Chapter Sixteen: Repercussions

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A large cloud of smoke billowed out the cauldron. Somehow, Fred had managed to turn the harmless mixture into a mini explosion. Professor Snape swooped over and in a manner of seconds.

Everyone was looking over at Fred and Emalia's cauldron their shock evident on their faces. Paisley Parkinson and a few other Slytherin girls started snickering the other side of the classroom. Fred looked over at Emalia, his eyes wide with horror over what he had just done.

Emalia had clenched her hands into fists, she had potion all over her. Her face was shaded by a deep fury. Professor Snape noticed that her visage was starting to shift.

'Miss Potter, if you would accompany me please.' He said. Emalia was trembling with fury as he escorted her into his office. Snape activated the Floo Network and he guided her into the fireplace. 

Moments later she appeared in Albus's office, it was empty except for Fawkes. She screamed in rage and pain as her emotions overwhelmed her. Her form changed and for a moment she changed into the harpy-like creature that haunted her dreams.

Back in the dungeons, everyone was frozen in their spot. Fred turned to look a George, pure horror and regret in his face. 

George swallowed and managed to whisper 'What did you do Fred?' 

Fred looked at him 'I didn't.. accident.. I don't know..' he stammered.

Snape entered the classroom again from his office, a furious look on his face. 

'Mr. Weasley, I do not know what type of joke you were trying to perform, but you are lucky there was no serious injury caused to Miss Potter.' He seethed. 'Twenty-five points from Gryffindor and I want a five-inch essay on the importance of wand management in potion making.' 

Fred nodded dumbly.

He spent the rest of the class cleaning out the cauldron and the desk. When class was over Alicia came over and gathered Emalia's belongings. Fred was still in a daze, he could not believe that had actually happened.

The group of Gryffindors walked together in silence to History of Magic. Emalia was not there, and she was not in Astronomy either. Lunch time came and there was still no sign of Emalia.

'You better apologise to her Fred' said Angelina crossly 'She is really nice and she did not deserve that.' 

Fred scowled at Angelina 'I didn't do it on purpose. It was an accident.' George looked at his brother. He could see his mood was deteriorating.

'Hey Angelina' called George as she opened her mouth to argue with Fred 'Have you heard when Quiddich trials are going to be?' he asked. 

Angelina was successfully distracted and began a rigorous discussion about Quiddich and trials. 

Fred looked at his twin and mouthed 'Thanks.' George grinned at him.

Transfiguration was straight after lunch. Class was about to begin when Emalia walked into the classroom. Professor McGonagall gave her a quick nod.

'Great' groaned Fred inwardly 'McGonagall knows.' George and Lee looked at him sympathetically. 

Emalia walked over to Alicia and grabbed her bag from her thanking her in the process. Fred tried to catch Emalia's eye to try to convey how sorry he was, but she did not look his way.

There were two free seats left in the classroom. One beside Adrian Pucey, which was opposite Paisley Parkinson and Graham Montague. The other was beside Kenneth Towler, which was opposite Fred. 

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