The MAIN character

By PetraDay

240 6 2

Olivia is the it girl. Definitely not your typical protagonist She has everything, she's popular, smart and... More

•Authors note•
•New girl•
•He asked me what?•
•Finding Madison•

•I am the main character•

60 1 2
By PetraDay

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry" the new girl looked at me with fear as her books fell to the ground while colliding with me, making me back away in disgust.

It was her...

I've been looking forward to seeing her up close and personal all week.

Ever since I saw her quietly talking to Zack Zeigler, I was determined to have a conversation with her, thankfully, I didn't have to try hard since she had two left feet.

The girl in question looked dull, the type of girl you would see in romantic movies or chick flicks —clumsy, quiet yet attractive for some odd reason.

Her black jeans that seemed to be bigger than her skinny frame made me internally roll my eyes, and worse, the black turtle neck she matched with didn't do justice to her innocent-looking face and her already dark hair and pale skin.

She looked like a vampire.

Speaking of vampires, she reminded me a lot of Kristen Stewart in twilight. I didn't hate the movie or the character, I just hated how her dull personality made her get the coolest guy in school aka Edward Cullen.

Watching movies and reading thousands and thousands of books made me realize that girls like me—Popular, blonde, girly, and outspoken—never get the guy, and are usually seen as the villain but girls like her —quiet, dull, and completely "not like other girls" —are seen as "relatable" and always gets the happily ever after.

I didn't believe this case would happen in my school. There's barely any competition and all the girls in Hillview High seemed to have some kind of fashion and identity crisis.

However, something was different about this girl, she walked in an hour late for class on her first day, talking about; "I couldn't find my class, the school is big"

I could tell that everyone liked her already, and these idiots didn't even try to hide it.

She even managed to make friends with a group of nerds in less than a week, blending in with everyone.

I didn't have a problem with her until she got paired with Zack in our science class.

Mr. Duruant—our science teacher— decided to try and be a good teacher by switching up the kids and pairing them with different students for "a change"

However, Zack Ziegler wasn't the type to talk to ANYONE.

Ever since he moved to our school at the beginning of the year, he made no effort to blend in and it was obvious that with his good looks and mysterious personality, everyone would want to be friends with him—or even date him.

I only disliked the fact that he barely noticed or acknowledged me. It was like I didn't even exist. He made me feel like my personality was over the top and most of the time, He looked like he couldn't bear to look or talk to me.

Well, with everyone except her

I remembered Looking at them all week in science class with shock. Everyone, including Mr. Duraunt, was startled that Zack made little conversations with her.

Now, Candice, Kylie, and I were looking at the same girl with a forced smile, looking down as she picked her books from the ground.

"It's okay, what's your name?" I implored.

"Madison o-or just Maddie" She stuttered and tucked her damaged hair behind her ear while flashing an awkward smile 

"I'm Olivia" I asserted "you're new aren't you?" I inquired, forcing a smile as my eyes glanced at her dirty cracked nails.


"Uh yes I-i moved here like two weeks ago"

"Oh, fun!" I exclaimed with no emotion, raising my eyebrows "come sit with us for lunch, Kylie will show you the exclusive hangouts later" I said, pointing at Kylie.

Kylie tensed up while Candice's eyes looked at me in disbelief.

Kylie and Candice were my friends in Hillview high. We were considered the most popular trio.

Every single girl wanted to be like us and everyone either liked or hated us and that was fine by me.

I loved to taunt Kylie before I was the center, she was the leader of the group, making me feel like I was the Kim Kardashian to her Paris Hilton in the early 2000s

And just like the story went, Kim Kardashian was more popular now and so was I.

I always made Kylie do the dirty work, or push her into situations that made her uncomfortable. I knew she would hate to be on my bad side which would risk her popularity.

Like Kylie, Candice cared about her image but with her ditzy personality and her air-headed brain, I didn't use her the same way I did with Kylie.

It wasn't as amusing.

Candice, was blonde, like me, but she had the stereotypical character of a dumb blonde girl which made us look like a typical "mean girls" trio.

I didn't mind, if anything, it made my life seem like a movie and I was the main character.

Well...not anymore...

Madison was in the way and it was my duty for all girly blondes out there to know that yes, you can be Sharpay Evans and still get your Troy Bolton.

I was making history.

"O-oh um, my friends are—" Madison stuttered her brown eyes large in disbelief.

"Who? Samantha and Henry?" I asked with a raised eyebrow "Don't worry, I'm sure they wouldn't mind for one lunch"

Samantha and Henry were the nerdy friends Madison hung out with.

I don't think either of them would bother trying to take their friend away from me so I nodded my head, beckoning her to follow us, and her two left feet hurried behind.

Everyone in the hallway stood in front of their lockers gaping at us, the fourth girl walking bedside us shocked the student heir-achy system.

The gawking eyes knew we never sat with anyone or even cared to introduce ourselves to new students and is reflected in their confused faces.

Kylie and Candice noticed this and Candice whispered, well she thought she did, in my ear, asking me what was going on.

I rolled my eyes and shot her a look.

"Shut up!" I warned through greeted teeth, making sure Madison wasn't aware of this exchange.

If you're rooting for me, I'm sure you're thinking it's a bad idea to pull Madison into our group solely because Cady Heron joining the plastics was the reason everything went downhill.

However, that was the best trick in the book!

Madison hanging out with us, not only made her look like she was part of us, it importantly meant no one would talk to her outside the circle and I was ready to dish out the hard truth as time goes by.

As I said, this was the best trick in the book, but very hard to successfully follow through.

We walked to the bright cafeteria that already had flyers of the perfect dance, which was next week, plastered all over the walls.

As usual, the whole school gaped at us as we walked in and now that Madison was beside us, an intense silence followed as they all looked at her with curiosity.

Madison looked nervous as all eyes were suddenly on her.

Her basic jeans, turtle neck, and what is that?


Oh god!

The bright colors Kylie, Candice, and I wore made Madison look like she came from a black and white movie, instantly being the odd one out.

The purple plaid skirt Candice wore today exposed her newly shaved legs—Courtesy to me—and her perfectly manicured feet were exposed as she wore clear heels with white around the edges.

The usual golden locks were clamped back into a neat ponytail since I told her my hair would be down today and didn't want to match with her.

Candice finished her look with a pastel purple warm sweater and a white handbag.

I was wearing pink as you would've guessed and rocked it with two-piece trousers and a white crop top which was covered with my pink Chanel blazer and finished the look with pink leather high heel boots.

Kylie wore blue today, a blue tight skirt, matching with barbie doll blue shoes, and a baby blue long sleeve crop top.

Yes, I liked the bright and coordinated colors. It was very aesthetically pleasing.

Kylie was a brunette, and originally a red-haired. I convinced her to dye it brunette to intensify her ocean blue eyes, all though she didn't want to at first, she soon thanked me because everyone liked it too.

I cared if my friends looked good, and they should thank me for making sure they did.

We all walked to our usual table in the middle of the cafeteria and noticed there wasn't a fourth chair.

I turned around and saw a nerdy guy sitting across from me, he was trying hard not to get noticed, but as soon as our eyes locked, he gave up his chair.

"Aw thanks, you shouldn't have" I placed my hand on my chest, smiling sweetly as he scurried away in fear.


"Kylie push the chair for madison, I don't want to touch it," I said, walking to my usual seat in the middle and Candice following right behind me and sitting on my left.

Kylie struggled to touch the chair since she was OCD but I loved that she still pushed it despite her phobia. Madison came to her rescue and took the chair and slowly sat down across from us.

I knew she was dirty!

We were all seated and immediately the lady from the cafeteria, Molly, walked over to us with two trays on each hand.

Her forehead creased with sweat and her apron had a lot of ingredients plastered all over it.

I wanted to gag but instead, I smiled as she neared.

Molly placed the trays in front of us, not that she needed to, and quickly noticed Madison, her lips parting in an O shape.

"I'm sorry I didn't know you had a new fr—"

"Madison" I cut her off "her name is Madison and I'm sure she can order from you too right?"

I smiled sweetly at Molly. Molly nodded her head and wiped the sweat on her forehead that started to drip.

"Yes yes," she nodded and looked at Madison "what do you want to order dear?" She asked

"Uh Um can I have a chicken toastie and some juice? And I'll fetch it when you're done" Madison mumbled and I rolled my eyes

"Molly will bring it for you, don't worry, right molly?" I batted my eyelashes and molly nodded before she hurriedly left for the kitchen.

I pushed the trays to Kylie, who took her lunch and handed Candice her noodles from the second tray.

"Does everyone always look at you guys like that?" Madison asked, but to no one in particular

"Like what?" I raised a question.

"Like they're scared of you" she mumbled again

Kylie, Candice, and I looked at each other and then smiled sweetly at our new member.

"Are you scared?" I asked her, placing my elbows on the table and leaning in slowly.

Madison gulped before she replied

"No?" She replied with fear and uncertainty and that was enough for me to say

"Perfect! We'd hate if you were scared of us, that would make us totally bad friends"

I forced the word out of my mouth with the help of Kylie's favorite juice I took on her tray.

I took a sip and from the corner of my eye, I could see how annoyed she was but she didn't say anything as usual.

Molly later came with our food, placing the tray down.

I quickly spotted Henry and Samatha, Madison's nerdy friends walking into the cafeteria.

I grabbed my salad bowl and handed Madison her toaster and juice, subtly watching Henry and Samatha from the corner of my eyes as their faces looked shocked when they saw Madison.

Madison waved at them slightly but her two nerdy friends just walked past our table with their heads down.

That's right, she's mine now.

I smirked and started to consciously eat my salad.

"So do you like the school?" I asked after a few bites and as soon as Madison had a mouthful of sandwich.

I noticed as she forced it down quickly to reply

"Y-yeah, it's great so far, I feel welcomed" she smiled and continued eating.

"I saw you talking to Zack," I said, watching her closely for her reaction but her face was unreadable for a second

"Who?" She asked, confused.

"Zack Ziegler" Candice giggled "like the hottest boy—ouch!"

I kicked Candice's feet under the table then gleamed sweetly as nothing happened.

"Zack is a human being Candice, stop putting labels on people" I announced to her before adverting my eyes back to Madison.

Candice nodded and started nibbling on her noodles.

"Anyways, it's the guy from science, I was so happy to see you talking to someone, you know..." I trailed off slowly

"New people always get picked on, if no one talks to you on the first week, the whole year becomes a nightmare with endless lowlife bullies trying to ruin your life, so you're welcome Maddie"

Madison smiled nervously before thanking me for having lunch with her.

"Don't worry, no one will pick on you unless you hang out with the wrong people" I said my eyes following Henry and Samantha's table, Madison followed my gaze and when her eyes landed on her friends I said

"But show me your schedule, let's have a look"

I extended my hand while she was eating again, and seeing her struggle to do two things at a time, made me feel powerful.

Madison rubbed the breadcrumbs from her fingers then dug inside her bag and handed me a paper, I grabbed it and took a look

"Oh wow," I exclaimed "you almost have every class with me," I said with a forced smile. I guess I didn't notice her when she wasn't around Zack Ziegler.

However, She was smart.

"You must be really smart" Candice confessed

"Candice, labels!" I smiled again, shooting a look for her to shut it, again.

Lunch was over and we all headed for our classes. I had English lit with Candice and Kylie and Madison had gym.

I warned Kylie before she left to ask Madison all the questions I needed or she wouldn't be sitting with us for a week.

I smirked as she nodded and hurried off to her next class with Madison, who was beginning to irritate her as she slowly warmed up to Kylie.

I loved watching her uncomfortable.

It's what she deserves.

New idea, tell me what you think.

I know I know, you hate Olivia but characters go through character development, watch out.

Tell me all about it in the comments :D

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