Green Lightning God: Midori R...

By NonEuclideanHuman

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Izuku has a quirk. Green Lightning. I do not own the characters, or My (Boku No) Hero Academia. Word count: 1... More

Chapter 1 - So it begins
Chapter 2 - Gotta keep moving
Chapter 3 - Day Zero
Chapter 4 - Takoba Beach
Chapter 5 - The Entrance Exams
Chapter 6 - First Day
Chapter 7 - Hero Training with... ALL MIGHT?
Chapter 8 - The USJ
Chapter 9 - Adjustments and Arrangements
Chapter 10 - The Sports Festival (Part 1)
Chapter 11 - The Sports Festival (Part 2)
Chapter 12 - The Sports Festival (Part 3)
Chapter 13 - The Sports Festival (Part 4)
Chapter 14 - Hero names!
Chapter 15 - Internships; start!
Chapter 16 - Internships; Train Like There's No Tomorrow!
Chapter 17 - Internships; Running to the Future
Chapter 18 - Internships; Patrolling in Hosu
Chapter 19 - Iida Tenya; Origin!
Chapter 20 - Aftermath of Stain
Chapter 21 - Rescue Race!
Chapter 22 - Dorms!
Chapter 23 - Prepare for Final Exams!
Chapter 24 - The Written Exams!
Chapter 25 - Physical Heroics Exams!
Chapter 26 - After the exams
Chapter 27 & 28 - Finally! & An Encounter to Remember
Chapter 29 - Date!
Chapter 30 - To camp!
Chapter 31 - Camp training!
Chapter 32 - Camp Nightmare Starts
Chapter 33 - Camp Nightmare!
Chapter 34 - A Prolonged Nightmare
Chapter 35 - Rescue Mission!
Chapter 36 - With The League Of Villains
Chapter 37 - All For One
Chapter 38 - An End Of A Legacy
Chapter 39 - The Start of An Era
Chapter 40 - Return
Chapter 41 - Ultimate Moves!
Chapter 42 - Provisional License Exams: The 'Crushing' of U.A
Chapter 43: The Crushing From U.A
Chapter 44 - Bakugo and Yaoyorozu: The power of love
Chapter 45 - License Exams: No hesitation
Chapter 46 - To fight to protect
Chapter 47 - Hatchlings... bar one
Chapter 48 - Overwhelming Power?
Chapter 49 - Work Studies: Start!
Chapter 50 - Chance Encounter!
Chapter 51 - Keeping up appearances
Chapter 52 - Raid!
Chapter 53 - Infinite Energy
Chapter 54 - Safety
Chapter 55 - Nejire and Eri
Chapter 56 - Preparing for the Festival!
Chapter 57 - A Normal Shopping Trip
Chapter 58 - School Festival!
Chapter 59 - Wings!
Chapter 60 - Hero Charts!
Chapter 61 - Leave it to the pros brat!
Chapter 62 - Broken Wings
Chapter 63 - Glancing Blows
Chapter 64 - All out
Chapter 66 - Waiting for Tomorrow
Chapter 67 - Awake
Chapter 68 - To Tomorrow [FINALE]

Chapter 65 - The silence after

1.5K 49 13
By NonEuclideanHuman

U.A was silent. Apparently after the green dome dispersed, it disrupted many different radio and television signals. And so the aftermath was unknown. 

Sometime during the fight Nejire told Eri to go to her mama's room and play there because the teenagers wanted to watch some 'grown-up' shows. Eri mumbled something about wanting to watch papa fight before going upstairs. Nejire was unspeakably thankful she did so.

She was out of tears to cry, her voice was hoarse and so she became still. She was frozen.

One of the teachers came bursting in, Nejire thought it was Midnight but wasn't too sure. Midnight rushed up to the girl and gently hugged her as a parent would a child. She spoke reassurances to the shell-shocked girl, but was unable to elicit a response. She wasn't expecting one, Midnight had seen what happened too. 

Class 1-A was in sheer shock after the screen cut to static. No-one said a word. There wasn't much that could be said.

Bakugo had tears streaming down his face as Yaoyorozu did her best to comfort him, as the boy remained still, tensed in his seat on the couch. Todoroki, Iida and Yoarashi were simply shell shocked. The rest of the class weren't much better, some in tears and others frozen in place.

The silence of 1-A would remain as such, even when Aizawa-sensei came in to console and comfort the class with Hound Dog. Hound Dog was going to have a very long day ahead of him.

The teachers were a mess. Most were pulling all the strings they could in order to get some kind of information, but so far were coming up short. Others were arranging for whatever they could. But it didn't seem like there was much for them to do.

Nezu was still, however. He had grown a great bond with Izuku, and he knew exactly what Izuku had done. Izuku knew that the alternative at that point may have been far worse. After all, the city's complete destruction switch was for the entire city, and by proxy all the evacuees. His was more controlled, and worked much better.

To the government and higher-ups, Izuku was nothing more than a statistic.

To the people, he was to be immortalized as a hero in life or death.

To the students, a beacon of which to aim for.

To his friends, a friend to keep forever.

To his family, love and purity.

To Eri, hope and protection.

And to Nejire, the embodiment of love.

And everyone hoped that he would come back to continue fulfilling those roles.

However, in a matter of moments Nezu had started moving again, and incredibly quickly. In a matter of moments he had created a plan with little more than what appeared to be his paws moving rapidly across the paper with a pen in hand. 

With a few more swipes he had produced several different plans and had handed them to some of the still remaining teachers. One to Cementoss, one to Recovery Girl, and one to Power Loader. All of them looked at their plans, various instructions for what they needed to do.

Each were quick to get to work whilst Nezu rushed to his office to get what he needed. He scooped it up before Mirio suddenly rushed into his office. Before he could get a word in edge-wise, Nezu started talking.

"Perfect, Mirio, take this and go to Power Loader's workshop."

"R-right!" Mirio was a little taken aback by the principal's demeanour but did not question it as he scooped the machine into his arms and started going.

"Faster would be better!" Nezu yelled down the hall as Mirio began jogging slightly carefully.

Nezu quickly went back to his P.A system.

"Would..." Nezu thought for a moment. He needed at least two heroes that could fly along with an electrical producer, and people to help move equipment, "Nejire Hado, Tamaki Amajiki, Momo Yaoyorozu, Tenya Iida, Eijiro Kirishima, Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu, Mezo Shoji, Rikido Sato, Jurota Shishida and Denki Kaminari please report to my office A.S.A.P. That's Nejire Hado, Tamaki Amajiki, Momo Yaoyorozu, Tenya Iida, Eijiro Kirishima, Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu, Mezo Shoji, Rikido Sato, Jurota Shishida and Denki Kaminari to my office please, thank you."

Within thirty seconds, Nejire was flying through his door, Tamaki not fair behind. "Principal Nezu, what can we help with?!" Nejire cried, tears still evident on her face. She wasn't displaying any of her usual bubbliness, which Nezu could understand, and Tamaki's usual shy atmosphere was replaced with a weightier depressive atmosphere.

He handed them the plan he had created for them and within moments they were out the door, determination and hope shining in their eyes. 'They'll stop at the canteen to get Tamaki some eel, and something with flight capability. Then, they'll fly to the scene and hopefully by then the government would've declared it was clear for paramedics to make their way there before taking Izuku back to the school as fast as possible where we can facilitate his healing better with our knowledge on his quirk than a hospital may, and with Recovery Girl here...'

Moments after the third year students left, Kaminari came into the room.

"Principal Nezu sir?" He asked, and Nezu was quick to respond.

"Go to Power Loader's workshop. Follow his instructions exactly."

"Yes sir!" Kaminari responded immediately, still slightly shocked.

The remaining students entered not long after, some sobbing and tears still streaming down their face whilst the rest had either tear tracks down their cheeks or were simply frozen.

"You guys will have a very important job. I need you to go down to Recovery Girl's office and do whatever she asks, you will mostly be moving equipment. Iida you may be running things from nearby clinics and hospitals, whilst Yaoyorozu you will be making things on demand for both her and Power Loader. Go!"

The reasoning to every student was unspoken. We need to save Izuku.

Nejire and Tamaki were deathly silent on their flight across. Nejire was still doing her best to supress her sobs whilst Tamaki was just shocked. Tamaki was going as fast he could whilst Nejire was resisting the urge to completely outpace the shy hero in training.

Luckily for her, he broke the silence.

"Go ahead Nejire, I'll be there soon. Izuku... inspired me to do something to speed up, it'll just take a moment."

Even if the two students were still in casual outfit, neither of them cared about that right now.

Tamaki's shirt was torn at the back, whilst Nejire's pants were turned into shorts with the sheer amount of energy she was using to fly.

When Tamaki said that, Nejire wasted no time in speeding up, breaking the sound barrier as she fly faster through the sky, doing her best to get there as fast as possible. 

Unfortunately, it was not a short journey. A little over one-hundred kilometres.

Close to fifteen minutes later and Nejire had landed. She could see some minor heroes doing crowd control as she touched down however she ignored it all as she focused on the buildings. Some paramedics had finally made their way through the crowd towards the scene of the final fight as they were jostled by reporters and civilians alike, some with phones out. She felt her heart tear and shatter as she realised this meant that whilst the paramedics were dispatched as soon as possible, they weren't able to get through the crowds.

She flew over the crowd and it briefly caught their attention as they watched her yellow energy dance through the air behind her as she flew but did not interact with them.

She had to get to Izuku, even if the paramedics wouldn't be there yet, she would be able to get there first. Luckily for her, Tamaki wasn't fair behind. And when he saw what was happening with the crowds and, safe to say, lost it.

The minor heroes weren't able to get enough attention, but Tamaki was.

Whilst Nejire was flying her way directly to the scene of the fight, Tamaki roared at the crowd.

Almost literally.

With six wings on his back, he yelled with a defiance and fury that caught the attention of everyone in the crowd. "Look at yourselves! I may fly but you're the vultures here! Looking to profit off disasters, making it impossible for the paramedics to get through! This should not be the scene of your next great story as those of you with your phones out seem to think, but this is the scene of a tragedy! You're making it impossible for those who actually help, actually contribute!" He screamed at them, subconsciously expanding his wings further out, the shortest at the base only being half the length of the tallest at the top. However, the wings at the top were each extended over two metres, making him a terrifying, intimidating, angry hero looking down upon them.

Many of the camera crews looked really sheepish and began backing away whilst a few brave individuals with their phones remained defiant, and seemed more than a little stupid. However, they were quickly dragged away by some of their, evidently, smarter friends.

With a clear path, the paramedics began running down to the front of the barrier line. Tamaki was still fuming as what he had just done kicked in, but before he could get too shy about it Nejire's scream brought him to action.

"TAMAKI! EEL ARMS! NOW!" She screamed at the top of her lungs.

Tamaki flew as fast as he could, changing his arms over as fast as he could. He knew this meant it was probably one of the worst possible cases.

As he was flying over he was generating as much static as he could with the eel arms, and he saw Nejire's spiralling energy going to the skies. He used this as a beacon to guide him through the winding roads and buildings.

Once he got there, he saw Nejire clutching Izuku tightly to her, energy spiralling rapidly from her towards the sky as she wailed. 

It seemed that even after what they saw on T.V, Nejire couldn't have been ready for what she found. And Tamaki couldn't blame her.

He tried to get closer, but her energy was beginning to form a growing spiral. "Nejire! Nejire!" Tamaki tried calling, but it seemed to be no use.

Nejire's grief was too great to break through. She wailed louder, gripping Izuku's limp body tighter to her chest, burying her face into Izuku's neck.

She had her back to Tamaki and he could just about make out some vague features of Izuku. He was covered in burns, his skin so hot still it looked like it was still steaming somewhat. When Izuku recovered it was likely he would be permanently scarred, perhaps both physically and mentally. And it would be when.

Tamaki thought quick. He hadn't eaten enough unique foods recently. The most he had was... jellyfish and octopus. He'd have to work with that.

"Nejire! If you don't calm down I'm going to have to sedate you!" He declared, giving fair warning to his distraught friend.

She did not respond.

"Sedating in three! Two! One! Firing!" With that, he produced a small jellyfish tendril with a focus on the ability to fire the small dart over a long distance. Additionally the small dart within was coated in a very weak poison from the octopus, just enough to knock her out for a small amount of time, "Nejire, Izuku. I'm sorry for this." 

With that, he fired the dart and he lodged itself into Nejire's leg, the sheer speed of the dart somehow making through the energy swirls. 

Once it did, Tamaki quickly flew towards the two, with Nejire's wails subsiding and her beginning to pass out despite still clutching onto Izuku. 

Tamaki caught the two with one arm and quickly scooped them up, refusing to look at Izuku until he was on solid ground. He made it to a cross roads where hopefully the paramedics would find them quickly as he laid Nejire down, and gently peeled her arms off Izuku.

And he meant that.

Izuku's body was still so hot that their skin became stuck somewhat, like legs to a hot car seat, and he had to gently, with a few feathers, separate the individuals.

He laid Nejire on the ground in the recovery position, just in case, before laying Izuku face up and checking out the wounds.

Fighting the deafening heartbeat in his ear drums, Tamaki knew now was not the time to shy away. He had to do the best he could to save his friend.

Forming scales on each hand, he worked quickly to undo the green gauntlet's, the metal decidedly not helping the green haired hero cool down. Tamaki wanted to check for signs of life, but it was incredibly difficult when the hero was far too hot to touch.

The paramedics were nearby, but Tamaki still had to make their job easier.

The scales on his hands protected him from some of the heat as he peeled the steaming gauntlets off Izuku's hands. He quickly tossed the first one aside, it still steaming somewhat as he worked to remove the second as fast as possible. He heard noises from Nejire, signifying she was waking up.

Tamaki also saw the medical team were really close. "Do you guys have anything that can cool him down?!" He yelled before Nejire could start fully registering what was going on. She had some burns on her arms, but didn't seem to register them. They would probably be injured for a while but it would heal over eventually. 

"We have ice and cool packs!" One of the paramedics responded as they continued running over.

"We're going to need all of them!" Tamaki responded quickly as he began removing the remaining scraps of Izuku's hero costume on his upper body with sharpened hawk claws.

It revealed the gradually worsening extent of his injuries. Not only the large wounds and broken limbs but the raw flesh and burns covering his body. Tamaki was desperately trying to think of something that could help Izuku cool off as he worked to delicately hold the boy up to let him cool best as possible.

The paramedics arrived and Tamaki let them take over. "Do the best you can before you can't do more, and we'll take him back to U.A. The paramedics nodded as they rapidly surrounded Izuku, placing the ice packs and cooling packs all over the boys body, and Tamaki quickly went over to Nejire. He helped her sit up and gently turned her away whilst she reoriented herself.

"Nejire. I need you to listen to me." Tamaki said sternly, one hand on her shoulder.

"But Izuku!" She screamed back at him, trying to turn to look towards where Izuku was currently being treated.

"Nejire! You need to get a hold of yourself!" Tamaki responded, one hand on each shoulder.

"You don't understand!" She yelled back at him, tears brimming in her eyes.

"No I don't! I'm not pretending to! But we need to get him back to U.A! And we can't do that if you're getting all emotional!"


"I know Nejire! I'm really worried too, and probably not as worried as you, yes, but still worried!"

"I-I-I-" Nejire couldn't even perform a coherent sentence before she began crying. Tamaki pulled the distraught girl into a hug.

"It's alright. For now though, we have to hold onto hope and remain as calm as we calm. We can deal with our emotions later." Tamaki said, tears rolling down his face as well. Nejire looked at him in the eye and nodded shakily, bringing herself to her feet.

"I know it'll be hard to look at him. But... for his sake, try to remain calm." Tamaki told her before releasing his grip on her as she shakily turned around.

Izuku was still surrounded by paramedics, who had managed to cool him down enough to get bandages on him.

"He should be good to be moved now!" One of the paramedics yelled out. Tamaki quickly went over and Nejire ran past him to rush to Izuku's side, the tears streaming down her face.

"Nejire," Tamaki said to her, a hand on her shoulder.

"I... I know," She sniffled, clenching her fists. 

"He's... alive. But barely. His condition isn't remotely stable, it's hard to predict what'll even happen in the next few minutes. If you guys can get him to U.A within ten minutes, then we'll hand him over-"

"We'll do it," Nejire said without hesitation, scooping Izuku up in her arms. She was cautious of his badly injured arm, which was also wrapped up tightly. Her voice was shaky but her confidence shone through. Tamaki nodded quickly as he went over.

"Do you guys have a board or something?" Tamaki asked.

"Yep, we'll strap him to it," A paramedic responded as they quickly constructed the board whilst another paramedic continued to monitor Izuku's vitals. 

Once it was made, Nejire hesitantly placed Izuku on the board. Once she did, the paramedics set up a mini monitoring system for Izuku's pulse, heartbeat and lungs that the students could watch as they flew. 

Nejire took up the front end whilst Tamaki took the back, where he could see the vitals and react better if he needed to.

"Thank you for your help," Tamaki said to the paramedics who nodded to him as he and Nejire took to the skies. They steadily rose above the height of the buildings, and once they did Nejire and Tamaki started speeding up.

They went as fast as the two could, on a tense, silent flight. Tamaki was watching the vitals carefully, trying his best to remain calm as the numbers fluctuated. He could only do so much, and if he panicked Nejire definitely would too, and that would lead to some kind of disaster.

Although the two students flew places with their quirks all the time, no flight would ever be as long as the one back home.

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