My Alpha King

By paranormalRHlover

228K 9K 537


chapter 1: No Time To Hide IT!
Chapter 2: Have To Attend
Chapter 3: Getting Ready
Chapter 4: Come To Escort Her
Chapter 5: On Arrival
Chapter 6: Really Don't Like Him
Chapter 7: Meet My Brother
Chapter 8: Not My Fault
Chapter 9: Get. The. Fuck. Off. Me
Chapter 10: What Is Going On?
Chapter 11: Please, I'll Do Anything
Chapter 12: You Know What IT Is?
Chapter 13: Where The Fuck Is My Mate
Chapter 14: Enjoy The Hunt
Chapter 15: It Won't Go Away
Chapter 16: Marked
Chapter 17: I Want To Know Everything
Chapter 18: Who Am I
just a quick note
Chapter 19: Who Am I (from Jesse's pov)
Chapter 20: I Am!
Chapter 21: Not Like This
Chapter 22: What The Fuck Was That
Chapter 23: Well?
Chapter24: Don't Want Your Pity
Chapter 25: Bugatti La Voiture Noire
Chapter 26: Not A Nightmare
Chapter 27: Hello, Buttercup
Chapter 28: Feel Almost Feral
Chapter 29: Who's He?
Chapter 30: Dream
Chapter 31: Ahhh HELL NO
Chapter 32: What Did I Do?

Chapter 33: Suprise For You

7K 262 56
By paranormalRHlover


As there's no hazards to crashing I didn't put my seatbelt on, so when I start to put my hand down her shorts I stop and she raises an eyebrow at me.

"You giving up before you even start?" She mocks

With a smirk I pick her up to put my leg across the seat and settle her between my legs. I catch Parker peek behind him so just close my eyes and hold her. She then starts wiggling into me and I open one eye to see there both watching the road.

With my arms either side of her I use my right to crawl under her waist band and find her wet and wanting and slip a finger straight in. I can hear her containing her moans but she's still breathing heavy. With my left hand to go up her top and fondle her breast and pinch her nipple.

I hear an almost inaudible squeak when I put my thumb on her clit. And I start nibbling on her neck. She starts to push onto my fingers and her head drops back to my shoulder. I take a quick look at the front to see there ignoring us. I'll kill them if they turn around. It makes it more exciting for her if she thinks they don't know what we're doing. But they have good hearing, especially in the confines of the car. And should no better than to be disrespectful and look.

Plus Parker told me when she squeeked that he was asking Rush for a front of car sound proof bubble. He knew what I was doing and wanted to block it out. I don't know if he's got it yet, but when I have her screaming I'll soon know.

I really start working my fingers in and out of her as I carry on nibbling her neck. Then pulling her back into me further I hook my hand down a little more and curve my fingers up deeper, reaching her elusive little G-spot and her hand flys to her mouth. She bites down on it to contain her scream as she starts convulsing and Cuming all over my fingers, I use my mark to draw it out longer and her hands smack down on my things and she digs her nails in. She can't contain the noises anymore and moans. When she relaxes in my arms I kiss her temple and she says

"Fuck Jesse. Can we not find somewhere to fuck quickly. I want you inside me" I nip her ear and say

"Will the car do?"

"What? People will see us!"

"What if I told you they won't be able to?"

"I'd say are we there yet?" She smirks at me

I text Rush what I need and get it before we arrive. But as soon as we get there I kick the guys out the car, use the spell to cover the windows and keep all noise in then watch as she straddles my lap and bounces till we both reached our climax together.

"That should tide us over till later love." I comment as we put our clothes back into Place. She then straddles my lap again, putting her hands behind my head

"This sucks. I'd rather be sucking something else. Do you really have to go?"

"if I wasn't expected to be there soon I'd totally let you suck something else! I'm sorry little mate. I will try and be as quick as possible. Parker's going to show you around a little. While we're here though I'm going to start you on some basic self-defence techniques, I'll get Rush to help and when we get to Dravon he can too, as each have their own fighting skills. They can also help with how to evade magic and dragons, again for self-defense. I'll be teaching you to evade wolves as well. Parker is exceptional in weaponry so he will show you how to handle a gun and knives and everyday objects. We will all teach you how to think and react under pressure as well. I know it's a lot but I need you to be as safe as possible. But I want you to enjoy the festivities as well. Now I have to go little mate. Love you"

"Who said it was your dick I was refering too? but alright, Love you"

"you so meant my dick, love. I really have to go"

I then kiss her before exiting the car and talking to Parker.

"Don't crowd her, she should be safe here and I want her to feel normal and experience freedom. But don't stray too far until the blood bond is done. Has that been arranged?"

"Yeah for around midnight in 2 days time as the moon will help, power the bond. Make it stronger as she's future Queen. And once I've shown her around a little ill leave her too it. I have eyes and ears everywhere same as you. It is getting late though. I'll take her for food then to your room. Is Rush doing the perma-block on dream walking?"

"Ok that's a reasonable time, I'll have to ask Rush if he's doing the permanent block then aswell, maybe it will make it stronger incase he tries it again. The spell Rush gave me to block for now should do her until then. I'll just give her a dose before bed. I really do have to go. Tomorrow you start teaching her weapons.!" I tell him as I start to walk away. I also see Kylie making her way over to Parker

"Yeah you got it. Are you sure you want me teaching her how to shoot you?"

"Ha ha, stay out of trouble, love."

"I make no promises!" She bantered back

Then I leave her with Parker. I'm itching to say fuck it and take her with me. But she would be bored out of her mind. I feel my heart tug in her direction the further away from her I get. This is bullshit, how am I supposed to function properly. I quickly get my phone out so I can text Rush.

Iv just gone past the fountain, we all have one, there's is filled with magic of all colours, the center piece the tree of life, with the magic climbing, falling and dancing all around. The wolves one is designed to look like a waterfall with a wolf and woman to represent the moon goddess and the Dragon's is well a dragon in a pool of flames and ice.

Me: hey. You good? I'm here now so where do you want me to meet you?

Rush: it's fucking hectic, people have been arriving all day. I had to do my orb first thing this morning, before anyone else could, bloody elders! I'm home at the moment, Nadine is getting clingy and needy, but will be at the council room to finish the finner details if you want to meet me there?

Me: OK, do you think we can get through it fast?

Rush: missing you're mate already? Ha. Its only been, what 2 minutes! Yeah once I get there we can go through everything that demands our attention, the rest can wait.till tomorrow morning.

Me: ha ha. When you find your mate you'll understand its not the same as with a sex buddy and then I will be mocking you!

Rush: big if man. I think I'm making this my last one anyway. If it weren't for the elders I wouldn't even be bothering this year! Me and Nadine have been an item for a while now and she's a suitable potential. She's been on at me to mate, I told her that this was the last time im looking for my true mate. She wasn't happy but was fine with it as I doubt I have one anymore! Everyones pretty much here now and i haven't felt anything so. Anyway let me just finish her off and I'll be with you.

Me: more Info than I needed but have fun. I thought the same thing and bam I'm now mated. I hope things go the way you want them.

Rush: I want my true mate like anyone. There's only one person that can truly complete you but like I said. I don't think I have one, I think she mated someone else and has never been to one of these things! Stop texting me she's getting the arse. Lol ill see you in a bit.

Me: sorry.... Lol

As he will most likely be a while I slow my pace as I walk through the houses and shops. As I pass the training grounds I pop in to see what they have as i haven't been here for some time. I see everything we need to train Kylie. I'm quite excited about it to be honest, I can tease her as I teach her.

There's a shooting range too so Parker can teach her to shoot and so many weapons Parker will have an orgasm just looking at them. He will have fun teaching her thoes too. Under my supervision of course, any cuts she sustains will be paid back to him by me 10 fold. As we can all do some forms of magic I will get Rush, as he's the best to teach her the basics, though i haven't asked him yet. I'm hoping he won't be too busy, especiallyif he plans to mate with Nadine!

As I'm walking past some of the shops I spot a car I think she will love so I pop in there to purchase it, it's a black 1967 Chevrolet Impala. It's perfect for her, and I can't wait to see her face!

"Jesse I'm gonna take her to the orbs soon. I need to do mine anyway. She then wants to just stroll around by herself for a bit. I'm gonna leave her with your card so she can go into the shops for whatever. But I'll bring her back tomorrow for a.proper.look around. So I'll come meet you once we've done that OK."

"Ok Parker. Iv got eyes on her anyway as I'm sure you do too. She will be fine. Thank you. I wanted to take her to the orbs myself but you needed to do yours as soon as you arrived really. I'll see you soon" i say then I link with Kylie

"Little mate. I have a suprise for you, that you can have later!" I say with excitement

"If its your dick, its not really a suprise is it! But I'll definitely enjoy it, wink wink!" That makes me laugh, the cheeky minx.

"Although I will definitely be giving you my dick later, that's not the suprise."

"Oohhh. Then what is it? Tell me!"

"You'll have to wait till later little mate! Enjoy the orbs I wanted to take you myself but...." I say with a little sadness

"I know, you have to work and stuff. Does your chest hurt by any chance? And i feel excited and horney for no apparent reason?" She whispers through the link. Noone else can hear so no need, but it does make me chukle

"The chest pain I'm feeling. It's just the bond. As were newly mated and separated it's trying to pull us together. Normally newly mated couples won't leave eachother for a week or 2, then only start out gradually with distance. We're being forced apart right now so will be a little painful untill we've really spent our time together as others do. I'm sorry little mate it's my fault." I lamented, hating that I was the cause of it.

"It's OK! Not really your fault is it. You have obligations, what about the excitement and other thing?" Again with the whispering so I whisper back

"Were linking so why are you whispering it? Haha. I don't know im excited about seeing you as soon as I can and thinking about you tends to make me hard so maybe it's the same thing?" I tease

"I don't know! But yeah maybe that's it. I'll get you somethjng nice while I'm at the shops. You sure your ok with me spending your money??" She asks hesitantly

"Love, what's mine is yours. Enjoy yourself. You deserve it. Im here now so ill speak to you later. Love you."

"Love you" She sighs

I love how normal it feels to say I love you already. Looking at the council room doors I heave a sigh and walk up the steps and through the doors.


That's it for book 1 all. So keep your eyes out for book 2 My Witch King. Thank all of you who have voted and enjoyed the story so far! X ❤

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