Beginning of the End

By ynnabanana25

1.8K 120 26

He was so tired. So tired of everything. So, Tobio lets go. To finally stop. To finally rest What Tobio did n... More

B. Rabbit
Sapphire Necklace
Volleyball Journal

Kobayashi Rintaro

338 20 3
By ynnabanana25

TRIGGER WARNING: This chapter contains depiction and mentions of accidents and death. Please proceed with caution

Tobio now stood in front of a panel with the headmaster of the academy sitting in the middle. Had it been the old him, he would have fidgeted. But as he spent more time in the academy, he learned how to get over his insecurities, made new acquaintances, and learned how to do things without second-guessing himself. It was a long way but he's here now.

Tobio stood tall and met the gazes of the panel head-on. The headmaster studied him for a while looking over his file and then nodded.

"Kageyama Tobio, you have grades of Cs and Bs in theory but As in application. I would highly suggest applying to the Soul Retrieval Division but with a recommendation letter from senior reapers in the division you want to apply in, your application would be considered."

Tobio nodded at the headmaster's statement. He had learned that no matter the topic, he always has difficulty in theory, (he couldn't remember the number of times Spears-san sighed at his work) but he also learned that he thrived in application. Hand to hand combat, using death scythes, and grim reaper magic and techniques; Grell-san was thrilled to learn about that fact and gave him some tips and know-hows that also helped Tobio improve.

"For your final exam, I have partnered you with another student but due to some schedule conflicts, you would be meeting them once you're on the field. Their name is Kira Aoi," The headmaster slid a file over the desk and Tobio walked up to them to pick it up.

Tentatively, he opened the file and saw a picture of a handsome man.

Name: Kobayashi Rintaro

Date of Birth: June 15, 1982

Date of Death: March 27, 2012, 2:18 am

Cause of Death: Infection and septic shock

Remarks: [ ]

Tobio stared at the file. The remarks part of the file was left blank for him and his partner to fill out later. Tobio closed the file when one of his professors cleared their throat, "You'll be given one month to observe this person and when the time comes, you and your partner would need to decide whether to reap their soul or not. Good luck."


"Are you Kira-san?" A girl around the same age as Tobio turned and nodded.

Kira-san had long black hair and cerulean eyes, she also has the same round glasses perched on the top of her nose albeit slightly skewed. She had a petite structure and was almost the same height as Tobio; now that he died, he also stopped growing. He could use Glamour to alter his appearance but it takes great concentration and he wanted to fully focus on the task at hand.

"Are you Kageyama-kun then?" Kira-san asked as she adjusted her glasses.

"Yes," Tobio nodded and handed the file to Kira-san, "Were you briefed before meeting up?"

"I was but I never had the chance to see the file," Kira-san replied and opened the file and studied its contents.

That's where their conversation ended but Tobio didn't mind. If anything, he appreciates the silence more; it makes everything clearer.

The two of them are currently in the genkan of the apartment their target is staying at. Kira-san chose to sit down as she stared at the file while Tobio opted to lean on the wall near her.

"I'm off to work!" A male voice called out and a man rounded the corner and sat down on the genkan beside Kira-san to put on his shoes.

"Takeru, hurry up! I still have to drop you off at the school!"

"I'm coming!" Fast footsteps could be heard and a child no older than 11 ran up to the man.

The child started putting on his shoes as well while humming a familiar tune in the morning anime that Tobio used to watch. A woman then appeared two sets of lunchboxes on her hands.

"Now both of you have a safe trip and have a good day at work," The woman pecked the man's cheek, "And at school," She then kissed the child's forehead.

"We're off."

Both father and son went out of the apartment and the woman was left standing. Tobio was staring intently at the woman, something in her appearance seems to be very familiar to him but he couldn't quite put his finger on it.

"Let's go," Kira-san stood up and Tobio tore his eyes away from the woman.


The due date was coming steadily closer and so far, Tobio and Kira-san had not run into any problem. Though there was one time they came pretty close. Tobio did not know what possessed him but he suddenly wanted to drink milk; (he's dead and he does not need sustenance.)

Coincidentally, there was a vending machine nearby. He was about to slot some coins when Kobayashi suddenly appeared beside him and Tobio almost got scared off of his socks. (Not that he would admit it.)

That was not the problem, the problem is that Kobayashi saw him. Kobayashi started asking him what he was doing in the company and Tobio had to make some bullshit excuse about a parent working in the company and that he was just dropping off something.

There had been no actual rule that forbids Tobio from interacting with his target but once the fiasco was over, Kira-san lectured him that such rule does not need to be written because it was obvious enough. One thing he learned about his partner is that she can be very scary when she wants to be.

Over the course of one month, Tobio and Kira-san learned to tolerate each other and became closer. Close enough that Tobio would trust her with the exam but not close enough to be called a friend. A co-worker perhaps? Collaborator? Something along those lines.

The D-Day was fast approaching and the young soon-to-be fully-fledged reapers were comparing notes and opinions on whether to allow the man to live or to reap him.

"I don't see anything special about him," Tobio commented.

It was a mean thing to say but it was based on a grim reaper standard. He knows that each person is special in their own way and Tobio could even name few good qualities about Kobayashi.

He was a good father and husband. He's loyal and faithful to his family and his beliefs. His co-workers also respect him, and he is very good at what he does. He was also a virtuous man, donating and helping those who are in need; all of it done in secret.

But these good deeds were not enough.

Not enough to keep him alive.

"I agree but can't we just reap him earlier? Like from the point of impact," Kira-san mused as she stared at Kobayashi's file.

"Why should we do that? I don't really want to do any paperwork or write an apology letter if we do that," Tobio shuddered, remembering all the office horror stories Spears-san shared so that Tobio would not do anything stupid that would warrant paperwork.

"I don't know... it just seems cruel? The family would have false hope that he would pull through then," Kira-san snapped her fingers, "Dead."

Tobio chose to pretend he did not hear her.


Today was the D-Day.

Tobio and Kira-san watched as the car Kobayashi was driving crashed into an 8-wheeler truck. The truck driver immediately jumped off the truck to check the state of the other. Cars came to a screeching halt, curious passersby also stopped to take a look.

Tobio and Kira-san walked closer to the car to observe Kobayashi. One thing Tobio noticed is the blood. There was so much blood. On Kobayashi's face, on the airbag, on his chest. Everywhere.

Kobayashi opened his eyes and was shocked to see two teenagers standing so close to him, Kobayashi raised his gaze and met Tobio's eyes, a fleeting recognition passing by.

Tobio jolted and took a step back.

"H-Help! Someone, please call an ambulance!" The truck driver shouted in panic.

Numerous people quickly whipped their phones to call for help and almost 10 minutes later did the ambulance and authorities arrived. They had some trouble getting Kobayashi out of the vehicle but he was soon being loaded into the ambulance.

Tobio looked at Kobayashi's face. He was very pale and his forehead caked in blood. He could see some broken bone and some bleeding on other parts of his body as well. Kobayashi was struggling to breathe, something about a crushed lung and someone had to intubate him on the scene.

It looks painful.

Tobio wouldn't admit it but he was slightly shaken about the incident.

Because right there is a person who used to be full of life but is now on the verge of death, barely hanging by a thread.

Someone who had no idea that he would end up like this. Someone who bid their coworkers a 'see you tomorrow'. Someone who planned to finish his remaining work tomorrow. Someone who made reservations to take his family out to dinner. Someone who made plans for tomorrow – for a tomorrow that would never come.

Tobio wanted to look away and leave, but he knows he can't. So, Tobio stayed.

Kira-san squeezed his shoulder as they both watched the ambulance leave.


Numerous machines were going haywire.

Nurses and doctors rushing in inside the room.

Panicked screaming.

A child crying.

Everything was happening so fast that if it weren't for him being a grim reaper, Tobio wouldn't be able to keep track of all these things happening at once.

He and Kira-san were standing quietly at the corner of the room as the doctors and nurses run around the room with orders and voices overlapping one another. They were soon wheeling out Kobayashi back to the surgery room and Tobio looked at his wristwatch.

1:58 am

They followed them into the surgery and watched as the people try to salvage Kobayashi. Kira-san had taken to walking around the room, looking at some of the machines and instruments that she finds fascinating. Kira-san stopped in front of the surgery table, she brought out her death scythe and swung.

Long films started to flow out of Kobayashi and Tobio walked up to Kira-san. He watched the film get sucked into Kira-san scythe.

Kobayashi's whole life was playing out in front of him. From childhood to adulthood to now. He took out his scythe and swung as well.

"Charge it up to 250!" A doctor ordered, "All right clear!"


"Turn it up to 300! Clear!"

Still nothing.

"Charge to four hu-!"

"Call it," Another said probably a superior.

"But, we can still-!"

"Call it."

The doctor put back the paddles. He took a deep breath through the nose and let it out with his mouth, "Time of death, 2:18 am."

"Kobayashi Rintaro. Date of Birth: June 15, 1982. Date of Death: March 27, 2012. Death due to infection and septic shock. No further remarks," Tobio finished reading out the file and watched as the last of the film get sucked into their scythe.

"Judgement complete," Tobio stamped beside Kobayashi's picture and closed the file shut.

"Are you leaving?" Kira-san asked as she put her scythe back.

"I think I'll stay for a bit."

"Okay. Be careful to be not seen."

Tobio nodded, "See you later."

"Yes, good work," Kira-san stepped into the shadows of the room and disappeared.

Tobio left the room and followed the doctor who ordered the other to call the time. Kobayashi's family rushed to the doctor, looking frantic. As they got nearer, Tobio felt his nonexistent physical heart almost jump out of his chest when he noticed the new additions to the family aside from Kobayashi's wife and child.


So that was why the woman looked very familiar.

For the few years he had not seen the elder, Oikawa-san changed and matured. He grew taller, his body more built, his face lost the slight baby fat on his cheeks. But at the same time, he was the same. The same eyes, the same hair, the same expressive face.

Oikawa-san looked through Tobio and blinked rapidly.

"I'm sorry," The doctor uttered and Kobayashi's wife and child started bawling into the silent hospital corridor, the woman's parents silently comforting them.

Tobio took it as a sign to leave as well.


A/N: I'm not sure if I did a good job with describing the accident part and the death part. I've tried to balance it between gory but not too gory and from personal experience, the part where doctors and nurses were running around the room is a blur. I tried to show it through my writing but at the same time providing some details? I'm not so sure because I was sort of in a daze when it happened ^^;;

But on another note, we now have Tobio taking the finals exam and he's off to get new glasses and a customized death scythe.

Thanks for reading and hope you guys enjoyed <3

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