The Life Of My Dreams

By __DollFace

126K 5.2K 346

Tyla is an 18 year old filthy rich girl, who wants so badly to know what it's like to be from the ghetto. & s... More

The Life Of My Dreams (chapter one)
The Life Of My Dreams (chapter two)
The Life Of My Dreams (chapter three)
The Life Of My Dreams (chapter four)
The Life Of My Dreams (chapter five)
The Life Of My Dreams (chapter six)
The Life Of My Dreams (chapter seven)
The Life Of My Dreams (chapter eight)
The Life Of My Dreams (chapter nine)
The Life Of My Dreams (chapter ten)
The Life Of My Dreams (chapter eleven)
The Life Of My Dreams (chapter twelve)
The Life Of My Dreams (chapter thirteen)
The Life Of My Dreams (chapter fourteen)
The Life Of My Dreams (chapter fifteen)
The Life Of My Dreams (chapter sixteen)
The Life Of My Dreams (chapter seventeen)
The Life Of My Dreams (chapter eighteen)
The Life Of My Dreams (chapter nineteen)
The Life Of My Dreams (chapter twenty)
The Life Of My Dreams (chapter twenty one)
The Life Of My Dreams (chapter twenty two)
The Life Of My Dreams (chapter twenty three)
The Life Of My Dreams (chapter twenty four)
The Life Of My Dreams (chapter twenty five)
The Life Of My Dreams (chapter twenty six)
The Life Of My Dreams (chapter twenty seven)
The Life Of My Dreams (chapter twenty eight)
The Life Of My Dreams (chapter twenty nine)
The Life Of My Dreams (chapter thirty)
The Life Of My Dreams (chapter thirty one)
The Life Of My Dreams (chapter thirty two)
The Life Of My Dreams (chapter thirty three)
The Life Of My Dreams (chapter thirty four)
The Life Of My Dreams (chapter thirty five)
The Life Of My Dreams (chapter thirty six)
The Life Of My Dreams (chapter thirty seven)
The Life Of My Dreams (chapter thirty eight)
The Life Of My Dreams (chapter thirty nine)
The Life Of My Dreams (chapter forty-one)
The Life Of My Dreams (chapter forty-two)
The Life Of My Dreams (chapter forty-three)
Not An Update
The Life Of My Dreams (chapter forty-four)
Author's Note
Sequal !

The Life Of My Dreams (chapter forty)

1.9K 84 7
By __DollFace

The Life Of My Dreams (chapter forty)


"Mia you okay?" I asked as we all sat in my living room and talked. She looked spooked and she's been quiet since she got here. Thats not like her at all.

She sighed and nodded her head.

"You asked me that about thirty times now. I said im fine-" She started but gagged when she saw Ty come out of the kitchen with lasagna and some pickles. Once she smelled the food, she rushed to the nearest bathroom.

"I think she pregnant." Profit said getting up to follow her. I looked over at Ty who had a grin on her face and her hand placed over her stomach.

"What you over there grinning about?" I asked leaning over to kiss her forehead.

"The baby's kicking." She said smiling even harder. I quickly placed my hand over her belly and smiled when I felt my baby's little feet kicking. She was going crazy in there.

"Does it hurt?" I asked briefly looking at her.

"Depends on where im being kicked. It hurts like hell when im being kicked in the ribs though." She giggled.

"Damn, my little girl is kicking." I smiled making Ty smack her lips.


"Um no, your little boy is kicking." I corrected him.

"Yeah we'll see-" His sentence was cut short when we heard a knock on the door. Profit and Rich looked at eachother and frowned. Rich got up and looked through the peep hole and cursed under his breath and opened the door.

"Hi, im looking for Tyla Bowman." The officer said politely. I furrowed my eyebrows and got up with the help of Profit.

"Yes?" I asked looking at him.

"May we come in?" He asked, I nodded my head and Rich moved to the side letting him and his female partner in. They took a seat on the couch and placed a small looking vase on the floor next to them. They looked back and forth between eachother. It was almost like they were having a mental debate.

"Is someone gonna tell me whats going on?" I asked uneasily.

"Do you know someone by the name of Patrice Blaire?" The female officer asked. I nodded slowly and sat my plate on the coffee table as I felt my heart pounding against my chest.

"Yes, she's my mother. Is she okay?" I asked them.

"Ma'am, I hate to be the bearer of bad news but we were informed that your mother was found dead in her house. From the looks of it, she committed suicide. Her body had sat too long, so she had to be cremated." She told me picking up the small urn and sitting it next to me. I felt my heart stop, and everything froze as I stared at the urn that held my mother's ashes.

"And we found this letter that she wrote." She said pulling a pink piece of paper out her pocket. I couldnt fight the tears that were cascading down my face. Rich pulled me into a tight hug being cautious of my belly.

"Um ma'am." The man said.

"Just leave the letter on that table please." Rich told him. Not long after I heard the door shut sotfly.

"Its okay baby." Rich told me. I could hear Mia crying hysterically behind Rich and I.


Well I guess this wouldnt be the right time to tell Ty what I found out today.

"Come on baby, lets go." Profit said standing and grabbing my hand. I took his hand as I wiped the tears from my eyes and glanced over at Ty who was being held tightly by Rich while she continued to sob.

Profit walked over to them and leaned down pressing a kiss to her forehead.

"We gone get through this Ty." He told her. As Profit walked out, I rubbed her arm lightly before telling her everything was gonna be okay.

Once we were in the car, Profit leaned back and sighed heavily before starting the car and pulling off.

"Damn." Profit mumbled. I looked at him as he ran his hand over his face.

"You okay?" He asked me placing his hand on my thigh causing me to relax a little.

"Yeah, are you?" I asked. He shrugged and continued driving in the direction of my mom's house to pick up Bray.


"Hey mama." I greeted as Profit and I walked into her house. She smiled and passed me a sleeping Braylon.

"I need to talk to you." I told her as I watched her facial expression change.

"Oh no, what is it?" She asked nervously. I looked down and cleared my throat not mentally preparing myself for her reaction after I told her about her sister.


After Ty, had finally fallen asleep, I went into the basement to smoke a blunt. As I reached into the box to pull out an already rolled blunt, my phone interrupted me. It was an unknown number and I had a weird feeling about answering it but I did anyway.

"Yeah." I spoke into the phone as I grabbed a blunt and put it between my lips lighting it.

"I havent heard from you or ya partner in a while buck, where yall been?" Roman, the dude I used to work for asked me. I took a long drag from my blunt before responding to him.

"I already told you what the deal was. I got a family now, I cant stay in the drug business, im putting my family at risk." I said calmly as I felt my eyes grow heavy and my body relax. He groaned loudly.

"Look nigga, I dont give a fuck about none of that. Yall costing me money." He growled causing me to chuckle. We aint costing his ass shit, he just mad cause me and Profit was two of his best workers, and now that we trying to get our shit together and get out the drug game, he aint making as much money as he used to.

"Yeah whatever nigga." I said to him making him sigh heavily.

"Lets make a deal." He offered making me raise my eyebrows.

"Oh yeah? Whats that?" I asked taking another puff from the blunt.

"You give me a hundred grand and I'll let you and your partner live yall lives peacefully." He said as I smacked my lips. This nigga out his mind.

"Or you can not pay me and watch your wife and baby suffer, I know where you lay your head. Now we can either do this the easy way or the hard way, your choice." He continued.

After finishing off my blunt, I leaned back into the couch and slipped my hand in my joggers.

"Or......... we can do this my way. I guess I'll meet your soul in hell." I smirked.

"One last thing, your wife looks beautiful sleeping." He chuckled hanging up.
Sorry for the wait, please vote & comment guys.
I would love your feedback.

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