The Secret Cousin

By Queen-Nox

368 29 0

Orphaned like her cousin, Emalia grew up in the home of Albus Dumbledore. A talented and curious witch, she f... More

Chapter 1: A Different Beginning
Chapter 2: The Path to Beauxbatons
Chapter 3 A Letter, A Mentor and Mischief
Chapter Four: An Unwelcome Response
Chapter Five: The Suffering of Others
Chapter Six: Something... Forgotten?
Chapter Seven: Legacies
Chapter Eight: An article and a vial
Chapter Nine: The Pull of the Dark
Chapter Ten: St Mungo's Hospital
Chapter Eleven: The Meeting
Chapter Twelve: Recovery
Chapter Thirteen: Arrival at Hogwarts
Chapter Fourteen: The Sorting Ceremony
Chapter Fifteen: Explosions
Chapter Sixteen: Repercussions
Chapter 17: Detention
Chapter 18: Quidditch Trials
Chapter 20: Falling
Chapter 21: Christmas at Hogwarts
Chapter 22: Two Steps Forwards
Chapter 23: Five Steps Backwards
Chapter 24: Secrets Revealed
Chapter 25: Dreams
Chapter 26: Summer Begins
Chapter 27: A Journey
Chapter 28: Aven

Chapter 19: Discussions

3 1 0
By Queen-Nox

Emalia spent the rest of Sunday in bed. She had no energy, she could barely keep her eyes open while lying in bed. She drifted in and out of consciousness and was vaguely aware of someone coming to check on her every so often. Alicia maybe, or possibly Angelina. She was too exhausted to care. 

Emalia woke up the next morning, Alicia woke her a concerned look on her face.'Hey, I don't know if you were going to class or not this morning. How are you feeling?' 

Emalia sat up in her bed, she felt as if she had a herd of elephants running through her head, but she felt no pain other than that. She sighed. 'I'm good Alicia, I will be coming to class today.' 

Alicia nodded at her and proceeded to get ready to head down to the Great Hall for breakfast. Emalia swung her legs over the side of her bed. She was still tired, she could probably do with another day in bed but she had to continue pushing on. 

'You coming down for breakfast Em?' asked Angelina. 

Emalia shook her head 'I will meet you at Potions, I'm not really hungry'. Alicia and Angelina hesitated. 'I promise I am good' Emalia forced a big smile. Alicia and Angelina seemed placated by the smile and head out to the Great Hall.

Fred and George were already in the Great Hall by the time Angelina and Alicia arrived. Fred watched as they both sat down, he looked at them expectantly.

'Morning Weasleys, looking forward to another wonderful morning of double potions?' sighed Alicia. 

George laughed 'It can't be any worse than last week Alicia, I think even Snape realises putting me and you together is a disaster and not worth the stress.' 

Alicia grinned 'Ah George, I love how you compliment me first thing in the morning.'

Everyone at the table laughed, except for Fred. George noticed and sighed 'How is Emalia?' 

Alicia and Angelina looked at each other. 'She says that she is fine and that she is going to meet us at Potions.' Replied Angelina. 

'Dun wuree, llm brng er fud' said Alicia through a mouthful of food. Everyone looked at her, Angelina looked revolted, George and Lee started laughing, even Fred couldn't help but crack a smile.

Alicia swallowed 'Don't worry, I will bring her food' 

Fred nodded. He wanted to run and find Emalia and see how she was, be there for her. George sensing that his brother was anxious and worried, elbowed him gently to gain his attention.

'We can head down to Potions now if you want Freddie.' 

Fred looked at his twin, gratitude in his eyes and nodded. The two of them got up to leave, Fred feigning that he had left his potions book back in his dormitory.

When they left the Great Hall, George turned to face his brother 'Are you ok Fred?' 

Fred looked at him 'I am. At least I think I am' George looked at his brother running his hands through his hair. 'I can't get her out of my head. I feel drawn to her George. I think about her all the time, how she is, how she is feeling. I have only known her for a week but I feel like I have known her all my life.' 

George looked at his brother incredulously. Here was Fred, Mr. Cool calm and collected, being reduced to a blithering mess by Emalia Potter.

Not that George could blame him, Emalia was beautiful, funny, intelligent and she was a genuinely kind and caring person. Still he found it funny that Fred could be unnerved, for once he felt like the one who had it all together.

George smiled and put his hand on his brother's shoulder. 'Breathe Fred, and relax. Just take it one day at a time, be her friend. Not a creepy stalker.' 

Fred smiled and pushed his brother playfully 'Oh shut it George.' 

George grinned at him 'Come on let's head to Potions.'

Emalia tied back her hair and looked in the mirror. 'Nope, hair up makes me look like I am dying.' 

Instead she left her long silvery blonde hair mostly down, she used a hairband to push her hair out of her eyes. She held her wand up to her face, carefully pointing it at the dark circles under her eyes, concentrating on those dark circles, she made them disappear.

Finally she at least resembled her normal self. She sighed, she knew taking the potion was going to take its toll on her, especially in school. She would have to be craftier, figure out a way to make her outer appearance seem normal the days after she took the potion.

'I will have to talk to Albus about this later' she murmured to herself before picking up her bag, swinging it over her shoulder and heading down to the dungeons for double potions.

Emalia arrived early, most people were probably still at breakfast. She sat down on the cool floor, leaned her head back against the wall and closed her eyes. She opened them when she heard footsteps walking towards her, and two voices talking and laughing. 

Soon two red headed boys appeared, smiling when they noticed her. Emalia smiled back. 'Morning Em' called George as he walked up to her.

She was about to get up from the ground when Fred offered his hand to help her up. She smiled at him and took his hand. 'Thank you Fred.' 

'Anytime Emalia' There was a brief moment of silence between them. 'How are you feeling?' asked Fred concern clearly playing across his face. 

'I am fine now, I promise. I just needed some sleep.' Responded Emalia. She appreciated his concern, but she wanted to relieve his concern, she didn't want him to worry. 'I get sick sometimes, but all I ever need is about a day's worth of sleep' she said laughing. 

George smiled heartily, and the beginnings of a smile played in the corners of Fred's mouth. They were all chatting as Alicia, Angelina and Lee walked up to them.

Suddenly the door of the dungeon flung open. 'As much as I hate to interrupt what I assume is a riveting discussion, maybe you take your seats in the classroom' drawled Snape as he looked down at the group standing in front of him. 

They all filed in to the classroom, the Slytherins already in the class. Adrian smiled at Emalia as she passed him and she returned his smile. Fred, noticing this scowled and sent daggers in Adrian's direction.

Potions went by pretty quickly without much excitement. They were tackling the Fire Protection Potion, by the end of the class only Emalia had managed to complete the potion to Snape's standards. He did not sneer as he inspected it, and even awarded Emalia five house points. Everyone looked shocked when they heard Snape award another house points.

'Miss Potter, please wait after class' said Snape as the students were cleaning up before they left. She nodded and turned to Alicia 'I'll catch up with you in History of Magic'. 

Everyone left and Emalia sat down somewhat apprehensive about what Professor Snape wanted to talk to her about. 'As I make your potion, I would like to know how it affects you.' He looked at her expectantly.

Emalia sighed 'It's not really pleasant to take Sir. It burns and it hurts and then I feel nothing for a while. But it leaves me exhausted. Even now I feel like I could sleep until tomorrow morning.' 

Snape nodded watching her with curiosity in his eyes. 'I will talk to the Headmaster about a solution to your tiredness. If anything unusual happens, anything out of the ordinary after you take the potion I need you to alert the Headmaster and myself as soon as possible.' 

Emalia nodded. 'That will be all Miss Potter.' Snape turned and walked into his office, Emalia left to go to History of Magic.

The rest of the week passed without anything of note happening. In fact the second year's began getting more and more homework, so they spent a lot of time in the library. Most of the Gryffindor second years had taken a leaf out of Emalia's book and began working there.

For some though, the silence in the library made them antsy and uncomfortable. The some being Fred, George and Lee, and sometimes Alicia. Emalia liked the quiet, she had grown up in a quiet house full of books. She felt comfortable in the library.

She was in the middle of writing an essay about the Medieval Assembly of European Wizards, when Fred, who was sitting beside her, leaned and whispered 'Emalia, can you give me some help with this essay for McGonagall?' 

The proximity and intimacy of the whisper in the ear sent chills down Emalia's spine and she flushed a pale shade of pink. She turned to look at Fred, her blue eyes looking into his brown ones. She could have sworn a bolt of electricity passed through them. The library melted away, it was just the two of them until Madam Pince shushed a fourth year sitting two seats down from them.

'Yeah no problem' she whispered back. The two of them poured over various transfiguration books until the essay was complete. 

'Are you coming back up to the Common Room?' 

Emalia shook her head 'No, I have to go to the Headmaster's office.' 

Fred looked a little crestfallen at that response but his smile brightened again ' I'll walk with you' 

Emalia smiled 'Are you sure?' she asked. 

'I will walk with you' repeated Fred resolutely.

They walked together in a comfortable silence, their hands almost touching each. They chatted together, talking about class when they rounded a corner and ran into a group of Slytherins.

'OOOOOOH POTTER AND WEASLEY' shrieked Paisley Parkinson. Graham Montague and Miles Bletchley sniggered and started making kissy faces.

'Ignore them' whispered Fred as they continued to walk by. 

Just before they turned the corner Emalia turned around and flipped them off. Fred looked at her in disbelief, before breaking out in hearty laughter. Emalia looked at him and blinked, she could not believe that she had done that but she too broke out laughing.

They were still laughing when they arrived outside of the Gargoyle statue that stood guard outside the entrance of the Headmasters office. 

'Thanks for walking me Fred, I appreciate it.' Emalia smiled at Fred, looking into his eyes.

 'Anytime Em. I enjoy spending time with you.' Fred blushed after he said that, and he turned to walk back to the Common room. He got five paces away before turning back to face Emalia 'See you later?' 

Emalia nodded enthusiastically. Fred beamed and walked away, with a little spring in his step.

Emalia turned towards the Gargoyle, 'Liquorice Wand'. 

Emalia made her way to the office and knocked on the door three times before it opened. Albus Dumbledore stood in front of her, his blue eyes twinkling, 'Come in Emalia, have a seat.' 

Emalia walked in and sat down on the armchair that Albus had sitting beside the fireplace. Fawkes flew down to the arm of chair and looked at Emalia expectantly. She immediately began to stroke him, a warm glow coming from both of them. 

Albus chuckled. 'Sometimes Emalia, I think Fawkes is more fond of you than he is of me.' Emalia laughed.

'How have you been feeling my dear? Severus has informed me that the potion leaves you feeling drained.' 

Emalia sighed she hated talking about this potion. 'I feel fine now Albus, but it just makes me feel like I need to sleep for a full day after I take it.' 

Albus looked at her, musing over what she said. 'There may be something to help with that, but it is controlled by the Ministry, but I have a favour I can use.' Albus stopped talking when he noticed that Emalia was not paying attention.

'Emalia' he said softly 'I know this is difficult, and I know that you do not want to think about the curse and what it does, but you have to understand that ignoring the problem will not make it go away.' 

Emalia continued petting Fawkes, but tears had filled her eyes. 'This curse does not define you. You are not broken, you are strong and you can overcome this. I have been searching for a way to break this curse, and so have many many others.' 

Emalia looked up at him tears shining in her eyes.'I hate this, I hate taking this potion, I hate the way it makes me feel. Why do I have to try and suppress my emotions? Even when I take this potion, it just numbs everything. Like I am not feeling fully, it is all dulled.' She whispered before crying. 

Albus kneeled down and wrapped his arm around her, letting her release all that tension, worry and anxiety that she had been carrying around for the last few months.

After a couple of minutes Emalia had cried herself out. Her head was pounding and she felt pain prickle behind her eyes. She knew it wasn't from crying. Herself and Albus had tea and she talked about the past week, and how she was getting on in school. She only stayed for half an hour. 

'Will I be seeing you for breakfast on Sunday morning?' asked Albus.

'Yes, of course, I will be here for breakfast. You have to make it up to me for missing last week' grinned Emalia. Albus laughed as she left. Once she closed the door to his office, he began to write a letter to the Minister of Magic.

The weekend came and Emalia spent her Sunday morning laughing and talking with Albus, he gave her a gift of a book about the history of the Veela and their lineage. She was surprised but appreciated the books. 

Once she left the office, she went back to her dormitory and read the book from cover to cover. She stayed there all day, much to the annoyance of her friends and especially Fred, as they all hung out in the courtyard. They could not understand why Emalia wanted to spend time reading a book, but she had not shared with them that part of her history. She had not shared that she was part Veela, and she had no plans to share it with them.

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