We Were Soulmates

By ililex

25.2K 817 173

I was walking to our beach house when suddenly, someone bumped into me. "Oh crap sorry", A deep voice said. I... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29

Chapter 24

376 15 1
By ililex

Aerin's POV

There was only a week now until the so-called senior spring trip and I can't even wait. Mainly because of our plan to ruin that bitch who tried to steal my man. She should've known better not to mess with me, that was her first mistake.

Anyway, I walked to the cafeteria to get some food because I didn't eat breakfast. It was unlike me to be late so I didn't bother eating and I'm hungry ass fuck right now. I excused myself from my history class, saying I was gonna go pee but I really wanted a pizza at least.

I get inside and almost nobody was there except some students who always skips classes. I never knew why they never get caught but hey, their business ain't my business.

"I heard there was gonna be a party at the senior trip, no teachers are there so alcohol and weed are allowed. I'm so stoked!" I eavesdropped from them.

No teachers? That's fucking awesome, I have to tell my friends because that's the best thing I heard all day. Well except for the fact that I aced my calculus test and my teacher told me I did a great job. I got an A, it was a piece of cake.

The bell rang and students flooded the hallways left and right, was I really out in the cafeteria that long? I think I just skipped history but whatever. I looked for my friends and the moment I found them, my eyes lit up.

"Elise!" I shouted while motioning them to get their asses over here.

"What?" I heard Fionne ask.

I dragged them to the bathroom and told them everything that I heard.

"No cap?" Kasper looked impressed.

"That just makes our plan smoother" I nodded at Elise.

"With our first obstacle gone, nothing holds us back now" We all did our friendship dance until they actually needed to pee and Kasper and I got out of the bathroom.

We waited for about 5 minutes until Fionne and Elise got out of the bathroom. We then spotted Z and Cedrik on the hallways so we got out of the school all at the same time.

"Hey babe we're just having a sleepover mkay? Love you bye call you later" I gave Z a quick kiss before waving goodbye. He laughs and shakes his head before climbing in his car.

We get to my house and the first thing they do is plop on the couch. Can't they at least help me close the door?

"Gosh, nobody helps me around in this house" I joked.

"Bitch we're your guests not your maid" Kasper rolled his eyes and we chuckled.

I lock the door behind me and went to the kitchen to drink a glass of water. I sat with them on the couch when I had this brilliant idea.

"You know what let's glam up and do a runway here at my house" I clapped my hands in excitement.

"Bestie I cannot believe I'm saying this... but that is so fabulous I'm in!" Kasper exclaimed.

"Mhmm about time we have a runway in this damn house" Elise flips her hair while Fionne just agrees with her.

We ran up to my room and started putting on makeup, we decided to go for smoky shadow with red lips. It gives off major bad bitch vibe which is us!

I rummaged around my closet and found them each an outfit. Serving you eleganza extravaganza.

I managed to convince them into doing a tiktok and after placing the tripod below the stairs, I started the timer. Basically we're just gonna walk one by one with me being first of course, Fionne second, Elise third, and Kasper last.

After we finished filming I uploaded it on tiktok and just hoped for the best. Fionne told us how it would be fun to take polaroids so we did that too. The polaroids turned out great and I kept them inside a drawer. I'll stick that on my wall tomorrow.

We had lots of fun an hour later just turning the house into a club, we took pictures and videos dancing while the speakers' at max volume and we ordered pizzas. Times like this make me so happy and so sad at the same time. You know how I'm spontaneous and happy then the next minute I become sentimental and how this is just gonna be a memory after a few years. Yeah, that's literally what happens on my mind 24/7.

We uploaded the pictures on instagram and people were commenting where the party was and how they weren't invited like sweetie... I hate to break it to you but it was never a party in the first place. I mean, where are the vodkas?

Anyway, we sat at the couch laughing and exhausted from everything that we did today. "We should do this again" Fionne spoke up, "Definitely" I agreed.

I picked up my phone and went on tiktok just so I could see how many views our video picked up. Turns out it garnered 150k in 2 hours, I love being famous.

"Besties y'all aren't gonna believe this..." I stopped at the end for the dramatic effect.

"Just tell us already! I don't like suspense" Kasper complained.

"We just got 150k views in 2 hours!" I exclaimed and we all screamed.

"We're gonna be Tiktok famous!" Elise cheered.

"I can't wait 'til it reaches 1 mil" Fionne wiggled her brows.

I told them I was going to pee and then called Z, I promised him didn't I? Almost forgot.

"Hey baby what's up?"

"We were just having fun and I called you 'cause I love you"

"I love you too baby but I'm actually in the middle of something right now"

"Mkay, I just called because I told you earlier I was gonna call"

"Oh okay, well then have fun"

"You too Z, I love you"

"I love you too"

I went downstairs to my friends and motioned them that it was finally time to be serious. We weren't having a sleepover just for fun, said no one ever.

"Bitches time to get serious" They all grinned and I know they were just waiting for this. Also, why do I sound like we're gonna kill someone?

It's not like we would do that, we're just gonna give her trauma. We're just petty, not psychopaths.

We finalized our plan on when to approach her at the trip and I doubt that she remembers my friends so they're gonna be the perfect candidate to do that.

I won't reveal the plan yet though, she just better watch her back. It's not cute to flirt with someone who's taken. Although it's kinda a good look for her, considering she's desperate. I smirked, "This is gonna be fun".

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