Forbidden Mates(boyxboy)

By DasiyC

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What happens when vampires and werewolves,( natural born enemies.) Decide to live together as equals on the s... More

Chapter 1- Mates
Chapter 2- Mates part 2
Chapter 3- What would happen
Chapter 4- Siblings
Chapter 5-The scent
Chapter 6- The twin
Chapter 7- Go
Chapter 8- The cottage
The cottage pictures.
Chapter 9- Friends
Chapter 10- Who's the villian.
Ouestion/Answer- special
Chapter 11- Yuan
Chapter 12-Yuan part 2
Chapter 13- Caught
Chapter 14- Vic
Chapter 16- Coma
Chapter 17- Coven
Chapter 18- The Ambassadors
Chapter 19- The Pack
Chapter 20- Bad Alpha
Chapter 21- New Traitor
Chapter 22- It's Just A Feeling
Chapter 23- Awkward conversation
Chapter 24- The Nursery
Chapter 25- The Past
Chapter 26- Foreign Help
Chapter 27- Ultrasound
Chapter 28-New plan
Chapter 29- Wicked Surprise
Chapter 30- The Battle
Chapter 31- The End

Chapter 15- Dad

186 18 4
By DasiyC

Storm's POV

"Your suppose to be dead, I saw you die," I stated wide eyed as I stared at my father.
My father smirked before he began to stroke the man who sat on his lap hair. I watched with a scowl as the Asian man sighed in bliss before he relaxed into my father's hold.
"That may be what you saw, but Storm I can ensure you. That Killian Knight never died," he stated.
I glared at Alpha Killian before my eye's wandered to my mate.
He sat on a wooden chair in between Markus and Mary-kay on the right corner of the room. He was dressed in a baby blue hospital gown that reached mid-tight, and appeared to be a little to small for him. Giving me the perfect view of his big baby bump as my eye's slowly traveled down his sexy form. I tried to hold Wesley's eye's just wanting to get lost in their depths, but he just stared into nothingness. He was so high on vervain, that he didn't know where he was or who he was for that matter. And as much as I wanted to smile and joke about how big he has gotten. I couldn't bring myself to even move my lip's upward. No, not when my mate was in such a shitty and vulnerable state. Because not only were the drugs bad for Wesley's health with him being a vampire. But it was also very dangerous for the child that was inside of him. If the child was a werewolf the chances of it getting harmed would be very low, but there’s also a chance that the child could be a vampire. Which would be terrible. At least Wesley looked and smelt like if they feed him well. So our child wouldn't be malnourished, thank the goddess.

"I'm really sorry about your mate," my dad apologized snapping me out of my thoughts.
I scoffed, because you could practically taste the lie behind those words that just came out of his mouth.
He wasn't sorry that he had my mate drugged so highly that he couldn't even realize that I was in the same room as him. He wasn't sorry that he could’ve killed my kid with all the vervain that was being fed to Wesley. He wasn't sorry that he kept me from seeing hearing or touching my mate for four fucking months. He didn't feel bad about the fact that he had his people place my friend's and I into isolation. And restrained us with silver so we couldn’t get away
And he definitely didn't give a shit that I didn't want anything to with him. Instead at this present moment all I wanted to do was fucking kill him  and his bitch.
"Ok, so I know that you boys are angry with me for what I did to your mates. But I promise you that there’s a perfectly good explanation for why I am doing this," Alpha Killian stated after he had the man who was sitting on his lap to get up. I followed his every move with my eye's, as he slowly walked to the front of his desk and leaned against it.
Oni scoffed before he spoke.
"Angry is an understatement."
My father's gaze landed on Oni before he smiled.
"Oni, its been forever since I've seen you. I see you and Storm are still good friends. He even picked you over your twin to became his beta like your father was my brother's. Good for you," my father mused causing Oni scowl to harden.
"You said that you have a good reason for doing this. What is it?" Asked Nolan as side glanced his mate. Who was at the moment was gazing up at the ceiling while his head rested at the back of the chair that he sat on.
"Little Nolan, how you've grown. Even managed to find a descent mate, apart from the fact that he's and he and a bloodsucker. But Sarah would still be proud of you. Huh its a shame that I had to put her down. She was such a wonderful women."
Nolan growled as he tugged on the silver restrains that held his arms behind the back of his chair.
"Oh feisty, you remind me of Neal. How is him by the way, I bet he still can't get over the loss of his mate. Such a pussy. Anyways to answer your question. Yes, I do have a very good reason for why I am doing this. But unfortunately I can't tell you just yet," my father smirked before he turned to face the other wolves in the room.
"Seth, Chris, James," he called causing three persons, two dressed in security uniform's while the other man just dressed casual. In a pair of jeans and a long sleeve shirt.
"Feed the leaches until the vervain are forced out of their bodies. Then untie my son and his friend's, allow them to play with the bloodsuckers, before you tie them back," my father ordered.
My heart beamed at the fact that I was going to get to touch Wesley. Even two seconds would be more than enough time. I just so desperately wanted to touch him. I wanted to kiss him, to hold him, to run my hand through his soft hair as I held him. To lightly rest my head on his stomach as I listened to our child kicking inside of him.
My head snapped up in Wesley's direction as I heard his soft moan. His mouth. His mouth was shut tightly around Seth. I think his name is, hand  as he sucked from a small slight there. I watched as the color returned to my mate's skin and when he opened his eye's. Though they were blood red. They weren't full of pain and confusion, instead they looked filled with life. And when they fell on me he with drew his mouth from the man's hand to speak.
"S...Storm," he mouthed.
Soon Oni, Nolan, and I were untied, and before anyone could blink we had rushed over to our mates.
"Storm," Wesley cried as I held his head against my chest. Though he was still restrained, he still tried his best to get as close to me as possible.
"Huh, I missed you so much," I sighed as I breathed in his heavenly scent.
"I missed you to."
"I promise that we'll all get out of here. And I'll do anything you want, we'll even watch that terrible show about the talking sponge that you like," I stated.
"Really," Wesley asked as he pulled back to look me in the eyes.
"Promise," I nodded causing Wesley to smile brightly as I caressed his soft cheeks.
I held his chin so he'd look up at me before I lowered my lips to his. But before our lips could I pulled away from him.
I growled and thrashed as I desperately tried to get away from the man that held me, and back to my sobbing mate.
"No let me go! He shouldn't be crying like that or stressing out. Please, let me comfort him," I pleaded. But was ignored as I roughly pushed back down into the chair and restrained once again.
"Let me go you asshole!" Oni shouted as Chris restrained him.
"Baby you'll be ok," Nolan assured Markus as the boy practically screamed out.
The pain of being close to your mate but not being able to touch them. Is way more painful for newly found mated couples than mated couples. So I understood why Mary-kay who was bawling her eye's out and Markus who was deafening all of us with his screams. Were getting on the way they were.
"Ok, so here's what's going to happen," my father began. Receiving growls and sneers from my friends and I.
"Since I allowed you three to hug, talk to and touch your mates. Your once torn mating bond, which occurred because you've been away from your mates for so long. Was strengthened, due to your short reunion," my father explained.
"Now, what I'm going to do. Is bring three ladies or it can be three guys. If you swing the other way. Who will mate with you. Causing your bond with the leeches to snap," he finished with an evil wolfish grin.
"Never!" I sneered. While my father just smirked as he walked back behind his desk. Again pulling the Asian man onto his lap.
"As if you guys have a say in this," Alpha Killian laughed.
"Now. Ladies can you please join us," he called.
All head's turned towards the door as three very attractive ladies walked in.
"Boy's, I'd like you to meet, Sasha, Tara, and Alice. Your new mates," Alpha Killian exclaimed with a smirk.
"What!" The entire room shouted.
"You've got to be bullshitting us right old man?" Oni asked with a small laugh.
But my father wasn't laughing.
"I'm afraid not Oni, you will mate with Tara in front of your mate before I kill her."
I heard Mary-kay squeak at my father’s words causing Oni to growl.
"No one's laying a fucking finger on my mate!" He shouted.
I've never seen Oni this angry before. I guess I was felt the same hatred with a small mix of fear at the moment. But I was always upset about something, him on the other hand was always calm and collected. And seeing him this way now, just pissed me the fuck off.
"Don't worry boy, Tara would be an amazing Beta she-wolf. As would Sasha be an amazing Luna and Alice a Delta she-wolf. As they'll be amazing mom's when they carry your pup's."
I growled.
No one was going to be my Luna but Wesley. How dare he try to take my Tiger away from me, how dare he try to take away my children from me. How dare he hurt my best fiends’ by hurting their mates. But before I could utter a word. Sasha who was dressed in pink mini pleated skirt that reveled the beginning of her butt. Pink knee highs and a sleeveless crop top. (Yes I know very exposed). Had began to trail kisses down my jawline  and neck.
"What the fuck. Bitch get off of me!" I shouted. But she didn't stop. No, instead she moved her hand down so she could rub me through my jeans.
"Stop that!" I commanded as I tried to close my leg. But she kept firm grip on my thigh keeping them open.
"Girl you better get your slimy hand's off my man. Before I strangle you!" I heard Markus shout as Alice ran her perfectly manicured hand down Nolan's bare chest.
"Yeah listen to him. Get off me!" Nolan shouted.
"Wow, wow. Slow down. No one's allowed to touch me but my mate SLUT!"shouted Oni.

I turned my head to look at Wesley, who was violently sobbing. He eye's were puffy and blood shut from crying. While long tears stained his cheeks, his brow's were furrowed in confusion and pain. While little drops of snot came out of his nose.
I knew this was painful for the three vampires. Because seeing your mate being touched sexually by someone who wasn't you. Was worse than walking on a trail of broken glass.
"S..Storm don't," Wesley cried.
My heart broke just looking at him. His pleads with my father and Sasha were so pitiful and full of pain. His voice was so sour but he didn't stop begging and crying for someone to stop them. And what was I doing? Just sitting there while my mate suffered. They had untied them from the chairs, so the vampires were now on the floor. Crying and screaming. They were still unable to move due to the small vervain shot they got. That paralyzed them. But they were very loud.
My head snapped back to Sasha as I felt my pants begin pulled down.
"Fucking bitch STOP!" I shouted as she wrapped her hand around my cock.
"Please sir, please stop this," Wesley begged my dad. But was ignored.
"Father stop this right now! The goddess has already chosen Wesley as my mate and I love him. So STOP!"
"I'm sorry my son, but the goddess made a mistake this time," was his reply before he called for some people to come in.
"High Priestess Amara and Mage Amada, welcome," Alpha Killian greeted as a man and a women entered the room.
The man was dressed in a long black ancient cloak while the woman who appeared to be in her late forties. Wore on a black hooded long sleeve medieval floor length dress. And in her right hand was an old ratty ancient looking spell book.
"Are this them?" The woman, Amara asked with a horsed voice. Looking down at Wesley, Markus, and Mary-kay.
"Yes they are. Now can you help me get rid of them without killing my son and his friends?" My father asked annoyed.
"I can, but I can't," Amara answered.
Alpha Killian looked confused.
"Care to explain Amara?" He asked
Amara turned back to face Alpha Killian.
"That one's carrying child," she pointed to Wesley.
"I can't kill him, because the child inside him won't allow me," Amara informed.
"So what you have to kill the thing, before you kill the leech?" My father asked through clenched teeth.
"Yes, that's exactly what I have to do."
"And how long is this going to take?"
Amara shrugged.
"Maybe thirty minutes. I have to make a potion to kill the child then kill the vampire's."
My father thought about it for a while. Before he nodded.
"Ok do it. But I want those leeches dead in two hours."
Amara and Amada nodded before they set to work.
"By the time," my father began.
"Ladies you can continue from where you left off," he stated to the girls who were now sitting in front of us.

After ten minutes of having my still soft cock sucked. Sasha finally gave up with a huff. Before she turned my dad who was currently making out with Chang Ming. The Asian man.
"What is it?" He asked Sasha.
"Alpha, its his dick. We can't have sex if its soft. So we have to do something that turns him on. Apparently I don't," she stated in her sicken high pitched voice.
"Is that the same for you girls to?" He asked, turning to Alice and Tara who were both fuming from the fact that they couldn't turn Oni and Nolan on.
"Yes sir," they answered in unison.
"Hmm," Alpha Killian hummed.
"Seth, James, Chris, take off the vampire's clothes," he commanded.
The vampire's were limply laying their back's against the wall as they blankly stared at us. Their tears had long ago been cried out, so the only noises that could be heard from them. Were sniffles and hisses here and there, from the pain that Sasha, Tara, and Alice caused them from touching us.
Seth, James, and Chris roughly pulled off Wesley, Markus, and Mary-kay's hospital gown's. Leaving them completely naked and exposed, not only to us but everyone else in the room.
Then I became hard.
I know I'm nasty, but looking at a naked Wesley who's hole was completely exposed for me. Just turned me on, and that baby belly that he had just made him look even sexier.
"There we go," I heard Sasha mutter before she wrapped her dirty lip's around my cock again.
I flinched.
"Does that feel good?" Sasha asked as she stared up at me.
"No it doesn't," I said between breathes.
I'm not going to lie, she really knew what she was doing. Because it felt really good.
"Are you sure about that?" She asked before she flicked her finger over my tip causing me to cum.
"Oh I beg to differ."
I hate her, I  hate her so much. All I wanted to do was fucking rip her head off and burn it.
"Ahh!" I heard Wesley scream.
My head snapped in the vampires direction. While Markus and Mary-kay were screaming because of the pain inflicted upon them by they mates who were begin sucked off by to strangers. My Tiger was crying and holding his stomach after Amara forced him to drink a green liquid.
"What did you do to him?" I demanded while the witch just smirked.
"Oh nothing, just a juice."
"That does what?"
"Come on Storm are you that dom. Your an alpha after all. It's a drink that would kill your child that is inside of him," she laughed.
"You bitch," I growled as I tried to get out of Sasha's and the restraint’s hold.
"Come on baby, just forget about that vampire. And focus on me, I can carry your pups and become your Luna," Sasha suggested as she stripped of her pink lacey panties.
"No!" I spat.
Sasha's once flirtatious eyes, hardened before she spoke.
"Well you don't have a choice. Because once I'm done having sex with you and your old mating bond breaks. You'll begin to crave me," she cockily stated.
Before she straddled me.
"Get off me!" I heard Oni and Nolan shout next to me.
"Stop please stop!" Cried Markus.
"," Mary-kay mumbled.
I looked over at Wesley as he continued to cradle his belly. My eye's opened wide as blood began to run down Wesley's inner thigh.
"Stop your killing him!" I shouted, but Amara ignored me as she placed a hand on Wesley's stomach.
"Ahh S...Storm s..sop...hur," Wesley screamed before he pasted out.
"Baby I'm putting you in," Sasha said. Before she grabbed hold of my cock and rose herself up just a little bit. Hovering over her woman area.
But just when she was about to lower herself the room filled with green smoke.
"Alpha Killian, what do you think your doing?" Came that all to familiar voice.
"Who said that?" Asked my father. I couldn't see him, but I could feel and hear how much he was angry.
"Oh so you've forgotten me, what a shame," the woman's voice joked.
I blinked a few time as the green smoke finally cleared up.
"High Priestess Elaine," Amara scoffed.
"Oh hello Amara, how have you been. I see your still going against the goddess' will," Elaine Oni's grandmother stated as she stood in the middle of the room. She wore on a black knee length skirt a long sleeve turtle neck shirt and black ankle boots. With her hair pulled back in a braided ponytail.
"Granny?" Oni asked as Tara finally came off of him.
"Yes grandson?"
Oni smiled.
"Ahh!" All our attention snapped to Wesley, who was now awake and screaming his lungs out. As he cradled his stomach. The blood flow between his leg’s had stopped. Thank the goddess.
I looked up at Elaine and was not happy to see the fear written all over her face. Apparently Oni saw her face to as he wasted no time in asking.
"He's ok right Granny,"
"I'm afraid not Oni. But before I go into detail, lets get out of here shall we."
I was confused by what she said by  what Oni's grandmother said. Amara looked horrified and was quickly trying to chant a spell. But Elaine beat her to it, and before Amara could chant her second word. There was this green light before everything went back.
Lets pray that Wesley and our kid are alright.

Hi guys I'm sorry that its been so long since I've updated. But with online classes and this damn pandemic its just so hard. But I promise that I'll make it up to you guys. Btw what did you guys think about Amara? Amada isn't really important, so he wasn't mentioned a lot. Anyways I just found out that Forbidden Mates has reached over two hundred reads and fifty votes. To some that might not sound like a lot, but to me it is. And I thank each and everyone of you readers and I'd like you to know how much I appreciate you. Anyways that's all for now, stay safe.😸

This is what I imagine Amada wearing on.

This is what I imagine Amara wearing on.

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