
Autorstwa demonlover07

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She was perfect. She was everything they ever wanted out of a daughter. Perfectly groomed, well mannered, ama... Więcej

1. Train Ride
2. Sorting Hat
3. Year 1
4. 2nd Year
5. Quidditch Tryouts
6. The First Game
7. Summer Fun
10. New Quidditch Season
11. Quidditch
12. Christmas Break
13. Slytherin vs Ravenclaw
14. Dance
15. Year 5
16. Date
17. Quidditch Captain
18. Christmas Break
19. Anticipation
20. The First Ball
21. Leaving
22. Riddle
23. Convince Him
24. Raven Buddies
25. Valentine's Day
26. Careers
27. Start of Exams
28. Relax
29. Izzy and Ash
30. Marked for Death

9. The Start of Classes

67 1 0
Autorstwa demonlover07

The first day of classes always sucks. Having to get up early and getting ready with a bunch of girls you already know want to stab you in the back. Usually though, Cassie walks with a few of her friends to breakfast and their classes. 

She finds Theo and Den in the common room, mostly likely procrastinating having to leave for class "Hey, you guys ready to head to breakfast?" She asks them as she walks down the stairs. 

Densel gives her the most heated look he could've at that moment, "Oh yes, terribly excited for classes to start, homework, and best of all tests."  He dramatically stands up from his seat with a giant huff and grabbed his school bag-- that Cassie was sure only had maybe one book in it.

"Hey be grateful I drilled it into your head last year to get up early for practice or else you would've missed breakfast and probably sleep through first," Cassie tells him. Theo just looks at them with an amused face.

After breakfast the three friends head to DADA. Every year they get a new teacher. They were just hoping the year's is a good one. She sits down next to Theo with Den choosing to sit next to Izzy

"Alright, everyone this year we will be talking about curses." The new professor says walking in. "I'm Professor Drease. You will address me as such." The three of them share a look as do most of the kids in class. If he thinks he's getting respect from a bunch of teenagers he's dreaming.
"Now, today we will be learning about the three unforgivable curses. Does anyone know why they are called the unforgivable curses?" He asks looking around. Several students put their hands up including Theo and Cassie. "You," he says pointing at James. 

"Because using them will give you a one way ticket to Azkaban," he says confidently. 

"Correct Mr..." he trails off.

"Potter" James answers.

"Now does anyone know what the three curses are?" He asks. Again most of the people raise their hands. Most are Slytherins which makes the house look bad. 

"You," he says pointing to Remus. What is with him picking Gryffindors?

"There's the imperious curse," he answers. "It is the curse that can take complete control over a person's body.

"Correct Mr..." He trails off again.

"Lupin," the scared boy tells him. "Remus Lupin."

"Very good, now next." he looks around before looking at Cassie. "You."

"There's the cruciatus curse sir," she tell him looking into his eyes. "It's a spell used to torture people, sometimes even into insanity." Theo looked at her through the corner of his eyes and she looks back with a smirk. 

"Correct Ms..." He trails off although she was sure he knew her name. 

"Black, Cassiopeia Black."

"Now does anyone know the last curse?" He looks around and no one put their hand up so he calls on someone. It's Sirius.

"You, what's your name?" He asks.

"Sirius Black. Professor."

"Ah twins?" He asks.

"Yes," they both answer at the same time. Everyone turns to look at the two. Some with scared looks. Many people didn't know they could do the thing about speaking at the same time because they didn't do it often enough for people to see.

"Do you know the last curse?" He asks even though from their last name he should know they know them. Maybe he's just testing them. Their parents always had their ways of getting information on their kids even when they weren't around. 

"The killing curse," Sirius says with a little quiver in his tone that most can't pick up on. It's the only curse our parents have never put on us. Not that they haven't done it in front of us. "Avada Kedavra."

"Ahh yes. No stopping it, no getting around it. No one has survived it yet," he tells the class "Now enough with the sad stuff." He points to a cabinet behind him. "I understand you covered Boggarts last year, but never were able to fight one." Everyone all nods. "Well now you will. Does everyone remember the spell?" They nod again. "Okay say it with me"

"Ridikkolus," Everyone says.

"Good. Now form a line." They all get up from their seats and form a single file line with most of the Gryffindors up front and the Slytherins at the back.  

This go for a while, some being afraid of spiders, snakes, clowns. Nothing too bad. Until the lines gets to Sirius. Everyone is still laughing when he goes up and it changes into Walburga and Orion.

He didn't even give them a second to do anything before he shouted the spell and they both morphed into clowns with bright red noses and giant wigs. The next person went up and the line started moving again, but before it would get to most to the Slytherins, class was over.

"Alright, we will pick up with Section 6C, Curses and counter curses, next class," Proffesor Derease shouted above everyone grabbing their bags and exiting the room.

Cassie grabbed her bag and met up with Izzy, "We have potions next," she told the other girl.

Izzy nodded, she was indifferent to potitions, she never got bad marks, but she personally just perfered charms, "How many house points do you think he'll be giving away this time?" Aries aappeared next to them out of nowhere. "Hopefully a lot, we need to get a head start for the house cup so that we can do some damage this year without it affecting our points too much."

"What do you want to do?" Theo asked as they walked down the stair case. Aries gave him a wicked smirk. "So this year, I was to do something that'll outshow the Marauders, just pure chaos at a random time for no reason!"

Cassie nodded, "We could do that, start planning and we'll see what we can do." They made it through the dungeons and each of them paired off with someone at a random table. Cassie decided to sit next to her brother and he slightly waved to her when she sat.

Slughorn walks in a few minutes later. "Good afternoon class," he announces.

"Good afternoon," everyone answers back. Most kids like Slughorn a little. He gives prizes and house points a lot.

"Now it looks like you all situated yourselves in pairs so I think we're good." Cassie looks around and Alice and Frank are together, Theo and Den, Jame and Peter, Lily and Sev, Isobel and Ash, Darren Montague and Aries Zabini, and Remus and Marlene. It was a mostly Slytherin and Gryffindor class. "Today we will be working on the calming drought. First pair to get it right gets 50 points each, 2nd place gets 20 points each, and 3rd gets 10 points each. Now begin."

Cassie was good at potions so she runs to get the ingredients they need at the same time as Severus. She brings them back to the table as Sirius starts reading off the instruction mostly for himself because he knows that she knows how to make it. They work with barely talking between the two. If she need an ingredient he has she just holds her hand out and he gives it to her. Once they finished they look up and raise their hands. Severus and Lily beat them by a minute or two, but the other teams were still working and some were struggling.

"We have first place to Ms. Evans and Mr. Snape 50 points each. Madam Pomprey will be happy with this." He tells them. He walks over to ours to inspect it "2nd place to Mr. and Miss Black, Well done 20 points each."

The four of them sit waiting for the other teams to finish. The next ones to finish are Remus and Marlene who are both awarded 10 points. So in total Slytherin got 70 and Gryffindor got 90. After everyone finished (somehow everyone managed not to mess it up since they're in pairs) he released the group to lunch early.


When lunch had concluded, everyone headed to their next class, which was Transfiguration. Later that night they also had astronomy and starting tomorrow would be their other electives, Arthimency, Ancient runes, etc.

When they get there they walk in right before the bell. "Okay now that everyone is here. No one sit down yet please. For this semester I want you to sit with a different house so everyone; find a seat," Minnie tells the class. Cassie calls her that in her head, but would never call her that to her face.

She goes and sits somewhere in the middle, not the direct middle, but a little closer to the front. She watches as Remus places his books next to her and sits down.

She goes on to teach the class about the history of Animagi, and how it came to be. Cassie zoned out for a while because she knew all of this. That is until she felt Remus tap her shoulder. He hands her a note that says 'would you become an animagus one day?' She laughed a little at this, but write yes. The two continue to pass notes just asking each other questions.

"Okay now I want a 8' paper on what we learned today," There were groans heard around the classroom. "Oh quit complaining or I'll make it 12.'" That shut everyone up. "You are all dismissed."

The kids all got up and left to their different electives. Cassie met up Theo and Den and headed to Care of Magical Creatures. Nothing really happened, they only learned about unicorns, nothing really interesting.

As the three headed back to the common room they talked about quidditch season and some of the new tricks they wanted to try out.

"Hey guys," Reggie greets them while setting up a game of chess.

"Hey" "Hello" "Hi" they answer back.

"How'd everything go, today? Cassie asked, casually, sitting on the couch starting to play with Reg. She already knew the answer, but usually asked anyway.

"Yeah it was okay, not much homework," Reggie shrugged. Severus looked up from his book with a smirk.

"Potions was pretty good," he says with a little smirk, thinking of the points he had gotten their house.

"Yeah probably because the prince of potions over here got first! Theo and I got last. I barely understood the directions," Den whines as his friends laugh at him as he dramatically lays against the couch and Theo throws his potions book at him.

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