The Outcast Lands: Fire

By Believe_in_broccoli

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In a world that is very similar to the Earth we know, Diellza Kohler is banished to The Outcast Lands. People... More

Chapter 1: Fire
Chapter 2: Issues
Chapter 4: Leaving Camp

Chapter 3: Camp

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By Believe_in_broccoli

"Narrator back! Let's just carry on from where we were. Diellza is being stared at by the three adults Caelinus, Sarge, and Sil. Let's get into it!" The Narrator says.

Sil looked at Diellza before saying, "So this kid is being banished to The Outcast Lands?"

"Yeah, but before you ask, I don't know what she did." Caelinus told the two.

"Dang it, I was hoping that you got some juicy gossip Cae." Sarge added.

"Quiet Oaf, I'm thinking." Sil said to,

Diellza decided to not ask about the nicknames as she hoped to stay on their good sides much as possible.

"Fine witch. I just gotta ask. Cae?" Sarge smiled at the man in question.

"What?" Caelinus asked confused.

"Did you over share with the criminal again?" Sarge asked smiling down at Caelinus.

Caelinus blushed in embarrassment before telling Sarge, "I don't think I did."

"Mmm, why don't we just ask her then hmm?" Sarge told him with a raised eyebrows.

"I have no problem with the matter, feel free to ask her whatever you want." Caelinus told Sarge with a hint of a blush at the tip of his ears.

Sarge smiled before looking at Diellza and frowning. "Hey criminal."

Diellza looked at him, "Yes?" She answered a little bit scared.

"What did Cae talk about on your van ride here?" Sarge asked seriously.

Diellza recalled the what they talked about easily, "Umm, it was mostly quiet in the car," Caelinus smiled victorious at Sarge only for Sarge to hold up one finger telling him to wait.

Diellza continued, "Then he started to talk about a bird he saw and how it was his favorite. Then that somehow transitioned to talking about his job."

Caelinus looked down blushing and scratching the back of his neck while Sarge stood there triumphantly smiling.

"Is that it?" Sarge asked Diellza.

"Yeah, that's all that we talked about." Diellza told him.

Caelinus looked away and mumbled something.

Sarge smirked, "What'd you say I couldn't hear you?"

Caelinus turned and huffed before saying, "You were right, okay! I didn't even realize that I did that."

"At least you realized it, now we just gotta work on it." Sarge said with a smile while messing with Caelinus's hair.

Just as Caelinus was about to speak Sil interrupted, "Can I talk now, I figured it out. Also thank you Cae for distracting the oaf."

"Hey, if anyone's a oaf it's you!" Sarge yelled.

"Anyway, what have you got Sil?" Caelinus asked.

"The bus will be here tomorrow and we will fill the banished criminals the day after, at seven a.m that day. So basically in two days the criminals will be shipped to The Outcast Lands. You got that oaf?" Sil asked Sarge.

"Yeah, I got it." Sarge confirmed.

"Also remember both of you, The General always comes to see off the banished, so you have to call each other by your guys's actual titles." Caelinus told them.

"Seriously, do I have to?" Sarge asked.

"Yeah, I don't want to." Sil said.

"Yes you do!," Caelinus told them. "Now where do I put her." Caelinus said gesturing toward Diellza.

"In the camp, Cabin 3 has a open spot at the moment, just put her there." Sil told Caelinus.

"Also Cae, remember it's my day to have you over for a sleepover in my room." Sil said and winked at Caelinus.

"Yes, Sil, I do remember. Let's go." Caelinus said as he turned and walked out blushing.

Diellza followed closely behind. After walking for a couple minutes in silence Diellza decided to ask a question.

"So Sil and Sarge, how did they get the nicknames?" Diellza asked the question that had been buzzing around in her head for a while.

Caelinus looked at her before smiling, "Well as you know I met Sil seven years ago, well her name is actually Silvia but it's just shorter and was easier to say in a hurry. For Sarge, his name is actually Sarge. It's pretty much impossible to make a nickname out of that so, it just is Sarge."

"That's cool but I actually meant their nicknames for each other." Diellza told him.

"Oh, sorry I misunderstood. I actually don't know why they call themselves those names, but it's been like that since they met each other. I should ask them why later though." Caelinus told her while blushing a bit out of embarrassment.

"Okay, it's no problem just a misunderstanding." Diellza reassured him.

The pair continued walking in silence until they reached a gate with a tiny room to the side of the gate with a single window at the front.

"Hey Cae!" Said the woman in the room. Diellza noticed that she was about average height and had pretty green eyes that looked around constantly.

"Hey Angie, how's Lorenzo?" Caelinus asked the woman.

"I told you, call him Enzo, I swear he likes that name better anyway. Oh, and is this sweetheart a new recruit?" Angie said questioningly popping a piece of gum in her mouth, while moving some of her light brown hair out of her face.

"This is Diellza, and no she's not a new recruit, I'm here to drop her off." Caelinus told Angie.

"This little girl is going to The Outcast Lands? What'd she do? Go on a murderous rampage?" Angie asked chewing her gum.

"Angie you know I couldn't tell you that, even if I could I don't know what she did." Caelinus told her.

"Yeah sure ya don't. Anyway can I talk to ya for a quick minute?" Angie asked Caelinus.

"How long is it going to take, I have a schedule to follow." Caelinus said looking at his watch.

"Only a second honey." Angie said as she smiled sweetly.

"Okay, only a couple minutes tops." Caelinus said.

"Good com'ere." Angie said as she dragged him into the small box and shut the window.

Diellza stood there awkwardly before looking in the room. She saw Angie yelling and Caelinus trying to defend himself. After a few minutes Angie opened the window and walked out the door with a very embarrassed Caelinus.

"What happened in there?" Diellza asked

"Oh, ya don't need to worry your pretty little head, sweetheart." Angie tried to convince Diellza.

"Are you sure?" Diellza asked just to be sure.

"Ya really don't need to worry." Angie looked at Caelinus, "Cae! Tell the girl she doesn't need to worry!" Angie said with a smile, it would of been convincing if her eyes didn't give away the fact that she was definitely threatening Caelinus.

Caelinus flinched a little before nodding and saying, "Just like Angie said, don't worry about it."

Diellza was definitely worried.

"Ok, if you say so." Diellza decided it was best not to continue asking. Not for her sake but for Caelinus's.

"Good now, Caelinus here will be showing ya to your cabin and helping you get settled, but not too settled. You're leaving in a couple days. Bye!" Angie said shoving Caelinus a little then waving to Diellza.

"Umm, bye." Diellza said back

"Let's go." Caelinus started walking with Diellza quick to follow.

"The bus won't be here till tomorrow, it apparently got off schedule." Caelinus told Diellza.

Diellza nodded not finding a reason to talk.

While they made their way to her temporary cabin he pointed out certain areas to her, the cafeteria, the sports area, and the cabins.

He explained that the males and females were separated after some things happened. That the female fence was over a foot away from the male fence because apparently some pregnancies had resulted from them being to close together.

When they finally made it to Cabin 3, Diellza noticed that it was just like all the other cabins, basically copy and paste. It was a cabin that you see at summer camp or in a forest. Each cabin had a different colored door with a big number on each door to tell you which cabin it is.

Caelinus knocked on the door and waited until someone opened it. There was a tall teen with sun kissed skin and very curly hair that reached a little past her shoulder. Her hair was black but looked purple in the sun. She looked between the two with dark brown eyes.

"What are you doing here Caelinus? I thought the bus was getting here in two days?" The teen asked confused.

"Sorry for the worry Romaine, this is Diellza. She will be staying here till the bus comes. Please keep an eye on her. Please." Caelinus practically pleaded her.

"What? Why should I- oh, did she? Yeah sure! You got it, I will watch her, this child will never leave my sight!" Romaine practically shouted after realizing who threatened Caelinus.

"Ok, that's good. I have to go," Caelinus said as he looked down at his watch, "10 minutes ago!" Caelinus started running toward the gate.

"Bye!" He yelled as he ran.

Romaine looked down at Diellza, "Come inside, I'll help you get your bunk ready." She said as she walked inside, Diellza now following her.

"Ok, this is the cabin, it's not really much but it's only temporary since we're being shipped off in two days." Romaine told her gesturing toward the six bunk beds all along the sides of the cabin.

Romaine walked over to two doors, opening one saying, "This is the bathroom of the cabin, when using it be considerate to your fellow cabin mates. There's the closet, it has the cleaning stuff for each cabin."

"This is going to be your bunk. You share with Shannen, also if you want to fight anyone don't do it in the cabins. Got it." Romaine told Diellza after pointing out a bed on a blank wall.

"Ok, I got it. When can I meet Shannen? I'm kinda hoping to get to know her since we'll be sharing a bunk bed." Diellza asked

Romaine burst into loud laughter, "That's a good joke!" After calming down to a chuckle she looked at Diellza only to see her confused.

"Oh God, you were serious!" Romaine yelled surprised.

"Should I be joking? Is it bad?" Diellza asked her.

"Yeah it's bad! You do realize that as soon as we go out to The Outcast Lands everyone and everything is free game." Romaine told her somewhat worried about Diellza now.

"Really? I knew it was bad but not that bad." Diellza told the older teen.

"How sheltered were you? Everyone I've ever met knows how savage and bloody The Outcast Lands are." Romaine commented astonished at how innocent this kid seemed.

"Well, I guess my old caretaker sheltered me from it thinking I couldn't handle it." Diellza said remember how Mr. Kohler had avoided any questions pertaining to banishment.

"That will put you at a disadvantage when we get there. I'll give you some advice though, don't make friends, friends will betray you as soon as it becomes a good option for them." Romain told her.

Diellza started to worry more about what might happen to her in The Outcast Lands, Romaine looked at the clock on the wall. "It's time for dinner, come on we can't be late." Romaine started to rush out her hair bouncing as she did. Diellza following after her running to catch up to the quick teen.

If someone had seen the two at this moment they would've seen two teens, one taller than the other. The shorter's red hair waving slightly in the wind while the taller teen's purplish black hair did a mixture of bouncing and waving.

When they got there Diellza was out of breath. Just as she was catching it she heard a man yell loudly, "Cabin 3, come get your food!"

Diellza looked up at Romaine her face a bit red from running.

"Let's go you'll meet the others of Cabin 3 inside." Seeing that Diellza was hesitant Romaine tried to reassure her, "don't worry they are kinda nice, just don't get on anyone's bad side."

Romaine stopped and looked at Diellza, "Remember Diellza don't make friends, make allies. Friends can't help you there but allies can, even if they are only a temporary one." After saying that Romaine continued in to the cafeteria leaving Diellza alone outside the building.

Diellza thought about what Romaine had said, and decided that she would ignore it. What could go wrong with making friends after all.

And with that Diellza walked through the doors of the cafeteria just as the same man yelled "Cabin 4, get the food while it's hot!

As Diellza walked inside she was met with the voices of many people talking all at once. She looked around to find her table. It was surprisingly easy to find for there was a sign above each circular table.

Diellza walked over to see multiple people eating food and just talking about whatever popped up. She was standing by the table when one of the people looked up at her.

"Can we help you?" The girl asked Diellza.

"Umm, I think I'm supposed to sit here." Diellza said while fidgeting with her hands.

Romaine turned around before saying, "This is the girl I was telling you about! Diellza go get some food then come back and sit." Romaine told them.

"Ok." Diellza responded back and walked to the line for food.

It took a couple minutes but when she finally made it to the food she was interrupted.

"Name and Cabin?" A older lady asked Diellza in a rough voice.

Diellza looked at the short lady, "My name is Diellza, and I guess my Cabin is number 3."

"Hmmm, Cabin 3 went through already why weren't you with them?" The lady asked suspicious of Diellza.

"I got in a little late, I'm new and I didn't really know what to do." Diellza told the older lady.

"Hmm, keep with your cabin for required things like this, you only had one chance to get this wrong. Tomorrow, I don't feed you." The lady threatened.

"I promise it won't happen again." Diellza told her quickly fearing the lady a little.

After going through the line Diellza made her way back to the table. She walked up to the table and sat in the empty chair next to Romaine.

Romaine turned to look at her before saying, "Oh your back! While you eat I'm going to introduce the cabin!"

Diellza started to eat making sure to pay attention to what Romaine was saying.

"This is Geula a air elemental." Romaine said pointing at a tall older teen with long silver hair tied into a ponytail and striking blue eyes that stood out again her bronze skin.

"That's Lauryn a water elemental." Romaine continued.

Lauryn was a short woman in her late twenties, she had olive skin that matched beautifully with her short black hair and green eyes.

Lauryn waved to Diellza as Romaine continued, "Then there's the triplets Jessica, Leda, and Katalin, all of them are Earth elementals.

All of them looked very similar to each other, each had longish wavy brown hair and hazel eyes. They were about average height with a honey skin tone.

"Then there's Eve, a light elemental." Romaine pointed out a bigger teen.

Eve had fair skin, with shoulder length blonde hair and blue eyes. She had slightly chubby cheeks that gave her an innocent look. Eve looked at Diellza before anxiously turning to Geula to talk to her.

"Then we have our set of twins, Carson and Amari, our ice elemental duo." Romaine pointed out the two who had been looking at Diellza menacingly since she sat down at the table.

The twins were lean and tall, both having icy blue eyes. The two continued to look at her with their short white hair moving slightly matching their extremely pale skin.

"Then we got our resident magician Shannen and her companion Mina a fire elemental." Romaine continued pointing at the two girls talking to one another.

Shannen was short with eyes and braided hair that seemed to change color constantly in the light. She had beige skin that had scars peaking out from her shirt.

Mina on the other hand was very much like a green bean in all but color, she was incredibly tall with lanky limbs. She had fiery red hair that was curled, her pale skin was dusted heavily with freckles.

"That should be it. Oh wait! I'm Romaine and I am a shadow elemental." Romaine said gesturing to herself.

"Nice to meet you all, I guess." Diellza told them all. "Oh I guess I should introduce myself, I'm Diellza a fire elemental."

"Ok, now that that's out of the way, let's go back to the cabin!" Romaine said.

The table murmured in agreement and started cleaning up, Geula getting the cups, Eve getting the plates and the rest cleaning the trash.

When they left the cafeteria a couple of the girls started making jokes and just chatting to one another. They made it to the cabin and everyone started lounging around just laying on their bunks.

At some time later their was a knock on the door, Shannen opened it and a average woman stood on the other side.

The woman looked in the cabin before saying, "Lights out now." The woman closed the cabin door.

"Do we have to, I really want to prank cabin 6 tonight!" Mina said her eyes sparking as she said.

Lauryn immediately jumped in to the conversation, "No Mina! Remember the last time that happened! You got the whole cabin in trouble and we had to clean the community toilets! Just go to bed, please!"

"Fine! I won't do anything." Mina huffed.

The night was filled with giggling of some of the girls before Carson and Amari yelled, "Shut up!"

After that the cabin was quiet, and slowly Diellza heard people start to sleep. Diellza felt her eyes growing heavy before shutting them and sleeping.

Dear Reader,

Narrator here again! Thank you so much for reading! Heads up, this is the author's first story that she has ever written! So author is sorry if it is bad, she is kinda just making this as she goes! Once again if you have any questions or any advice please do share it! I hope you have an amazing day and I deeply thank you for coming by and saying hello!

With love,
The Narrator😊

If you have a character you want the author to add please put it in the comments! Put what they look like, name, age, what elemental they are and somewhat of a brief overview of them! The author will add them within reason! All she asks is not to make them to op!


Total words: 3129 words

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