Beyond the King's Gate

By ElenaAlexandra10

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A servant's daughter befriends the prince and finds an unlikely friendship. One that would be greatly scrutin... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two

Chapter Fourteen

325 18 1
By ElenaAlexandra10

Bethany was shaking by the time she reached the safety of the quarters.

He kissed her. The prince kissed her. Her heart beat in her chest, still, as though she ran a mile or four. Memories came flooding in and she remembered each look. Every act of chivalry, all dismissed because she never imagined him having any affection toward her.

Now in light of this, it all made sense. She remembered the glances in her direction, when he didn't think she was looking. He was affectionate towards her all this time.

Her mind was reeling. That she could not simply fathom.

In a daze Bethany reached the room, and she brushed off her skirt, and stood in wait for the lady. But she was so consumed in her thoughts, she mindlessly walked over to the window and stared out at the courtyard below.

What would it be like if they could truly be together?

Her heart shut her down. Foolish talk, Bethany! She scolded herself. Yes, he may have feelings, but neither could ever act upon, no matter what the prince so valiantly declared or desired.

A movement, or rather a noise, brought her whirling around. In time to find a very angry Lady of Ascott glowering at her. How long has she been standing there? Or rather how long has it been since she arrived?

Bethany sucked in a breath.

Hands on her hips, the Lady's scowl deepened. "Excuse me? I have been waiting over half an hour!" She threw her shawl, answering Bethany's question. "Where's my bath? Get straight to work."

Bethany bowed in apology. "I'm sorry, your Ladyship. I will get on that right away."

As Bethany scurried about the room, getting her attire ready for when she got out of the bath, then she went quickly to the bath, and dumped the water she had left there.

Before she ran to the room where they heated the water, not too far off, she heard Lady of Ascott's mutter under her breath, "It's always a shame when a girl got her head in the clouds." Her snippy comment stirred something in her.

Bethany had enough with this woman. She recalled when she was younger, how she overheard the King of Iris talking with mama, and how she came up and all but called her mother horrible names. To think that she talked bad about her mother, right in front of her.

"I may have my head in the clouds, but at least I can tell when someone actually loves me." She spat out before she even filtered the words through her mind. She didn't know if she heard her or not, but a flutter of fear swarmed her.

Why did she even say such a thing? Maybe it was in light of her nasty remarks, or maybe the recent visit of her husband, that made such an remark surface. But all she knew was that she had done the damage.

Lady of Ascott's face turned pale, then quickly turning into a dark shade of red. A low growl came from her, "What is that supposed to be intending? That my husband doesn't love me? Ha!" Her laugh held no humor. Instead the sound churned in Bethany's stomach.

Bethany backed up and straightened. She never spoke so out of line, yet she found herself unable to contain it no longer.

Bethany had for a while, a sneaking suspicion that King of Iris didn't love her. King Fredrick didn't love her, rather he loved her mother.

Every time Bethany brought it up she denied it. And would chide her for being so foolish, but deep down, there was something, an undercurrent, between Bethany's mother and King Fredrick.

Every moment came flooding back, King of Iris taking any excuse he could, to be here, casting glances towards her mother whenever she made the rare appearance. Asking about her. Indeed, she hit the mark.

Because the fierce gale winds coming from that angry woman, told her she knew what she was intending with those words. Question was, was this the last straw that would break the camel's back?

Bethany knew her tongue had become unruly.

Bethany could have slapped herself for such foolishness. Just when she was given a second chance, all thanks to the queen's intervention, she was going to lose it this time. She was more than sure.

Bethany tried to remedy it while there was a chance. "I didn't mean anything by it. I was just simply thinking out loud."

"Oh no you little brat, you know much more than you let on. For which you will be more than happily kicked out once I'm through with you. The king will surely agree with me once he hears of how one of his own servants, so carelessly speaks as though I'm one of her own!" she spat the word as though it was venom.

She laughed and walked off without a word. Bethany stood unsure what to do next. Should she leave before the king got to her? Escape? Maybe they would spare the grief for her mother.

Her answer came a few long moments later in the form of Melissa. When she entered the room, their eyes met. Her sister's eyes spoke of the disappointment, she must have heard the whole thing go down. Bethany's face felt flushed.

Melissa raised an eyebrow, condoning her for being so foolish again.

"Out, you brat!" The Lady pointed with that delicate finger to the door. One would easily see those hands never done a thing. "I found someone better than you." The Lady looked at Melissa, and beamed with pride when the words hit its mark.

The pang of hurt hit square in the chest. Her sister truly was better than her. Deep down she knew that. Bethany was the one who had caused enough trouble to warrant the three of them being kicked out onto their behinds beyond the king's gate. It was always her, through the tears she raced out of the room.

Bethany was two doors down when she heard a quiet conversation in the study, with the door slightly ajar, she heard a familiar voice. She froze, it was Ronald. But who was that with him?

The voice then dawned on her, the sweet silky voice of Kathrine. Future Queen of Eldore. Bethany heard laughter flutter throughout the room. She caught a glimpse of the two of them.

A ball formed in her stomach, and her breath caught, but before she knew it, a servant rounded the corner causing Bethany to jump back. Straightening, she kept her head bowed and walked away as quickly as possible. Before someone could question her.

A tear slipped unbidden. Continuing down the hall, the voices of servants mingling here and there as they cleaned and tended to every want and desire of the king's quarters. Reaching Bethany's ears as she passed.

Bethany's heart felt crushed by the weight of the world.

She had to do what she needed to do. She allowed herself to dream for long enough, upon seeing Ronald being so cozy with Kathrine, the truth settled like a harsh blanket of reality. It stung, yes, but it was nobody else's fault but hers. The books she read had put in her mind, fantasy's that could never be.

It was time to face the realization that maybe Lady of Ascott's was right. She needed to get out of the clouds.

Ronald had an important duty to fulfill, and she would be in the way. There was no room for foolish acts like he had done earlier that day. But with her around, there would be that temptation.

He would be upset at first, but one day he would come to understand what she had done. And so would her mother and sister.

She would leave the palace behind. She had an aunt outside of the town, she could stay with her until she got up on her feet. Determination set in, and she felt some of the worry ease, mother would be fine, once she received word.

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