Azur Lane: The Demonic H-Clas...

Por JohnnyFire117

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(This is my very first ever story I've written) The battle between the Azur Lane and Crimson Axis still goes... Más

Prologue: Bismarck Last Stand
Chapter 1: Der Große Fuchs Awakens
Chapter 2: Two Nights of Bismarck
Chapter 3: Chapodiphobia/Galeophobia
Chapter 4: The Dream World Incident

Chapter 5: Iron Blood VS. Sakura Empire (Tournament)

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Por JohnnyFire117

(Originally released in October 28, 2021 and was revamped in September 2, 2023)

(3rd Person POV)

Bismarck slowly climbs from one of the balcony stand while struggling and panting heavily. Rommel slowly becomes afraid and prepare to start running away.

Nagato notices him panicking.

Nagato: Where are you going?

Rommel: I'm trying to run away!

Nagato: *Sigh*...

Bismarck quickly increases her pace and reach the top and climbed over the balcony and spotted it Rommel in a instant.

Bismarck: C'mere love, I'm coming for YOOOOUUU!!!!

Bismarck jumps towards Rommel as he was about to run. Nagato hand glows with Sakura pellets around and flows it towards Bismarck face and knocking her out cold, leaving Rommel in disbelief.

Rommel: What the-

Nagato: Is this what you mean?

Rommel: Yes, that is what I mean.

Nagato: I suggest you bring her back with the others, maybe perhaps they'll know.

Rommel: I'm afraid not, even the others doesn't understand her symptoms, It just happened out of the blue.

Nagato: Hmmmm... Take her in your place, she's won't be able to wake up till tomorrow, so you'll be safe from her wraith for now.

Rommel: Is there no way to help her from this?

Nagato: I'm afraid that is the best advice I can tell you. Anyways, you should hurry and it's getting late, we can talk later again by tomorrow.

Rommel: But I didn't get the chance to talk.

Nagato: I wish but Bismarck is the priority and your leader, I'm sure you learn that by now.

Rommel: *Sigh* Very well then, I'll see you tomorrow.

Nagato nods and continues looking at the moon while Rommel carried Bismarck in a princess carry position and leaves Nagato's home back to the Guests area.

(Some time later)

Prinz Heinrich: Ahhhhh!!!! Bismarck just went out missing!

Friedrich: Relax my child we'll find her eventually.

Rheinkönig: How can we relax?! She just zoomed out of the house with full energy.

Friedrich: This behavior of her is new, so it's likely she'll come back to her senses after some time.

???: Relax everyone, she's here with me.

They looked at the door and see Rommel with Bismarck on his arms.

Rommel walked in and close the door behind him, the three approaches Rommel with concern on their face.

Friedrich: What happened, my dear brother?

Rommel: Just a... coincidence, but don't worry she's not injured, I'll be sleeping with her tonight. It's getting late, so don't stay up all night.

He smiled and walks into one of the rooms and close behind him leaving the trio utterly confused.

Rheinkönig: Was this a common occurrence?

Friedrich: Yes my child, *Sigh*Unfortunately... But yes, it's getting late now, you two sleep in the same room, I'll sleep in the other room.

Friedrich smiley waves at Rheinkönig and Heinrich and walks into one of the rooms and close behind her.

Prinz Heinrich: Let's go into that room!

Rheinkönig: Sure, I'm getting tired *Yawn*.

They both entered one of the rooms together and Rheinkönig closed behind them and they sleep at the floor mattress sharing blankets.

(The Next morning, some time later)

Rommel was woken by the sunlight shining through the window, he covered his eyes from the sunlight with his left hand as he gets up, but felt touch by Bismarck sleeping next to him, holding his arm. He quietly moved her arms away and politely grabs both of her hands and places underneath her head and leaves the bedroom.

As he head his way to the main living room, Friedrich and Heinrich were already awake, talking while Friedrich is drinking coffee and Heinrich eating her breakfast.

Prinz Heinrich: And then, Mister Rommel goes down like: "Pssshhhhh" "POW" and "BAM" down to that faker go!

Friedrich: Hahahahaha, is that how he did it? My dear brother done the impossible and survived the encounter of our "fake" beloved Bismarck? How marvelous.

Rommel: Tsk tsk have you forgotten something, Little Heinrich?

Heinrich and Friedrich turns around to see Rommel awake very healthily for the first time.

Friedrich: You look full awake my dear brother, how's Lord Bismarck?

Rommel walks up to Friedrich and Heinrich and kneeling down to their level.

Rommel: She's sleeping very quietly, but she'll need some good rest for the time being from all that meeting from yesterday.

Prinz Heinrich: Hey Mister! Well you watch us do the Mock Battle today?

Rommel: Mock battle? Is that a thing here? And calling me Rommel is fine by me Heinrich.

Friedrich: Ah I forgot to tell you my dear Brother, Nagato and some few individuals of us are setting up a event for the test of skills of our ability.

Rommel: Am I participating?

Friedrich: Unfortunately no my dear brother, Peter and few Sakura girls fears that you and some others will destroy the entire arena if you happened to participate. So to keep it safe, you can watch the fight happening instead.

Rommel: How forgiving.

Prinz Heinrich: Will you watch us fight?

Rommel: Of course, it'll be interesting to see how everyone will compete their strengths.

Friedrich: Strengths aren't always the key to victory my dear brother, willpower, and strategies are the "key" of battle. Think to face your enemy and countering them with your own.

Rommel: Wasn't my strength and will alone counts?

Prinz Heinrich: You are a great strategist! I seen you able to fight Fake Bismarck with your big brain!

Rommel: I had to think of a better option, obviously strength alone is indeed not the worth while when it comes to situation like that.

Friedrich: Hmm... Aren't you a smart one brother, it's no wonder why our people is very fond of you.

Rommel: Never known I was quite popular.

Friedrich: Perhaps Bismarck was right about you after all. That includes me and Ulrich.

Prinz Heinrich: Hey what about meeee.. I like you too!

Rommel: That's kind of you Heinrich and Schwester.

Heinrich and Friedrich smiled at him.

Friedrich just remembered something from yesterday and place her cup of coffee on the kotatsu table and stands up. Rommel also stands up.

Friedrich: I've just remember something, so I'll be gone for quite a while.

Rommel: Now that you mention about it, I'll be going back to Nagato place to continue our conversation, hopefully she's not busy.

Friedrich: Very well then, take care Heinrich.

Prinz Heinrich: Okay!

Rommel and Friedrich waves at Heinrich and she waves back before leaving.

(Some time later in another building...)

Prinz Eugen: Yuah~ Such beautiful face and handsome man you areeeeeee little bro~

Eugen becomes massively drunk clingy onto Lützow, while he is drinking tea on the kotatsu table with dread expression on his face.

Prinz Lützow: (Is this how my family runs...?)

Eugen starts flinging her arms everywhere with a empty sake bottle while holding dear god onto the dreaded-Lützow.

Prinz Eugen: Cmonspeakuplittlebrotherofhowareyoudoing~

Prinz Lützow: I don't. Even understand what you just said there, you spoke like as if you had a never seen a man in your life.

Prinz Eugen pokes Lützow's face and then wrap her arms around his neck, forcing Lützow to place down his tea on the kotatsu table to avoid spilling

Prinz Eugen: Now now~ It's still the mornin and I~

Eugen takes a sip from the empty Sake for no reason before putting down on the kotatsu table and pushing him down.

Prinz Lützow: Ahhh! Why did you-

Prinz Eugen: Still need some attention y'know.

Prinz Lützow: Just give me some space please?

The door was opened from the other side, and there was Rommel who happened to check on them.

Rommel: What the-

Eugen and Lützow stared Rommel in complete awkwardness.

Rommel facepalmed calmly.

Rommel: You two need some serious work on your relationship, and also get ready. You all be needing to prepare for this "mock" battle I've heard all about.

Rommel faces away from them leaves the Minka, but stop for a moment.

Rommel: And also, Guten Morgen to you two.

Rommel waves from behind and disappears, afterwards Ulrich opens from her room and sees Eugen on top of Lützow.

Ulrich: Was Rommel here?

Prinz Lützow: You mean the guy that just pass by?

Ulrich: So he was here? I've just heard his voice so I wanted to greet him, but looks like he left early because of you two.

Prinz Lützow: Not my fault if Eugen was acting like this!

Prinz Eugen: Aw jeez little bro be nice to your *hiccup* big sister okay?

Lützow shimming his way out of Eugen's grasp and gets up.

Prinz Lützow: Well there's someone who needs some extra sleep afterwards.

Ulrich stretches her body for some time.

Ulrich: Lützow am I right? Have you eat anything?

Prinz Lützow: I haven't ate since now.

Ulrich: How about we go out and eat something together while the others are still sleeping?

Prinz Lützow: Sure thing, I could use some fresh air, after what happened.

Ulrich: What do you mean what happened? Did something happened last night?

Prinz Lützow: Nothing, nothing at all! Let's just go and head out.

Ulrich: *Yawn* Okay, let's go.

Lützow and Ulrich went outside, close the door behind them and walk to the sidewalk, leaving Eugen drunk and alone on the floor.

Prinz Eugen: Ayeeeeee yaaaaaaaaa~ Where are you going Rommel? We still had a score to *Hiccup* to settle doooooooooooowwwwnn.... *Hiccup*

Eugen passed out from all the sake she drank from last night, with her mouth drooling at the side.

(Meanwhile at backyard of the different Minka...)

Peter and Zeppelin were cooking breakfast at the kitchen, but as the time goes on they were facing problems with the electricity causing the building to not function.

Graf Zeppelin: Can you hurry up and find the problem?

Peter Strasser: I may be a expert on technology, but do you think I know full well on how Sakura Empire are built?

Graf Zeppelin: Just ticker it and see how the solution works.

Peter Strasser: That would be damaging the property than actually "fixing" the problem.

Graf Zeppelin: *Sigh* Just fix the damn thing.

Peter Strasser: Alright alright, but.. Just let me focus while I'm trying to not accidently zap myself.

Zeppelin leaves Peter alone while she's repairing a big fuse box. While she is going back inside the Minka, Augen leaves the house and spots her.

Zeppelin approaches to Augen while he was stretching at the back port.

Graf Zeppelin: Have you slept well?

Augen: *Yawn* Yeah... And nicely too.

Graf Zeppelin: Good. You can have breakfast once we get it done.

Augen: Speaking of which... What even happened?

Graf Zeppelin: The power just went out, and Peter went to fix the power but it was complicated as we don't know full well how the fuse box even work. If it even works at all.

Augen: Is that *Yawn* so...?

Graf Zeppelin: If you wish to go look for her, she's in that shed over there.

Zeppelin pointed at the shed at a short distance.

Graf Zeppelin: Now if you excuse me, I'll be going back inside and do some other things, and also Guten Morgen, little Bruder.

Zeppelin happily smiles and waves at Augen before entering back inside, Augen went on to head to the shed that Zeppelin mention earlier to him.

(Inside the shed)

Augen quietly enters the shed and sees Peter struggled a lot more on the fuse box, bigger than normal. Augen looks around the shed and see countless tools inside, Peter notice his presence and temporally stop working on it and turn to look at him.

Peter Strasser: Ahhh, Augen, Guten Morgen. Sorry if you have to see me struggle. I haven't see anything like this ever.

Augen looked at the fuse box and perfectly resembles the description Zeppelin told him.

Augen: The shed is... Bigger than I thought it'll ought to be from the inside.

Peter began working back on the fuse box.

Peter Strasser: And it would've- Thought... that making a GIANT room, inside of the- SHED is any better at all!

Augen: I'm great when it comes to electronics, I can give you a hand.

Peter Strasser: Good or not, just... Help me please.

Augen: With pleasure.

Augen approaches at the side of Peter and they both began working on the big fuse box.

(Meanwhile on inside)

While Peter is busy working at the shed, Zeppelin made coffee and sat down on a kotatsu table with a pillow below her to give her comfort.

Graf Zeppelin: *Yawn* I had gotten a lot of sleep from last night.

???: Why so? Because of what happened last night?

Graf Zeppelin: Huh...?

Zeppelin looked around but didn't see who spoked to her.

Graf Zeppelin: *Sigh* Must be daydreaming.

???: I'm right here you know.

Zeppelin looked at her right and sees Thor.

Graf Zeppelin: ...Huh?

Thor flick her forehead to bring her senses back.

Graf Zeppelin: Whuah!

Thor grabbed her waist and her arm with the coffee on her hand before she fell.

Thor: Careful, you'll might get a burn from your coffee.

Thor carefully lift her back.

Graf Zeppelin: *Yawn* I'm sorry, I've drove off to my own world.

Thor: Going to destroy the world again?

Graf Zeppelin: No, not this time.

Zeppelin drinks her coffee.

Thor: Oh? It's not what I think it is was it?

Zeppelin stops drinking and places her coffee at the table, and stared at Thor blankly.

Thor: You said your still tired from last night? Well, get some sleep while you can.

Thor slowly lays Zeppelin down as she closes her eyes.

Thor gets up from the floor and hear voices from outside.

Augen (Distance): You are not wrong when you said it doesn't make sense.

Peter Strasser (Distance): I've told you, It's complicated and makes no absolutely no sense whatsoever.

Thor: What are they up to at this time?

Thor leaves the house and follow the voices.

(At the shed)

Augen: I don't get any of this at all.

Peter Strasser: That's what I'm been saying to Zeppelin.

Augen tickers the electronical box and causes a massive shock, nearly blinding the pair and forced them to back away from the electricity.

Peter Strasser: I'm getting tired of this.

Thor: What's happening in here?

Peter and Augen turned their face to see Thor standing at the entrance.

Augen: Oh hey.

Thor: Guten Morgen all of you. *Yawn* What seems to be the problem here?

Peter Strasser: I'm sure you'll understand just by looking of what's in front of you.

Thor looks at the shocking damages and sees the fuse and electronical box being semi-destroyed.

Thor: Well... This looks-

Augen: Bad?

Peter Strasser: I'm just gonna give up at this point.

Thor without hesitation shoots out lightning with one hand at the fuse and electronic boxes and starts making noises and now fully working.

Thor: Your welcome.

Thor left the shed, leaving Peter and Augen lost in thought.

Augen: Whuah...?

Peter Strasser: I guess magic is a very special place for Sakura Empires huh...

Augen: Don't we all?

Peter Strasser: What is your statement suppose to mean?

Augen: Never mind for what I said, let's just head back where we came from.

Peter and Augen left the shed and closed the shed door behind them.

(Rommel's Side; At Nagato's Estate)

Rommel approaches Nagato's estate, there he spots Nagato wandering inside her home and heading to the balcony.

Rommel: Perfect. Hopefully I didn't bother her once I get to her.

As Rommel was about to reach his hand towards the gate, he sense something familiar close by, He looked to his right and spots Shinoroth along with Shinano by his side.

Rommel: Shinoroth?

Shinoroth: Aye.

Shinoroth limping towards Rommel with Shinano supporting his left side.

Shinoroth: You came to visit Nagato I assume?

Rommel: Yeah... But why are you already discharged from the hospital?

Shinoroth: It was my request. I told them to discharge me early, so I can discuss with Nagato from my previous discussion.

Rommel: I gave you a heavy beating in your corrupted mind haven't I? Wouldn't it be best to rest until you fully recovered?

Shinoroth: Shinano is looking after me for the time being, Musashi just happens to discharge along with me, but she's recovering elsewhere as she's not yet fully healed.

Rommel: I clearly understand your intent but my blades aren't very ordinary and can take weeks or months for a person to recover after receiving such injuries.

Shinoroth: I understand you as well Rommel, but I'm also not normal either. We're not just "Humans" you know?

Rommel (Thinking): Humans huh? We're far beyond from being Human Shinoroth. Far from that if you think about it.

Nagato heard and spots the two men talking to each other alongside Shinano, and approaches her balcony to call them out.

Nagato: You two talking down there?

The trios look up and stared at Nagato from below.

Rommel: We're sorry to disturb your peace, but are you by any chances busy!?

Nagato: Are you here to continue from last night? Then come in.

Nagato backs away from her balcony.

Rommel opens the gate and ignores Shinoroth and Shinano completely by accident.

Shinoroth: Aye! Don't forget about us!

Shinano helps Shinoroth to walk while following Rommel from behind.

(Nagato's Balcony area)

Rommel arrives and sees Nagato sitting with tea and cup at the kotatsu table.

Nagato: Thank you for coming in, please have a seat.

Rommel: Sure thing.

Rommel sat down in front of Nagato, as he does so, Shinoroth along with Shinano arrives.

Shinoroth: That is quite rude for ignoring us like this, is that a type of person you are?

Rommel: Sorry my instinct kicked in when Nagato spoke.

Shinoroth: Quite an interesting character you are.

Nagato: Shino? What brings you here? Weren't you at the Hospital from yesterday?

Shinoroth: I had discharged by my request, I've came here to continue our conversation we had before the incident happened.

Nagato looks down and remembers their conversation.

Nagato: Ah yes, I did.

Shinano helps Shinoroth approaches the pair and slowly puts him down and sat at the side besides him to continue supporting his side.

Nagato: Excuse me Rommel, but I'm afraid we'll have to pause our conversation for a moment.

Rommel: If it's urgent, I see no issue about it.

Shinoroth: Thank you, Rommel.

Shinoroth was relived.

Nagato: What is our conversation from earlier again, It's quite a while since we last met?

Shinoroth looks over to Rommel for a brief moment before looking back to Nagato.

Shinoroth: Do you remember...? The conversation we had for the upcoming Mock Battle?

Nagato: Yes... I remember about it.

Shinoroth: When will it begin?

Nagato: Today, all Sakura Empires is getting ready until afternoon.

Shinoroth: I had sense danger about what will happen today, I must ask you to allow me to participate the mock battle.

Nagato: !!!

Rommel & Shinano: !!!

Everyone became shocked by his answers.

Shinano: Shino you can't! You are in no condition in partaking in the fight!

Nagato: I will fear Lady Yamato would scold me if I allow you to partake the mock battle! If I do, I'll won't be able to explain to her nor Mikasa!

Shinoroth: I know, but something will happen if I don't take in the fight... I must be involved in it.

Shinano: Musashi won't allow you too, you know how much we care about your safety.

Shinoroth: I know Shinano, but we both knew this as well. We both know, that I had to take part of...

Rommel thinks of a excuse to prevent Shinoroth to take in, but remember quickly.

Rommel: Shinoroth, we both should understand this but our powers are beyond a level of a Battleship and Carriers for our nations to handle, if you part take it, imagine what will happen to your people and those around you.

Shinoroth stared at Rommel.

Shinoroth: I am fully aware for what I'm capable of Rommel, but this is different. I had a feeling that something would go wrong... I can't allow it to happen.

Shinoroth looks back to Nagato.

Shinoroth: I beg of you Lady Nagato... You must allow me too!

Nagato show her worried expression.

Nagato: Shino... I understand your desperate but he's right... I can't allow you to participate in battle with your wounds... But also strength alone. It was planned by Miss Peter herself. She forbids you, Rommel and some others to join the Mock Battle, as the damage maybe to serve to handle, I'm sorry...

Shinoroth: ...

Shinano: Please Shino... For the sake of your injuries and health, you are no condition to fight.

Shinoroth looks down onto himself as Shinano comforts him, Rommel watching from the side of them, makes him wonder of a idea.

Rommel (Thinking): I think... I had a great solution for it.

Rommel: You may not allow to fight, just like me. But we can watch from a distance and watch our nations competing each other. That wouldn't hinder you from being worried.

Shinoroth thought of a sentence, but couldn't thought of a better solution and accepted.

Shinoroth: *Sigh*... Very well then, I'll spectate from the distance, but if something's wrong, I won't-

Shinano pulls him to not let him finish his sentence.

Shinoroth: Need something?

Shinano: *Yawn* I'm getting quite sleepy... Can we go back home...?

Shinoroth: Just hold on a little longer, once I'm done we'll head home, promise?

Shinoroth pats Shinano in the head and she places her head to his shoulder and fast asleeps.

Rommel looks very confused of how she slept so quickly, but shook it off to focus on what he was here for.

Nagato: What did you say just now...?

Shinoroth: Sorry about that... What was I was about to say that I will not hesitate to interfere if something goes wrong.

Rommel: Relax... It's not like it won't go wrong, I promise you.

Shinoroth: Dreams do not lie Rommel, Shinano can understand these very well that no one can.

Rommel: Well unfortunately, I do not possess such ability I'm afraid.

Nagato: We're getting quite off-topic here, Rommel, the conversation we had from last night, I mention earlier, do you remember it?

Rommel: Yes, we barely had time to talk because of... What happened last night...

Nagato: Yes... Last night... But that's in the past now and we'll just need to focus on what's in the present.

Shinoroth: Last night...? Did something happened?

Rommel & Nagato: No.

Shinoroth: Hmmm... Very well... Proceed.

Nagato: This was suppose to be a 1 on 1 conversation between me and Rommel... But since you're both here. It we'll need more manpower for future battles, the more strength we had, the stronger our powers combine.

Rommel: But what this have to do with me, or Shinoroth?

Nagato: Mm... I'm sure you heard her by now, Akagi, one of my secretary, spotted an abnormal Siren from two days investigation.

Rommel: Two days ago...?

Shinoroth: Are you referring to where we investigate the strange roars from our place?

Nagato: Yes... While you two were fighting the unknown enemy, Akagi made a report and handed to me privately, which is something I must discuss with you two.

Rommel: I wasn't feeling well that time... I might have missed it... Was it part of the meeting...?

Shinoroth: I was quite tired... So I didn't pay much attention...

Nagato: That is why I called you here, but I was going to explain it to Shino but since that "Incindent" happened. I thought it'll be better to ask you Rommel.

Rommel: Does this report had something to do with us?

Nagato: No... It's far worst than I imagined, I had it right here.

Nagato pulls out a report card, containing plenty of papers and saying:


Nagato: I was going to discuss this after break, but I feel this would be better in private.

Rommel & Shinoroth: Excuse us?

Rommel and Shinoroth glance at each other before looking back.

Nagato pulls out the paper from the report card and places on the table.

Nagato: Are you guys willing to hear this?

Rommel: If it's important... Might as well say yes.

Shinoroth: Sure, not much I can say here.

Nagato All right... As it said here...

(Few hours later; Iron Blood intermission Station)

Bismarck gathers her remaining fleet squad and was about to make her speech, but before doing so, she looked the room and seen Rommel anywhere nor the others with him.

Bismarck: Has anyone seen Rommel and the others?

Ulrich: I heard Rommel won't be coming with us, but I'm not sure about the other boys.


Lützow followed by Augen and Rheinkönig rushed in the building and become tired out from running as a result, Lützow sat down to the floor while Augen and Rheinkönig were leaning to a nearby wall.

Peter Strasser: Well, there they are.

Bismarck Boys! Have you seen Rommel?

Prinz Lützow: He ain't coming...

Bismarck: Huh?

Prinz Lützow: He said he's going to watch from afar from here, so he won't be coming.

Bismarck: But-

Peter Strasser: Sorry for my mistake Bismarck, I forgot to inform you about it since before the Mock Battle tournament.

Bismarck: Tournament? When did Nagato ever said this?

Peter Strasser: The schedule was all over the place I'm afraid, Nagato has planned for a fleet Mock Battle before deciding to make a 1 on 1 dual battle instead.

Bismarck: Nagato never told me that.

Peter Strasser: Quite strange wasn't it, it's as if Nagato is aware of something from what I know.

The trios walks to the group and sat down to the empty seats for them.

Prinz Heinrich: So... What could this mean?

Bismarck: Then we'll have to try our best to our capabilities against the Sakura Empires greatest warriors.

Prinz Lützow: Is that new? I mean I'm not fully aware by any chances but... 1 on 1 fight? Weren't we suppose to fight in some sort of team of 6 or somethin'?

Prinz Heinrich: Yeah! I was suppose to team up with Lützow! This is unfair!!!!!!

Peter Strasser: I'm afraid things can't go the way we wanted to be, we're sorry, Heinrich.

Prinz Heinrich: ...

Bismarck places her flag spear the side of her and causing everyone in the room to stop what their doing and focuses on her.

Bismarck: Listen up! The Sakura Empire has upheld the tournament to test our strength with their strongest warriors they had against ours. We may not bring as many of our people as we expect to be, but if we can see what our opponent can do, we will win this! Do all of you understand me!?

Everyone except the trios: JA!

Bismarck: Then we shall show our power - is absolute!

Everyone stopped and listens to the announcement speaker that was located at the corner of the room behind Bismarck.


Nagato (Announcement): Attention to the intermission center, send out you're best ships and we - will see who will be the winner of this event, Bismarck... Akagi... You will be the one choosing to who will be worthy to fight against each others opponents. And to slip this through, you will be allow to enter the tournament as well. As the fleet leaders, it is your choice to see who will come up to the top. That is all I will have to say now, rest assure and plan accordingly.


Everyone returns back to where they are doing.

Bismarck: Looks like the battle has started, so, who wishes to go first.

One of the shipgirls got up from her seat.

Z23: I'll go!

Prinz Eugen: Zed, this is a 1 on 1 fight, are you sure that you are willing to fight against their greatest carriers?

Z23: I'm aware, but I know they won't be sending out their best yet. I know who will they sent.

Prinz Eugen: Don't tell me that you-

Bismarck: Then Zed, I wish you the best of luck... Come back safely and win this for our cause.

Z23: I won't let any of you down!

Zed picks up her cannon and heads to the preparation station where they will have time to prep before being sent out to the arena. As she enters the door closes behind her.

Bismarck gets off from the stage and walks closely to the preparation station.

Bismarck: Will Z23 be able to beat whoever is she's facing...?

Peter gets up from her seat and approaches to Bismarck side.

Peter Strasser: We can trust her strength, and everything. She managed to beat "you" the last time when we investigate our missing supplies.

Bismarck glares at Peter.

Bismarck: Who. Are you referring too...?

Peter Strasser: Relax it's nothing major, as of now, She can handle this on her own. She has done this more than once, and she'll do it again.

Peter briefly looks behind to see Eugen still looking forward of her seat.

Peter Strasser: Right Eugen?

Eugen smirks from behind.

Prinz Eugen: Of course - I've known her well.

The big screen shows up from the celling and reveals the big open arena enough for the contestants to move around freely as they want, the opponent that Zed was facing is... A girl with mechanical demon horns.

(The upper balcony)

Rommel along with Friedrich were watching down along with Thor who happens to come along with his arms crossed.

Rommel: I was expecting the crowd to be bigger but... Not being so small.

Friedrich: Aren't you surprise? It is always better to have less crowd to watch, when the broadcast is happening. We shouldn't worry too much about it, my dear brother.

Thor: Sorry to but in, but I say it's better that way. I wouldn't want to be annoyed by the loud crowds.

Rommel: Interesting point...

Nagato: You forgot I was here?

Rommel and Thor looks behind them and saw Nagato sitting behind them at top of the seats, along side with Mutsu and Kawakaze.

Nagato: At any case, it seems the the two ships are ready.

??? Aye! Are we late?

Shinoroth alongside Shinano, and the two brothers appeared.

Shinoroth: I'm sorry about being late, technical difficulties happen.

Kosa: What matters is that we're not late, so it's fine.

Akami: Still can't believe Akaga and Kage are willing to compete someone that they don't even know at all.

Shinoroth: Luckily... It isn't neither of them. It's going be Nimi... And...

The two shipgirls dashed out of their rooms and reach to the middle where they meet. As they got to the middle, the countdown begins to tick from ten seconds.

Shinoroth: Ayanami...

Akami: Ayanami, as their first choice to send out?

Kosa: I'm surprise they didn't bother to send their to strongest carrier but send out their best destroyers first.

Friedrich: Consider the two are very well alike, they are friends who they trust each other during the battlefield. But Zed strength is at advantage, Zed has trained with her newly retrofit from weeks ago prior to this, she will gain the upper hand and Ayanami will be overwhelmed.

Shinoroth: Ayanami has been retrofitted just not too long ago, even if she doesn't have much to test her new upgrades she had. I still stand with her.

(Third Person POV; The Arena)

Z23: You ready Ayanmi?

Ayanami: I won't lose to you, Nimi.

AyanamI twists her sword and getting into a stance.

Zed activate her cannon and loads her torpedo's.

As the countdown reaches to zero...

Nagato: BEGIN!!!

Zed leaps backwards and launch three of her torpedos towards and around Ayanami.

Ayanami leaps forward and avoided the torpedos and attempt to attack Zed with a overhead. Zed predicted her jump and aims her cannon at Ayanami and shoots her from below, Ayanami also knew and rebound herself and fired her main gun as she goes back down to the ocean floor.

Ayanami then rushes in to give no time for Zed to react, as she get to her, Zed already launch her torpedo again and leaps far backward from before and firing her cannon.

Ayanami launches her torpedo and deflected every shots Zed is throwing at her. Zed fires her main cannon directly at Ayanami, but unexpectedly, Ayanami deflected back towards Zed and knocked her away and damaging her heavily.

Z23 (Thinking): She deflected my attack? She got stronger from the last time we seen each other. I can't lose like this, I'll have to find the right opening than throwing out attacks. She's a lot stronger than I remember.

Zed slowly gets up from the ocean floor and both of their eyes meet.

Ayanami: You have gotten a lot stronger the last time, I see we both had become got retrofitted.

Z23: Yeah... But it doesn't mean I won't lose to you.

Zed grabs her cannon from the ground and aims at Ayanami with a serious expression.

Z23: I won't be holding back this time, we'll ensure our victory is ours!

Z23 suddenly activated Destruction Mode, summoned 2 shields around her and unleashed a powerful barrage towards Ayanami, which she tried to dodge but couldn't dodge all of them and was hit by many of her attacks as a result and knocking her nearly out.

Ayanami: If that's what you're doing... *Huff* Then I'll - use mine as well.

Ayanami golden aura appears surrounding her entire body from head to toe and gets into a stance.

Ayanami: Get ready. I'll give it my all!

Ayanami zooms towards Z23 at full speed and appears behind her back in a flash, and swings her sword.

Zed blocks the attack with her cannon and deploy her torpedos below her feet, making contact with Ayanami and explodes. She backs away from far as she can to make distance as she can.

Z23 (Thinking): She's quicker than before, could I really win the fight?

Ayanami appears out from the clearing smoke and already reach in front of her and take another swing, but Zed quickly ducks under attack and puts her cannon onto Ayanami abdomen and unleashes her barrage once again.

Ayanami kicks her cannon upward before it could fire, which causes her to shot above them, and left Zed in shock.

Z23 (Thinking): She kicked my cannon!?

Ayanami takes another swing and manage to scratch her one of her rigging before Zed can react.

Zed attempts to unleash an All Out Attack up close, forcing Ayanami to dashes away from all of her barrages. But despite the effort Zed is putting through, she couldn't be able to scratch her once once her golden aura appears.

Ayanami observes and sees Zed is becoming tired from all of dodging, and maneuvering, seeing as a opening to attack.

Ayanami (Thinking): There's still chance...

Ayanami grips her sword tightly. She looks up behind her and sees Shinoroth is watching them fight with a worried and tired expression, increasing her will and confidence.

Ayanami (Thinking): Shino trusts me ever since stumble upon to me, I cannot disappoint him, not here with everyone watching me!

Ayanami charges towards Zed head on with all of her might as her sword glows golden.

Zed panics and tried to deploy her torpedo, but quickly took notice that it malfunctions because of the swing Ayanami damaged. Zed was left with only her cannon, seeing nothing to use, she only had one option left.

Z23 (Thinking): Is this how will end this fight quickly? Very well then Ayanami.

Z23: Come on then! I'll take head on with just my cannon!

Zed charges right at Ayanami and unleashes her barrage once again, Ayanami deflects every single one back at Zed, but her shields surrounding her blocks all of the projectiles, resulting the shield to break. It doesn't stop her however, and kept heading straight on.

As they were about to reach each other, Ayanami lifts her sword up and leaps directly at her, while Zed charges up her cannon and aim at Ayanami's chest. As they both made in contact with each other, they collided with each others weapon, creating a massive explosion and making the smoke surrounding around them and the entire arena.

(The Iron Blood intermission Station)

Bismarck: ...

Peter Strasser: ...

In silence, no one in the room said a single word in front of the screen, they waited for the smoke clears out to see who was the victor of the dual was...

The smoke remained for solid 30 seconds, until finally...

They see Zed and Ayanami collapse to the ground with their weapons and rigging nearly damaged.

Prinz Lützow & Eugen: Ayanami!!!

For a moment, Zed made a small movement and slowly gets up from the ocean ground, and raises her fist up in victory.

(Duel statistics)

Z23 (Nimi) is victorious

Ayanami has collapsed from her injuries

(End of statistics)


Lützow jumps out of his chair and filled with excitement, and starts running around the whole room with his arms up.

Bismarck: Our first victory belongs to Zed... Thank goodness...

Bismarck smiles with her eyes closed.

Eugen gets up from her chair.

Prinz Eugen: Yes... Zed knows there aren't any options for her to fight. Without her torpedo working and having barely any energy to face the Dancing Demon with her speed heavily enhance. She'll have to face head on to beat her.

Rheinkönig: Couldn't she just dodge her way to victory? Destroyers are capable and possess greatly amount of speed, she could possibly couldn't taken much damage if she does so.

Prinz Eugen: From what I see, Ayanami seems to had herself an upgrade yesterday, it could explain how Ayanami could keep up with Zed, despite being so recent.

The door besides the preparation station opens, revealing Zed with her damage rigging and cannon at hand, she also had received a lot of injuries.

Z23: *Huff puff*... Christ... I can't keep on walking anymore...

Zed falls to the floor from all her way from walking back.

Prinz Eugen: Zed!

Peter Strasser: Take her to another room, she'll recover from there.

Eugen and Ulrich carries Zed to the medical station nearby.

Peter Strasser: Now then, who will be heading out after her?

Everyone stood silent for some time.

Rheinkönig: I'll-

Lützow stops himself.

Prinz Lützow: I'll be next in line.

Lützow made small grin and walks up to Peter.

Prinz Lützow: I'll want to have at them with my new equipment, this is a great time for us to have a get go with our combat.

Peter Strasser: ...

Peter places her finger below her chin and thinks about it.

Bismarck: Then, you'll be up next.

Rheinkönig: But I didn't get to-

Augen grabs his shoulder nearby and shook his head silently, Rheinkönig then remained quiet with displease from Bismarck choices.


Nagato (Announcment): The Iron Blood, Nimi, has beaten Ayanami in the duel, this has become 1 of 0 points. The next fight will begin in 1 minute, be prepared for the next round.


Prinz Lützow: Guess my time to shine.

Lützow walks to his equipment bag and pulls out his Chain Blade and Shotgun, and puts them both behind his waist back.

Prinz Lützow: I'll be heading out now, if Eugen sees that I'm gone, tell her I'll be safe in sound.

Bismarck: We will remind her.

Prinz Lützow: Thank you.

Lützow smiles and was heading to the preparation station, until Heinrich steps in front of him and hugs him, which caught him by surprise.

Prinz Heinrich: Be safe out there partner.

Heinrich quickly releases Lützow and heads behind Peter, leaving him quite flustered. But was able to control himself.

Prinz Lützow (Thinking): *Breathing* You got this Lützow... Don't lose your cool.

Lützow enters the preparation station and the doors locks behind him automatically. As he enters, Eugen came back of the medical station and sees everyone is already looking at the screen waiting.

Prinz Eugen: Ooh~ Is the next duel about to begin already? It hasn't been 1 minute already and contestants are already be filled?

Later, Ulrich comes out the medical station.

Ulrich: It has already?

Peter Strasser: Before we start asking, how's Zed? Is she doing well?

Prinz Eugen: Fine as ever, she'll make a full recovery in no time.

Ulrich: So who is the next person?

Ulrich looks around and saw everyone is still in the room but one.

Ulrich: Are we missing someone?

Peter Strasser: Shhhh... Come and sit, we'll ask more later once the show begins.

Ulrich and Eugen looked at each other and shrugs, they sat besides Peter and looking at the screen, saying: "Waiting for both Fighters to be ready".

Bismarck then also sat next besides them.

Bismarck: You know Eugen, I'll say, you're brother is extremely confident with his combat abilities, even for someone who's isn't experiencing in the battlefield just yet.

Eugen turns over to Bismarck and was confused by her remarks.

Prinz Eugen: Huh? Who are we talking about just now?

Bismarck: Prinz Lützow, he'll will be our next Warrior to face the next opponent.

Prinz Eugen: Lützow-

As she said his name, Lützow's name and appearance appeared on the screen, with also another shipboy at the right side.

The Sakura Empire Shipboy wears a White & Blue navy uniform (both golden epaulettes on his shoulders) and a trench coat with a split coattail reaching close to his ankle and a one-shoulder cloak over it, and wears black boots. Also wearing a blue scarf around his neck and having one black fingerless glove from his right hand. His physical appearance has short dark brown hair with blue at the side fringe, had Amber eye color, and fox-like ears.

Prinz Eugen: What!?!?

(The upper balcony)

While Rommel, Friedrich and Thor were waiting. They discuss about who will be the next opponent and Fighter will be before they come out of their preparation station.

Rommel: Who will it be this time?

Thor: I would believe it could be Lützow or Rheinkönig. No competition there.

Rommel: What makes you say that?

Thor: Rheinkönig is a type of person who's willing to show that he can protect himself and anyone around him, and for Lützow...? He just wants to fight, that is all.

Friedrich: Augen I would assume wouldn't like fighting much?

Thor: Seeing a kind of person he is while I was sleeping with one of his sister? Yes.

Rommel: Huuuuuuhh....

Rommel hears the others talking from his right side, and hears them talking about their next warrior.

Akami: Who would think it would be this time.

Shinoroth: It wouldn't neither be Akaga nor Kage. They would be the last two they'll be fighting.

Kosa turns his head towards Nagato, who seemed focus.

Kosa: Sorry to bother Nagato, but how many points are there to required to win?

Nagato looks over to where Kosa was at.

Nagato: It requires 5 points to win, if both reach to 4 and 4. They will have to fight to continue until they win twice without a lost. Hopefully that will answer your question.

Kosa: That is all I need to know, thank you.

Nagato nods and faces the same direction she looked earlier, which Kosa does the same.

Kosa: Well there goes your answer.

Akami: We'll be here for a treat then...

Shinoroth: Who would've thought this is more serious than we thought.

Akami: Well neither of us had sign up for this. But I'm worried how will they fight against the Iron Bloods shipboys, they are fierce compare to how they look.

Kosa: Especially one of their new compaions, the one with the tied jacket, not so sure how he'll deal against-

The two shipboys busts their preparation station and both of them meets in the middle, and the countdown timer begins from 10 seconds just like from previous duel.

Friedrich: So they have chosen Lützow I see?

Friedrich leans forward and places both of hands together and places her chin on top of her hands and became more focused than before.

Friedrich: What an interesting fight this will be...

Rommel and Thor stares Friedrich and became curious on what she means, until they both knew what she meant.

(Third Person POV; The Arena)

Lützow and the other shipboy locked eyes at each other for solid seconds, until...

Prinz Lützow: I haven't you anywhere before, are you happen to be new like me?

???: No, I was out training with my sisters during the incident that day, that's why.

Prinz Lützow: I see. Then if I may ask, would you be kind to ask your name before we start?

The shipboy paused for a moment, before speaking out.

Kyoto: Kyoto, that is all you need to hear from me.

Lützow grins.

Prinz Lützow: Heheh. Well then, Kyoto. I hope you're ready to be...

Lützow pulls out his weapons from his waist back and rests his shotgun on his shoulder and points his Chain blade at him.

Prinz Lützow: Vernichtet (Annihilated).

Kyoto looks up where's the countdown and sees 4 seconds is remaining, which he closed his eyes.

Kyoto: Hmph.

Kyoto smiles.

Kyoto: Then be prepared...

Kyoto grabs his katana sheathed from his left hip and gets into a stance as he open his eyes, revealing a blue pupil as the water flows through within it.

Kyoto: To be sent to where you belong.

Three seconds...

Lützow would follow and gets into stance as his armor and weapons glows red neon.

Two seconds...

They both waited for Nagato to speak, in order to engage.

One second...

They both locked eyes and gripped their weapons tightly...

Zero seconds...

Nagato BEGIN!!!

Kyoto dashes towards Lützow at full speed, leaving a trail of blue sea behind.

Lützow quickly took aim with his Shotgun and shoots where Kyoto is heading to, Kyoto immediately slices the shotgun blast and manage to reach to him. Once there, Kyoto swings his katana from his sheathe at Lützow upper chest, but he blocks the attack with his Chain Blade, Lützow counter attacks with a strong kick, knocking Kyoto to the side but quickly regain momentum and lands back onto his feet.

Prinz Lützow: Come on now, is that all you had? I expected a surprised from you. Maybe I misjudged for being quite a opponent.

Lützow extends his Chain Blade and swings it at where Kyoto is, but he quickly dodges out of the attack and summons 3 blue shuriken's from his hand and throws it at Lützow and shuriken's then transforms into salvo shells, Lützow was surprised by the sudden transformation and jumps over the salvos and explodes from behind as he lands back to the ground.

Prinz Lützow (Thinking): He can turn his shuriken's into shells? It's no wonder why he doesn't have any riggings with him, but then what really was the point of carrying one?

Kyoto: Surprised by my technique? No one besides the carriers can do that sort of thing.

Prinz Lützow: Is it now? Well then check this out!

Lützow whip his chain behind his head and swings it forward, releasing a shower of bullets at Kyoto. Kyoto dodges but was hit by the explosion as it lands to the ground, knocking him down to the side again.

Kyoto quickly gets up from the attack and unsheathe his sword, and summons 3 afterimages and charges at him.

Lützow rushes his way to Kyoto to not let him have a chance recover. The 3 afterimages of Kyoto attacks all at once but quickly defeated by Lützow's Chain blade whip attack. As Lützow get closer, Kyoto gets up from his knee and charges at Lützow once again, Lützow retracts his Chain blade and they both clashed with their blades.

Lützow manage to land a blow onto Kyoto shoulder, but was hit by Kyoto's Katana by the chest by surprise. Lützow manage to lock their weapons by extending his Chain Blade and wrapping it around Kyoto's Katana, he then aims right at Kyoto face with his Shotgun but Kyoto kicks the Shotgun upper ward and fired, the incarnating bullets descends to the ground and causing a explosion, knocking both Lützow and Kyoto far away and untwisting their weapons.

Both of them land behind their backs and were slightly burnt from Lützow's Shotgun, but both of them were urge to resist the burn and gets up with their knee.

Lützow took a small peak to his left and sees Rommel and the others are spectating them. Knowing he cannot lose in front them, he needs to keep his determination up much as possible.

Kyoto tries to get up but fell to his knee again.

Prinz Lützow: Finally giving up...? Heheheh, hurry up and let me win. The winner has already been decided.

Kyoto: Let you win?

Kyoto looks up and faces Lützow with a serious expression, with determination from his eyes.

Kyoto: I'm afraid... that's not going to happen.

Prinz Lützow: Oh?

Lützow and Kyoto slowing getting up with their feet, as they remain looking at each other in the eyes.

Kyoto: Because only one of us... Is getting out of this unscathed. And I, cannot allow for you to win this fight!

Kyoto unleashes his Bright Blue Aura surrounding his entire body, and his eyes grew more fiercely and pulls out his katana, revealing a trail of ocean blue as he swings around it.

Prinz Lützow (Thinking): What the hell?! Does every single Sakura Empire ships possess some type of Aura of something? This is unfair!

Lützow grips his weapons and gets into a stance.

Prinz Lützow: Then come at me then! I'll beat you so badly, that you'll run off with your sisters with tears on your eyes!

Kyoto grip his teeth from his remarks.

Kyoto: You dare to MOCK MEEEEEE!?!?

Kyoto immediately dashes towards Lützow from behind and not giving him a lot of time to react, Kyoto throws one shuriken below Lützow and explodes, launching him upward. Kyoto then leaps towards Lützow and slashes him in every direction.


Kyoto then hits with a downward slash sending Lützow downward. Kyoto quickly teleports to the ground and then sheathing his Katana and charging up as the waves of water whirls around him, releasing a very powerful attack and disappears, slashing all over around him as Lützow is caught and freezes in place.

Kyoto then reappears while kneeing and sheathe his katana slowly until it clicks.

Lützow then unfreezes and the slashes cuts him all over of his body and his wounds became greatly exposed, he then falls from the sky and flops to the ground, making a heavy sound with no movement.

Kyoto slowly gets up from his knee and raises his hand up with his fist, which Nagato gets up from her seat.

Nagato: Kyoto, is now the victorious, and Lützow has been defeated. Is it now 1 of-


Kyoto was unexpectedly shot by the Shotgun bullet blast from the side and flung him across the arena and crashes into one of the four pillars, causing the debris to fall onto him.

(The upper balcony)

Kosa: What the hell happened!?

Friedrich: Look.

Friedrich points over where Lützow is lying down and they all see him lifting his Shotgun from his left hand.

Rommel: That's what I like to see.

Shinoroth: This could be bad... The tides could change if Kyoto cannot win this.

Akami: I'm afraid so, he used too much of his Aura too early. If he can't keep it up, he'll lose it for sure if this keeps going.

Kosa: Not to mention he used up all of his energy from that final attack from earlier, which puts him into a massive disadvantage.

Friedrich: Then it's already decided then.

Everyone looked at Friedrich with confused on their faces except Rommel and Thor.

Friedrich: The battlefield. Now belongs to Lützow.

Friedrich smiles as she close her eyes.

(The Arena)

Lützow slowly picks himself up from the ground. His clothing became closely-ripped and his weapons were semi-functional, that even his armor has been nearly shattered.

Prinz Lützow: *Huff Puff* Thank goodness... *Huff Puff* My Shotgun still works.

Lützow looks at his Shotgun and Chain Blade, seeing them in a terrible state due to the attack inflicted on him and his tools. With the condition there in, he toss his weapons aside and gets up as he looks where Kyoto has been flown to.

Prinz Lützow: It ain't over yet... I'm still standing here!

The debris glows brightly, with Kyoto dashing out of the debris, but results in puking out blood after escaping out of it. His clothes become ripped and burnt, with also his right sleeve being torn off completely, revealing his biceps and forearm as the blood drips down from it.

Kyoto: *Cough* *Cough *Cough* You tricky bastard... *Cough *Cough* Why don't you just stand aside and admit defeat?

Lützow slowly walks up to Kyoto as the blood from his forehead drips down.

Prinz Lützow: Let's just say-

Lützow pukes out blood, but shrugs it off and cleans it off from his mouth.

Prinz Lützow: That I'm a kind a guy that hates losing. I'll fight and fight, until I win!

Kyoto: Grrrr...

Kyoto gets into a stance and pulls out his katana.

Kyoto: You just won't give up.

Kyoto teleports above him and performs a downward slash.

Kyoto: DO YA!?!?

Before Kyoto can land a final blow, Lützow right hand suddenly emits a yellow light and pulls out a new weapon from it and parried the attack from Kyoto.

Kyoto: !!!

Lützow counter attacks with a uppercut swing but Kyoto dodges the incoming attack and back flips away.

Kyoto looks to see what nearly hit him, he took a closer look, and sees Lützow now wields a Black Aluminum Baseball Bat with Iron Blood insignia paint.

Kyoto: (Thinking): A Metal Bat? An object he pulled out from the strange light?

(The Iron Blood Intermission Station; A few seconds ago)

Everyone and the newly joined Iron Bloods watches Lützow standing still, and not doing anything brings worries to everyone.

Prinz Eugen: What are you doing Bruder? DO SOMETHING!!!!!!

???: What is he doing? Begging for death?

Prinz Heinrich: No way he'll beg, he'll WIN!

Ulrich: Why isn't Rommel and the others stopping them? This is an overkill and the winner has already decided.

Peter Strasser: That, is up to Nagato to decide I'm afraid. There's is nothing we can do but to watch this show flows.

Ulrich: ...

As they stop talking, Kyoto on the screen teleports above him. Eugen jumps out of her seat and worried.


As Kyoto was about to land a blow, Lützow suddenly pulls out a Baseball Bat from his hand and deflected the attack. Surprising everyone in the room.

Prinz Eugen: What the-

Prinz Heinrich: Lützow deflected the attack!

Kyoto jumps away from Lützow and they see him panicking a bit.

Peter Strasser: What an interesting power... He replicated a object just out from his hand.

Bismarck: Then it means it's not over yet.

Peter Strasser: But the battle, has also already decided as well.

Peter smiles and close her eyes.

(Present time; The Arena)

Kyoto tried to process on about what just happened, but Lützow steps in before he can find the think further.

Prinz Lützow: Come on then...

He points his Baseball Bat at Kyoto, with a loss of his playful expression into a now more serious expression with also his eyes become more widely open.

Prinz Lützow: The fight ain't over yet, we still have a fight to settle down.

Kyoto grips his Katana and readies himself, once again.

Kyoto: You're just only wasting your energy! Don't you realize that at all?

Lützow wasn't pay too much attention from his words and was already in front of him.

Kyoto swung his katana, but was parried by Lützow's Baseball Bat. He counter attacks and swings his baseball bat directly to his face, Kyoto ducks under the attack and throws his shuriken down below himself, Lützow dodges out of the way before it could explode on him.

Kyoto dashes in once again and takes another swing, Lützow bends his back backwards to dodge the attack but was attack by Kyoto jump axe kick in process, Lützow stops himself from falling by supporting himself with his Baseball Bat and takes the damage he receives and slamming it, Kyoto dodges the attack before he could land a blow on him, resulting Lützow to hit the ground and cause a massive splash surrounding them.

Kyoto retreats shortly after as his Aura is starting to show signs of losing it's glow.

Kyoto (Thinking): Damnit! I'm slowly losing my strength, If I keep this up, I'll won't be able to keep up with him.

Lützow spots Kyoto and leaps towards him and attempts to attack him with a overhead swing. Kyoto teleports away, and Lützow hits the ground once again.

Kyoto attempts to observes Lützow in order to find weakness from his newly found strength.

Kyoto (Thinking): His fighting style is so much different than before, he attacks like a wild beast, yet he hits harder than Koukaku and Shinoroth from my sparring match before. At this point I'm about to reach my limit.

Kyoto repels the shell back but Lützow quickly repels it back again, Kyoto jumps over the Salvo shell and exploding behind him.

Kyoto engages Lützow in close-quarter combat once again, and they both started trading blows at each other.

Kyoto began to increase his attack speed further to try and overwhelm Lützow, but he quickly adapts the speed and was able to be on par with Kyoto.

As they both are continue to trading attacks, the arena is starting to rumble and both of them are attacking faster and faster with each swing of their weapons, causing most of Kyoto's elemental attacks to crash all over the arena, including almost nearly missing Nagato's head, which didn't flinch her.

However, Kyoto is slowly losing his energy each time he tries to use his elemental attacks, causing his attack speed to degrade quickly. As Kyoto was becoming slower, Lützow overwhelmed him and strike him with a uppercut below the jaw, launching him forward away from him.

Kyoto crashes to the ground from his back.

Kyoto (Thinking): *Cough* *Cough* I'm not giving up just yet!

Lützow leaps towards Kyoto with his Baseball Bat now being already empowered entirely red while emitting the electricity, Kyoto with all of his strength and will, empowered itself into his own sword and glows bright blue water effect into the blade. Kyoto then leaps towards Lützow and they both raise their weapons slowly as they reach each other.


Lützow and Kyoto made contact with each other and swing their weapons at each other and caused a massive explosion, covering the entire arena, and including the balcony.

Rommel and the others tried to clear off all of the smoke away but keeps getting thicker and thicker every time.

Rommel: *Cough* *Cough* I can't see a damn thing here!

Shinoroth quickly cleared off all of the smoke by swiping his hands from their balcony.

Rommel: What the hell?

Shinoroth: You can thank me later.

Everyone was looking at each other for a moment but forgot about the fight and looked at the big smoke still covering the arena.

As the arena becomes clearer, both Lützow, and Kyoto, ended up on laying down on the ground.

Friedrich: Lützow!?

Rommel: What the hell?

Suddenly, Lützow move slightly a bit, and slowly gets up from the ground with a support of his Baseball Bat, much similar to how Zed won.

(Duel statistics)

Lützow became victorious

Kyoto take a heavy damage from his injuries and the clash

(End of statistics)

Friedrich felt relief and calmed herself.

Rommel notices her worries.

Rommel: What's wrong?

Friedrich: It's nothing Brother...

Rommel: Well if somethings wrong, you can ask me about it alright?

Friedrich nods.

Nagato stands up from her seat.

Nagato: The Battle has officially decided. Lützow taken the Victor, and defeated Kyoto. It is now 2 of 0.

Nagato then sits back down.

Rommel: Lützow sure had a lot of will to keep on fighting does he...? Makes me wonder how he'll actually do in combat with the Sirens.

Friedrich: He'll won't be as strong as you my dear Brother, but I can see the potential.

Rommel smiles.

Rommel: Hmph... I know.

They witness Lützow Baseball bat disappear as he leaves the Arena back to the Iron Blood Station limping while also taking the two damage weapons he threw away earlier from the duel. Meanwhile, two of Kyoto's sisters came out of their Station and carried Kyoto back to the Sakura Empire Station.

(The Iron Blood Intermission Station)

The moment the door opens for Lützow, he collapses to the floor as he enters the station facing flat and dropping two of his weapons to the floor as well.

Prinz Eugen: Lützow!

Eugen rushes to his side and flips his body around, only to see his face being bloodied and battered.

Peter approaches besides Eugen and grabs her right shoulder.

Peter Strasser: He'll be okay, take him to the medical station and we'll take of him from there.

Eugen didn't say a word and carries Lützow alone to the medical station, however Heinrich would come along and helped Eugen carry Lützow.

Meanwhile, Peter takes the two weapons from the floor Lützow dropped.

Peter Strasser: Seems I'll have to find ways to improve the durability of these weapons... *Sigh*...

???: Is it?

Peter Strasser: Do you have anything to say Deutschland?

Deutschland : I'm saying I could've beaten them in mere seconds, my weapons wouldn't be damaged in battle so easily compare to him.

Peter Strasser: I wouldn't talk smack if I were you.

The screen appears in front of them saying: "Waiting for both Fighters to be ready".

Bismarck: Who will be next in line?

Deutschland : I'll be next in line, I'll show the Sakura Empire who to not mess with!

Bismarck: Very well, if you're very confident in your abilities. Step over that box there.

Deutschland : Eh?

Deutschland looks behind her and see a room being empty, but shrugs it off and enters the box not knowing.

Deustchland: Is it here-


Deutschland then bangs the door fiercely after being shut off.


Ulrich: Don't worry your weapons is by your side, but don't worry, we'll be watching from inside.

Deutschland : Hmph!!!

Deutschland stops banging on the door.

A girl with big claws appears to the side of Ulrich.

???: Has Deutschland entered the preparation room?

Bismarck, Peter Strasser & Ulrich: Yes.

???: *Sigh*... What if she is facing a shipboy? She'll stand no chance at all.

Peter Strasser: We'll just have to hope she's not facing a carrier, she'll lose for sure. But there's still a chance for him to win.

Bismarck: Spee...

Graf Spee: It's fine Bismarck, even if she lose, I know she tried her best to make us proud.

The screen then shown the two fighters, revealing Deutschland at the left side.

but as for the Sakura Empire side however...

Peter Strasser: Uh... Oh...

Bismarck: Who is he?

Peter Strasser: One of their greatest warriors from what I heard, he's a big deal when it comes into the battlefield.

Graf Spee: Is he a carrier?

Peter Strasser: No, but when I said he's a big deal. He's going to be troublesome.

Graf Spee: !!!

Spee looks at the screen, being concern about how her sister will go up against their best Warriors.

(The upper balcony)

Rommel: Lützow, now being out of commissioned, won't be able to fight for the mean time.

Thor: Makes me wonder who will it be this time-

???: Heeellooo there boooyys~

Rommel and Thor heard a voice and turned their heads to where the voice was coming from and see a woman bearing a semblance to Eugen, but she had demon horns and earrings and dresses a body stockings, and her pupils had dragon like eye.

She happen to sat nearby Thor without making a sound at all.

Thor: Who. Are you?

Ägir: Hello Thoooor~ And the it's Ägir by the way, I had a name you know.

Rommel: Ägir? Where and how did you get here? Weren't you at the base?

Ägir: Peter made a call back from the base, so we came all this way to witness the fight between two ships. Aahhh~ Glorious fight I'll be able to witness with my very own eyes~

Friedrich: Peter? Then who is watching over the entire place and headquarters?

Ägir: Tirpitz is watching over the place as we speak. You don't have to worry.

Friedrich: Good choice. Without my presence, our home would be annihilated.

Ägir: If not, who would watch over the place, hmm?

Thor: Quit throwing out questions, the duel will start soon.

Ägir: Hoh~?

Ägir presses herself close to Thor arm.

Ägir: I heard some things about you, Odin told me a little by little.

Thor: Like what?

Ägir: I-

The two Fighters comes out of their Stations and meets in the middle as usual, interrupting Ägir in the process. With also the countdown starting from 10 seconds...

Rommel: Who is she?

Friedrich: Deutschland...

Rommel looks over to Friedrich.

Rommel: Is she one of the people you ask me to be careful around with?

Rommel: Correct. I wouldn't expect her to be here at all.

Ägir: I did say we came here to witness the fight, and I mean by taking part of it as well.

Rommel looks to the Sakura Empire warrior and spots a familiar shipboy that he has seen during the meeting yesterday.

Rommel senses something differently from his right and eavesdrop.

Kosa: Kage!? Why of all people but him?

Shinoroth: Luckily he isn't fighting a shipboy, so he can take his time fighting her.

Akami: Yeah but something tells me that she, could be a problem.

Kosa: Kage is pretty strong for sure, I know. But his riggings is slowing him down by a lot. He'll won't be able to face someone that fast.

Shinoroth: Not really. His tankiness will allow him to able to withstand a lot of shells being thrown at him. So he'll be fine by then.

Kosa: But is she a bit... too short?

Shinoroth: Irrelevant, size won't matter here. Not against Kage of course. Trust your Brother for once here Kosa. I'm sure he'll make the play happen in no time.

Kosa: ... Hope your right...

Everyone waited for the countdown to begin, while spectating Deutschland and Kage on standby.

(The Arena)

Deutschland pulls out her shotgun and loads it.

Meanwhile, Kage summons his riggings from his back with blue flames trails leaving behind as it appears, and pulls out his katana from the sheathe of his back hip.

Deutschland: Oooh? A shipboy I heard so much about? Are you one of the shipboys that existed in this world?

Kage: ...

Deutschland: Not into talking I see? Then how about I'll find a way to open you up, you lowly animal. Because I. Deutschland. Will win this duel!

Kage closes his eyes slightly and lowered his katana and stances up highly.

Deutschland: Hoh. Is this one of your Sakura Empire so-called fighting style? I would love this...

Deutschland riggings starts biting and roaring at Kage while he remains calm and relaxed from all the insults by Deutschland.

Kage (Thinking): Does this girl ever shut up? I'm grateful that I haven't faced a Shipboy yet, but this is too easy for me to face a shipgirl. Not that I'm offending them, but our skill ceiling is different here. This isn't even a competition here.

Kage looked to his left of the arena to see the coundown is about to reach 0 seconds.

Deutschland: So tell me worm, what is your name?

Kage: ...

Deutschland: Still won't talk? Then you'll die namelessly with no one to mourn YOU!

Nagato: BEGIN!!!

Deutschland fires her shotgun and her cannons at Kage. He stationed himself and deflected all of her barrages back at Deutschland, which she dodged all of them while grinning.

Deutschland: Oh? Can't move as fast as me? This would this be a piece of cake!

Deutschland fires another shotgun blast at Kage's left rigging, but was quickly deflected back once again and missed Deutschland and grazing her face.

Deutschland: Heh. Come on now! You won't be able to fight back if you're just gonna stand there, come on and fight back you lowly animal!

Kage: ...

Kage remained in his spot and deflecting her barrages throughout the fight as Deutschland circles around him with great speed and fired her cannon and her shotgun continuously without any signs of stopping.

Kage (Thinking): She's a cocky type, I'll give her that. Giving how she fights, she'll won't win without thinking.

Kage predicted her movement and shot his cannon to where she headed and hits her directly at the body, launching her all the way back to the Iron Blood Station and breaking through the preparation station and to the main lobby in the process.

Kage: Know your place, weakling. Your not worth of my time.

Kage riggings disappears and turns back slowly as he's heading back to his Station.

(The upper balcony)

Rommel: ...

Friedrich: ...

Thor: ...

Ägir: ...

The Iron Blood watchers were utterly confused by what just happend, but also felt annoyed at the same time.

Shinoroth: Hmm... Looks like Kage still got it, from hours of training.

Kosa: I don't know if I should be proud... Or I should feel embarrassed about the outcome between those two. That was a straight overkill.

Akami: It was a warm up obviously, that girl didn't even bother to strategize before heading straight on, and look what happened to her.

Nagato: That is uhhhhh...

Nagato shakes her head to bring back her senses.

Nagato: U-Um anyways. Kosa has taken out Deutschland, it is now 2... of 1...

Shinoroth: Quite afraid, are you Nagato?

He looks over to Nagato to seeing her feeling uneased by the sudden finisher.

Nagato: I didn't expect the fight to end so quickly... Perhaps shipboys are powerful than I thought.

Shinoroth: I wouldn't want to doubt if it was true, don't believe too much on the rumor. You're strong as you are now, Nagato.

Nagato feels pleased by his words, which she smiled in response.

Nagato: Thank you, I felt much better with your words.

Shinoroth nods smiley.

???: What have I miss?

The trios looked where the voice came from and sees Amagi, Tosa, and Musashi, being in a wheelchair arrived sleeping soundly.

Shinoroth: Musashi?!

Shinano: Aaahhh!!! W-Whuah happened?!

The three girls approaches besides Shinano and sat down next her with Amagi sitting the closes and Musashi being moved in front of her.

Amagi: Sorry *Cough* *Cough* I was quite late, I heard about a on going tournament that was happening, so I came here to watch with you all.

Akami crosses his arms and looked away.

Akami: You could've just watch it from the T.V you know, It's easier that way then coming all this way here.

Amagi: But I also, heard the two boys were here taking part of the event as well. So I decided to come in person.

Akami look back at Amagi to see her smiling.

Akami: Of course that is the reason...

Kosa: And judging by Tosa coming along, she also wanted to watch in person as well?

Tosa nods.

Kosa: Well I'm afraid you just missed it, Kage chose violence and knocked out one of the Iron Bloods shipgirl in just one hit.

Amagi: Ooooohhh, wish I've come sooner.

Akami: You're making me become more uneasy to myself.

Amagi: Relax, I won't hurt you.

Akami: You mean by mentally, instead of physically.

Amagi: Come on, you're not being yourself.

Akami: Yeah I know... Just can't imagine how I just can't take part of this fight.

Shinoroth: Well it would be obvious, I don't need to say it.

Rommel: Strength?

Shinoroth: Correct.

Rommel: Can't blame them, I would've destroyed the entire arena myself.

Nagato: Which is why Mistress Strasser had told warned me about most of you, but only a few can still participate, like Kage and Kyoto.

Friedrich: And Lützow, Augen, and Rheinkönig.

Thor: Speaking of them just now, why didn't they just sent Augen or Rheinkönig next? They both could've easily beaten Kage if that was his name was.

Rommel: I wouldn't believe Augen could beat him, but I can definitely believe Rheinkönig could be on par with him.

Ägir: Perhaps Lützow could beat him, why wouldn't it be?

Rommel: No, Lützow has fought in the second duel prior to this and won, he won't be fighting again any time soon. We should give Augen and Rheinkönig a fighting chance while they can.

Friedrich: Makes me wonder how will Bismarck and Graf Spee react.

Rommel: It's gonna be-

(The Iron Blood Intermission Station)

Augen: A surprised to absolutely Nobody.

Augen and everyone surrounds the already badly injured Deutschland stuck into a wall.

Bismarck: *Sigh*... Good grief...

Peter Strasser: Well... Guess this means we had our very first loss here.

Deutschland: Don't *Cough* *Cough* blame me for this! Lord Bismarck didn't said anything about "that" whatever he is would be taking part of it!

Augen: Have you completely forgotten about us missy? You just met us not too long ago when you the others first arrived here.

Augen and Rheinkönig cross their arms and glared at her.

Deutschland: You two lowly animals haven't even fought yet! How can you even say this- Aahh... Ouch...

Deutschland holds her chest to soften the damage from the shell that manage harmed her.

Peter Strasser: Spee, take her to the medical station along with Zed and Lützow.

Graf Spee: You got it.

Spee carries Deutschland and heading their way to the Medical Station.

Peter Strasser: Well... We should be careful how we send out our warriors out in battle. We can't make the same mistake again just like Deutschland over there.

Bismarck: Hmm...

Bismarck tries to think of someone who will be next.

Rheinkönig: I can-

Peter Strasser: You know what? Let me give it a go, I need sometimes to warm up.

Bismarck and everyone was shocked by Peter's about to face-off against the Sakura Empire in a duel.

Bismarck: Why? You had rarely fought and only been training our people.

Peter Strasser: I still am Bismarck, but It doesn't mean that I'm weak. I have fought in battles before, just never underestimate your enemies nor your allies. Isn't that what you do?

Bismarck paused for a moment, until she made her decision.

Bismarck: I hope you know what you're doing then Peter. Come back safely and win for us.

Peter Strasser: As you wish, Bismarck.

Peter bows and heads to the preparation station but realizes the door were broken from earlier.

Peter Strasser: Well great... How would we start something off like this?

The door then suddenly reformed and repairs itself back to it's original state.

Peter Strasser (Thinking): Weird... Thought it couldn't get any worse from back from that house. *Sigh*

Peter enters the preparation station and it closes behind her.

(The upper balcony)

Rommel: Who do you think it'll be this time?

Friedrich: Sending out a Shipboy again would be a bad move after sending another one, Bismarck and Peter wouldn't do it twice.

Thor: But wasn't... that girl from earlier got sent in and mere seconds of the fight, she got hit by a shell like a straight missile and cost her the whole fight?

Ägir: Well, Deutschland would focus on what she sees, once she sees it she'll won't stop until she gets it.

Friedrich: Um Hm, just like what Bismarck said.

Rommel: Starting to like Bismarck quite more after her saying it. Heheheh.

Thor: Get a hold of yourself, why would she ever sent a weakly against a shipboy? She got obliterated with one hit!

Rommel: Will judging how her conditions are, it's probably bad it can be. And luckily enough, she won't be able to be sent twice after the first fight. So there's that.

Thor: Now imagine if we get sent down there, what would the outcome would be?

Rommel: I'll probably burn the entire place down. And you'll more likely turn the whole place into a electrical tornado.

Thor: Hmmm.... Fair point.

Ägir: Oohhh...? Agreeing for once bruder?

Thor: I still don't know you, not one bit since you came here.

Ägir: So mean... I'm just-

The door opens loudly and the Sakura Empire warrior reaches to the middle of the arena, the Iron Blood side of the station, Peter appears out of the preparation room and walks all the way to the middle while taking her time, and once reached, the countdown begins from 10 seconds.

Rommel: Peter!?

Thor: This is gonna be quite interesting.

Friedrich: Indeed. I rarely see her in combat, but when she does, it's going to be complicated for the opponent to face her.

Ägir: Quite likely having the advantage, she has something that "she" doesn't.

Rommel: Oh right... Who is she? I've seen her before.

Shinoroth: Akagi.

The Iron Bloods turn their direction to Shinoroth while still starting at the arena.

Shinoroth: How will she be able to beat Peter? That's the question.

Akami: As much as I seen her fight. Someone like her wouldn't to beat someone who understands patience.

Kosa: What does patience had to do with this?

Shinoroth: Well, since Carriers requires coordinates and times in order to know where they're enemies are at. Akagi might be the disadvantage, unless she can try to overcome it and prove it wrong.

Akami: Didn't you nearly killed Akagi?

Amagi: Right... I remember that.

Shinoroth: I didn't just kill her. My intent got the head of me, before I threw my magic elsewhere before it could explode from my hand.

Shinano: But you-

Shinoroth: Well it's more complicated than you all think. But let's stay quiet and see how this goes.

The Sakura Empires all watched the arena, while the Iron Bloods group up and lowered their heads down.

Rommel (Whisper): Looks like they wouldn't know either much about Peter, strange...

Thor (Whisper): The outcome is what matters here wouldn't?

Friedrich (Whisper): I have no comment.

Ägir (Whisper): I have no comment either.

They all lift their heads up and watch the arena.

(The Arena)

Peter Strasser: Well, well, well... isn't the Head of the 1st Carrier Division, Akagi. I didn't you'll be the one sent over to fight a great strategist of the Iron Blood.

Akagi: He he he, You sent out one of your weakest links to battle. And you call yourself a strategist? I wouldn't think so.

Akagi smirks.

Peter Strasser: Hmph, won't matter.

3 Seconds...

Peter Strasser: I wouldn't want to hold back otherwise.

2 Seconds...

Peter Strasser: But...

1 Seconds...

Peter Strasser: Maybe a little of my power, wouldn't hurt.

Peter eyes glows purple along with her scepter red cross glowing red.

0 Seconds...

Nagato: BEGIN!!!

Akagi flies above Peter and throws her barrage of shuriken from her sides, Peter responds the attack by tapping her scepter to the ground, freezing all the shuriken's in place.

Akagi: What the?

Peter Strasser: Surprise?

Peter taps her scepter to the ground again, the shuriken's then vanishes out of thin air.

Akagi: You- No matter! It's not going to stop me! I'll won't fail anyone nor my sisters!

Akagi summons her spiritual rigging and launch bunch of her shuriken's and turning into biplanes, Peter summons her riggings and does the same.

The biplanes then clashed into each as they descend and ascending while Akagi is continuously throwing more shuriken's, while Peter is still standing in one spot since the battle began.

Akagi begins to circle around Peter to try to overwhelm her with her shuriken's, but neither of her shuriken's and biplanes has hit or reached her yet.

Peter Strasser: I'm getting tired of this.

Peter scepter glows more ferociously and she grasp her scepter by the grip and slams it to the ground from the end of the stick, causing a massive purple shockwave effect across the whole arena, Akagi couldn't bare the shockwave and was forced to retreat back to the ground.

Akagi looks up and sees most of her planes has been destroyed.

Akagi: You think I don't have any spares?

Akagi summons three each of her shuriken's between her index, middle, and ring finger.

Akagi: I won't get tired throwing these at you, I'll just keep throwing them until one will eventually landed on you.

Akagi smirks again.

Akagi: Hehehe, HAHAHAHAHAHA!

Akagi powers up with a red aura around her and flies again, resulting Peter to become shock.

Peter Strasser (Thinking): It's no wonder why Lützow is struggling... every Sakura Empire ships must have some way to power themselves when getting into combat. It's no wonder why Shinoroth and Rommel felt so equal, even when they didn't faced each other at all in a fight.

Akagi: Surprise? I'll show you what the 1st Carrier Division are truly capable of!

Akagi flies around a circle at Mach speed while throwing shuriken's around Peter location.

Peter tapped her scepter to the ground again and was forced to move her one spot and dodged all of the incoming shuriken's that becomes into suicide biplanes.

Akagi stops herself while smirking.

Akagi: Ooohhh~ Did I scare you a bit? Hahe hahehehe... bet I did, didn't I?

Peter Strasser (Thinking): I shouldn't underestimate her just yet, I'll need quite some time to understand her fighting style before I can act. Compared to Zed, she already knows her opponent's fighting style since they've been friends for a long time, and would already know how to fight her. But Lützow was different case... He barely knows who Kyoto is, but yet he's already capable of parrying, blocking, and dodging his attacks despite being at a disadvantage state. Lützow must has some kind of Fighting Spirit during his fight, but he never seems to show it until he gets his Metal Bat. Something tells me that Lützow haves something that others don't but I highly doubt it since Rommel would already have possess one as well. What is Bismarck trying to tell me?

Bismarck (Past): When I was injured, Rommel was overwhelmed by the Royal Navy who came to hunt me down after I tried to ambush Hood and Wales. But before I loss sight, I was able to have a glance of Rommel's determination, further than any I have seen. I'm not sure if I seen a single shipgirl has gotten one.

Peter Strasser (Thinking): Not sure how I can say this one, but Akagi seems to have it as well. Unless I'm thinking it incorrectly.

Akagi threw one of her shuriken's and grazed Peter's face before exploding behind her back from the distance.

Akagi: Whoops... I missed. He hahahaha.

Akagi (Thinking): How did I miss that?! If only if I had that cube from my possession earlier if it wasn't stolen away from me. It's been two days and it was nowhere to be found, I could've easily won the match if I had it now.

Akagi was worried for a while, only for Peter to realize her expression.

Peter Strasser: You seemed to loss confidence all of the sudden. Did something just happened now? Or are you have another trick up on your sleeves?

Akagi refills her shuriken and they appear between all of her fingers from both hands.

Akagi: Tsk, I won't let my confidence get the hold on me. You'll see.

Peter Strasser: Well... I already think of a solution to win this duel.

Akagi: ...

Akagi grips her shuriken's tightly.

Peter jumps to one of the pillars and her scepter changes color from red to pure purple, and both of her eyes glow more fiercely and her riggings disappears of the sides of her and created a big clock behind her.

Peter Strasser: Let me demonstrate, that the Iron Bloods engineering is the world's finest of the entire nation.

Peter smirks and activates her time stop, freezing the whole arena and Akagi in one place, including the spectators from the Balcony.

Peter snaps her finger and summoned biplanes, surrounding her from all over the gaps where she couldn't find a way to escape.

Peter Strasser: And now... observe.

Peter snaps her fingers again and time resumes.

Akagi saw the flash right before her eyes and the planes shoots her in all locations and dropping dive bombs at her, creating a large smoke.

Peter Strasser: Hmmm... that might be a little overkill. I perhaps should've had gone a little easy on her.

As the smoke clears, Akagi wasn't nowhere to be found.

Peter Strasser: What?

Peter looks all over the arena but wasn't be able to find her anywhere, but she felt the heat above her and looks up to see a injured Akagi with all of her planes already being set-up.

Akagi: Prepare for your last laugh!

Akagi commands her biplanes and they all shoot Peter from above.

Peter uses her scepter and swings at the biplanes and wiping all of them out, however one manage to sneak up on her and dive bombed her off the pillar towards her back.

Akagi didn't hesitate and throws her shuriken's barrages, Peter quickly gets up and swipes her scepter, once again wiping all of them away.

Peter Strasser (Thinking): She has too much stamina and speed... If this keeps up, I won't be able to stand a chance. My scepter is the only thing that's keeping me standing, but I won't get a full used if Akagi keeps on flying and jumping around all of over the arena. I'll have to find a way to disable her power aura somehow, It's what keeping her to outmatch mines in everyway.

Peter tries to remember Lützow's match with Kyoto and how he loses his power aura.

Peter Strasser (Thinking): Lützow was struggling to fight Kyoto at the first half of the fight, but then when Lützow was all pumped up, Kyoto wasn't be able to compete with his strength... Oh... I see now.

Peter smirks and figures out.

Peter Strasser (Thinking): Kyoto may be a new shipboy along with the others, but if he loses it, then Akagi could lose it too. She may be more experience and stronger than Kyoto, but if my theory is correct. She won't be able to control it for long in the state she's in right now.

Akagi: What are you smirking for? Trying to make a laugh out of yourself?

Peter Strasser: Perhaps.

Peter slams down her scepter in front of her with both of her hands at the top of the scepter.

Akagi: You try to intimate me? You had any clue who your facing?

Peter Strasser: Don't need to.

Peter hands starts to glow in purple and slowly reach to her shoulders, once complete. Peter lifts her scepter in her left hand and puts her right hand behind her back while pointing at her from her scepter.

Peter Strasser: Bring it on. One arm is all I need to beat you.

Akagi: ???

Peter snaps her finger and a portal appears above Akagi confusing her greatly, she snaps her finger again and spikers appear out of it, Akagi dodges in a instant but grazed her face.

Akagi dashes away from the sudden attack.

Akagi (Thinking): What the?! Did she suddenly unleashed her true abilities? How is this be possible?!

Peter teleports behind Akagi and sweeps her with her scepter and kicks her away towards one of the pillars.

Akagi recovers from the kick and starts to levitates away from Peter.

Peter snaps her finger again, creating two portals, one above and one below.

Akagi nullified the bottom portal, but Peter quickly teleports above her and kicks her down to the ground. She snaps her finger once again and summons three biplanes dropping dive bombs at Akagi.

Akagi quickly evades the dive bombs and threw her shuriken's at Peter but she quickly shuts it down but swiping it away.

Peter points her right hand at Akagi and summoned a purple shadow figure away and catches Akagi with a chokehold.

Peter Strasser: Never underestimate the power and technology of the Iron Blood.

Peter grasp her hand and it explodes on command, knocking Akagi away from her and starting to show signs of losing her aura.

Peter Strasser (Thinking): It's working, I'll just have to keep her overwhelm to not let her breathe for any longer.

Peter stabs the ground below her and summons a spike towards Akagi's location.

Akagi quickly jumps away from the spikes and throws her shuriken's again. She quickly teleports in front of Akagi and kicks her with a surprise upper heel kick to the face.

Akagi rebounds and attempts to kick her away only to ducked under, Peter strikes her scepter in vertical angle and slashing Akagi's torso and pushing her away.

Akagi starts to become weakened and her aura starts to blink in and out.

Peter sees the opportunity and charges her scepter in purple.

Peter Strasser: This is the end of you Akagi!

Peter creates a cross slash from her scepter and sends it way towards Akagi's direction.

Akagi clenches her fists and her shuriken's while grinding her teeth.


Akagi creates a barrier in front of her from her spiritual rigging, blocking the cross slash. She levitates again and flies around the whole arena in Mach speed once again throwing shuriken's in rapid rate.

Peter takes out a couple shuriken's and biplanes coming in her way, but doing so made her tank most damage from them but was able to keep on standing.

Akagi then flies directly to Peter and her aura starts to glow more fiercely.

Peter Strasser wasn't surprised by her aura returning and sends out a couple biplanes after her.

Akagi throws out her shuriken's and took out all of them in one throw.

Akagi charges towards Peter as her shuriken's becomes gulf in flames brightly, she attempts to kick her once again, Peter counter attacks by phasing through the kick and summons a purple orb catching her.

Peter Strasser: Cocky as ever Akagi.

Peter raises her right hand and glowing in purple, she charges at Akagi and grabs her from the neck.

Peter Strasser: Care to explain how this, will end?

Akagi's body starts to become consumed by Peter's power, before being nearly consumed by it, Peter hurls Akagi behind her back to the ground.

Peter Strasser: IN RUINS!!!!

Peter stabs the ground with her scepter and the summons the spikes bigger than she summoned impaling Akagi in the process, before turning around and cleaning her scepter and smiling.

Peter Strasser: Hahahahahaha!

Peter grasp her hands and explodes Akagi's internal organs along the spike she created.

Akagi falls to the ground and knocked out unconsciously.

(Duel Report)

Peter Strasser has been victorious

Akagi injuries are unknown

(End of report)

Peter Strasser: *Sigh* You got a little cocky at the end there, I thought your sister is a type to do so.

Nagato: Peter Strasser has won the duel, and Akagi has been defeated. It is now 3 of 1.

Peter shook her head and heading back to the Iron Blood Station, meanwhile, Kaga and Akari comes out of their own Station and dragging her back.

(The Iron Blood Intermission Station)

Peter enters the station and sees everyone but Deutschland, Spee, and Lützow, were waiting for her.

Prinz Heinrich: That was a great performance teach!

Peter Strasser: Perhaps showing my powers was a bit overkill, although I felt bad for taking the easy way out. But hey, at least I can still fight again the next time.

Spee approaches the group before they could celebrate.

Graf Spee: Peter, you must come to the medical station, somethings going on with Deutschland!

Peter was concerned and worried, so she didn't hesitate and followed Spee to the medical station.

(Iron Blood Medical Station)

As the the arrived, Peter sees Deutschland body has a different burn marks from a ordinary shell.

They approach closely to Deutschland, and Peter begins to examine Deutschland.

Graf Spee: What is it? What is happening to her?

Peter stays quiet momentarily before speaking up.

Peter Strasser: This is no ordinary shell, these burn marks you see. It looks like it did a toll on her, she'll won't be able to recover or fight again for the next few months.

Graf Spee: W-What!?

Peter Strasser: Tell me... was she fighting a shipboy by any chance?

Graf Spee: Y-Yes.

Peter Strasser: Hmmm...

Peter Strasser (Thinking): Normally, Battleship shells don't take down ships that easily unless by a surprise attack, but Deutschland was hit by one shell that is faster than Mach speed. She couldn't react the shell coming at her, and as a result, took the hit by surprise and costs her the match. During my fight against Akagi, she hesitated to face me head-on and was worried for a moment when I see her. I wonder if this happen to do with that shipboy Kage and her. He's a battleship just like Rommel but he's too unique to be classified as one, but judging by his movement, he didn't move once or even flinch from any of Deutschland's attacks and was just tanking hits before deciding to land the final blow. Bismarck... I'm afraid there's a cheater in this tournament. But what can we do about it? Sending out our best warriors would be a disaster. And the worst of all, Nagato wouldn't notice what's going on and Musashi is still resting.

Peter places her finger below her chin, concerning Spee.

Graf Spee: Peter? What's wrong?

Peter Strasser: *Sigh* It's nothing. Stay here and take care of her, I'll be back just a moment.

Graf Spee: I will.

Before heading back out, Peter spots Lützow and Zed talking to each other at the distance having fun.

Peter Strasser shook's her head with a smile before heading back out with the other Iron Blood members.

(Meanwhile at the Upper Balcony)

Rommel: Nice one! Peter took the win!

Friedrich: Never saw Peter going to use her abilities ever, it's nice to see it for the first time even if isn't in the battlefield.

Thor: I would to praise it and all, but I just wanna see who will be the next one they'll sent this time.

Ägir: So stingy...

Thor: Quiet. Girl.

Ägir: Jeez no need to be so mean, what did I ever do to you?

Thor and Ägir continues argue for a next couple of seconds, Rommel overhears the argument from the Sakura Empire side and eavesdrop.

Shinoroth: Akagi didn't put much effort into the fight compare from last time, why did she keep throwing the match?

Amagi: Akagi has been acting up a lot lately, but she refuses to tell me why.

Tosa: Neither do Kaga knows about it, this brings my suspicion for wondering why.

Kosa: Let's just admit that Akagi just wasn't even trying to fight back, she's basically throwing.

Akami: So you're telling me that, Akagi, of all people is the top best warriors and she lost to some Iron Blood genius?

Kosa: What do you want me to say? There's nothing positive I could say about that fight.

Shinoroth: Hmmm...

Musashi turns around and sees Shinoroth concerned about something.

Musashi: Shinoroth what's wrong? Didn't something happen pop in your mind?

Shinoroth: I... don't know. Something about the previous fight wasn't feeling right.

Everyone but the Iron Bloods excluding Rommel, Shinano, Nagato and her guards, turns towards their face to Shinoroth.

Shinoroth: Kage... I felt something different from him than the others from earlier.

Kosa & Tosa: Kage?

Akami: What about him?

Shinoroth: I'm not sure, but his strength level was... different.

Rommel (Thinking): Different? Now that he mention about it, there was something off from that previous fight.

The conversation was interrupted once the two fighters comes out of their stations and meeting in the middle.

Rommel (Thinking): It's that guy again... And he's...

Rommel looks to the left side to see who he's facing against.

Rommel (Thinking): Augen? Oh no...

(The Arena)

Augen spins his SMG Pistol while both him and Kage were glaring at each other.

Augen (Thinking): This guy is bad news... He manage to one shot Deutschland with no effort, and they had the audacity to sent him right back out again? Tch. Talking about unfair.

They both haven't talk throughout the countdown and was about to reach...

0 Seconds...

Nagato: BEGIN!!!

Augen (Thinking): Here goes nothing.

Augen holster his SMG Pistol and jumps in one of the pillars, and grab his Sniper Rifle from his back and shot Kage from above.

Kage foresaw this and repels it back at Augen, surprising him. Augen jumps over his own laser shot and lands back to the same pillar.

Augen (Thinking): He reflected it?! What kind of monster is he? It's no wonder how Deutschland lose to this man.

Kage responds by shooting his own cannon shooting at mach speed, Augen jumps out of the pillar away and summons biplanes from his gadgets.

Kage quickly shuts them all down from his AA gun and then towards Augen.

Augen runs around the arena and firing his SMG Pistol.

Augen (Thinking): He's just standing there like a menace, getting close to him would be difficult. Especially that Katana of his. I'll need to figure how to force him out of it.

Augen dodges all of the shells being thrown at him and throws a incendiary grenade below his feet, Kage repels the grenade back at him before it would explode on him. Augen was caught by surprise and caught himself on fire.

Augen (Thinking): SHIT!!!!

Augen throws his water grenade down and cleanse himself.

Kage: How long will you keep throwing your toys at me? You know that it's hopeless to do so.

Augen (Thinking): Heh, so much for loser who doesn't even move a inch.

Augen pulls out another grenade and throws directly at Kage, as he expected, he tried to reflect it but it exploded on him and frozen in place.

Augen (Thinking): Now's my chance!

Augen pulls out his Sniper Rifle and charges his rifle before he could escape from the ice. Just in time, she shoots a large laser beam at Kage in instant and shatter him out of the ice and causes frostbite to Kage.

Augen then throws another cryo grenade at Kage's location, Kage evades the grenade before it could explode on him.

Kage (Thinking): Bastard thinks he's cheeking.

Kage burns himself on purpose and the frostbite clears away.

Augen (Thinking): Not even surprise, but I got plenty to keep on doing it.

Augen dashes towards Kage and elbows him by surprise, landing a blow at his jaw and knocking him away.

Kage grinds his teeth and fires his main gun.

Augen dodges all of the cannons and kicked one of the shells right back at Kage and directly landed a blow on him, with a burning mark left from his upper chest. This angers Kage greatly, and fired a barrage of salvo shells.

Augen was shocked by the amount of barrages he fired and hurls his cryo grenade at the barrages and shot it with his SMG Pistol, freezing all of the shells in blow and shattering as it lands, but some survived and forced Augen back up the pillars.

Kage: Come down and stop fighting like a coward!

Augen: As if!

Augen hurls a incendiary grenade at Kage, before he could reflect it, he shot with his SMG Pistol and it explodes upon reaching to him, burning Kage in the process.

Kage: You fool!

Kage charges into one of the pillars Augen was standing on and crashing into it, causing it to collapse, Augen jumps away before he fall into the debris and landing back to the ocean ground.

Kage becomes tempted to win and charged at him like a train.

Augen jumps over Kage and pulls out his Sniper Rifle and beamed him from behind his back, leaving a big gap from his outfit.

Kage accurately turns around and caught Augen by surprise.

Augen (Thinking): What the hell?!

Kage caught Augen by his charge and plows him all the way to the Sakura Empire Station building. Kage pummels Augen afterwards and brutally beating him to death, Augen catches one of his hands and kicked him hard enough for him to make distance.

Augen slowly gets up leaning against the wall with blood dripping from his mouth and nose.

Augen (Thinking): He ain't playing around, he either wants to win so badly or... He wants to kill me.

He senses Kage's aura filling with killing intent, now knowing what he's up against.

Augen (Thinking): No... *Huff Puff* He really wants to kill me. Deutschland... Be thankful that you mange to survived that. I would hope Bismarck wouldn't be facing this monster.

Kage fired his salvo cannon at Augen.

Augen kicks the Shell away and hits one of the pillars.

Kage: You missed that on purpose?

Augen dashes behind Kage while be distracted and planted a AP grenade into his rigging. Kage kicked him away before he could try to act, but was already too late and it exploded behind him, destroying the rigging and creating a smoke around him.

Augen backs flip away and tries to recover from the kick.

Augen (Thinking): *Huff Puff* *Huff Puff* Finally... I damaged his best way of getting me from a far, now he'll have to deal against me up close. It should a lot easier to fight-

As the smoke clears Kage was laying down from his stomach.

Augen (Thinking): What? Did I win?

Nagato was seen standing up.

Nagato: Augen has been taken the victory, and Kage has been defeated! It is now 4 of 1!

Augen: *Sigh*... Oh think god...

Augen walks back to his station, until suddenly he was tackled from behind.

Augen: !!!

Augen looks behind to see who was the attacker was, turns out to be Kage in a much angrier state and his top outfit was nearly torn.

Kage pinned him to the ground and sliding his face across the arena then hurling him to the pillars at much greater strength.

Augen made contact to the pillar and spat out blood, while being in shocked.

Augen (Thinking): What the hell happened?! How did he gotten so much faster?

Kage closes the distance at mach speed and pummeled Augen face in a berserk state.

Augen tries to catch his fists like before, but Kage reacts and catches his hand in an instant and dislocates his fingers entirely, causing tremendous amounts of pain. Kage continues to pummel him at a much rapid speed to the point no one would be able to save him, even when the fight has already ended.

Augen (Thinking): It's over... I'm going to die here in a such wrecked place...

Augen remembers his sister final words.

Peter Strasser (Past): May you fight well Bruder. Come safely even if injured. I only want to see you come back alive.

Augen (Thinking): Heheheh, Goddamn you Zeppelin... Where are you right now when your own little brother is being pummeled to death on an off nation property in front of hundreds and thousands of people watching me suffering. Where were you when I needed you the most...? I bet you'll be crying all day once I'm out of this world before the next day by doing your own thing of so called "destroying the world". Heheheh... Hilarious... to think about it... At this point it's not even funny anymore. Heheh... I guess I was born to early for others to raise to the top, only to be slam be back down to the core of the earth.

As Augen was about to lose conscious, Kage lands a powerful blow to his face to the back of the pillar and then aims for his neck and then grabbing his throat pipe with two of his fingers.

Before he could grab them, a woman with a cape kicks Kage aside before he could try and finish Augen off.

Augen then goes unconscious, not knowing who saved him.

Kage scratches the floor and looks up to see what pushed him away from his prey, he sees a woman carrying a flag spear from her hands and facing a him with a serious expression.

Bismarck looks behind her to see Augen eyes were closed.

Bismarck: You fought well Augen, I'll finish this fight for you.

Peter and Heinrich from behind drags Augen back to the Station.

Kage didn't want to let it slide and tries to go after them, but Bismarck quickly shuts him down by striking him back to his spot from her spear, before he could go further away from her.

Bismarck: It's just you and me now, you will regret threatening my people!

The Bloodlust Kage roars at Bismarck and charges at her at full speed.

(The Upper Balcony)

They start to witness Kage and Bismarck trading blows at each other, but Bismarck was able to keep up with him by parrying and deflecting every single attacks thrown at her.

Rommel & Tosa: What the hell?!

Thor: Why is Bismarck challenging this freak?! He nearly killed Augen and now he's going to kill her!

Akami: Nagato! Stop the match! This is going too far.

Nagato becomes worried and stands up, but before doing so, Shinoroth stops her.

Shinoroth: Don't.

Everyone looks at Shinoroth strange answer.

Akami: Shinoroth! Kage has gone nuts, we need to stop the tournament or else the Iron Blood Flagship Leader and Kage will destroy the whole place.

Shinoroth: That's why we don't stop.

Kosa: ...

Kosa being the only one, focuses on Kage.

Akami looks to his side and sees Kosa wasn't paying any attention.

Akami: Hey man? You doing alright?

Kosa: ...

Akami: Say something or once!

Musashi: Shinoroth, we need to stop at this moment. Nagato please.

Nagato wasn't to sure if she should stop the match, and was worried by Kage's Rampage but Bismarck was also there to stop him, she looks below her and see the strongest were with her, knowing she would be fine with them around her.

Nagato: No. the match will continue.

Everyone was shocked by her answer.

Friedrich: What are you thinking?! My children almost died because of that, I would wreck havoc if you don't-

Rommel stops her before she loses her sanity.

Rommel: Friedrich don't, let's continue it before we can act. I'll promise you, Bismarck will be fine and Augen is being under cared as we speak.

Friedrich calms herself down and faces back the arena.

Friedrich: I'm... very sorry.

Rommel pats her in the back.

Ägir: I've already want to take part of the fight, but Bismarck in no way could fight someone like him.

Thor: I could easily beat him, one swing is enough to knock him out.

Rommel: You both forgot I exist here? I could easily annihilate the whole place while in gulf in flames.

Shinoroth: That's enough over there! It's best we watch how this goes down, Bismarck may not be as strong as us but she's very smart and far more experience than us. I'm sure you all know that full well aware.

Rommel (Thinking): He's right... Although I can't really compare myself to Friedrich or Bismarck. She would be able to fight off Kage for a while. But this makes me wonder... How long can she last before any of us intervene?

Rommel stands up from his seat and clenches his fist to be ready. By doing so, Thor does the same and puts his hand closely to Mjölnir.

(The Arena)

Although Bismarck starts struggling against Kage's sudden new form, she was able to telegraph him thanks to his previous fight from earlier and kicks him back away.

Bismarck (Thinking): It's no wonder why Augen is struggling to fight him. Could the cube be possessing him? If so...

Kage recovers and stands up, now powering up with blue aura glowing around his body as he stands far front of her.

Bismarck (Thinking): Did he become a monster, by consuming the black mental cube? No, this is different. His will and way of thinking is mostly the same, but his power level is beyond my comprehension. Could I really beat him before I reach my limit? I still had my powers with me during my last stand against the Royal Navys, but...

Bismarck glances a bit over to her right to see Rommel is standing and watching her from afar.

Bismarck (Thinking): I would wish to never use it in front of him, he despises Sirens more than anything. And my power comes from the Siren technology. I'll have to brute force my way into this fight.

Bismarck touches her between her chest and grasp her shirt tightly while looking at the menacingly Kage.

Bismarck (Thinking): I won't let anyone down, for the sake of the Iron Bloods future!

Bismarck twirls her flag spear from her left hand and gets into a stance.

Kage cracks his neck from the kick earlier, and gets into a tiger stance.

They both paused for quite some time for a while, until Kage strikes first by closing the distance.

Bismarck blocks the attack and counter attacks by performing a thrust attack, Kage deflects the attack and counter attacks with a palm strike. Bismarck shifts her movement behind Kage and gets him into a chokehold position with her spear.

Kage was slowly losing oxygen but was quickly able to get out of the chokehold by crossing his right leg to Bismarck's other leg, tripping them.

As they fall, Kage then attempts to elbow drop her fall but Bismarck evades the attack and strikes him with her flag spear at the side. Bismarck quickly picks herself up but Kage was quick enough and pressure her before she could get a chance to fight back, forcing her to become defensively.

While she's blocking Kage's attack blows, Bismarck tries to look for a opening but Kage's attacks were too fast for her to react to find an opportunity to fight back.

Bismarck (Thinking): I guess I have no choice.

Bismarck summons her rigging and immediately shoots the ground from her BB cannon in order to push Kage away, which succeeded. Kage back flips to one of the pillars and jumps on top of them and lowering himself towards Bismarck and glaring her down with most of his faces being covered by shadow but his eyes.

Bismarck (Thinking): He's fast, he's no ordinary battleship like Rommel, but far faster. I wonder if the was the that did this to him.

Bismarck didn't have time to think about it and fires her BB Cannon at Kage's location, but he jumped out of it before it could hit him and flying towards Bismarck.

Bismarck unleashes her AA gun and fired upon Kage.

Kage deflects all of the incoming fire coming at him and once he reach to Bismarck, he attempts to dive kick her but Bismarck anticipates the kick and counter attacks with a strike to the face from her flag spear.

Kage instinctively redirected the damage from Bismarck and back at her with a unreactable claw fist blow to the face.

Bismarck was shocked by the sudden blow and her hat as a result came right off of her.

Bismarck (Thinking): What?! What even happened of all the sudden?! Did he redirected my attack back at me?

Bismarck confusion grew more and more, meanwhile, Kage had accidently unleash his new hidden fighting style.

Kage: Whoops... Looks like I had accidently used it by instinct.

Kage retracts his hand away from Bismarck and then twirling both of his hands with blue aura resemblance like a flowing water from his extremities. He looks at the confused Bismarck with a grin expression.

Kage: Guess I'll be finishing you here!

Kage pummeled her every bit of her body from her legs to her upper chest. He then finishes her off by slamming her face into one of the standing remaining pillars.

Bismarck tried to get up but fell onto her knee.

Bismarck (Thinking): He wasn't trying to fight me seriously at all, he was hiding his true strength so he thinks I have a fight chance.

Kage: What's the matter?

Bismarck looks up to see Kage still smiling with his eyes turning pure blue.

Kage: A Flagship Leader of the Iron Blood falling down to her knees to a shipboy?

Bismarck: Tsk. You tried to make me think I had a chance, *Cough* *Cough* I never thought someone so dishonorable would hide their mask behind their faces.

Kage: No matter... Because you will die HEREEEEE!!!

Kage flats his hand and went directly to her throat to tried and finish her off for good.

Bismarck before her eyes, she remember her times with her sister.

Bismarck (Thinking): I guess even I tried, I couldn't fight anyone stronger than me. Tirpitz... Forgive me...

Bismarck closes her eyes to accept defeat, but suddenly she didn't feel anything from any of her body and peak from one of her eyes, to see a longsword appeared before her.

Bismarck (Thinking): Rheinkönig?

Bismarck looks to her left and see Rheinkönig angry expression and kicks Kage away before he could make contact with her. Rheinkönig stands in front of her to prevent him from getting close to Bismarck.

Bismarck (Thinking): I never thought I'll be saved by my own little brother.

Rheinkönig gets into a stance in front of Bismarck while Kage without thinking much, gets into a stance.

Bismarck: Rheinkönig... It's all up to you now.

Bismarck loses consciousness and tilted her head sideways.

Rheinkönig (Thinking): I will...

Kage: You tried to intervene my finisher blow! I would've won the fight if you-

Rheinkönig: You call that a fight?! It's a execution, you tried to kill my sister with no remorse!

Kage: Sister...? HA! Well then maybe killing you will make it all worth it!

Kage dashes towards Rheinkönig to land a blow head-on, but Rheinkönig reactively parried the incoming attack and counter attacks with a slash. Kage jumps over the attack and counter attacks back with a overhead kick to the head, Rheinkönig didn't react to the damage he took and grabbed his leg and hurls him across the arena away from Bismarck.

Rheinkönig chases after him and throws out energy blades out from his Longsword.

Kage evades all of energy blades but reflected one of them back at him.

Rheinkönig slashes the incoming energy blade coming at him, and Kage leaps towards Rheinkönig at full speed.

Kage attempts to palm strike Rheinkönig's face, but he bent behind himself over and slashed his as he was coming by. Kage trips and rolls to the ground, while Rheinkönig flips his sword behind his back and charges a powerful energy attack.

Kage gets up but sees Rheinkönig blade energy is glowing brighter and brighter.

Rheinkönig unleashes one powerful energy blade towards Kage. He then follows-up with another two energy blades.

Kage dodges the first energy blade but was hit by the second and third energy attack, but remain standing with slashing burning marks.

Rheinkönig dashes in front of Kage then behind him with a overhead slash.

Kage caught the blade with both hands and kicks him away.

Kage closes the distance and they both clashed.

Kage starts to show struggles fighting Rheinkönig more than Bismarck and Augen due to his limit of his body from his earlier fights against them.

Kage (Thinking): I can't lose now! I'll have to kill him before I can finish that woman off! He's like a damn brick wall I have to break through.

Kage's attack blows becomes more faster and faster, so fast Rheinkönig wasn't being able to catch up with his speed. Rheinkönig ducks under his pummels and horizontally swings right at his neck, Kage jumps over the incoming attack and knee'd the side of his head, knocking him to the ground buried by the water.


Before he could land the final blow, Rheinkönig pulls out his right below Kage's feet, causing him to rebound himself back away.

Rheinkönig gets up and unburied his head from the ocean, showing no signs of having pain at all.

Kage (Thinking): He's bad news... If I can't get to him. There's one thing I can finish this fight off.

Kage glances over to Bismarck and still see her unconscious, Rheinkönig notice his galnce and calls him out.

Rheinkönig: Why are you looking over that direction, you still trying to kill me sister even during my fight with you?

Kage: That ain't it...

Rheinkönig: What are you talking about?

Kage summons a biplane to his side as he smiles.

Rheinkönig (Thinking): An biplane?! But isn't he a Battleship a while ago?!


Kage repels his biplane from the palm of his hand and sends it flying towards Bismarck unconscious body.

Rheinkönig: SIS!!!

Rheinkönig dashes quickly towards in front of biplane and tries to stop it by slashing it, but a single biplane still exploded upon contact of the blade and knocked him far away, and close to Bismarck side.

As a result Rheinkönig was caught on fire from the plane and suddenly... becomes afraid.


Rheinkönig's body is slowly being consumed by fire, but in front of his eyes, he sees a figure standing before him wielding a sword, wearing a red one-shoulder cape and blonde hair.

Rheinkönig begins to panic from the fire as he was trying to put himself out.


Kage sees a easy opportunity to attack and dashes straight on towards Rheinkönig.


Right as Kage was about to get to him, he was hit by a dive kick by another Sakura Empire who couldn't stand watching.

Kage was knocked far away to the point of hitting a nearby barrier already injured.

The one who kicked Kage looked behind him, seeing Thor slams Rheinkönig to the ground and dragging him with water but Rommel happens to step in and tried to stop him.

(The Upper balcony; a while ago)

Rommel: I can't just stand here watching them fight for long.

Friedrich: Bear with it, we can-

A sudden crash hits Rheinkönig and they all see him being lit on fire, they witness Rheinkönig screaming in fear and trying to put himself out of fire.

Friedrich: !!!

Thor: WHAT THE FUCK!?!?!?

Shinoroth: !!!

Rheinkönig (Distance): ANYONE!!! SIS!!! HELP MEEEEEEE!!!!! TIRPITTTTZZZ!!!!

Friedrich: Tirpitz...

Rommel grinds his teeth and his eyes grew fiercely.

Rommel: That's it! I'M DONE STANDING AROUND!!!

Rommel climbs over the balcony and leaps towards Bismarck and Rheinkönig's location.

Friedrich: Rommel wait!

Kosa unexpectedly jumps out of his seat and made a dash for it, leaving the trail of blue flames.

Tosa & Akami: Kosa!

Thor also jumps in and followed Rommel.

Ägir: THOR!

Akami: Damnit! We need to get everyone to know what's happening.

Shinoroth: They already knew, but it's best if they leave the area now.

Amagi: Agree.

Friedrich: We'll do the same.

Ägir: Right.

Everyone but Shinoroth and Nagato gets off of their seat and dashes off to their respective stations.

Musashi and Shinano however remained to stay.

Musashi: Should you intervene as well?

Shinoroth: No, Kosa got this. He is the one who trained him after all.

Nagato: Are you sure about it, Shinoroth?

Shinoroth: I'm sure of it.

Shinano: Zzzzzz...

(The Arena; present)

Kage slowly gets up but was struggling to due to his injuries.

Rommel approaches Kosa, which he notice.

Rommel: You need some backup?

Kosa: No, I'll deal with him myself, he's my brother. It was my fault I turned him into this way. And I must pay for my sins because of it.

Rommel was hesitated by his words, couldn't think of a better sentence for it.

Rommel: Thank you, Kosa.

Kosa: Don't mention it, now go. Get those two out of here.

Rommel nods and heads to Bismarck and carrying her to his arms, meanwhile Thor carries Rheinkönig from his shoulder.

Rommel: You ready?

Thor: Yeah, I'll follow you.

Rommel and Thor heads to the Iron Blood Station with Bismarck and Rheinkönig on their hands, leaving Kosa and Kage alone in the arena.

Kosa approaches the fallen and injured Kage while remaining expressionless.

Kosa: Now then, Young brother. It's been a few days since you sharpen your blade. What suddenly happened to you just now?

Kage (Thinking): *Cough* *Cough* That voice...

Kage looks up to see who it is, upon a closer inspection, he sees Kosa looking down on him with disappointment, and upon seeing him, Kage becomes annoyed just by looking at him.

Kage: Looks like someone has decided to clean the trash out... *Cough* *Cough*

Kosa: Look at you. Turning a Fallen warrior into becoming a half Monster... I'll end this now. Come at me!

Kage slowly gets up from the ground, he puts his hands up front and cracks both of them, he then puts his palms both together and hurls to his side then gets into a stance with his hands resembling a claw.

Kosa fluently shifts his hands to his sides with a blue aura resembling a flow of water following his extremities then getting into a stance, with his left hand in front and his right hand close behind his left forearm to his chest and shoulder with open palms.

Kage and Kosa glared at each other with now a battle between...

A Mastered Brother against a Half Monster Self-Taught Brother

Rommel (Thinking): At that point, I didn't really now what happen to those two, perhaps I'll ask them once they finish him off, or, knock him out until he can't move anymore. *Sigh*... Maybe I'll ask them tomorrow to see what they know by then.

(To be continued)

After 2 years since it's remake, and 8 months after the chapter 4 release. It's safe to say this is my most hard work and most anticipated chapter that I am proud to write, I'm very sorry for all the 2021 and 2022 readers that had to suffer and wait for such a long time for the 5th chapter to become release but here we are, it's finally finished, and no it's not over I'm still keeping the series going. I still have plenty up on my sleeves with my never ending ideas unless my brain decides to melt and becomes brain dead. But since Chapter 5 is where I'll mostly stop progressing here, I can finally focus on other Azur Lane fanfics I promise and continue them onward and then coming back here again, rinse and repeat.

Now for the fun part that I always do sometimes when I felt like it.

Fun Fact 1: Out of all the Shipboys excluding the Sakura Empires, Rommel and Thor, Lützow would've easily beat Kage if he wasn't sent earlier on.

Fun Fact 2: This chapter has reach over 19K words excluding the Facts and Note.

Fun Fact 3: As you probably guessed it by now, Lützow is a suppose inspiration of Metal Bat from OPM.

Fun Fact 4: If your curious about who were the remaining Iron Blood members who aren't mention are: Roon, Z46, Mainz, Yorck, Brünhilde, and Thüringen.

A lot shorter facts than I would expect, but that is all I have to say.

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