The Love & Confusion Of Ciara...

By Bitter_Sweet36

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Ciara gets confused about her life when she meets the beautiful Nicki Minaj More

The Beginning
The Decision
Making Plans
What's Next?
The Reason
Confusion Over With?

A Good Day?

181 10 2
By Bitter_Sweet36

Nicki and Ciara spent about an hour getting to know one another, well Ciara got to know Nicki, Nicki pretty much knew everything about Ciara, she actually was a big fan, which impressed Ciara and made her feel... well it made her feel special, Nicki and Ciara were going to leave very soon for lunch. Ciara had nothing but smiles on her face as Nicki Minaj was very hands on, touching her legs as they talked and laughed about their lives and careers thus far, Ciara realised she actually enjoyed Nicki's company, this was getting worse for Ciara, not only did she melt at the sight of Nicki, but she loved being around her, she was having so much fun, she thought about telling her the truth but the word idol kept popping into her mind and prevented her from doing so. "Well should we go to lunch Nic?" Trish asked with a bright smile. "Sure Mrs Harris"Nicki said winking at Ciara, they headed for the door and then began to head for the elevator.

Nicki and Ciara left the hotel and found a restaurant that was close and just went in there for lunch, nothing flashy just a nice quiet place to eat, the place they chose to eat was just a quiet place inside the mall, it didn't appear to be very popular but Nicki and Ciara just wanted to talk. A waitress came up to them and asked for their orders, they both ordered a salad and continued talking to one another "Oh god, this reminds me of my time working back at the Olive Garden" Nicki said quietly. "You worked at the Olive Garden, a waitress that looked like you" Ciara said winking at Nicki "I bet someone got lots of tips" Ciara said playfully looking Nicki up and down. "Miss Ciara Harris! Are you flirting with me" Nicki said playfully. "Of course not" Ciara exclaimed, she was very defensive about her answer and Nicki noticed. At that moment the waitress arrived with their salads and they were both happy to receive them, it broke the tension, Ciara did realise her over reaction and she felt bad about it.

They quietly ate their salads and paid the bill, once it was collected it was still rather quiet between them and Ciara really didn't like it "Hey Nicki, do you want to look around the Mall?" Ciara asked with her famous smile trying to improve the mood set. "That's a great idea Ciara, let's go" Nicki said getting out of her chair, she walked over to Ciara grabbing her hand, pulling her from the chair, she wrapped her arm around Ciara's and began basically bouncing up the mall. Ciara was feeling rather warm and trying to calm herself being so close to Nicki.

Nicki finally pulled Ciara into a clothing store as she finally let go of her hand, she watched as she bounced through the isles looking at the clothes, she picked up some jeans and a nice shirt, that looked similar to the one she was already wearing, she bounced over to the changing room and Ciara followed, leaning against the wall as Nicki went inside to try on her clothes, Nicki spoke through the curtain as she took off her shorts trying on the jeans and the new shirt, Ciara made sure to keep her eyes forward not wanting to catch sight of the amazing body that caused her sleepless nights.
"Ciara come take a look, what do you think?" Nicki shouted through the curtain "Are you decent" Ciara responded, usually this wouldn't matter but she was being very careful today, Ciara walked in and for what its worth she did look really good, the jeans fit snugly around her big ass, shaping her body very nicely "I like them Nicki, they look really good on you, the shirt is basically the same as the one you took off" Ciara said with a small chuckle "I know" Nicki responded "but I love my shirts" Nicki said softly "I kind have noticed" Ciara said with another small giggle escaping her lips. They began talking again and Ciara sat down in the changing room as they spoke.
As Ciara looked up her eyes opened wide and her jaw dropped, Nicki had undone her shirt without saying anything, she was still rambling on about shirts "Oh sorry Nick" Ciara laughed "Let me give you some privacy" Nicki said standing up from her seated position, Nicki moved her hands to her shoulders as she pushed her back into her seated position, her shirt still open, her boobs right in front of Ciara's face "Don't be silly C, its fine" Nicki assured her. Yes it was fine for Nicki but for Ciara this was very hard, she could feel the heat between her thighs, and a slight wetness, which only got worse as Nicki slowly pulled down the jeans over her tanned ass, the white thong standing out from the colour of her skin, it was inches from her face and she was incredibly turned on. Ciara rubbing her forehead trying to block her view without making the problem obvious for Nicki, she soon had her shorts back on and her shirt back on, she then placed the new clothes over her arm and exited the changing rooms. Ciara stood up slowly as she was feeling a little wet, she pulled on the loops of her jeans trying to make herself a little more comfortable and then exited the changing room following behind Ciara as Nicki went to the cashier. Nicki paid for her clothes, and wrapped her arm around Ciara's once again as they then left the mall.

A few minutes past and they had arrived back at the hotel which was just around the corner from the mall, they immediately went back to Ciara's room and Nicki sat down on the Sofa once again. "Excuse me Nicki, for uhm.. just a second" Ciara said as she basically ran to the bath room, she took a few moments to compose her herself after the changing room incident, she then went back out and sat on the sofa keeping a bit of distance between the two of them.

A few minutes past and it was just silence and for Nicki it was enough, the way she had been acting all day was strange, the defensiveness, trying to avoid eye contact, avoiding her in the changing room, something was just up, something was off and Nicki wanted to know why, did her idol dislike her, this was what Nicki feared the most, what if Ciara didn't like her? " C what's wrong? You have been acting weird all day, have I done something to offend you?" Nicki asked, her eyes sad as she stared into Ciara's, her immediate response was to lie and say everything was fine, but looking into her eyes, she just couldn't bring herself to do it, there was something about her eyes that just pulled on Ciara's tender side, how could she lie to someone so cute? Ciara closed her eyes and placed her head in her hands as she took a very deep noticeable breath. "Ok, if I tell you, will you promise not to freak out or anything like that?" Ciara asked her eyes basically pleading to Nicki "Of course C, I wouldn't do anything like that" Nicki assured.
Ciara ran her hands through her hair as a single bead of sweat made its way down her temple, she was nervous and couldn't keep still, why couldn't she just lie? But no Ciara just couldn't bring herself to lie to her "Well, I had a dream about you" Ciara started out with "A dream? What's wrong with that?" Nicki asked with slight confusion. "And I also saw you in the shower.. and i.... the truth is Nic..." Ciara was struggling to continue, every sense in her body told her to lie but she couldn't, not while looking into those beautiful eyes "I'm attracted to you" Ciara said her face going bright red. A few moments of silence past before Nicki finally said something "Wow C, uhm, I wasn't expecting that, but don't worry, I'll take it as a compliment, but just so you know hun, I'm not attracted to girls, don't get me wrong C, you're beautiful, it's one of the reasons I look up to you so much, but I've never felt attracted towards another women" Nicki said as she moved closer to her friend. Ciara burst out laughing and for a moment Nicki thought she was playing a sick joke, that was of course before C spoke again "Nick I wasn't expecting anything from you, I just need to get the truth out there, I'm sorry if I offended you in any way" C said with a smile "Don't be silly C, I'm flattered by it" Nic assured her.

A couple of hours past and C remembered that Missy was coming in today on a late flight and she was supposed to meet her here at the hotel and the last thing C wanted was Missy coming here while Nic was here, C didn't really feel like having jokes made at her expense and her best friend didn't know when to stop sometimes. "Nicki I have Missy coming over soon" C said to Nic in a soft tone, hoping she'd get the hint "Oh right, well I'll go then, thanks for such a fun day C, I had fun talking to you" Nicki said with a bright smile as she held Ciara's hand. "Yeah I had fun too" Ciara assured.
Nicki leaned in and hugged Ciara as always and as they retreated from the hug Nicki pecked her on the cheek as did C, as Nicki pulled away Ciara couldn't help but lean in and press her lips against Nicki and too her surprise Nic didn't pull away, a burning light of passion burned inside C as her lips moved in sync with Nicki's, but before it could go any further Nicki pulled away, she looked at Ciara with a look Ciara hadn't seen before, it was shock but there was a smile there too, did she enjoy it? Nicki Jumped up and began stumbling over her own feet, she grabbed her "C.. CiaraI have to go" Nic said as she headed for the door and shut it behind her before C could even stand up. A single small tear ran down the cheek of Ciara as Nic ran out of the room, lust was still burning with in her and she knew that Nic was into the kiss, she kissed her back but then, it all went wrong "What have I done?" C said to herself as another tear began to roll down her cheek.

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