Dippin' Low: A Girl Named Cas...

By chaterboxxx

152K 4.7K 812

Before the tragedy, Before the death, Before the lies, Before the deception, Before the jealously, Before hus... More

A Girl Named Cassandra (Intro)
AGNC: Prologue
AGNC: Chapter 1 |Start From The Top
AGNC: Chapter 2 |Beneath it all
AGNC: Chapter 3 |Noticed
AGNC: Chapter 4 |Making Favors
AGNC: Chapter 5 |Let's Have a Party
AGNC: Chapter 6 | Irrational Decisions
AGNC: Chapter 7 |Caller ID
AGNC: Chapter 9| The Ones You Can Depend On
AGNC: Chapter 10| Getting Familiar
AGNC: Chapter 11 |The Run-Around
AGNC: Chapter 12 | Options
AGNC: Chapter 13 | Putt Putt
AGNC: Chapter 14 | Green Light

AGNC: Chapter 8 |Growing Pains

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By chaterboxxx

"Old friends are like Gold. New friends are like diamonds. If you get diamonds, don't forget the gold because only gold can hold diamonds."- Anonymous

(Damion in the MM)

Chapter 8: Nova

"Hey, how much can I get for all of this?" I pulled my jacket up over my shoulders and zipped it a little tighter. It was a little chilly outside and the pawn shop wasn't any warmer.The black man behind the counter took my items and carefully inspected all of them I'm guessing to make sure what I was giving him was legit. He separated the jewelry from the electronics, to the clothes putting them all into their own pile.

He pointed to the pile of jewelry first, rubbing his black goatee before speaking. "I can getchu fifty for the watch, fifty for the ring, seventy-five for the chain. Everything else, isn't valuable enough for me to re-sell." I shifted my weight to my other leg and leaned against the counter. "Okay." That wasn't too bad.

He then pointed to the electronics. "For the phones, I can give you fifty." 

Lastly the shoes and purses. "These haven't been worn or used right?"

I nodded my head.

"Then for the lot I can give you one- fifty. Total, you'd get three seventy-five back."  

"That's perfect." I said. Which was. It was more than I expected to get since last week I was only able to get one seventy-five for a pair of never worn Uggs and a watch. He nodded his head and reached underneath the register to grab for a grey zipup bag. He placed it on the counter with a heavy plop and unzipped it, digging out a hefty wad of cash. It was so much money, it would put one of these street dealers to shame.

I watched as he carefully counted three hundred and seventy- five dollars with a lick of his finger in-between. 

"Three hunid and fifty, three hunid and seventy-five." He slid the crisps dollars in front of me. "There you go." I placed my hand on top of the money to grab it but his hand was also still on, not letting go. 

I looked at him wearily. "Can I have the money?"

He seemed to ignore me and instead scrunched his eyebrows together in thought as if he was trying to remember something. "You look familiar. I've seen you somewhere but I just can't remember where..." He trailed off and immediately my heart raced. I hated this, especially going out in public where I was prone to people recognizing who I was...well what I did. 

I tried to play it off and shrugged my shoulders. "I don't know from where. But I'm told i have a familiar face. Can I have my money now?" I asked a little more impatiently. 

He stared intently for a few seconds longer before standing straight and relaxing his face. "It'll come to me." He removed his hand and I grabbed the money quick folding it and placing it in my pocket and wasted no time getting out of there.

The street lights were just now coming on and I knew I was in there longer than I should have been. I fished my phone from my front pocket to check the time. 7:48 p.m.

"Shit!" I sped up my walking almost damn near running down the street. If I didn't get to my job quickly, Chris was gonna tear me a new one for being late, again. Good thing the building was only a few more blocks away. Taking short cuts and back ways, I was able to make it in fifteen minutes with two to spare. I opened the back door to the club and stepped inside being immediately greeted by half naked women. 

"I see she made it on time today." One of the girls mocked. I rolled my eyes and continued to my locker. I popped it open and began taking off my clothes. 

"Hey," I looked up to see Wallflower walking up to me smiling. Her thick hips swayed side to side as her glittery, bright skimpy two piece almost blinded me.  When I started about a month ago, Wallflower was the only one to introduce herself to me. She had only been here for a year herself but she was more comfortable being a stripper than the rest of us. She actually loved it so much she was willing to make it a career. My first few days were hell, but with her advice she was able to help me put my nerves at ease. Shit, I really had no choice if I wanted to keep saving to get out of this city when I graduated. Despite what people thought, I had plans for my future which hall included me leaving this city behind. But Stripping was the second best to making fast money. What I was doing for Damion and a few others wasn't cutting it anymore.

"See you made it with little to spare. You know you up after Candy and she's already almost done with her dance." she said adjusting the strings on her g-string. I was stripping out of the last of my clothes and reached for the costume that was already in my locker replacing it with my own, shutting it and locking it. 

Wallflower looked down at me and swatted my ass then playfully grabbed my things. "We really need to thicken you up, girl. You way too small to be a stripper. If it wasn't for them titties and that little ass, you wouldn't be much eye candy." If I was any random woman on the street and was told this, I would have immediately snapped but she was completely right. I needed to thicken up. I had body, but compared to these other girls, I was a toothpick.

"If you stick to a greens and wheat diet, you'll thicken up real quick." I nodded my head, finally putting on my top. "Thanks Wallflower, I will." 

"Where is Lola?"

Hearing my name, I moved around Wallflower and walked to the front towards Candy who holding a clear bag full of the money she made. Candy was far from the best, but she was good enough to make alot more on stage than me. She was able to throw those hips and clap that ass in a way that made some men dig deep in their pockets. I was beyond envious. 

"Here." I answered. 

"Get up there girl, you next." She said encouragingly as she smacked my ass and sashayed to her vanity while I made my way to the stage. 

The walk to the pole always seemed the longest. My heart  would speed up, my hands become slightly clammy and I try my best not to look into the crowd for the first few seconds. The eyes of the men felt intimidating. It was nothing but pressure to show off and to be better than the last stripper who was on stage. Like Wallflower always said, you had to own the stage. Sex appeal and confidence was the biggest thing a stripper could have. If you didn't appear sexy or confident the crowd would sense it. 

"Listen up Hustlers, this one's fairly new, but don't let that innocence fool you. Let it be known, she will rock your world! Give it up for  Lolaaaa!" Diondre, the club DJ, introduced and began playing the song "Bossy" by Kelis. 

Immediately getting into the song, I rolled my hips, dipped low, swung my legs around that pole and did whatever came natural. I was no Candy or Wallflower but I was good enough to see dollars flying on to the stage. Starting out, I was nervous as hell, still am, but seeing the money falling so easily at my feet, it wasn't hard to overcome the nerves and uneasiness. The only thing I was worried about now was making enough to do what I desired. 

I looked out into the crowd of men, feeling a hell of a lot more confident. Making sexy faces and winding my body, I felt in control...that was until I saw a pair of eyes belonging to the last person I wanted to see me here. 

He licked his lips and I could read them as he said "Gotcha." 

Gotdamn Damion.



"Keith! Stop it! I can't...I can't breathe...Oh my God, stop it!" If I laughed any harder I swear my spleen would split. Keith was on a tickling rampage and I, for the life of me, could not get him to stop. 

He shook his head. "Nah, you asked for it." 

"I'm sorry!, please stop! I won't do it again!"

"Never again?"

"Never again! I promise!"

He stopped tickling me and I tired to catch my breath. I punched him in the arm and gave him a death glare. "That was so mean." 

"I told you don't throw my fitted, and what you do? Throw it. That's exactly whatchu get."

I stood to my feet and rolled my eyes heading for the kitchen to grab a bottle of water. All that tickling made me hella thirsty. I fixed my crooked tank top and reached into the fridge for the bottled watre only to be grabbed from the waist. I couldn't lie and say him pressed against me didn't feel good. But I couldn't let him know that. 

"What do you want?" I asked feigning annoyance. 

He sucked his teeth seeing right threw my bullshit. "Girl, don't act like you 'ont like me holdin' you like this. This shit probably turnin' you on, huh." I twisted in his arms to face him and playfully pushed him away slightly embarrassed leaning my back against the kitchen counter. He knew how to get to me. 

It had only been a few weeks and I could honestly say, it had been a great few weeks with Keith. He'd been nothing but the perfect gentleman taking me places, hanging out with me more than he should and overall putting a smile on my face. If i'd known being with him was like this, I would have done it a year ago when he first asked me out.

"Hmm. don't act that like." He cooed before reaching for me. He grabbed my elbow and pulled me into him, wrapping his arms around my torso and lightly kissed below my chin. The light kiss sent chills down my spine.

See? shit, like this I couldn't get enough of.

"You know I like messin' witchu." His voice was coated with seduction as he continued his light kisses. I had half a mind to let him continue but being as see it, he was in my house, if JD or my Mama came downstairs and saw him doin' this-

"What's goin' on down here?" 

I jumped so far back, I could have landed on top of the kitchen island. JD stood in the kitchen archway with his hands folded across his chest, feet spread apart and a look that could kill looking straight at Keith. 

"I was just getting some water." I said holding up the water bottle in my hand for him to see. "See?"

He nodded his head towards Keith and he looked like he wanted to crawl away. "What about you, I on't see a water bottle in yo hand, son."

"Um, I was just..I was.."

"I was asking him if he wanted something to drink too and he came into the kitchen to see the options in the fridge."

"Was the list of drinks written on your neck?" 


"Listen, you seventeen and I on't expect you to not date, but don't let me catch you doin' that in my house again. We don't need babies raising babies in here. Got it?"


"Do you got it?" 

I huffed and started picking my nails. "Yeah, I got it."

"What about you young-blood?"

"Understood Sir." Keith said without hesitation. JD nodded head pleased. He unfolded his arms a little more relaxed and leaned against the frame. 

"Ya'll goin' out tonight?" 

I nodded my head. I had almost forget we were supposed to go to the movies with Tyrone and Aspen since it was Friday night and I haven't seen him in a while. I didn't want to go at first but Tyrone insisted since we barely seen each other during the past few weeks. Even in school his time was occupied by Aspen. That girl was on his hip like a conjoined twin and Tyrone seemed unbothered by it. 

"Yeah, were going to the movies in a little bit."

"Aight, well let us know when you leavin'. You need some money?" He asked. I shook my head.

"Keith's paying for us both." JD nodded his head in approval. "Good man. You know when to be back by." His cut his eyes to Keith. " I on't wanna have to come lookin' for you." I swore I could see Keith swallow nervously.

"Yes, JD." He turned and left the kitchen heading back up stairs. I looked to Keith who looked liked he was holding his breath the whole time.

"That's a scary dude." He said. 

I shook my head and laughed. "Nah. He's the biggest softy on the planet." 


"Ty baby, can you get me some sour straws?" Aspen batted her eyelashes and pouted her lip and Tyrone smiled. "Of course baby." He kissed her cheek then looked at Keith and I. "You guys want anything?"

We were standing in front of the concession stand since our movie didn't start for another ten minutes. So we had plenty of time to get snacks.

Before I could say no, Aspen was already speaking for us. "Are you my date or theirs? I'm sure if they want something, Keith will get it. Right?" She turned and looked at us with a smile that said 'you better not say yes.'  

"Uh, right." Keith responded then shook his head. He could see it too. He looked at me and gave me a smile that I could just melt from. "You want anything baby?" 

"A coke?" He brushed his thumb across my cheek. " Sure." He joined Tyrone as they both made their way to the concession stand laughing at a joke one of them had said. Aspen and I stood still waiting and I couldn't help but feel a slight cold shoulder from her. It even felt more awkward as she began picking her nails. Maybe I was trippin' but something sure didn't feel right. Trying to make light conversation, "Hey, you guys look very happy." I boosted.

She looked at me and  I could have sworn I saw her begin to roll her eyes but stopped herself. "Thanks, we are. As long as you know." She responded curtly. What was that supposed to mean?

Before I could question her, they guys were already back. Keith wrapped his arms around my shoulder and Tyrone interlaced his fingers through Aspen's, them ahead of us making our way into the movie.

Watching them, I still couldn't shake my uneasy feeling. Now, I knew Aspen was going to be a problem.

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