Killer Instincts An Innocence...

By ghaadha

452 31 3

I was brainwashed to be a serial killer as a child by my dad a serial killer himself He works daytime as a pr... More

Years Later.
Ice cream phase or so I am told
You need to leave now!
What should I do now?
Hi there miss me?
We need to set the record straight
Spill the beans
Sorry I am late. Had a thing
Now you know how i felt
Flashback Already
There has to be a mistake
We didn't ask for this but we still do it
Proceed with caution
I think we should get married
What's he doing here?
Let start fresh. In your dreams
What just happened
Can things get any better? NO!
Finally thank you!
This is new
Can I think about it?
Take a break? Ok
Shades of Gray
Get a life
Give me a break
Back To Work
Are You For Real?
Do I know you?

Your dad really did a number on you

5 1 0
By ghaadha

Dimka walked in after work to take me to his family home. I was invited there for dinner but I had other plans with Apple. This seemed to infuriate him. Ever since I rescued him from my psycho uncle he wants to spend maximum time with me. He wants to stay by my side twenty-four hours seven days a week. His therapist even commented that he has looked at inkblots and sees only romantic things like a dinner on the roof or a walk on the beach. I burst out laughing that he blushed a beautiful shade of red that I had to lean over and kiss him. She comments that the days I brush him off he would see weird things like me getting married to someone else or I walk away from him holding hands with someone else. His mind and heart are attached to me. He loves me unconditionally and in those days when he dated those women, he still loved me. He just wanted me to give him one outburst so his ego would inflate but I made it my mission to prove that I was the one who was hurt. I had spent those days with DD was to make him feel what I felt that one day he cheated on me. I explained that I married DD so I could move forward from the betrayal. I did that to heal myself and I didn't do that to hurt him. I wished Dimka the best and I wanted him to live a happy life. This jostled Dimka and he cried on my lap throughout the session.
He asked me to cancel the appointment but I brushed him off. Apple came and we left for shopping. She got me some paintbrushes and a couple of canvases. We stopped at a hotel and got a massage. We even stopped at Westfield world trade center. We bought for few shoes and a few tops. We sat down at the food court to eat a burger and Dimka came and snatched it from me. I kicked his shin and he gave it back and sat down to eat with us. He watched me eat a triple-decker cheeseburger and chili cheese fries. He ate Georgian food and watched as I closed my eyes as I slurped Fanta Orange.
I came back from the bathroom and saw that Dimka was shocked. He looked at me, "You rescued her?" I nod my head and picked my bags and we walked towards the garage. I hopped in the Apple's car but he fished me out and slung me in his shoulder and carry my shopping bags and stomped to his car. He drove me to my apartment and searched through the stuff I bought. He asked me to change and we left for his family home. His grip on the steering wheel was enough to break it in two.
He looked at me to fire his usual questions but the chief called and we had to turn around. He called his mom and said that we will come over for dinner because the murder of a police officer takes precedence.
Vince Dunn escaped and now he is using it on police officers. We arrived and people were using gas masks. I walked in without one and they were shocked at the sight. Even Dimka put one on and followed me. I looked around and saw that Vince was there. I pretended not to see him and suddenly tased him in the knee. I pulled his mask and he gave me a lot of dirty looks as I cuffed him. Everyone watched as I dragged him to the ambulance. He screamed in fear and I finally punched him in the face. He passed out and I happily cuffed him to the gurney. The creep himself screamed in fear because the gas hasn't subsided properly. But I didn't act frightened or do anything out of fear, I just dragged him to the ambulance and walked to get a hotdog.
I came back nibbling on a plain mustard hotdog and a bottle of water. It took a few more minutes before the stuff subsided. I arrived at the police station and everyone stared at me concerned but said nothing. Dimka was there talking to Elena and when he saw me he waved at me and I waved back. The chief wanted to know how I managed to survive when the guy in question had problems. He is still screaming in fear but I never made a sound. I joked that I was born without the fear gene. She looked at me intensely and walked back to her office.
He finally stopped screaming and I was able to interrogate how he got out. He was sent back to prison under the condition he is kept in solitary confinement. The warden in the prison was an irate that was once a defense lawyer. He lost all his cases so he switched discipline. He still annoys the police officers by delaying them. Once he took so long to examining us and our belongings that the inmate we wanted to interview died. We filed several complaints against him and he was under investigation. He was warned if he tries to stall again, he will be an inmate. This sobered him a little bit but he was still vindictive.
The next morning Dimka walked in and proudly pointed at a picture of Apple said this was one of my victims. I spat my coffee and coughed vigorously. It took me a few minutes to calm down and I burst out laughing as I explain that was a picture of Apple. He blushed furiously and ate his breakfast quietly.
We arrived at the crime scene where the victim was a man who was smothered to death. She promised to tell us more but first, she has to puncture someone before they explode in her clean van. My colleague turned around as she pierced the bloater with a weird contraption that removed the excess air along with a few internal bits. Julia turned pressed her handkerchief to her face a little harder. The rest pressed their hands over their faces. She and her assistants moved the bodies and we canvased the area to find clues to how the two died.
We arrived and found the coroner was unconscious. We had to call the ambulance and we did CPR. She woke up and explained that he inhaled something that knocked her. She found clues that led to the killer. As for the bloater he died from natural causes. She gave us a latent print and wished us luck. We walked and the FBI came and took over the case.
We left the precinct and walked towards my apartment. He asked, "Tell me about the damage your dad did to you." I started from the beginning, "I woke up in the middle of the night and found a man trying to kill dad. I cried out and dad killed him instead. I snuck into the basement and found him sterilizing the place and I begged him. I tried to coax one good in him. Instead of killing me, he hypnotized me to be a killer just like him. He even did the same to my brother. He was his protege a year before me. We were put through vigorous hypnosis and he unleashed us into the world. It took hard work for us to divert our monster to hunt people deserving of such treatment." He looked at me shocked, "You have a brother? How come I never met him?" I shook my head, "You will not meet him." He looked at me sadly, "Your paternal family is monsters aren't they?" I nod my head, "Only one or two may be good but the rest are killers that should be murdered." He wanted to know more about my family when mom called, "Your brother is going insane please come over." I jumped, "Lock him in the basement. I will be there in a few minutes." I asked Dimka to stay because if he is in monster mode I could beg and plead but he will go after him and I would have to kill my brother to protect him.
He drove me home but waited outside. I ran in and found him trying to cut himself. I used the safe word to calm him down. But he wanted to hurt something so I took him downstairs where he repeatedly hit the punching bag till he calmed down. When we came up Dimka was talking to mom. I saw the change in Gus and I dragged him away and pleaded with him to spare my husband. He promised not to hurt him but the moment we got back he tried to attack him with a kitchen knife. I had to hit him in the head with a cast-iron skillet. I quickly ran downstairs and got the straight jacket. Mom and I put it on him before he woke up. When he regained consciousness he tried really hard to get out of it. I had to use a ball gag to stop him from speaking. He looked at Dimka weirdly every time he tried to attack him. But he stopped his attack every time I got in front of Dimka. I finally gave him a sedative and he passed out. When he passed out I cried and mom tried to console me but she dissolved into tears too. Dimka gave us both hugs and I called Dr. Freeze and he took Gus away for a few days.
I decided to take the day off and just go through the stuff in the attic. I found the phonetic bust dad gave me when I was ten that I named Rudy. I pulled out the fishing gear that I used to go salmon fishing with grandpa in Alaska. I dug out the polaroid camera I used to take pictures of dad's victims. I found the blanket I used to hug before I became a serial killer also discovered my beloved teddy Guppy was still here. I found the telescope I made with Gus when we were kids. It still works as well as it did when we were kids.
I sat and read my old diaries and looked at the old photo albums. Watched old videos of my family and wondered when this nightmare will end. Dimka sat down and he was hurt that I had to got through all this. He hugged me and I held on to him tightly, "Gus is going to kill you. Now I have to choose between the two of you." He hugged me and promised me that it won't come to it. I promised him it will. He will escape and I will have to shoot him and mon will hate me more than I hate myself. Mom walked in and promised she won't hate me. Mom grabbed my hand, "If you shoot Gus you are giving him peace. He won't hurt anyone ever again."
When everyone went to sleep I snuck out to see Gus. Dr. Freeze let me see him and he was still in a straight jacket. And they had attached a wire to the straight jacket to limit his range. I sat to talk to him and he explained that I was an orphan dad found and decided to bring as a playmate for him. He was never my brother and DNA will prove we are not related. When Gus was bored of having me around he was supposed to get rid of me. Dad decided I had to go so Gus decided that dad should die. He tampered with dad's car and made it look like an accident. He always killed my boyfriends because he wanted no children who grow up to be killers. He won't tolerate the next generation of murderers. He promised to kill Dimka by the end of the week or at the very least send him to prison for the crimes that Gus has committed. I promised that I would take the fall for the crimes and exonerate him immediately. I loved Dimka and I would do anything to save his life. This infuriated Gus to the point he started shouting all sorts of things that his words became incoherent. The guards came and had to use the Taser on him and then give him the injection. Dr. Freeze asked me what I said to cause this outrage. I told him that he wants to frame my husband and I said I rather go to jail than have my husband. I said that I love my husband and it was the reason he turned thermal nuclear on me. He lowered his head and explained that Gus had all sorts of monsters inside him and all of them respect me because I accept them for how they are. They want the lineage of monsters to die with them. So they are enraged when I meet someone that made me break my pact. In their mind we should die and take the house of horrors with us. I thanked him for the insight and apologized for making his work harder on him and wished him the best.

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