𝐌𝐲 𝐀𝐦𝐚𝐳𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞�...

By -jenyeux-

16.7K 712 251

A book of Jenkook Oneshots for Jenkook shippers! There will be mostly sweet chapters and I promise I wont do... More

Mafia Part 2
Mafia Part 3
Mafia Part 4
Mafia Part 5
First Time Cuddling
Disclaimer 😋
You Love Me?
You Love Me? Part 2
Her Voice
Bond With Emi ❤️
Thank You So Much 😊
As If It's Your Last
Neighbours Part 2
Secretary Part 2
Living In A Fantasy
The End 🥺


460 25 3
By -jenyeux-

This chapter contains some self harm and bad thoughts. Please skip this chapter if you can get triggered easily! Thank you!

Jennie POV

Jungkook and I entered the cafe.

The sweet smell of brewed coffee and fresh doughnuts wafted through the air.

As we were talking, a woman entered the shop, wearing expensive clothing. She turned towards us and started walking to our table.

"Kookie!" she said, and I was baffled at who this girl was.

"Oh hello, Eunji-ssi. How are you?" my boyfriend asked in a formal way.

"Hey where did my nickname go? We're still best friends" she exclaimed scooting closer to Jungkook.

"Sorry Eunji, anyways what are you here for?" he asked politely.

"Oh, I just came here for a drink. By the way, my mom told me that she wanted to set us up. Where should we go?" she asked, that woman legit had the audacity to ask him that.

"Sorry, but he's already taken" I spoke up.

Eunji rolled her eyes.

Jungkook just left the two of us while he went to the barista.

"Well, I don't see anybody. I guess the only girl I see is a fat pig, also known as you" she smirked.

Before I could do anything, Jungkook came back.

"Are you serious!? All I said was hi, and now you are attacking me?" Eunji faked, acting like she was the victim.

She thought Jungkook would stand up to her, but I ain't gonna let her do that.

I pulled Jungkook out of the cafe.

"Are you ok, Jen?" he asked, as I nodded my head, while driving to our shared apartment.

Present Time

I was in my room, thinking about what happened a few hours back. Jungkook had gone to the grocery store to get a few items, and sadly, he didn't notice my bad mood.

I examined myself in the mirror. Eunji was right. I do look like a pig. And in order for Jungkook not to drift off to her, it was time to get healthy.


Okay, I gotta tell you, it was hard as heck.

My girls and I had plans to got to the ice cream shop, but unfortunately, I had to cancel the plans.


Jungkook was home.

I quickly jumped on my bed to pretend I was reading a book.

He peeked in and saw me reading. He then went down stairs.

I sighed and my shoulders sagged. Thank god.

"Jennie! I got some chips and fries! Want some?" Jungkook called from downstairs.

I frowned and shouted,"Nope, you eat them!"

Hopefully he won't be suspicious. I thought, huffing and going to sleep.

Next Day

Sunlight peered through the blinds, as I opened my eyes.

I finished my morning routine and jogged downstairs. I saw bread with jam on the table, and my mouth watered at the sight. What do you expect, I slept with an empty stomach last night.

I suddenly remembered about my goal and took my attention off the food.

"Morning" I called out to Jungkook, who was making bacon. Dear god, I don't want my day to start like this.

"Hi, JenJen! Would you like some bacon?" he asked, as I smiled and shook my head.

He titled his head in confusion, as I quickly made up a lie," I'm trying this new fasting routine for today!"

Jungkook nodded his head in understanding and turned around.

The rest of my day was a living hell.

Three Days Later

It had been a few days since I didn't eat anything. No one noticed though, which was good.

Jungkook and I went to the mall.

We went to the Skechers store first, where Jungkook helped me pick out a pair of shoes.

As I was sitting on a bench putting my shoes on while Jungkook was texting his hyung, an older woman with a girl approached us. I froze and recognised the girl.

Eunji and her mom.

"Oh, hello Mrs. Jung" Jungkook bowed, and I bowed too.

"Hello Jungkook" she said in a very sophisticated way.

"It's good to see you. I know this is a bit straight forward, but I was wondering when you'd be free. Both you and my lovely daughter, Eunji, have a lot in common, so I am gonna set you up on a date!" she said, while Eunji smirked behind her.

That rat.I thought.

"I'm sorry, Mrs, but I'm his girlfriend." I said, bowing politely.

"Young woman, bluffing is a bad habit. Why would Jungkook choose you?" she scoffed, taking me by surprise.

"That's enough. Sorry, Mrs. Jung, but we have to go." Jungkook took my arm and walked me out of the mall.

While he was driving me home, I sneakily pulled out my small mirror. Yep, not eating didn't pay off alone. I still had the same appearance that I had last week.

It was probably all the water I was drinking to make me full.

Let's just cancel out water from my diet. I thought to myself. Well, here's to a new diet coming my way.

Four Days Later

I didn't have food or water for the last few days. I was guessing it paid off.

Jungkook and I were going to the beach today. I could finally wear my swimsuit in my new body.

I smiled to myself as I applied makeup and got ready.

As we arrived at the beach, I noticed it was hotter than I expected. I turned around and saw people having cool drinks and desserts.

I held my scalp as I shook my head.

You are ok. I thought to myself, trying to calm down.Jennie Kim, snap out of it. You don't need food or water. Just breathe. You can last a little longer.

But I was lying to myself. Within a few minutes, I fainted.

Time Skip

Beep Beep Beep

I woke up to the sound of a heart ventilator.

Then it hit me.

I was in the hospital. I was probably brought after I fainted.

The door suddenly opened, and in came Jungkook.

"Oh, you're awake?" he asked, and I immediately turned my head the other way.

"Hey what's wrong look at me" Jungkook said, and I shook my head.

I felt a warm hand gently turn my head, as I came face to face with my boyfriend.

"What's wrong, hm" he asked in a kind way.

"What's going on Jennie" he asked, in a slightly louder tone.

I burst into tears, as he held my head in his arms.

"It's ok, tell me" Jungkook asked, as I started talking.

"W-When we met Eunji at the c-cafe, I d-didn't like how she a-acted around y-you.

When you went t-to pay, she called me a f-fat p-pig.

I-I stopped eating that d-day, because I didn't want you to l-leave me for how I l-looked.

When we saw Eunji's mom, I was h-heartbroken at what s-she called me.

S-So I also stopped d-drinking water." I finished, leaving Jungkook shocked.

"Why would you do that Jennie? I'll always love you!" he exclaimed hugging me tighter.

"After, you get discharged, I'll make a feast for you, and there should be no buts" he added, making me nod in approval.

Jungkook gently kissed my hair and let his lips stay put on my head.

I smiled and hung on to him.

Hello! This is the second oneshot for today! I know it's lame, but I hope you liked it! Don't forget to vote, comment, and follow me! Saranghae, my readers!-Emi

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