
By XxDominixX

80 14 6

❝It was completely white, except for its bloody mouth, which had a black substance leaking out of it, and a l... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7

Chapter 8

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By XxDominixX

It's been a few weeks since I moved to the other side of the asylum. I've seen a few new creatures and made sure I had marked them down.

There are the inklings, the little demons that like to rush out of every other door. I've adapted to the pattern of their movements and made sure to take note of them when moving throughout the asylum.

The Seers, had no features like the Blackened, but were covered in the black substance, and left an obvious trail wherever they went. They were extremely aggressive and seemed to know wherever you were no matter what you did. To make matters worse they seemed to be able to materialize out of the substance on the walls. I just had to avoid them altogether.

Finally, there were the ThinOnes, they resembled people, but sickeningly thin and covered in ink. They didn't seem to do much, even when I was in clear sight. They didn't really attack things that didn't threaten them. But they did just seem... sad.

New information aside, I was adjusting well to the new environment, especially with the help of Blackened. He occasionally came by to teach me the tricks of the asylum, and would sometimes help me stay safe while exploring.

Right now I was sitting in a hall full of ThinOnes taking notes. My NightWatcher was watching them and sniffing them every once in a while. One was watching me, not saying or downing anything. It seemed so sad but had no voice to tell me.

It reminded me so much of myself.

I closed my journal keeping the pen inside to hold my place and walked up to the creature. It was a few inches taller than me, but not overwhelmingly.

It had a nose and mouth, but the lips never seemed to move. It watched me without eyes as most of the creatures here. Though, I could tell they could all see with no problems.

I placed my hand on its cheek, in thought. Its face was smooth and cold, like marble. It made me so sad to see these creatures, but they were my favorite to be around. Silent company, but their presence was loud enough on its own.

The creature seemed to lean into my touch but still said nothing. I pulled my hand away and made sure I had all my things. I began to leave the hall, looking back at the ThinOnes one last time. The one I had approached watched as I left.

The door echoed when I closed it, emphasizing the silence that had filled these halls. Over time it had gotten more and more unsettling, but I only had to adapt to it. I made my way to my room. It was the only room I had completely to myself.

Even with the huge asylum to discover, there wasn't much to do. I usually spent time with the ThinOnes, ventured with Blackened, or-

Why don't I just see what he's doing? He usually approaches me, so why don't I check on him this time?

As I thought about this, I made my way to the huge room reserved just for him. It wasn't too far from mine, so it was in the same direction.

After a few minutes of walking, I made it to an inky curtain. Inside was the Blackened, who was in the further corner of the room. I watched him curiously, and made my way over to him, as I got closer he seemed to be... crying? At least upset.

As I walked over to him my foot hit something lying on the ground. The Blackened stiffened and turned to face me. The black substance usually on the lower half of his face seemed to cover more of his features than normal and was pouring at a faster rate.

"Silence?" his voice came out hoarse, confirming that he may have been upset. "What are you doing here?"

I gave him a look of concern, to which he brushed aside with a clawed hand as if swatting something away.

"I'm fine," he said, his voice still hoarse. He made a sound like clearing his throat. "I'm fine," he repeated.

I didn't believe him, but I made no effort to pry.

"I know you didn't come in here to invade my space," he said and walked over to me, "So, what is it you're looking for?"

I gestured to the inky curtain, signaling I was hoping for another walk around the asylum.

"What?" he asked, not understanding.

Again I gestured to the exit a bit more aggressively.

"Doing the same thing isn't going to make me suddenly understand," he explained.

I sighed and thought about another way to put it. I then got an idea, I pointed to him and walked over to the curtain.

He made a sound of realization "Ah, you want to go out on another walk?"

I smiled, happy he finally understood.

"I may have understood this time, Silence, but we're going to need another way to communicate," he said.

He was right, this wasn't the first time I had problems getting a point across, but I wasn't planning on speaking anytime soon.

"Do you know sign language?" he asked, pulling me out of my thoughts.

I shook my head no.

"Would you like to learn?"

The thought danced in my head for a moment. It didn't require any actual speech, so I would have to use my voice. It would also be more helpful when it came to communicating.

I nodded my head yes.

"Great, then our walk can wait," he said, walking into a separated section of his sanctuary.

I frowned at this, to which he responded, "Don't be like that, Silence. The faster you learn sign language, the faster I'll be able to understand you. Then I can bother you and respond to your remarks."

With that, we spent what felt like a few hours going over words in sign language. I picked up quickly and was soon able to sign simple things and sentences like I'm thirsty, I'm hungry, and Where am I?. That wasn't all though.

I hated to admit it, but Blackened was a great teacher, and he could be pretty patient and practical when he wasn't getting on my nerves. I was laying on my bed preparing to write down the events of today. My NightWalker was sitting next to me, watching my hands hover over the page as I thought about what to write.

I spent time with the ThinOnes today. I think they're starting to get used to my company, which is a good thing. I wish there was a way to understand them, they always seem like they want to say something.

After I left them I went to go speak, or rather gesture, to Blackened. He decided that he wanted to teach me to sign language. I don't really care either way, but I guess it's better than gesturing and making faces in response to everything.

My NightWalker seems to be adapting well to this side of the asylum, maybe it's because he's so close to the border? I don't know. Also, he seems to have some spots on his body that I didn't notice before. Also, his skin seems to have fur on it instead of scales, I guess I just never paid enough attention?

I've gotten used to this side of the asylum, at least I think I have. I know there are still more creatures to discover and more things I can learn. I'm excited to take note of them. I wonder if there are any creatures like the ones on the other side of the asylum. Probably not.

I closed my journal and got up to place it on the shelf a few feet away from the bed. I didn't have much to do, and it was getting late. Though, I couldn't sleep. My NightWalker was curled up on the bed sleeping, and I didn't want to disturb him.

I walked over to the door, putting my shoes back on. I prepared to open the door but stopped to look at the small creature sleeping peacefully on my bed. I walked over and gently rubbed his head, before turning around and heading out the door.

The asylum was a lot colder at night, but I pushed through it. Watching my breath come out in clouds in front of me. I walked through the familiar halls, knowing better than to explore a place I was unfamiliar with.

I had left my weapons back in my room, not expecting to be met with any dangerous creatures, instead, I was looking for the ThinOnes. My interest in them had only grown more and more since I learned of their existence.

I found what, or rather who, I was looking for after narrowly avoiding the wrath of Inklings who were likely heading for their nest. When ThinOnes saw me, some had decided to walk over to me, while others simply turned back to whatever they were doing. Which was usually staring into space or sitting curled up on the floor.

The ones that had walked over to me, briefly touched me, as if to say hello. I smiled as some lightly pulled at my hair, while the smaller ones, who seemed like children, pulled at my clothing.

I sat on the ground, just enjoying the peaceful silence of the night. The quiet was more comforting when it's shared with others. I thought about this, laying on the ground and staring at the black ceiling. I had never stayed out at night on this side of the asylum, I had deemed it dangerous right away, but now, it was one of the best decisions I could have made.

I sat up and looked at the environment around me. I was happy to have found a place of acceptance. I never wanted to bring anyone with me because it would always mean an extra mouth to feed, or another burden to carry, but this was... simple. I didn't need to do anything, I could just relax.

Though, one ThinOne, in particular, caught my attention. They were in an isolated corner of the hall. They sat on the ground and watched me, but didn't seem to leave their corner.

I got up and headed to them, the other ThinOnes watching me. They didn't seem to want to interact with any of the others but seemed fine when I came over.

I stood in front of them for a moment, and they looked down on me, after a brief moment they placed their hand on my cheek, it was cold. I smiled, remembering when I made the gesture earlier today. They were the same person I had interacted with while I was journaling.

After a while, they pulled their hand away and looked off to the side. I followed their gaze, and saw a door, leading down another hall. They looked back at me as if they wanted me to follow. I nodded in understanding, and almost immediately, they took my hand in their cold one and led me out the door.

They kept a fast pace but slowed down whenever I began to stumble. They seemed to be excited to show me whatever it was, and would occasionally glance back at me. I smiled at this enthusiasm.

After a while, we stopped at another door. They let go of my hand and gave me one more glance before opening the door. From behind the door, it just looked like the other halls, but it was illuminated by something. I couldn't tell what it was until I walked inside.

The light was coming from above, I looked up and saw a blue sky full of white lights. I had no memories of ever seeing this before, but I knew exactly what they were. Stars. So many emotions were provoked from just glancing up. A huge grin broke out on my face. I looked at the ThinOne next to me. Their gaze was focused on the sky above us. They must have been here a thousand times.

There was nothing like this on the other side of the asylum, but I was so happy to find it here. Then the thought of escape came to me, I looked around the hall.

The pieces of the ceiling littered the ground, but there was no way to climb the walls, even if there was, would I be able to leave without the small creature in my room? Without saying goodbye to Blackened and thanking him, or finding out what happened to sound? I sighed, disappointed in myself for making so many useless connections with the other creatures here.

I needed to focus on my main goal, otherwise, I could end up being trapped here forever. I sighed feeling troubled, staring back up at the sky. I decided to let these thoughts go for right now, and sleep soon crept over me. I didn't want to leave, but I wasn't sure if it was safe to sleep here.

I turned to the ThinOne next to me and smiled then glanced over to the door, letting them know I'm ready to leave. They looked at the door and back at me, and nodded. They held their hand out expecting me to take it. I hesitated for a moment, thinking about the relationships that are still tying me to this place, but took it anyway.

They lead me back to the hall full of ThinOnes. When we entered some of the others looked at us, just like when I came in alone. I smiled at everyone, sleep already taking control of me. The ThinOne I had left with looked at me for a while. Then raised their hand up to my face.

I froze, not knowing what to expect. They put their thumb to forehead and fingers against my cheek. I don't know what happened after that.

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