Chasing Champions

By SGD1318

14.1K 307 266

Where a young Aussie girl who loves anything to do with racing dirt bikes, that lives and breaths the sport... More

The Beginning
A New Start, In A New Country
Leaving everything behind, right?
To the track! Finally...
Make it or break it, the MX way
The Nightmare
I just want to feel happy right now, please...
New bike, new team, new life
The trip home, and tough decisions
Unfeeling is the new feeling, but not the best
Hot night, and a happy, carefree day
Last night of relaxing, then back to the grind
Won't stop, can't stop
What's wrong with me?
Off the bike, but into a new world
A new way of life as we know it
The horror
Will you really stay? In my darkest hour?
This is home
Happiness, and a shock
What the hell are we going to do?
Nothing is safe anymore, is it?
More the better, even if you can't see me
Oh Fuck
Bloody hell
Getting back to normal, or the new normal.
Back to it
Here enters Rhys Phoenix
The newest Lawrence
Time flying by
His turn
Final planning
The big day
The stay at home honeymoon
A coming home surprise
Rought times, and two miracles
Coming home and Confirming
OBGYN and telling some family
Time skip
Holy hell...
Joy and hell, no, no!
Oh god...
What...What? No, no way...

Can we fix this?

139 6 4
By SGD1318

Sarah POV:

It had been 6 days since I walked out and not a word from Chase. My heart hurt and I would randomly start crying over anything and everything. I couldn't sleep without nightmares again, and I couldn't keep anything down so I just stopped eating. I was losing weight and I know everyone was worried and so was I but I couldn't help it. The only reason I got up in the morning was to be there for my son, he deserved at least one parent around. He was so cranky and wouldn't calm down most of the time till he passed out because he missed his dad too. 

It was the middle of the day, Jace was asleep and I was at Hunters alone. I felt like absolute shit, I had gotten sick twice already and I just wanted to curl up and sleep. I was just about to fall asleep while hoping to get some before the nightmares but I felt a sharp, and familiar pain but way less intense. My eyes shoot open as I shakily look under the blanket I was curled under to see blood. My breathing started to quicken as flashbacks to what happened last time flash before my eyes. 

I was broken out of my memories by Jace crying, I blink back tears of fear, confusion and pain as I struggle to get to my feet and to the guest room we both were staying in. Once I get to him I pick him only to almost drop him as I get another sharp pain. I gulp as I shakily grab my purse and his dipper bag and make my way to my truck and get him in. The drive there way a blur of tears and pain, but I parked and entered the ER doors and they took one look at me and rushed to take me back. My memory was fuzzy but one thing stood out more than anything, and nothing but shocked horror filled me. And then I knew nothing else.

Chase POV:

I was a complete mess without her here, her and our son. I just couldn't seem to do anything right, and 6 days without knowing how she was or our son was way to long. All I wanted was to hold them in my arms again but I didn't know if she would even want to see my face again. I haven't slept in our bed because I couldn't stand the thought of her not laying next to me. I have been sleeping in Jaces room in the rocking chair even if it killed my back. I was staring at my phone just trying to get the courage to call her and beg her to come back, to tell her I'm ready to tell her everything. But right as I was about to grab the phone it lit up with a call. I blink in surprise before picking it up and answering. But as they say who they were my heart dropped. I quickly ask,

"Is Sarah and Jace ok? That's why your calling right? Because their there?"

Fear started to fill me as I hear,

"We can't give that information out over the phone, but I can tell you that you do need to get here soon because your son needs you."

I jump up grabbing my wallet and keys and running out of the door while saying I was on my way. I was speeding big time to get to the hospital as quick as I could but I just couldn't seem to get there fast enough. Finally arriving I park and rush in and up to where they told me she was. A nurse takes me back to her room and I see her unconscious and utterly pale in a bed hooked up to some machines and another nurse holding a whimpering Jace. I walk towards Sarah before stopping and moving to take my son. I gently cradle him under my chin as he immediately calms down and I say,

"Thank you for looking after him. But can someone please tell me what's going on now?"

The nurse sighs and motions for me to sit down as she does too making me even more fearful. I sit down and look at her as she says,

"Sarah came into the ER about 2 hours ago looking just about to collapse in pain, making us quickly get her onto a bed and to try and figure out what was wrong. After a few test we found out that the pain was from a stress induced miscarriage, and from what we could tell she was only 6 weeks along so she probably didn't even know she was pregnant yet. I am so sorry, it was to late for us to be able to do anything."

At first I felt shock, then everything slowed down as I try and think back to any signs that could have been there. I blink as I start to remember her being a bit more tired than normal and more quiet. I swallow as tears start to form and I bury my face in my sons hair and ask,

"Is there anything else? She looks thinner than she was a week ago when I saw her last."

She clears her throat and says,

"She appears to not have been eating normally for at least a week or so. Probably a mix of not being able to keep anything down because of morning sickness and because of whatever was causing her the severe stress. But other then that nothing else. When she wakes up and her vitals are stable at the point we like she can go home. Again I am so sorry."

I just nod as she leaves, and once she's gone I let the tears fall. Self hate was at a all time high, because once again we have had a miscarriage and it was all because of me. A sob leaves my mouth as I pull my son even closer to me. After a few minutes I calm down slightly and sit up and look down at Jace who had fallen asleep and see how tired he was. I close my eyes as I cuss myself out in my head. If I had never been so stupid and ruined everything this would have never happened. 

I reach into my pocket and pull out her ring and as I stare at it I remember what she told me. To give it back to her when I was ready to trust her completely. I had always trusted her, but now I was ready to be open with her. Hoping she takes me back I slip the ring back onto her finger and just hold her hand as if she was glass. And I just wait till she wakes up so I can tell her how ungodly sorry I was and just how much I love her. Because this life wasn't worth living if she wasn't by my side. And I would just be half of me for our son, because if something happened to her and Jace wasn't here then I wouldn't want to live. Both of them were my life, and I just pray with everything in me I haven't lost everything.

Sarah POV:

The first thing I noticed was whatever I was laying on wasn't comfortable at all and there was a annoying beeping in my ear. I groan as I try and open my eyes so see what it was only for me to remember what had all happened. My eyes snap open as I look around for my son only for my breath to get caught in my throat as I see Chase passed out with Jace asleep on his chest. I look down and see our hands were laced together and my ring was back on making me smile slightly knowing that meant he was ready to open up. I look back up at them and a tear slips down at my face as I already knew what I, what we lost. I swallow down a sob as the tears start pouring down my face silently as I rested a hand on my lower abdomen. Unknowingly to me I was whimpering softly and it woke Chase up making him look over at me and his heart breaking at what he saw. He squeezed my hand making my head snap over to him and I couldn't help but say,

"I'm sorry, I'm so so so sorry. I didn't know I promise I didn't, if I did I would have taken better of myself I swear."

His eyes misted over as he shakes his head and gruffly says,

"Don't be, no one knew. I'm sorry for everything, you were right to worry about me. I just wasn't ready to admit it even to myself that I needed help, and look what happened again because of my ego. God Sarah I'm so sorry for treating you like I have, and for not trying to get ahold of you the past few days because if i had maybe this wouldn't have happened. Fuck I killed another baby, another one of our babies."

As he breaks down my eyes go wide as I realize just how much he had been keeping to himself. I slowly sit up, wincing as I did so, and pull him into my arms and let him cry his heart out. My heart throbbed at the thought of him blaming himself like he had been and I had no idea. For the next few hours as we waited for my vitals to regulate we talked about everything that had been bothering him and it killed me. It killed me to see just how much he was hurting and I was too blind to see it. But I didn't let it weigh me down like I once would have let it, I just learned about the signals he has and promised I'd be there the way I should have always been from the start. So as we walk out of the hospital and to his truck as we agreed I shouldn't drive right now and we'd come back later for it, I couldn't help but ask,

"Can we fix this? Fix us? That conversation was something that had really needed to happen but we have a lot more to talk about. Do you want to meet me halfway and fix our family?"

He stopped and stepped in front of me and rest a hand on my cheek while he holds a still sleeping Jace in his other arm and whispers,

"I will do anything to fix this, all I want is my family together again. I never want either of us to go through that hell ever again, ok?"

I nod with a smile and tears in my eyes as I lean up and kiss him softly. I pull away slightly and whisper,

"If that's the case, I still want to get married to you on the date we already picked. Let's make this family official already."

The grin on his face made my heart melt and I knew nothing will ever be easy for us, but one this will be. Our love for each other.

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