J-Hope in Bangtanland

By BrookeM818

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A BTS version of Alice in Wonderland. Follow J-Hope in his adventures down a rabbit hole and into a strange n... More

1 - Down the Rabbit Hole
2 - Natural Disaster
3 - Love of an Army
4 - Mad Hatter Language
6 - The Trial of the Sun
7 - Adventure's End

5 - Behold the Handsomeness

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By BrookeM818

Hobi entered the castle grounds and looked around, observing the area that was covered in beautiful flowers in multiple colors as he wondered where he could possibly find the king. He kept on walking until he came across an unusual sight.

Three white alpacas were scurrying around a rose bush with worried looks on their faces. They had paintbrushes in their mouths and were dipping them in cans of pink paint before splattering them onto the blue roses.

"How could we have done such a thing?" one of the alpacas asked. "Planting blue roses by mistake?"

"Well, it's not my fault! I didn't know he had started liking pink again!" another one replied.

"Um, pardon me, but what are you doing?" Hobi asked as he approached them.

"What does it look like we're doing?" the third alpaca replied. "We've got to paint these blue roses pink before the king catches us!"

Suddenly, loud trumpets sounded out of nowhere, and the alpacas instantly froze. More alpacas marched into the area in two straight lines, and Jimin appeared before them.

"Presenting the hyung we all look up to, the wise and ancient man who doesn't look nor act his age, the smart problem-solver who always wins, the one who believes in confidence and not cockiness, and the best-looking visuals of them all, His Royal Highness, the Worldwide Handsome King of Diamonds!"

The trumpets sounded again, and behind Jimin appeared the king, who was a handsome young man wearing a pink suit with a silver cape, and a crown made of diamonds and crystals was perched nicely on his head.

And yes, it was Jin.

Hobi stared at the oldest member in surprise as the three alpacas bowed fearfully, making him feel like he needed to bow too as he got down on the ground. Jin looked at them with a gentle smile, but when he turned to the rose bush and saw the pink paint on the blue roses, he instantly glared at the alpacas.

"You were painting the roses!? What was wrong with just taking them out and replanting them!? You honestly thought you could get away with this!?"

The alpacas quickly tried to apologize, but Jin didn't want to hear any of it.

"Off with their heads!" A few of the other alpacas immediately took hold of them and carried them away, and Jin began complaining as he talked fast, as if he was rapping. Hobi couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

"Uh, hello, Jin-hyung!" he said. "I always knew you were a king, but I didn't think you'd take it this far!"

Jin turned to him as if it was the first time he noticed him. "Oh, are you my competitor in the game?"

"What game?"

"The game that's about to start now! Duh!"

"Oh! Well, uh, no. I was just here to ask you if I can go home. Back to the place where I came from, that is."

Jin looked over him up and down. "You're definitely not from here, and I doubt you even belong here anyway. I don't usually let anyone leave my land, but I guess I can make an exception for you."


"That is, if you beat me in this game. If you win, you can go home. But if I win, you have to stay here forever."

Hobi thought about that. It was a risky gamble, but if that was the only option he had, he'll take it. So he nodded.

"Deal. So what game are we playing?"

"What could possibly be better than fishing?"


With that, a lake instantly appeared before them, and they were each given a fishing pole.

"This lake has many surprises in it." Jin explained. "Each is worth various points, depending on what you catch. Whoever has the most points after thirty minutes wins."

"Okay, I get it. Sounds simple enough." Hobi replied as he prepared his pole.

"Let the game begin!" Jimin declared, and the two players threw their lines into the lake.

Hobi felt a tug on his pole almost instantly. "Hey, I got something!" He pulled the line to reveal a green-and-gold fish with blue stripes, and it started screaming loudly, making everyone cover their ears.

"Ooh, looks like the competitor caught a measly Brazilian fish!" Jimin said. "Only three points for you!"

"What? Oh, come on! Brazil is awesome! It's certainly worth more than that!"

"I got something!" Jin said, and he pulled out a white fish with black lines and red and blue circles.

"Yes, the mother of all the fish! The South Korean fish!" Jimin exclaimed. "Seven hundred points for our king!"

"What!?" Hobi was shocked. "But that's not fair!"

"Sorry, but you can't deny the beauty and authenticity of the original fish!" Jin stated with a smirk. Hobi glared and let out an annoyed groan. He didn't like it, but he was gonna have to play by the rules. He needed to step up if he wanted to beat Jin and be able to go home.

The game went on, but it was full of chaos as Hobi and Jin caught various fish that represented countries, and apparently, each were worth a specific amount of points. Japan was worth a hundred points, United Kingdom was worth fifty, India was worth seventy, and ironically enough, United States was only worth ten. If that wasn't weirder enough, Hobi kept catching the ones that had less points while Jin caught the ones that had more points. It was really irritating him, but he kept playing anyway. He just had to keep on going if he was hopefully gonna win.

Jin's pole tugged at something again, and he reeled the line in when suddenly, out popped not a fish, but Jungkook instead.

"Oh, sorry! I was just wondering if there was anything I could eat in this lake!" he said as he let go of the line and landed on the ground.

"Where the hell did you come from!?" Jin asked. "Have you no manners for the maturity?"

"Well, sorry, but you can't blame a cat for wanting to have fish for a good meal."

"Who gave you permission to eat these fish in the first place?"

"I gave myself permission!"

"Have you no respect!?"

"I never have respect for an old guy!"

"Excuse me, young man?"

"Well, it's true, isn't it? Now give me my fish! I wanna see your godly cooking skills at work, hyung!"

Jin was red in the face. "Off with his head!"

"You want my head? Well, here you go!" Jungkook made his entire body disappear except his head, and he placed himself in Jin's hands. Jin screamed as he dropped the head, making it land on the ground.

"Remember, my king. He has that freaky power of separating his body parts." Jimin said. "There's no way we can execute him."

"Well, some form of punishment has to be made!" Jin said. "He's disrupting my vibe here! What does he even want?"

"I'll tell you what I want!" Jungkook replied, making the rest of his body appear again as he stood from the ground. "I want to know what you did to my Army."

"Your Army? She's our Army."

"Yes, I know, but don't you think she's been punished long enough? She really didn't mean any harm with what she did. She was just being her loving self as usual."

Jin raised his eyebrows, and he turned to a couple of alpacas. "Release Army from prison and bring her here!" They immediately went, and after a while, they came back with the girl in tow.

"Hello, Worldwide Handsome King of Diamonds!" Army said. "You're looking as worldwide handsome as ever as usual!"

"No time for the flattering comments, Army!" Jin replied. "Tell me, what exactly did you do that made us want to punish you?"

"I finally finished making my magic potion that I was working on, but it went a little wild in the execution of it."

"I see. And was there anyone in particular whom you wanted to be your first taster?"

Army looked over at Hobi. "I wanted him to taste it first, but honestly, he kinda intimidates me."

"What?" Hobi was confused. "Why would you find me intimidating?"

"Because you're literally the sun! You brighten our day, but you're also hot like hell! Your eyes burn with fire when you're serious, and when you're instructing choreography, it's scary!"

Jin, Jimin, and Jungkook gasped in horror while Hobi just had a blank look on his face.

"I knew from the start that you weren't one of us, but I didn't think you would be the actual freaking sun!" Jin exclaimed. "I don't want you burning up my land everywhere you go behind my back, especially when it involves dance! Anything but that! This is even more serious than I thought! White Rabbit, bring in the Mock Turtle!"

"Yes sir!" Jimin replied, and he quickly went away, coming back later with a man who wore a turtle shell. It was none other than the leader, RM.

"Wisely done, White Rabbit!" Namjoon said. "You weren't late again this time!"

"Mock Turtle!" Jin said as he pointed at Hobi. "This boy has infiltrated my land long enough, but he is also none other than the sun. Please tell us what we should do to him in order to not invoke his wrath. Share with us your levels of geniusness and high range of intelligence."

"You never call me a genius when I break stuff."


Namjoon rolled his eyes and approached Hobi. He gazed all over him, examining him as if he were an animal.

"Please, you don't have to do this." Hobi whispered desperately, giving a sincere look to his chingu. "I'm just an outsider who's trying to get home."

Namjoon looked back at him as if he was considering what he said, and he went into deep thought as his chin protruded before turning to Jin.

"This person is truly a rare human being unlike anyone we've ever seen, and it wouldn't seem right to decide his fate here and now." he explained. "I suggest we arrange a trial, and together, we'll all confirm if he's innocent or guilty."

"Very well." Jin replied. "Let's have a trial!" With that, the alpacas began moving to prepare everything.

Hobi couldn't help but gulp nervously. He was gonna be put on trial, and he had to prove his innocence if he wanted to go home. However, he had a feeling that things were not gonna go well for him very soon.

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