Trials and Tribulations of th...

Oleh DeadlyMaelstrom

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Daveth Baratheon is the eldest son of King Robert I Baratheon and Queen Cersei Lannister, the only one of fou... Lebih Banyak

The Cast -- Main Characters
Chapter 1: The Oathkeeper
Chapter 2: Arrival at Winterfell
Chapter 3: Feasting the Royal Family
Chapter 4: He Saw Us
Chapter 5: Back on the Road
Chapter 6: The Trident
Chapter 7: The Kingsroad
Chapter 8: Arrival at the Capitol
Chapter 9: Preparations for the Hand's Tourney
Chapter 10: The Gift
Chapter 11: The Hand's Tourney -- The Young Stag vs. The Mountain
Chapter 12: The Hand's Tourney -- The Young Stag vs. The Knight of the Flowers
Chapter 13: The Wolf and the Lion
Chapter 14: Tested Loyalties
Chapter 15: The Seed is Strong
Chapter 16: Long Live the King
Chapter 17: The First of His Name
Chapter 18: The Stag Sedition
Chapter 19: Dragonstone
Chapter 20: Preparations for War
Chapter 21: The Golden Lioness vs. The Black Lion
Chapter 22: Hard Truths and a Dark Past
Chapter 23: Shadowbinder
Chapter 24: The Negotiator
Chapter 25: Assassination of Renly Baratheon
Chapter 26: Riot of King's Landing
Chapter 27: Fire and Blood
Chapter 28: Battle of the Blackwater (Part 1)
Chapter 29: Battle of the Blackwater (Part 2)
Chapter 30: Loss of the Quiet Wolf
Chapter 31: Reconciliation?
Chapter 32: Plans, Funerals and Reunions
Chapter 33: What Is Dead May Never Die
Chapter 34: Conspiracies Unraveled
Chapter 35: A Slave Rebellion
Chapter 36: Confession
Chapter 37: The Red Viper of Dorne
Chapter 38: Cold Winds Are Rising In The North
Chapter 39: From This Day, Until The End of My Days
Chapter 40: Call the Banners, We Are Going To War!
Chapter 41: Onward to the Battlefield
Chapter 42: You Can't Frighten Me
Chapter 43: Old Rivalries and a Bitter Cold
Chapter 44: Mutiny at Craster's Keep
Chapter 45: Walder Frey
Chapter 46: Liberation of Deepwood Motte
Chapter 47: Siege of Moat Cailin (Part 1)
Chapter 48: Siege of Moat Cailin (Part 2)
Chapter 49: I Made a Choice
Chapter 50: We Forgive You
Chapter 51: I Know What You Did
Chapter 52: Mockingbird
Chapter 53: Young Stag vs. Young Wolf
Chapter 54: It's Begun
Chapter 55: Battle at the Sunset Sea (Part 1)
Chapter 56: Battle at the Sunset Sea (Part 2)
Chapter 57: Trial of Sandor Clegane
Chapter 58: A Man Has No Name
Chapter 59: Let's Get This Over With
Chapter 60: Siege of Harlaw
Chapter 61: Decimation of Old Wyk and Great Wyk
Chapter 62: Battle of Pyke
Chapter 63: The King's Return
Chapter 64: Old and New Faces
Chapter 65: Trial of the Last Greyjoys
Chapter 66: Investigations, Secrets, and Scandals
Chapter 67: Tragedy Befalls the World
Chapter 68: Spring the Trap
Chapter 69: Throwing Down the Gauntlet
Chapter 70: Champions of the Defendant
Chapter 71: Champions of the Claimant
Chapter 72: Trial by Seven
Chapter 73: Interlude -- Stannis Baratheon
Chapter 74: Interlude -- Jon Snow
Chapter 75: A Bitter Taste, A Bitter End
Chapter 76: The Lion's Den
Chapter 77: Creation of Life (Part 1)
Chapter 78: Creation of Life (Part 2)
Chapter 79: The Wildling and the Dragon
Chapter 80: Gifts and a Secret Project
Chapter 81: Another Year, Another Nameday
Chapter 82: The Bastard and the Maiden Fair
Chapter 83: A Small Man Can Cast a Large Shadow
Chapter 84: Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken
Chapter 85: Black Bastard of the Wall
Chapter 86: Brother-Sister Reunion
Chapter 87: Baratheon-Martell Peace Talks (Part 1)
Chapter 88: Trouble in the East
Chapter 89: Attempted assassination
Chapter 90: Sunset in the North, Surprise in Dorne
Chapter 91: And Now His Watch Has Ended
Chapter 92: Baratheon-Martell Peace Talks (Part 2)
Chapter 93: Young Cub and the Red Priestess
Chapter 94: Rise of the Dragon Queen
Chapter 95: More Trouble is Brewing
Chapter 96: Stags, Lions, Wolves and Roses! Oh My!
Chapter 97: Everyone Has Their Own Agenda
Chapter 98: Hardhome
Chapter 99: A Turn for the Worse
Chapter 100: Attack at Daznak's Pit
Chapter 101: Contemplation, Self-Reflection (Part 1)
Chapter 102: Contemplation, Self-Reflection (Part 2)
Chapter 103: Coming Back Harder and Stronger
Chapter 104: The Queen of Winter Takes Charge
Chapter 105: For the Watch
Chapter 106: High Sparrow
Chapter 107: Arrival at White Harbor
Chapter 108: Return of Snow
Chapter 109: I Will Not Let You Get Away With This
Chapter 110: Test of Faith, Burning Ambition
Chapter 111: Visions, Assassins and Crows
Chapter 112: Sparrows Strike, the Dragon Rises
Chapter 113: The Oathkeeper Strikes Back
Chapter 114: Interventions, Plans, and the Benefactor
Chapter 115: Winter is Coming
Chapter 116: Battle for the North (Part 1)
Chapter 117: Battle for the North (Part 2)
Chapter 118: Bringing Down the Hammer
Chapter 119: What Comes After
Chapter 120: A Storm is Brewing
Chapter 121: R + L = J
Chapter 122: Bonding Brothers, Reunions and Old Faces
Chapter 123: Second Siege of Meereen
Chapter 124: Affirmative Action, a Call to Arms
Chapter 125: The Wars to Come
Chapter 126: The Stage is Set
Chapter 127: Stormborn
Chapter 128: Battle of the Shield Islands
Chapter 129: Battle of Greenstone
Chapter 130: Siege of Storm's End
Chapter 131: Awakening the Dragon
Chapter 132: Battle of the Reach
Chapter 133: Dragon's Fire, a Raging Storm
Chapter 134: The Stag and the Dragon
Chapter 135: The Winds of Winter
Chapter 136: Eastwatch
Chapter 137: The Wight Hunt (Part 1)
Chapter 138: The Wight Hunt (Part 2)
Chapter 139: The Wight Hunt (Part 3)
Chapter 140: Three Leaders on the Move
Chapter 141: The Dragonpit Summit
Chapter 142: Bidding Farewells, Growing Bonds
Chapter 143: Breaching of the Wall
Behind the Scenes: Henry Cavill
Histories & Lore: A New House Baratheon
Behind the Scenes: Sophie Turner
Chapter 144: It's Now or Never
Chapter 145: Baratheon and Targaryen
Chapter 146: Shocking Truths
Chapter 147: A Taste of Things to Come
Chapter 148: A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms
Chapter 149: Battle of Ice and Fire (Part 1)
Chapter 150: Battle of Ice and Fire (Part 2)
Chapter 151: Battle of Ice and Fire (Part 3)
Chapter 152: Battle of Ice and Fire (Part 4)
Chapter 153: It's Hard to Say Goodbye
Chapter 154: Trouble on the Homefront
Chapter 155: It All Comes Crashing Down
Chapter 156: Dark Impulses, Vengeance Takes Over
Chapter 157: One Last Push, One Last Fight
Chapter 158: Unbridled Fury Unleashed
Chapter 159: Battle of King's Landing (Part 1)
Chapter 160: Battle of King's Landing (Part 2)
Chapter 161: Battle of King's Landing (Part 3)
Chapter 162: Battle of King's Landing (Part 4)
Chapter 163: Battle of King's Landing (Part 5)
Chapter 164: Battle of King's Landing (Part 6)
Chapter 165: The Dragon and the Griffin (Part 1)
Chapter 166: The Dragon and the Griffin (Part 2)
Chapter 167: Dance of the Dragons
Chapter 168: End of an Era
Chapter 169: Convening the Great Council of 305 AC
Chapter 170: Trial of the Last Targaryen
Chapter 171: The Last of the Starks
Chapter 173: We Are the New Generation
Chapter 174: Look to the Horizon
Chapter 175: Revolution
Chapter 176: The Golden Age of House Baratheon

Chapter 172: Heart-to-Heart, a Solemn Vow

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Oleh DeadlyMaelstrom

Red Keep — Daveth's solar...

"The King should be in his personal chambers down the hall, my Queen," a servant motioned.

Sansa nodded. "Thank you. Take the rest of the night off if you can; you've been working yourselves ragged."

"You're very kind, Your Grace. Thank you."

Taking her twins by the hand, Sansa strolled through the corridors of the Red Keep as they headed back to check up on Daveth; he must have been going through a lot these past several days. But then again, so was she. Most of the castle had been nearing completion – with certain sections still sealed off due to either construction or renovation. The largest structure still under repairs was Maegor's Holdfast—two floors have been completed with only three remaining. She eventually arrived at her husband's new quarters, but as she reached for the knob, she heard faint voices emanating from the other side. Pressing her ear against the door, Sansa listened closely.

"Are you sure that was what you've seen is... entirely accurate, Your Grace? The Faith might find an interpretation of a spiritual world—an existing farplane—beyond this one hard to believe; some might even see it as heresy," a voice asked. It belonged to High Septa Rosyn.

"You asked for my opinion for the missive's inquiry, Your Holiness, and I gave my answer. I've been dead three times and three times I came back. Will it change your reply to the Most Devout?" another voice replied, it belonged to Daveth.

"If the rest of us could agree on the Faith's official stance, I could possibly answer that. These Lord of Light cultists are already a threat to the Gods our ancestors worshipped as do us—their own descendants do. The clergy doesn't seem to know what to make of this... 'divine resurrection' thing those of us who have personally witnessed your rebirth tell."

"What do they say about me?"

"Some suggest it was merely fate's guiding hand, others say it was a miracle... but others declare you, um... an unholy construct; that you have somehow cheated death whereas the less fortunate were not so lucky."

"I don't know if I miracle from any sort of deity—Faith or otherwise—saved me anymore than they do. I simply... just don't remember what happened."

"I... see. I meant no disrespect, child, only it was just... unnatural what we witnessed back at the inn. Yet, as rumors about you grow, the Most Devout might not believe such a humble reply. A difficult situation I did not intend to put you in, and I thank you for your answer. I'll take my leave. Good day, Your Grace."

Sansa backed off when she saw the doorknob twist and turn before the hinges creaked. The High Septa stepped out into the main corridor, noticed Sansa's presence and nodded.

"Your Grace," she acknowledged.

"Your Holiness," Sansa exchanged courtesies.

Once the High Septa left, Sansa and her children entered the room. The Queen sees her husband siting at his desk, face down, a book in front of him – sighing heavily with a shake of his head. Daveth's face appeared distant; he didn't move from his position—staring at the tome oblivious to the sound of little footsteps coming his way.

"Hi, papa!" the twins greeted.

Daveth lifted his head and turned to face his son and his daughter; both of whom had begun climbing up onto their father's lap. "Ah. My children. I didn't hear you enter," he acknowledged. "Were you two on your best behavior?"

"Yup!" Lyonel squeaked.

"Will we see grammie again? Uncle Wobb? Auntie Aiya?" Cassana asked.

"Someday, pups... once things have settled down." Daveth looks up at his wife. "Hello, Sansa."

"Darling," she greets. "I couldn't help but overhear. What were you discussing with Her Holiness the High Septa?"

"Ah. So, you've heard a little bit of that, didn't you?"

"Only a bit."

"Her Holiness was asking me questions regarding... regarding my recent brush with death. But each answer only leads to more questions."

Somehow, Sansa suspected there was more going on. "Are you alright? You look drained," she pressed hoping for an answer.

Daveth shakes his head. "In a way, I suppose yes. The rest? I'm uncertain."

"How so?" Sansa asked. An honest response, if not a reassuring one.

The Young Stag motioned for the twins to get off of him so he could stand up. They complied and moved to play with their toys while Sansa moved Torrhen to his crib. Once feeling the freedom of movement had returned, Daveth rose from his seat and looked out the window. "Do you remember Beric Dondarrion, Lord of Blackhaven? And Thoros of Myr?" he questioned.

Sansa nodded. "Of course. They competed in the Hand's Tourney years ago and were later dispatched to hunt down the renegade brigand Ser Gregor Clegane by father once we learned he was terrorizing villages in the Riverlands. Why do you ask?"

"Before we fought the Night King and his armies at Winterfell, our paths crossed again. They were leading a small group of bandits, the Brotherhood Without Banners. As it turns out... neither I or your cousin were the only ones who were brought back from the dead."

"What do you mean?"

"Lord Dondarrion told me after his first death and rebirth, he had chosen to abandon the Faith of the Seven in favor of converting to this... Lord of Light religion. That drunk Thoros was actually a red priest who preached such nonsense and was responsible for bringing him back each time."

"I don't... I'm not sure I follow."

"Don't worry. It's strange to me as well. To maintain order and keep the balance in check, I investigated... abuses or other abnormal reports. But this? Pfff! This one takes the cake entirely. Since forming the Brotherhood, Lord Dondarrion was slain six times and all six times Thoros was responsible for his return." Daveth looked to see his children were woefully ignoring them. Good. He was keeping voice low so only he and Sansa could hear each other. "He told me once that each time he'd been brought back to life, he lost a piece of himself—memories of his past and his own life. When I thought of how ill I was as a child and again when we negotiated with Dorne to bring them back into the fold... there were parts I simply couldn't remember. Which... is why I've been a little... distant as of late."

Sansa listened. "And you believe the same thing is happening to you?" she suspected.

Daveth shrugged. "I don't know. None of it makes any sense, Sansa. And the thought of not knowing infuriates me. It's a dangerous, almost foreign-like concept, and in addition to what I was told about what happened at the Old Inn..."

The Queen felt disheartened at being reminded of such an event; during the Battle of King's Landing where she and others rushed to escort Daveth to the Old Inn for emergency medical treatment to stop his bleeding out. When he died, Sansa could hardly bear having been made to see her husband pass again. But with Vaeraleah's enchantment at the cost of her own life, Daveth came back from the dead again. However, in the aftermath, Sansa had noticed he was acting rather odd lately – like he was not himself in some ways.

Daveth looked down at his hands. They were steady. "I can't remember anything, Sansa. Like bits and pieces are slowly being chipped away. I died three times and that red priestess you and Tommen brought over was responsible for my return each time. I was dead, and I didn't even know it."

"Daveth," Sansa spoke up, "sweetheart, if the topic unsettles you this much, we don't have to talk about it."

"No, I feel I must. I don't know what to feel anymore. Not like how I used to." Daveth turned to face her. "I know you had your reasons for wanting me to be here. For you, our sons, our daughter, our family, the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros... all of it. But was the price a bit too high to pay? Was it worth it in the end?"

This isn't like him at all. "I can't foresee the future. I suppose only time will tell if the choice we made was the right one." True; Sansa had seen Daveth's ups and downs before, but none of this scale. In all their years of marriage, she acted as a support role for him. Even if it means getting him back on track again—whether with comforting words or a shouting lecture, Sansa stood her ground.

"But we know the past," he replied. "Those who do not heed history are often condemned to repeat it." Daveth shook his head. "I'm done fighting."

"There are no more wars to fight. No more suffering, no more misery. It's over."

"Yes, it is, but I don't think you're getting what I mean." Daveth turned around and approached one of his stands. Reaching into the chests, the Young Stag unveils the Valyrian steel sword Stormbringer—having been recovered from the beaches after his scuffle with Euron Greyjoy. It was cleaned, refurbished and polished like it was new. He picked up the scabbard and slides the sword into it before walking over to the mantle over the fireplace.

"Papa?" the twins asked now curious.

"Daveth?" Sansa inquired.

Daveth stretched up his right arm, groaning as he placed the sheathed Stormbringer on the mantle. "I've decided a long time ago," he said. "I've been away from home for too long, Sansa. Fought too many battles, too many wars. But how long until the fight is gradually kicked out of you? Now that the War for Westeros and Long Night are over... I'm laying my sword down and I will not fight again. I've decided to spend the rest of my days where I'm supposed to be. Here. With you, and our family."

Sansa was somewhat surprised; this was a monumental sacrifice Daveth was making. But at the same time, she was elated to hear that her husband will be spending more time with her and their children. Lyonel and Cassana will be seeing more of their father frequently on a daily basis. Aside from the regular Small Council meetings and occasional greeting of foreign dignitaries, Sansa will no doubt play a more active role in aiding her husband in governing the Seven Kingdoms.

"Could you... help me build a new world? Not one lasting five, ten seasons... but for a thousand years. Please?" Daveth asks.

Sansa smiled, embraced her husband and kisses the man she loves. A perfect kiss, an expression of pure love and comfort. Daveth slid one of his hands onto her waist and pulled her closer to him, his hand behind Sansa's head, her hand on his cheek.

"Eew!" Lyonel and Cassana reacted with disgust.

Pulling away, both parents looked at their twins.

"Ugh! Did you two have to ruin the mood?" Daveth rolled his eyes sarcastically.

"Haha! Come now, love, they're just children," Sansa chuckled. She turned to see the sun was beginning to set. "But it's getting late. We should be getting them tucked in soon."

"Yes, I suppose we should."

"Awww! Do we have to?" the twins complained.

Daveth was getting serious. "Yes, pups. You do."

"Listen to your father, sweetlings," Sansa told them more gently.


Red Keep — White Sword Tower...

Lucius sat in his seat staring at the book in front of him. The Lord Commander's chambers differed from the barracks he was normally acquainted to; this was fancier. More room to stretch, office space, a desk... but more importantly, he had another duty to fulfill—filling in the pages of The Book of Brothers. It is the responsibility of the current Lord Commander of the Kingsguard to update the entries of the book.

Prince Aemon the Dragonknight...

Called the Dragonknight after his noble heritage. Second son to

Viserys II Targaryen and brother to King Aegon IV and QueenNaerys Targaryen. Raised to the Kingsguard in his 17th year and afterrose to Lord Commander. Wielded the Valyrian blade Dark Sister, previouslythe sword of Visenya Targaryen, sister and wife to Aegon I.

Rescued from a snakepit by his cousin Baelor I the Blessed, whom

the vipers refused to bite. Fought Cregan Stark, barely defeatinghim. Won the tourney of Riverrun in his 21st year, unseating SerTerrence of Toyne in the final joust. (...)

Ser Duncan the Tall...

Born in Flea Bottom. Family name unknown. Squire to Ser Arlan

of Pennytree who knighted him in his 16th year. Defended aDornish woman from Prince Aerion Targaryen at the tourneyat Ashford and was judged in a trial of seven.

Bested Baelor Breakspear with the aid of Aerion Targaryen, who

was mentally (...) Took Prince Aegon Targaryen to squire. Buthe remained a hedge knight. Served Eustace Osgrey (...) hisdefense against the Red Widow of Coldmoat. Defeated Ser LucasLonginch in single combat (...) suffering grievous wounds.Uncovered a (...) of Lords to put Daemon II Blackfyre on the (...)during the Blackfyre Rebellion, and defended Prince Aegon from(...)

Raised to Lord Commander of the Kingsguard by King Aegon V,

his former squire. Led the honor guard that escorted MaesterAemon, formerly of House Targaryen and King Aegon V's brother,to the Wall. Defeated all challengers at the tourney of Pennytree,which Aegon V held in his honor and named a commoner as theQueen of Love and Beauty. Rescued the daughter of Lord DamonLannister from Pyke, after her ship was taken by Greyjoy raiders.

Perished in the mysterious fire of Summerhall with King Aegon V

and his son Prince Duncan.

Ser Lucius Blackmyre...

Hailed from the Riverlands. Family unknown. Profession included

farming and blacksmithing. Rescued his liege lord Hoster Tully ofRiverrun from bandits. Knighted in his 20th year and awarded thecastle of High Heart. Heeded the call to arms in the War of theNinepenny Kings. Keen talent for strategy and knowledge of warfarewere recognized by Lord Ormund Baratheon, Hand of the King,who recruited him as a military advisor. Tactics proved vital ininitiating a preemptive strike which led to House Targaryen's greatvictories against Maelys the Monstrous, last of the Blackfire Pretenders.

Named to the Kingsguard with Barristan Selmy by King Aegon V

Targaryen in his 23rd year. Given the name the 'Bull' for hishandmade bull's head helmet. Won the tourney of Horn Hill in his25th year, unseating Ser Gerold Hightower, Lord Commander ofthe Kingsguard in the joust. Intervened in a dispute between SerTywin Lannister and Lord Roger Reyne during (...).

Dispatched by King Aerys II Targaryen to put down Robert Baratheon's

rebellion, but was defeated at the Battle of the Trident while fightingbeside Rhaegar Targaryen, Prince of Dragonstone, and his swornbrothers Barristan Selmy, Jonothor Darry and Lewyn Martell.

Pardoned by King Robert I Baratheon. Served in the honor guard

that brought Lady Cersei Lannister to King's Landing to wed KingRobert. Fought in Balon Greyjoy's rebellion. Assigned as personalbodyguard to Crown Prince Daveth Baratheon. (...)

Served in the escort that brought Queen Consort Sansa of House

Stark to White Harbor to investigate suspicious activity implicatingher sister Arya. Later discovered it was a ruse concocted by RamsaySnow, the Bastard of House Bolton. Fought with the Young WolfRobb Stark and White Wolf Jon Snow to defeat the insurgent BoltonUprising. Returned with the Queen safely to King's Landing. (...)

Guarded the royal family during the War for Westeros. Raised to

Lord Commander of the Kingsguard by King Daveth I in his 69thyear.

Now the more Ser Lucius read each entry on each paragraph, the more reminiscent he felt. Flipping through the older ones, the Old Bull recognized the names of the famed Kingsguard of his time... before arriving to those at the present. Names he was quite familiar with, and those he remembered all too well from his younger days when he served under Kings Aegon V and Aerys II all of whom were now long gone.

"My friends," Lucius sighed. The earlier part of his career had been entered by the former Lord Commander Gerold Hightower in a big forceful hand, hence his sometimes too big, often crooked handwriting, whereas Barristan's were smaller and more elegant.

Ser Gerold Hightower...

(...) while defending the honor and property of the Dornish princess,

Elia Martell. Handed command to Ser Arthur Dayne due to sustainedinjuries the same year. Broke three lances against Oswell Whentat the tourney at Harrenhal and fought with great distinction in themelee.

Dispatched by King Aerys II to locate the Crown Prince Rhaegar

Targaryen in the wake of Robert Baratheon's rebellion. Died in theRed Mountains of Dorne alongside his sworn brother Ser ArthurDayne after refusing to bend the knee to the new King Robert IBaratheon.

All were defeated by a small force led by Lord Eddard Stark of


Ser Arthur Dayne...

Second son of Lord Beric Dayne, born at Starfall. Named 'Sword

of the Morning' and wielder of the great white blade 'Dawn' forgedfrom a fallen star. Won many tourneys and broke twelve lancesagainst Rhaegar Targaryen, Prince of Dragonstone, at the Tourneyof Storm's End. Unseated all challengers at tourney of BrightwaterKeep, and crowned Lady Alys Reyne as Queen of Love and Beauty.Unmasked the Mystery Knight of (...) bridge as Ser Harlan Grandisonof the Kingsguard.

Appointed to the Kingsguard by King Aerys II Targaryen in his 20th

year. Hunted and killed the Bandit Lords of the Marches, freeingLady and Lord Dondarrion from the Diamond Cave. Broke the siegeof White Harbor by the Sea Kings and saved Lord Rickard Starkfrom drowning. Defended the honor of Lady (...) against the advancesof Lord Steffon Baratheon, but spared him on account of drunkenness.In the Year of the False Spring, at the Great Tourney of Harrenhal,he stood against all but the Crown Prince once more.

Beloved by the people, he acted as their voice in the reign of Aerys

II, gathering their concerns and bringing them before the King.Brought in laws for the royal forces to repay the smallfolk for theirgoods and turned the tide of support against the criminal scourgeof the Kingswood Brotherhood. Led the Kingsguard to victory anddestroyed the Brotherhood by killing the Smiling Knight in singlecombat. He allowed said Knight to call for a second blade after thefirst one was sheared in two, then brought death upon him bydelivering the Knight's greatest wish – the Dawn blade.

Knighted Ser Jaime Lannister on the field of battle; in his 15th year.

Killed at the conclusion of Robert Baratheon's rebellion, alongside

his sworn brothers in the Red Mountains of Dorne, presumably byLord Eddard Stark of Winterfell.

Ser Barristan Selmy...

Firstborn son of Ser Lyonel Selmy of Harvest Hall. Squire to Ser

Manfred Swann. Named 'the Bold' at age 10 in his fifteenth tourneyat Blackhaven, where he was defeated and unmasked by DuncanTargaryen, Prince of Dragonflies and heir to the Iron Throne. Knightedin his 17th year by King Aegon V Targaryen after performing featsof prowess as a mystery knight in the Winter Tourney at King'sLanding, defeating Prince Duncan and Ser Duncan the Tall, LordCommander. Slew Maelys the Monstrous, last of the BlackfirePretenders, in single combat during the War of the Ninepenny Kings.Defeated Lormelle Long Lance and Cedric Storm, the Bastard ofBronzegate. Named to the Kingsguard in his 23rd year by LordCommander Gerold Hightower alongside Ser Lucius Blackmyre. (...)

Defended the passage against all challengers in the tourney of the

Silver Bridge. Victor in the melee at Maiden Pool. Brought King AerysII Targaryen to safety during the Defiance of Duskendale, despitean arrow wound in the chest. Avenged the murder of his swornbrother, Ser Gwayne Gaunt. Rescued Lady Jeyne Swann and hersepta from the Kingswood Brotherhood, defeating Simon Toyneand the Smiling Knight, and slaying the former. In the Oldtowntourney, defeated and unmasked the mystery knight Blackshield,revealing him as the Bastard of Uplands. Sole champion of LordSteffon's tourney at Storm's End, whereat he unhorsed Lord RobertBaratheon, Prince Oberyn Martell, Lord Leyton Hightower, Lord JonConnington, Lord Jason Mallister and Crown Prince Rhaegar Targaryen.

Wounded by arrow, spear, and sword at the Battle of the Trident

while fighting beside his sworn brothers and Rhaegar, Prince ofDragonstone. Pardoned and named Lord Commander of theKingsguard by King Robert I Baratheon. Served in the honor guardthat brought Lady Cersei Lannister to King's Landing to wed KingRobert.

Led the attack on Old Wyk during Balon Greyjoy's first rebellion.

Rescued Crown Prince Daveth Baratheon from ironborn captivity.Took him to squire two years later. Champion of the tourney at King'sLanding in his 57th year.

Knighted Prince Daveth on his 16th nameday.

After the death of King Robert I served under King Daveth I, his

former squire. Often acted as close confidant and the voice of reasonin (...)

He noticed further down that the page remained unfinished, as the Battle of Winterfell was the last time they would ever see each other. "Let me see if I can fix that. You deserved that much, old friend," the Old Bull grumbled. Dipping his quill in ink, Lucius began writing to finish the rest of Barristan's story.

...Appointed as a General in the newly created Royal Army during

the Targaryen invasion of Westeros, commanding the divisionStalwart Defenders. Led the men and women of his forces north tojoin the King at Winterfell. Faced the Army of the Dead with the alliedforces and held the line against all odds.

Died protecting his King.

Ser Lucius flipped another page until he reached a familiar name: Ser Jaime Lannister. Now noticeably his page was by far the shortest, but what the Old Bull saw as he looked it over was rather surprising.

Ser Jaime Lannister...

Firstborn son of Lord Tywin and Lady Johanna Lannister, born at

Casterly Rock. Squired for Barristan Selmy against the KingswoodBrotherhood. Knighted and named to the Kingsguard in his 15thyear for valor in the field by King Aerys II Targaryen. At the Sackof King's Landing murdered his King, Aerys II, at the foot of theIron Throne. Thereafter known as the 'Kingslayer'. Pardoned forhis crime by King Robert I Baratheon. Served in the honor guardthat brought his sister Lady Cersei Lannister to King's Landing towed King Robert I. Champion in the tourney held on the occasionof their wedding. Defeated by his nephew Crown Prince DavethBaratheon in the melee in the latter's 16th year.

After the death of King Robert I served under King Daveth I.

Defeated at the siege of Highgarden by Lord Randyll Tarly and

captured in the field during the Stag Sedition. Ransomed andreleased by Lord Mace Tyrell in exchange for his heir Ser LorasTyrell upon the rebels' unconditional surrender. Returned safelyto King's Landing.

Vindicated upon confession he murdered King Aerys II to prevent

the infamous wildfire plot from burning the capital city of King'sLanding to the ground, thereby saving the lives of half a millionpeople. Thereafter known as the 'Atoner'.

Fought to suppress Balon Greyjoy's second rebellion, playing a

key role in carrying out a greater strategy to end the war.

Rescued his King from an assassination attempt in Dorne without

loss of life. Foiled an attempt by the Sparrows to abduct PrincessMyrcella Baratheon and Prince Tommen Baratheon.

Appointed as a General in the newly created Royal Army during

the Targaryen invasion of Westeros, commanding the divisionLion's Pride. Outwitted a large Unsullied-Dothraki host at theBattle of the Golden Tooth, defeating the much larger force. Foughtat the Battle of the Reach bravely, narrowly escaping death bydragonfire.

With a select carefully precise strokes of his quill, Ser Lucius filled in the remaining section of Jaime's page.

...Led the men and women of Lion's Pride north to join the King at

Winterfell. Faced the Army of the Dead and defended the castleagainst all odds until the defeat of the Night King.

Assumed command of the Lannister Army following the death

of his uncle Ser Kevan and rode south in attempt to save thecapital from destruction. Saved King Daveth I from the ironbornEuron and Yara Greyjoy in the nick of time. Rescued QueenConsort Sansa of House Stark, her children and countless othersfrom Lord Jon Connington's wildfire plot.

Ser Brienne of Tarth...

Daughter of Lord Selwyn Tarth, born on the isle of Tarth. (...)

Initially sided with Renly Baratheon during the Stag Sedition, butwas accused of his murder. Pardoned by King Daveth I Baratheonand named to the Kingsguard in her 20th year, becoming one oftwo women in history to join the order alongside Ariyana Dayne.

(...) Assigned as the personal bodyguard to Queen Consort Sansa

Stark. Named the 'Maid of Tarth' or 'Brienne the Beauty' due toher appearance. Overcame prejudice and suspicion among herpeers and was warmly accepted with open arms by the royal familyas a trustworthy confidant.

Served in the escort that brought Queen Consort Sansa of House

Stark to White Harbor to investigate suspicious activity implicatingher sister Arya. Later discovered it was a ruse concocted by RamsaySnow, the Bastard of House Bolton. Fought with the Young WolfRobb Stark and White Wolf Jon Snow to defeat the insurgent BoltonUprising. Returned with the Queen safely to King's Landing. (...)

Rode north to join the King at Winterfell. Knighted by Ser Jaime

in her 25th year, becoming the first woman of the Seven Kingdomsto become a knight. Faced the Army of the Dead and defendedthe castle against all odds until the defeat of the Night King.Returned south to save the capital from destruction. Saved theQueen, her children and countless others from Lord Jon Connington'swildfire plot.

Lucius sighed so much needing to be kept up to date. Once filing in for Ariyana, Olyvar, Podrick and Jullon, he sat back in his chair. Looking back on his life, Lucius had lived a long interesting life, full of adventures and setbacks. But for good or ill, the Old Bull was content with the path he had chosen to live despite his advanced age. Then he collects himself, his duty done for the night. It was getting late. Gripping the cover of The Book of Brothers, Lucius flips the cover closed and turned to blow a lit candle out, darkening the room as the moon began to rise.

Tomorrow would be the start of a new day. Come what may, a new day would start anew.

Groaning as he pushed himself up, Ser Lucius escorted himself to the Lord Commander's bed. Pulling back the covers, he climbed into bed and pulled the sheets over him. Adjusting to the comfort, the Old Bull spent the next few minutes glancing at the ceiling.

"Ugh! Ngh! These damned knees! Cursed old age," he complained. "But... wait for me, old friends. My time... is not done yet."

Closing his eyes, Lucius fell asleep.

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