Jumping Into Fandoms

By I_Have_aVoice2

901 19 466

Me and Queenie here just love messin around, so why not jump into fandoms and ruin the plot entirely? That so... More

Transformers Prime
Fast and Furious: Spy Racers! Part 1!!!
New Studio!!!!
Harry Potter!
New Studio Part 2!
Valentines Day!
The Haunted Studio
Kidnapping BTS...Shhhh don't tell Kitty....wink!

Spy Racers Part 2

112 5 38
By I_Have_aVoice2

Fast and Furious Spy Racers! Part 2

Note: This is not my OC Tony. This is the actual character from the show.

Kitty Noir: *Bouncing around* SEASON 4 JUST CAME OUT I AM SO HAPPY!

*After Kitty Noir finishes season 4*

Kitty Noir: *crying* WHY LAYLA? WHY MUST YOU DO THIS TO ME?! This show is evil. Evil I tell you. Evil. Come on! JUST LET ME HAVE MY SHIP!

Queen Mari:*sighs* its ok here have a cookie *hands cookie*

Kitty Noir: NO! *slaps the cookie out of her hand* I WANT MY SHIP!

Queen Mari: MY COOKIE *tries to save it, but fails*

Kitty Noir: *steps on it* No ship. No cookie.

Queen Mari:*tears up* cookie?

Kitty Noir: No! This is more upsetting than finding out Loki movie is a show

Queen Mari: that's it! Bring the cast!!!

Kitty Noir: *Poofs the cast over** LAYLA GRAY! I have some words I want to say to you...but a good majority of them aren't kid friendly so I will just yell random stuff! MEANIE!

Layla: ...okay? What was that for?
Queen Mari*pushes kitty out the way and grabs layla pushing her into a chair with a BRIGHT light on her face*

Kitty Noir: *stumbles around and glares at Queenie before locking Layla into the chair*

Tony: Is this legal?

Layla: What is happening?!

Queen Mari: Layla Gray right? OR is that just a fake name

Layla: It's my real name! What are you guys doing? Why are we back here again?

Queen Mari:*laughs* back at it again

Kitty Noir: ha...*sighs* that brings me back...wait no! You distracted us!

Queen Mari: I'll be asking the questions here *snaps and points at Tony* get over here...NOW!

Tony: *slowly walks over*

Echo: Yo what is happening? I thought you liked us

Kitty Noir: Oh yeah Echo, you solid!

Queen Mari: you guys are good..*glares at Tony and Layla* these two *shakes head*

Cisco: Oh good...I was thinking you were going to kidnap them and take us hostage to get something in your power

Ms. Nowhere: *playing with Rosco* Want to go fetch me some pork pies?

Rosco: *Barks and runs off to find Ms. Nowhere's pork pies*

Queen Mari: Ms. Nowhere can i join your little agency thingy

Ms. Nowhere: No. It is only for the highest and most advanced soldiers...and these guys

Tony: Hey! We solved many missions your agency couldn't do on their own!

Kitty Noir: Technically...Frostee solved them...

Queen Mari: did we not just kidnap them*real confused*

Ms.Nowhere: You just kidnapped the lowest of the low in our agency...and me. Cause I'm the best.

Echo: Watch it Nowhere.

Rosco: *comes back with pork pies*

Kitty Noir: Thats one smart doggie. Hiya Rosco! *pets Rosco* hehe

Cisco: Oh Frostee look! A Cat is petting a dog!

Frostee: Niceeeeee

Kitty Noir: Half cat thank you very much

Queen Mari: we can kidnap anyone in your agency

Ms. Nowhere: No you cannot

Kitty Noir: I took that personally *poofs Gary, Julius and Palindrome.*

Queen Mari:*transforms* watch me go kidnap superman

Kitty Noir: I just kidnapped somewhat of a superman

Palindrome: What is going on?

Ms. Nowhere: These two amatures thing they can kidnap everyone in the agency

Palindrome: They cannot kidnap me

Kitty Noir: Just did superman

Queen Mari: what level is the cafeteria???

Kitty Noir: Que?

Queen Mari: at the agency i'm gonna go stop by

Kitty Noir: oh...i dunno

Ms. Nowhere: There is none. You are on your own. The agency only provides us the gadgets and spy gear we need. As well as safe houses.

Queen Mari:*gasp and falls on the floor holding my heart*

Kitty Noir: She'll be okay

Palindrome: Look I get that you two are wannabe criminals. But if you just channel your anger into-

Kitty Noir: I am not making one of those inspirational calendars you would buy. We are here to talk to Layla and Tony...which we completely sidetracked from...

Layla: *fell asleep*

Tony: ...I was hoping you forgot about us.

Queen Mari:*jumps up and pours water on Layla* WAKE UP!

Layla: *yells* What was that for?! You couldn't have just tapped me or something?

Queen Mari: that's not fun..also i don't want to be a criminal and calendars bore me

Palindrome: Then you can-

Kitty Noir: *poofs him back* Bye bye superman! It was real nice talking to you! Now...you *glares at Layla* You used to be my favorite! You still are...but I'm maaaaaaaad

Layla: Okay? Are you mad at me?

Kitty Noir: YES!

Queen Mari: why do you hate her?

Layla: What?

Kitty Noir: Mad mad mad mad mad maaaaad

Tony: Wait why are you mad at Layla. She didn't do anything!

Kitty Noir: ...she didn't do anything? SHE DIDN'T DO ANYTHING! SHE TORTURED ME!

Queen Mari: Why can't you two just kiss is that too much to ask for?

Tony: *stutters* Wh-what?!

Queen Mari: DID.I.STUTTER!!!

Tony: uh...

Kitty Noir: Don't you know how hard my job is? I ship. I can't be TFShipperQueen if I don't ship! And I can't do my job fully unless my ship Becomes CANON!

Layla: I don't know what you are talking about

Queen Mari: i don't know what you are talking about...NUGGETS!

Kitty Noir: OHH You gonna get me some right? Add some fries to that...OH AND FANTA I love fanta...don't get how people don't like it

Queen Mari: yes! Also side note can we keep him*point to Frostee* please i'll feed him*somehow puts sparkles in eyes*

Kitty Noir: No, cause then I will end up feeding him at the end of the day

Queen Mari: please

Kitty Noir: Will you clean up after him?

Queen Mari: yes?

Kitty Noir: That was a question. You need to be sure.

Frostee: You guys know I am not a dog right?

Queen Mari: i am sure ill take care of him AND clean up after him

Kitty Noir: Will you take him out for exercise and walks?

Frostee: I can do that myself

Queen Mari: we can go to the park!


Queen Mari:*hugs frostee* yea ok...please Cat pretty please with a cherry on top?

Kitty Noir: ...uhhhhh...SURE! When my ship becomes canon

Queen Mari:*de transforms and winks at Nussu*

Kitty Noir: Now...back to-LAYLA WAKE UP!

Layla: *tries to get out of the chair* I'm awake!

Kitty Noir: Good. Now...why didn't you kiss Tony.

Layla: I...uh...okay are we really doing this?

Queen mari: yes

Tony: *looks at Layla*

Kitty Noir: *Shines the bright light on Layla* And you...why did you back away?

Tony: I...uh...dont have to tell you anything!

Kitty Noir: *locks him in a chair next to Layla*

Queen Mari: answer my partner!!!!

Tony: You two love torturing people don't you!

Kitty Noir: You tortured me with no canon ship. I'm only returning the favor

Queen Mari: you torturing her equals in her torturing me!!! *sniffles* rip cookie

Kitty Noir: Rip Tayla

Tony: How would I know that?! Who's Tayla?

Layla: Its our ship name Toretto

Tony: ...oh...

Queen Mari: see she knows it!!! Meaning she thinks about this stuff!!!!

Layla: I-what? I never said that!

Queen Mari*pacing back and forth* how else would she be able to recognize Tayla just like that*snaps*

Layla: It doesn't take a brain to figure it out. Tony and Layla. Tayla. Simple. You don't even have to think that hard.

Queen Mari:*ignoring her* she must think about their ship name a lot...which is why it didn't take her so long to figure it out. Tayla could be anyone's ship name like Layle and Tom

Layla: But is there a Layle and Tom here?

Queen Mari: there could be

Layla: Is there?

Kitty Noir: Well...no...but still!

Tony: I'm lost...when did i get a ship?

Layla: ...I'm not explaining this to him

Queen Mari: how do we fix this

Kitty Noir: *thinks*

Nussu:*holding jar of bad ideas* jar of bad ideas?

Queen Mari: Great idea Nussu!

Kitty Noir: I draw! You did last time!

Queen Mari: but~

Nussu: be fair Mari

Kitty Noir: YEEEEEE *pulls one out of the jar and reads it* ...nah *Throws it on the ground and reaches for another one*

Tony: Hey that's cheating!

Kitty Noir: I'm helping you. Do you want to go and jump off a cliff for a trust exercise?

Tony: No

Kitty Noir: Exactly: *pulls out another* nah...

Tony: Wait, I already trust her. She caught me when I fell off that building! Challenge complete!

Kitty Noir: *throws it on the ground* Queenie turn

Tony: Wait what did that one say?

Kitty Noir: Nunya business

Queen Mari:*reaches for one and reads outloud* Wedding

Kitty Noir: Great idea jar of bad ideas!

Tony: I would like to go with the first one...or the second one...if we knew what it said

Queen Mari: no wedding came first!!

Tony: Jumping off a cliff for a trust exercise came first!

Layla: You could just say jumping off a cliff...or trust exercise

Tony: ...oh...oh yeah

Queen Mari: no no no no!!!!*shrinks to half my size~so 4'7* nussu help

Nussu: no you know the rules for whining

Queen Mari:*looks up at kitty* help

Kitty Noir: ...eh sure!



Nussu: how else is she gonna learn not to pout or whin?

Kitty Noir: Some other way

Queen Mari:*smiles* plus i didn't pout OR whin when you said i couldn't "borrow" Tom Holland

Nussu: you can't borrow people!!!...buy you are right so kitty you can help her

Kitty Noir: I'm always right. I'm me.

Queen Mari: well~


Echo: You sound like Ms. Nowhere

Queen Mari: I mean there was that one time

Kitty Noir: NOPE!

Queen Mari:*rolls eyes*

Kitty Noir: WEDDING! *poofs Tony and Layla out of their chairs* Get ready

Layla: I like what I'm wearing right now

Tony: Yeah!

Queen Mari:aww you like what she's wearing

Layla: *looks away*

Tony: I-th-thats not wh-what I meant...

Queen Mari:*uses Nussu like a flying dragon and fly up to tony's face* i like being small


Tony: uh...hi?

Queen Mari:*trying not to laugh* you have a big.....f-face*burst in laughter and falls off nussu*

Layla: *starts laughing*

Tony: What? No! I have an...average sized face!

Layla: *dying of laughter*

Queen Mari:*hits floor* ow...*continues to laugh*

Nussu:*trying not to laugh* your face is...Of somewhat..a-average

Tony: It's average!

Queen Mari:*wipes tears* ohh a penny *tries to pick it up*

Frostee: HAHA I glued that to the ground! Cisco it works! *laughing*

CIsco: Broooo *laughs*

Kitty Noir: *surprisingly can keep a straight face for once* Nah

Queen Mari:*tears up* p-penny

Nussu: mari please don't..don't cry..look what you did*hands kitty ear plugs* just because she's tiny doesn't mean her crying won't be loud

Queen Mari:penny!!*crys dramatically like she lost the love of her life*PENNY!!!!!!

Kitty Noir: *throws a penny at Queen Mari's face* Stop that

Queen Mari:*hits her face causing her to fall*


Kitty Noir: She's fine Nussu!

Queen Mari: *smiling and gives a thumbs up*

Kitty Noir: SEE!

Nussu: *sighs then without looking* for goodness sake don't eat it

Queen Mari:*slides penny under couch*

Kitty Noir: I saw that. Anyway...wedding. Now. Let's go.

Queen Mari:*stands up* wedding!!! Nussu will you do the honors

Nussu: I now announce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride *pushes layla and tony together causing them to kiss*

Layla: WHAT! *pulls away*

Frostee: He's probably not licensed. You guys didn't actually get married

Nussu:*pushes them back* I am! i married Mari here to at least 4 anime boys and Jacob from twilight

Frostee: But you can't make it official unless you are licensed.

Nussu: ughh MAL!!!*mal pops out of nowhere*

Mal: make this quick

Tony: This is actually happening

Layla: I don't want to get married now!

Nussu: wedding please. Bride*points to layla* groom*points to Tony*

Ms. Nowhere: They are a little young, for marriage don't you think?

Kitty Noir: You are just saying that because you dont want Tony to get married before you do and you are a middle aged woman.

Ms. Nowhere: I'm in my primes for gods sake!

Queen Mari: how old are you two???

Tony: I'm-

Kitty Noir: Just kidding. No one cares.

Mal* snaps fingers * there you go

Queen Mari:*twirls in my sparkly blue dress*

Nussu:you look pretty Mari

Queen Mari: awww Frostee looks big *nussu stares at her*

Mal: can i go now?

Kitty Noir: ...

Mal: I'll take that as a no*spinns and her leggings turn into a purple dress*

Kitty Noir: uh...no dress for me please

Queen Mari: want a black dress with pom pom balls at the bottom

Kitty Noir: No likes dresses. They feel weird. Likes my pants and shirt.

Queen Mari: no can do..dress her Mal

Mal* snaps so kitty is wearing a black dress with neon green highlights and a cape*

Kitty Noir: *acting like it's the end of the world* WAHHHHHHHHHHH You are just like my mommmmmmmmm. *mubles* Making me wear dresses. No one likes dresses.

Queen Mari: look it has a cape

Kitty Noir: *pulls the cape over her head* WAHHHHHHH

Queen Mari: would you rather a tux or maybe a skirt

Kitty Noir: I'd rather wear my normal shirt and pants

Queen Mari: *sighs and pulls a pair of legging and a long cat tail and ears out my pocket* here

Kitty Noir: ...I already have the ears and tail. But I'll settle for dis!

Queen Mari: don't care..*looks inside pocket* hey i have cat noir's staff in here

Kitty Noir: *looks normal again* OH GIMME!

Queen Mari: what no i found it!

Nussu: oh boy

Kitty Noir: But I want it!

Layla: *whispers to Tony: *If we leave now, they can't catch us.

Tony: ...*drags Froste, Cisco, and Echo behind him* lets go now

Queen Mari: So do i!!!

Kitty Noir: You don't deserve it! I bet you don't even notice Tony and his crew trying to sneak outta here!

Mal:*staring at them* i can't let you leave

Queen Mari: i don't have to notice because i have a Mal


Queen Mari: i mean i have Mal

Kitty Noir: Well I noticed it all on my own! You are not worthy of holding the cat staff!

Queen Mari: i took it fair and square*puts staff inside*

Kitty Noir: I on the other hand am worthy...because I watched all the Thor movies! So I know what it means to be worthy!

Queen Mari: THOR is my future husband! So of COURSE i saw all the movies


Layla: Okay this is just sad.

Queen Mari: i'm not giving it to you

Kitty Noir: Then I'll just have to take it from you!

Tony: They sound like they are quoting some kind of movie right now...

Mal: they probably are

Queen Mari: why don't we talk about this AFTER the wedding

Tony: We are way too young to be married

Kitty Noir: Tony you are like 18

Tony: Well I don't want to get married at 18!

Kitty Noir: Well no one asked about that!

Layla: I think we should have a say in our marriage...which I am not on board with by the way

Queen Mari: thats cute..she called it their marriage

Layla: I was talking about us in a separate way!

Queen Mari: to late*nussu starts play wedding music and layla is now in a white dress and tony a tux*

Tony: ...

Layla: Wh-how did I get in this dress? ...And why is he in a tux-you know we both have to say I do.If we don't. There is no wedding.

Nussu: they will find a way*now in human form playing the piano*

Layla: What is happening with my life?

Queen Mari:*humming and somehow pushes Layla down the aisle*

Kitty Noir: *yeets flower petals in Layla's face*

Frostee: *is doing stuff with DJ Drone*

Mal*poofs a giant cake*

Kitty Noir: Nuh-uh only I do poofs around here

Queen Mari:DJ DRONE!!!!!!!*mal glares at her*...sorry*sits down in a seat clearly to big for her*

Cisco: *covers his ears* That was loud!

Echo: *sitting down*

Tony: *can't seem to move*

Kitty Noir: *sits down and munches on popcorn* You can try to move Tony but the magical poofs won't let you!

Nussu: thank you all for coming today for Tony and Layla wedding

Tony: *to Layla* I am so sorry

Layla: *whispers* Is there even the slightest way out of this?

Mal*now next to layla* no

Nussu:SHHH....you may recite your vows now

Queen Mari:*whispers* this part always make me cry

Layla: I don't have vows.

Tony: Nor do I.

Cisco: Well I guess we have to call it off!

Queen Mari: you can use my vows!!!

Kitty Noir: Wow you really have this planned out

Queen Mari:yup! I have yours too

Layla: ...uh...

Queen Mari: *jumps out of the chair and hits the floor* ow*jumps up and skips over to them*

Tony: ...uhhh...

Mal: so we are going to ignore the fact that Mari is tiny and fell out of that- how did you get up there

Kitty Noir: YEP!

Queen Mari:*clears throat* Layla??

Layla: yes?*can't find her*

Queen Mari: by your foot...may i climb up your really pretty dress

Layla: No

Tony: That's just weird

Queen Mari: see this is why do and not ask!!*climbs up the dress and sits on her shoulder*

Layla: *looks at Tony* I'm lost now

Queen Mari:*pulls 2 cards out of her pocket* here you go!Good thing they are still human size right!!

Layla: Yeah...good thing

Queen Mari: Noir can you help me??

Kitty Noir: *poofs over*

Tony: AAAAA You just...you were...YOU WERE JUST OVER THERE!

Queen Mari:*covers ears* gesh your acting like you've never seen her poof

Tony: Well I never met anyone who could teleport

Kitty Noir: 1. I can poof. Not teleport its two different things. 2. Those guys in the suits that you took that Layla took from you can turn you invisible and make you really fast so it's like you can teleport.

Tony: It's not the same thing

Queen Mari: hmm pretty sure it is

Tony: No its not

Layla: Its basically the same thing

Tony: ...no

Queen Mari: see even your finance agrees

Tony: Fiance? I never proposed to her in the first place!

Queen Mari:oh my gooseberry...we skipped a part


Mal: you could always poof them to the park have him propose then poof back here

Kitty Noir: Or better. The agency building at the end of Don't Go Chasing Lavafalls

Queen Mari: that would be soo cute


Queen Mari:*jumps on kitty shoulder* lets do your idea!!!

Mal:are we still doing the wedding here or am i bringing it to the agency

Kitty Noir: Only problem. For me to go back there, it would be during the scene so they would have absolutely no idea what's happening...also this is what Jumping Into Fandoms is originally supposed to be before we got sidetracked haha

Queen Mari: huh? Would i know what's going on

Kitty Noir: Oh yeah we would. Tony and Layla and the others won't..oh well!

Queen Mari:aww bye bye Frostee

Kitty Noir: *poofs us over so we are standing behind Echo, Frostee, and Cisco

*after Ms. Nowhere and Palindrome has their kiss*

Tony and Layla: *looking at da fireworks*

Kitty Noir: *super excited despite the fact that she was burned many times in this scene*

Tony: Hey, I just wanted to apologize for not listening to you-and not trusting you on this mission. I-I just thought you weren't going to stick with the family once it seemed like we might be slowing you down

Layla: Well, given that I said that about a hundred times. I can see how you might have that impression.

Kitty Noir: *about to start jumping around*

Queen Mari: *covers her mouth and tries to holds her down* Shhhhhh

Tony: Anyway I understand...if you want to bail. Family shouldn't treat each other like that. I'm sorry I let you down.

Kitty Noir: *bouncing around as quietly as possible*

Queen Mari: *still tiny and falls off kitty* ahhhh

Kitty Noir: *quickly picks her up and poofs them behind the lights so Echo, Frostee and Cisco can't see them* SHHHHHH! *whispers* We can't mess up the timeline yet

Queen Mari:*whispers* you dropped me

Kitty Noir: *hispers* It was an accident! Now quiet this is the best part...and worst...yeeeee

Queen Mari:*shrugs then jumps down and runs off, but falls 2 feet away from kitty*

Kitty Noir: *didn't even notice*

Layla: *puts her hand on Tony's shoulder*

Tony: *looks confuzzled*

Layla: Tony, I just drove through lava to save your life. How could I ever leave you now?

Tony: *looks at her hand and smiled at her*

Kitty: *jumping around with a crazed smile on her face*

Queen Mari: aww so romantic *sniffles*

Layla: *steps closer to him*

Tony: *still looks around nervous and backs away*

Kitty Noir: *glares daggers at Tony*

Queen Mari: no wonder she didn't kiss him*shakes head as she eats a cookie someone dropped*

Frostee: Uh what's happening here?

Layla: *GeTs cLoSeR*

Tony: *awkward laugh*

Kitty Noir: *frights the urge to attack Tony right now*

Queen mari:*throws a cookie crumb at his leg*

Layla: See? Now you owe me your life. And believe me. I aim to cash in on that debt.

*their faces literally 2 inches apart and Kitty was excited...like she hasn't already seen this ending 1000 times*

Layla: You're gonna wish you died in a cave with Moray before I'm done with you *smiles*

Tony: *looks nervous still* Oh...right...great...

Echo: That's more like it

Tony: *looks confused*

Layla: *steps back a little* The things I have planned for you. I'm never leaving this team. First thing, I'm taking that Ghost suit!

Tony: Yeahhhh...you might wanna have it cleaned

Layla: I KNEW IT! *laughs*

Tony: I jumped through a volcano!

Layla: So did I! *laughs*

Tony: Uh yeah In your car!

Echo: Ooh make him clean the garage!

Frostee: And the yoka head!

Cisco: Yeah! Make him our chauffeur!

Tony: Guys! You're really not helping!

*episode over*

Queen Mari:*gets an idea starts looking for ghost suit once she find its drags it to Kitty* looki looki

Kitty Noir: *too busy glaring at Tony and Layla*

Queen Mari:*pokes her* kitty kitty kitty kityy

Kitty Noir: WHAT?!

Everyone: *looks at Kitty and Queen Mari*

Queen Mari: i found the ghost suit*looks down*

Kitty Noir: ...uh...Hi y'all!

Queen Mari:*waves* hi!

Gary: You two aren't cleared to be up here...who are you?

Kitty Noir: I'm offended you don't know who I am! I'm the all powerful, ever so awesome-

Queen Mari: Get to the point

Kitty Noir: I'm Kitty Noir

Queen Mari: and I'm queen mari*climbs up kitty and stands on her shoulder*

Gary and Julius: ...

Kitty Noir: Seriously? You don't remember us? From anything? Jumping Into Fandoms finally done right?

Everyone: Nope

Queen Mari: how rude. Everyone knows us

Cisco: OH are you those two who nana is always talking about?

Kitty Noir: No! We haven't even met nana!

Queen Mari: We are the guys that kidnapped you a..what a few years ago?

Kitty Noir: I dunno their timeline here...so a few minutes ago for us

Ms. Nowhere: You kidnapped us? A few minutes ago? Gary! Take them down to custody!

Queen Mari:*jumps down and goes back to her regular size* YES!!!

Gary: *tries to catch us*

Kitty Noir: You can't catch me! *poofs around the rooftop*

Gary: *is tired*

Julius: *chasing Queenie*

Queen Mari: ahhhhh*transforms and creates a bubble around them*

Julius: What?

Kitty Noir: We just wanna talk! *mumbles* And make my ship come true...

Echo: What was that?
Kitty Noir: NOTHING!

Ms. Nowhere: it's always something

Queen Mari: *staring at frostee*

Frostee: ...uh...hi?

Queen Mari: hi!! *whispers* Kitty he said hi to me

Cisco: I say we hear them out!

Kitty Noir: I agree with Cisco!


Queen Mari: *comes out of bumble* yes *flys over to frostee* hi..your the new love of my life* de transforms*

Frostee: Uh...

Echo: *dying of laughter*

Queen Mari: my name is Mari this is nussu my kwamii he is very kind but can be mean at time~

Nussu: hello since your her new lover*mumbles* until she watches the new my hero season

Frostee; WOAH! What's a kwami? He looks so cool!

Nussu: i give mari her powers

Frostee: Did you build it or something? *pokes Nussu*

Kitty Noir: *Before Queenie could answer, pulls her away.* focus on the task at hand Queens!

Queen Mari: fine..but no i did not build him

Frostee: *continues to poke Nussu*

Kitty Noir: We are really here to get Tony to propose to Layla or at the least help my Tayla ship come true and all will be right with the world

Tony: Wh-WHAT?!

Mal:*uses magic to force tony on one knee*

Tony: What is happening?

Layla: *steps back* What's happening?

Queen Mari:*pushes her back towards him* he is proposing to you

Kitty Noir: *poofs a ring box in Tony's hands and opens it to see nothing inside* Gosh Dammit where is the ring?! Who was in charge of getting the ring?!

Queen Mari: not me

Kitty Noir: *facepalms*

Nussu: ill get one*walks through the walls*

Kitty Noir: Get it here wickity wick

Cisco: WHAT?!

Kitty Noir: No I'm not! I just accidentally talked like she did...it will not happen again...that girl is A N N O Y I N G

Nussu: they had a couple and i couldn't decided so here are your options wonder women ring batman ring and a boring gold ring with a diamond in the middle

Kitty Noir: OOOOOooooooOOOOOOooooo give her the wonder woman one! Gold and diamonds are way too over the top

Cisco: Oh yeah she's definitely not Rafaela

Echo: Nope

Queen Mari: Can I have the batman one!!!!

Kitty Noir: Are you proposing to someone worthy of a batman ring?

Queen Mari: no

Kitty Noir: Then no ring

Queen Mari: darn

Kitty Noir: *poofs the other rings away* Now Tony proposes and we can all get on with our lives! *whispers to the camera* And we'll force the wedding in part 3 hehe but season 5 will have to come out first...so we'll all have to wait for WAY later this year or the start of next year...

Queen Mari: i can't wait that long

Cisco: Who are you talking to?

Kitty Noir: The peoples who watch this show!

Queen Mari: *sitting next to frostee* yup!

Ms. Nowhere: SHOW?!

Kitty Noir: Yep! We're live!

Ms. Nowhere: And you are showing our agency's top secret base for everyone to see?!

Queen Mari: they won't be able to reach you...only us

Ms. Nowhere: *still thinking of ways to escape and hide in deep cover somewhere far away now*

Kitty Noir: ...Now Tony what do you have to say to Layla?
Tony: ...I don't know! You're the one forcing me to do this!

Mal*uses magic again*

Tony: Will you marry me Layla Gray?

Queen Mari:*sniffles and smiles*

Kitty Noir: *All happy and excited* Now Layla's turn...

Layla: Not gonna say it

Nussu:*hands Mari a tissu*

Mal: ughh doi have to do this for the wedding too??

Kitty Noir: Maybe yeah

Queen Mari: Layla don't leave him hanging its rude

Tony: I'm just going to save myself and say that they made me say that

Queen Mari: prove it!!

Tony: ...I can't exactly do that...

Kitty Noir: Then until further notice, it was you who said it on your own. Now Layla just say yes and we can leave ya alone

Layla: I'm not saying anything

Kitty NoirL Oh okay...just a random question though, your dog was a lab named Derby and she liked chasing birds right?

Layla: Yes

Kitty Noir SHE SAID YES!

Queen Mari: *jups up* yay!

Layla: What? No I-


Queen Mari: So frostee will you be at the wedding???

Frostee: ...uh sure

Queen Mari:*trying not to show excitement* cool..cool

Kitty Noir: *whispers* You're failing

Queen Mari: i know that!!!! Nussu when is the wedding??

Kitty Noir: *makes Tony puts the ring on Laylas finger*

Layla: What are you doing?

Tony: Putting a ring on it

Nussu: well it depends on when they couple want to do it

Queen Mari:*pacing* what about Friday ? Everybody loves Fridays.

Kitty Noir: Oh I love Fry-days!

Queen Mari: I can throw the after party!!! Frostee will you bring Dj Drone?????

Frostee: You bet!

Queen Mari:*claps* best wedding party ever!

Nussu: wedding hasn't happened yet

Queen Mari: who cares about the wedding..well maybe kitty, but the party is EVERYTHING

Kitty Noir: Nah I've been to a wedding they boring. I fell asleep in every single one...I just want this to officially be official

Queen Mari: but did you have me at those weddings or Dj Drone

Kitty Noir: I love the reception. The wedding itself is boring.

Queen Mari: don't worry this wedding is gonna be quick they say their vows then i do then BOOm party time

Kitty Noir: WORKS FOR ME!

Tony and Layla: What about us?
Kitty Noir: NO ONE CAES! Alrighty thats all for todays episode. We'll be pulling you guys out again after season 5. Be prepared.

Queen Mari: *grabs Frostees hand and waves bye to everyone*

Echo: Wait-

Kitty Noir: BYE! *poofs away Queen Mari and everyone else*

*camera stops rolling*

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