Arnav said and walked away with Akash leaving fuming Sheetal behind.

She heard snickers behind her and turned to find some of the worker trying so hard to hide their mocking laughs.

"She thought just because she is the cousin of Akash she will get special treatment........ News flash Miss Sheetal Kapoor...... ASR and Akash sir is fair with all the employees and nepotism is definitely not on there list so the better you learn you won't get any special treatment the better for you. " Sim said and the others nodded and Sheetal was about bounce on her when a voiced boomed and they turned to find Aman behind them.

"Get back to work all of you and that includes you Miss Kapoor. " Aman said and they all moved out of there.

Sheetal got to her cabin and sat down furious at the humiliation she just received from Arnav and Akash.

"You will be mine soon ASR....... I will create such a scandal that you will have no choice than to marry me and make me  Mrs ASR and after that I will teach that Aman and those useless girls who is boss. " Sheetal said with a devilish smile on her face not knowing she will be digging her grave by doing so.


Nani, Anjali, Mami and Sheetal who had just gotten back from work come down for their dinner.

Anjali smiled seeing Arnav looking at her but it only lasted for a few seconds and he took off his eyes from her and back to Akash.

A sad Anjali quietly sat down and so did an angry Nani and Mami and so did a poker face Sheetal.

A few seconds later Manohar joined them and smiled seeing his nephew and son but frown not seeing Khushi.

"Arnav........ Where is my daughter? " He asked as he sat at the head table.

This confused all of the women but Arnav smiled.

"Don't worry Papa...... Bhabhi will join us soon. " Akash revealed intentionally making Arnav glare at him as Manohar smiled.

The women were stunned hearing the word bhabhi and looked at Arnav's hand and saw the band on his finger.

"ASR........ You got married? " Sheetal exclaimed in shock seeing her chance of becoming Mrs ASR go down the drain.

Arnav glared at her sending shiver down her spine.

"Chote....... How could you get married without telling or asking for our permission?" Anjali asked almost on the verge of crying.

"What nonsense is this?....... How could? " Nani yelled in anger and turned to Manohar. "And you....... How could you support something like this? "

Manohar saw Arnav fuming and knew if he didn't step in then he will send them straight to hell which he doesn't want for Khushi' s first time here as the daughter in law and madam of the house.

"I supported him because I have the right over them unlike you, Manorama and Anjali who threw away your rights....... You chose your choice not to interfere in his life and it was respected ,so I suggest you three do the same and stay out of his life or get out of my house....... If I ever find anyone of you harass my daughter then get ready to face my wrath. " Manohar exclaimed sternly shocking them and even though they wanted to retort they had to keep quiet because they knew Manohar wasn't bluffing.

Hari Prakash then started arranging their dinner as Anjali sat down crying silently and it hurt her seeing the men talking and smiling royally ignoring her tears which they couldn't stand at the beginning.

Sheetal was stunned and confused not knowing how to react to the news of Arnav's marriage and from the looks of it who ever she maybe, Arnav really loves her and so does Manohar and Akash.

Nani and Mami were so angry that their opinions no longer mattered to them and they were beginning to hate whoever the new daughter in law was.

Their reveries were broken by the sound of flip flops hitting the tiled floor.

The men stood up with smiles on their faces which confused the women and they all turned and the trio was shocked seeing Khushi but Sheetal was confused seeing their shock.

Khushi moved closer to the men and was about to bend and touch Manohar's but he stopped her and hugged her instead.

He them broke the hug and kissed her forehead.

"Welcome home my daughter....... I hope you had a good flight. " Manohar said and Khushi nodded.

"I did Papa. " Khushi replied and Akash moved closer and hugged her.

"I wanted to come welcome you are the airport but the up coming show has me on lock down and bhai want me to do it all by myself....... Bhabhi scold him for me. " Akash complained making Arnav give what the.

Khushi and Manohar laughed seeing him glaring at Akash and seeing him unaffected made him more mad but Akash had a defender and it was in the form of his lovely bhabhi.

"Aru stop it....... Don't you dare glared at my bhai like that or else I won't spare you. " Khushi warned making Arnav widen his eyes in shock and Akash wiggled his eye brows in mockery.

Nani, Mami and Anjali were numb with shock seeing Khushi and even more shocking was the conversation between them.

"Who ever this woman is, I would have to do something to get rid of her. " Sheetal said looking at Khushi who was pulling Arnav's cheeks and laughing.

To be continued.

Precap: Shyam back.
Khushi and the witches face off.

Don't forget to hit the  ⭐️⭐️⭐️ button, comment and follow for more.


xoxo xoxo.

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