By dhoraxiii

1.3K 111 29

"Some wander to get lost, some wander to find themselves." Liu Xin, an ACE idol who is currently at her peak... More

CHAPTER 1: Hiatus
Chaper 2: Friends
Chapter 3: Pumpkin
Chapter 4: First Love
Chapter 5: Friends
Chapter 6: Memories
Chapter 7: Lost Love
Chapter 8: Distance
Chapter 10: Almost
Chapter 11: You
Chapter 12: Collaboration
Chapter 13: Love
CHAPTER 14: With You

Chapter 9: Unspoken

91 8 2
By dhoraxiii


"Yuxin," Y/N was surprised when Yuxin held her wrist gently. Y/N stared at Yuxin's soft eyes and it was full of sadness. Something that she hasn't seen before. Before. The times that they were so happy together. The moments that they shared right before Kun came.

"Will it be too selfish of me to have you tonight by my side? I just want you to know how much you mean to me. There are a lot of things I want to say but I don't know how." Yuxin asked her softly. Yuxin felt something between them but her world fell apart and it was painful for her. She felt she was left hanging. It was wrong to assume but everything about them is real. It was her last string to ask her directly. "Do you really want to be with Kun?" Y/N felt something stabbed her in the chest. She was not able to answer her in seconds. She looked away from her stares. She was not even looking at Yuxin.

"I don't know." Y/N replied honestly. She was confused about her feelings with Kun. She agreed to get back with him because she thought maybe, just maybe fate would like them to be together again. There was this little hope in Yuxin's heart. In her mind maybe if she waits for Y/N's answer patiently she will hear what she was looking for. "Why are you saying this now?" It was with a heavy heart and it pains Y/N to see Yuxin like this. That was Y/N's turn to ask the question.

"What would you do if you knew? Will that change anything?" Yuxin asked. A question answered with a question. One is brave enough to confess while the other is stuck on uncertainties.

"A lot. A lot, Yuxin, but I have Kun right now." She sobbed. Like how Yuxin had that smallest hope it fades away completely. She accepted that it is impossible for her and Y/N to be together.

"I understand." Yuxin answered shortly.



Days passed, Y/N and I spent almost every day together. I send her to work and also drive her home after. Sometimes we do eat dinner out but I always make sure I can cook real food for her. I only have a few days left here in Prague and I want each day to be spent with her.

"Baby?" I asked her while I'm driving us back to my place.

"Hmm?" She responded. I guess she was in deep thought when I asked.

"What do you want to eat tonight? I'll cook for you." I said.

"Anything is fine with me, babe." She replied. She was checking her bag and the shopping bags we had.

"Okay! Are you looking for something?"

"My phone, I think I left it at the store."

"Oh, let's go back then." I told her.

"They are closed already. I'll just get it tomorrow morning." She responded.

"Okay then."

We arrived at my place. I started preparing dinner for us. Just like the old times I cooked for her years back. I remembered I was learning how to cook Y/N used to guide me. She said what if I have to live alone and nobody's around I can't always have food deliveries.

"Let's eat!" I'm satisfied with it. I called her and helped her to sit down.

"Thank you!" I felt her petite hand squeezed mine. I sat across from her.

"Baby, I promise to cook again for you once you visit Beijing." I told her.

"Hmmm." She smiled. Was she taken back with my question? I shouldn't have said it.

"Is there a problem?" I asked. She shook her head.

"Nothing. I just remembered how we did this before." She said. She still remembers.

"We can do this more often whenever you like." She smiled. We talked about her going back to China and her answer never fails. She doesn't want to go back at least not yet and I'm fine with that. So I will wait patiently for that day. We were done with dinner. I stood up to get her sweets when she stopped me.

"Kun," She looked up. I saw her sad eyes. She was also not her usual self tonight. She was quiet the whole dinner. I just thought she was tired, so I let it go. "Can we... talk?" She asked.

"Of course, baby." She nodded. I got back to my seat.

"When we broke up, did you regret it?" She asked. I realized how she never brought back that topic since she accepted me.

"I did. Everyday." I told her. I'm unsure why she is asking this all of a sudden. I saw her nodded.

"If I am not Wang, will you stay before?" Why do I feel I know where this will lead to?

"Baby, where is this coming from?" I asked directly. She was shaking and did not even dare to look at me. I let out a deep sigh. I know this is coming.

"I'm not sure anymore if I want to continue this." Y/N told me with her shaking voice.

Seemed like the world stopped for me. I asked myself if I heard it wrong and gave it a second to ask her back.

"You mean us?" She nodded. "Is it because of Yuxin?" I asked boldly. She looked me straight in the eyes. Her tears gave it away.

"I'm sorry. I tried. I tried, Kun." I got my answer. She looked away.

I tried to calm myself. I breathe in and breathe out. I knew this was coming but didn't expect this to be too fast. I know she couldn't be happy with me anymore. I stood up and walked to her seat and knelt in front of her so that she would look at me.

"Look, baby." I called her. Her elbows were fixed on the table with her palms covering her face. She was crying. I gently held her hand and wiped her tears away.

"I know we can't go back to where we were before but I want you to know that I am grateful that you've given me a chance." I told her.

"I never regret giving us a chance Kun. I really want to start over with our relationship but as days passed I realized how much I care about Yuxin. I don't want to be unfair to you." She explained her side. I nodded. I stood up and helped her up.

"Thank you for being honest with me. I love you Y/N and if making you happy means letting you go then we'll close our book." I told her. That was the hardest part for me. Telling the person I love that our story is over even if it ripped me hard.

"Kun. I loved you. Despite what happened I will always cherish the years we were together and you will always have a special place in my life. That will never change no matter what happens." She said.

I kissed her one last time. It was a kiss full of sadness. I wished that we were young again. Two people who were in love with each other. Having our own bubble but life is not like that. Everything has changed. We let go of the kiss then I pulled her in an embrace and I felt tears gushing down my face.


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