Unchangeable Heart (Bleach re...

By ghostsmonaca

41.2K 869 165


Prologue pt. 1
Prologue pt. 2
Chapter 1: Recruits
Chapter 2: Training
Chapter 3: Ichigo meets the Visored
Chapter 4: More training?
Chapter 5: Lieutenant Kyōraku
Chapter 6: Garganta
Chapter 7: Baraggan
Chapter 8: Aizen and Tōshirō
Chapter 9: Aizen Sōsuke
Chapter 10: (Y/n) VS Aizen
Chapter 11: Inner World
Chapter 12: Awoken
Chapter 13: Muken
Chapter 14: Human world
Chapter 15: House Kurosaki
Chapter 16: Mayuri's experiments
Chapter 17: Kurosaki Yuzu
Chapter 19: Ginjō Kūgo
Chapter 20: The Third Division
Chapter 21: Kira Izuru
Chapter 22: Life as a Captain?
Chapter 23: Duties of a Captain
Chapter 24: Ichigo's decision
Past Chapter 1: Hollowfication

Chapter 18: Xcution

611 16 1
By ghostsmonaca

After breakfast, when all the Kurosaki's were off to school. You took the cape Urahara gave you and put it on with hood and all.

To your surprise, it did indeed actually conceal all of your reiatsu. You walked out of the house to a place with almost no people around.

In the night, before you went to sleep, you noticed a card on Ichigo's desk. It said: Xcution with a number on it.

It was your intuition that said that the man gave it to him. You had memorized the number, took out your Denreishinki and began dialing it.

"Welcome to Xcution, please state your name."

You sighed, knowing it probably wasn't going to work. "Urahara (Y/n). I have a few questions regarding Kurosaki Ichigo."

"Good morning Urahara (Y/n), please follow the dialing sequence that I will give you. It will redirect you."

Then a whole complex dialing sequence followed. You did as you were told and got redirected.

"What do you need of us, Urahara (Y/n)?"

"Are you the one that gave Ichigo the number?" You asked. The man chuckled.

"If that's the case, what do you wish to do?"

"I just have a few questions. If you answer them, there will be no problem. If you refuse, I'll come figure them out myself."

"If you answer mine, I might consider answering yours."

You sighed. "Ask. I'll see if I can answer."

"Hmm, alright. Who are you?"

With a small chuckle you answered: "That's a difficult question don't you think?"

"I expected as much. Well, I saw a shop in Karakura Town the other day."

"Urahara Shop, I assume?"

"Indeed, any connections?"

You smiled, sitting down on one of the construction beams. "Well, since we share a last name. I would indeed like to assume that there are some connections."

"Do you know what kind of man he is?"

Suddenly you felt a presence nearby. Your hand went onto the handle of your Zanpakuto. "Of course. Are you telling you know him better than me?"

"Do you always carry that katana with you?"

You smiled, putting the hood down. "I do, why ask?"

"Well, it seems you knew I was there."

"You sound surprised."

"I cannot sense any reiatsu from you."

You turned around to face the man with a smile, you recognized him as the first Shinigami Substitute. "Reiatsu? You'll have to fill me in on that."

The man smiled, hanging up. "Well well, Urahara, right? Let's start at the beginning.... What kind of phone is that?"

You put the Denreishinki away. "I altered the original piece so it's more to my liking. Was it difficult to track me down?"

"It was certainly an experience especially since we can't really sense you." He said, jumping down and landing in front of you.

"Are you going to fill me in on that reiatsu thing or not?" You asked, still keeping up the 'normal human' act.

"You know about Kurosaki Ichigo, right? Has he never told you anything?"

You smiled. "He told me nothing. It's because I can't see them... Or something like that."

Suddenly you heard a Hollow. It was a weak one. You didn't flinch, still pretending. The man did look towards the Hollow. "What's wrong?"

The man looked back at you. "Nothing you should be worrying about. Well, your turn to ask a question."

"What are you planning to do with Ichigo?"

The man chuckled, turning away. "I have no intentions of telling some mere human like you."

"Fine. I'll figure it out myself." You said, walking away on a normal pace to Urahara's place.

"Watch your mouth, woman. You might end up dead."

You chuckled, not looking back and whispered: "Looks can be deceiving."

He wasn't able to hear it and left you alone. As  soon as his reiatsu was far enough, you shunpo'd to Urahara.

You got there soon and entered. "Kisuke?"


You turned around and were met by a tall man. "Tessai-san?! I didn't see you there."

"Neither did I." Tessai replied. "Your reiatsu is completely sealed."

"That's because of this cape. Remember it?" You asked, not even taking it off. "I'm keeping it on for protection purposes."

Tessai nodded, taking you to the back of the shop... Well, your room. "Urahara is inside here. He has been preparing your room ever since you came by yesterday."

You sighed, dumbfounded. "Ever since yesterday?"

Tessai nodded, leaving to the kitchen to make some tea. You opened the door and were immediately met by Urahara's Zanpakuto. It was pointed at you neck. One move and it'll result in death.

"Kisuke?! What the hell!" You yelled, pushing his Zanpakuto down. "I could've died."

Kisuke chuckled, happy to see you an sheathed it again. "Well, no one in this household would've died from that." He stated, carefully walking out of the room.

"Did you place landmines in my room or something?" You questioned as you watched Urahara carefully closed the door.

"Nothing of the sort." He said, walking to the kitchen. "What do you have to tell me?"

You and him sat down at the table and got served tea by Tessai. "To report of course. I promised to keep you updated."

Urahara nodded, taking a sip of his tea. "Well, go ahead I'll listen."

"Ichigo got recently contacted by a group called Xcution. I have little-to-no information on them. This morning I made a phone call to them and one of their members met up with me." You explained.

"Met up with you?"

You nodded. "This cape helped a lot. I told him I was just a regular human friend of Ichigo's. He didn't seem to catch it though."

Urahara sighed, putting the tea cup down. "Thank you for the update. I assume I'll see you every day from now on."

You took the cup of tea and sighed. "Possibly yes. For Ichigo's safety I might stay with him a little longer. Once he's ready to defend himself again, I'll move back."

"Alright." Urahara replied, standing up and putting his cup in the washing machine. "It's past-noon, do you want something to eat?"

"I don't need anything. My reiatsu has been concealed, there's no reason for me to eat." You told him, drinking of your almost-cold tea.

"How long will you be staying?" Urahara asked as he took your empty cup of tea.

You shrugged. "I really don't know. Did you erase my classmates' memories of me?"

"I didn't." He replied simply. "Oh by the way, will you be wearing that cape all day?"

You nodded. "At least until these Xcution guys know who I am."

Urahara smiled, opening his fan. "Seems like a good plan! If you need any help, you know where I am..."

You smiled as well. "Thank you but I don't think it'll be needed. Oh wait there was a Hollow..."

"Yeah I sensed it too, its reiatsu is still there."

You sighed. "I'll go clean it up."

Urahara smiled, taking your Zanpakuto and pushing you out of your Gigai with his stick. Afterwards, he handed the Zanpakuto back. "Have fun~!"

You took the cape off your Gigai and put it on yourself. "Thank you, Kisuke. Appreciated." You proceeded to say in a sarcastic tone.

Then you ran out of the shop, all the way to the Hollow. It was near the construction site where you met the Xcution man.

The Hollow was weak and was literally just strolling around the site. You took out your Zanpakuto and easily slashed it down.

"Very impressive." You heard a figure say from behind you when you landed. "A Shinigami, hiding their face."

You didn't take the hood of your cape off and didn't turn around. Because of his reiatsu, you knew who it was and decided to play his game for a little. "Leave."

"Ho ho, no need for such an answer, woman."

You chuckled. "Jinta-kun, I know it's you."

Jinta, now crossed his arms and pouted. "I thought it would work..."

You smiled, turning around to face him. "Such a thing doesn't work on me, you should know that. Why are you here?"

"I was around and sensed a Hollow so I went to check it out." Jinta explained. "Why are you concealing your reiatsu?"

"Because I'm currently acting as a normal human... A normal human doesn't really have reiatsu, right?"

Jinta nodded. "Alright. I'm going back now! Glad to see you're okay (Y/n)-san!"

You smiled, waving him off. Soon you returned to Urahara's shop. "Kisuke, I'm back!"

"Hoho! Welcome back (Y/n)~!" He said, throwing your Gigai at you.

You caught it, put your Zanpakuto away, stepped in the Gigai and took your Zanpakuto again. "Well, thanks."

Urahara chuckled, looking at the clock in the shop. "School's about to end."

You sighed, stretching again. "Then I'll have to be off."

"Yes yes, have fun!" Urahara said with a smile on his face.

You left the shop again and made your way to the shopping street. Yuzu was already there. "Yo!"

"H-Hi (Y/n)-san!" Yuzu waved when she saw you arrive. "I didn't think you'd be joining us."

You shrugged. "Sitting at home the whole day is quite boring so I thought I'd join. One second."

The reiatsu of Mizuiro and Keigo suddenly changed. "I don't think I'll be joining..."

Yuzu frowned. "Aw alright. I'll wait then. Bye bye!"

You waved and began running towards them. With the hood over your head, you finally reached a man who was dragging them both to a construction site.

It was that man that Ichigo punched the other day. The man turned around with fear in his eyes. "S-Stay a-way!"

"You put those guys down first!" You yelled back. There was another person nearby, you could sense his reiatsu, luckily he didn't sense yours.

"I refuse!" He threw the two down and ran to the metal beams. "Go aw-away!"

You didn't move. If you had moved, most likely he would release the beams. Using Kidō wasn't smart either because that would reveal who you actually were. "I'll leave..."

The man seemed to be surprised by your answer. "Seriously?"

You nodded, taking a step forwards. "I do have to leave through the back."

"Stay away from here!"

You nodded again, going around him to the back where the other person was. When you were out of the man's sight, you were in the sight of the other.

"Who are you?" He asked, closing his book.

"I could ask you the same. Why are you hurting Ichigo's close friends?"

"You're not a normal human."

"Neither are you."

The man didn't answer after that. Instead, he opened his book again. "Why are you here?"

"Why are you?"

"Because I was the one who ordered this." He explained. "Now you."

"Mizuiro and Keigo are my friends, I can't leave them alone... Well, Ichigo's there now. That's what you wanted isn't it?"

The man walked around to take a look and before anyone could say anything, he was gone again. You soon came around as well. "Yo Ichigo, Ishida-jisan."

Ryūken sighed. "Don't call me that, Kyōraku."

Ichigo was dumbfounded. "You two know each other?!"

You grinned, putting an arm over Ryūken's shoulder. "Oh yeah. We're best friends."

Ryūken threw your arm off in annoyance. "We're not."

You chuckled, crouching down to feel Mizuiro and Keigo's heartbeats. "They're just unconscious. Nothing to worry about."

There was tension between Ryūken and Ichigo. "(Y/n)..." Ichigo began. "When did you get here?"

"A while ago. The man you beat up, would've hurt Mizuiro and Keigo if I didn't leave."

"You're a Shinigami." Ryūken stated. "Can't you do anything?"

"I'm currently going around as a normal Human. That's why you can't sense my reiatsu. It's sealed." You explained.

"Is that what the cape is for?" Ichigo asked.

You nodded. "Precisely. Shall we go home now, Ichigo?"

"You can go... I-I have to do something." He said, running away.

You shrugged at Ryūken before following Ichigo. He stopped somewhere and took out the Xcution card.

You silently waited for him to get redirected. Eventually the man on the other side of the phone gave him directions and a time. That was enough for you.

With shunpo you made your way back to the Kurosaki house and entered through Ichigo's opened window.

After a few minutes Ichigo entered his room to see your Gigai on the floor and you on the mattress... Well, he couldn't really see you.

Ichigo soon went to bed as well with the thoughts of Xcution in his mind.

Word count: 2106

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