smoke | namgi

By vickie_org

124K 5K 2.9K

tw: smoking, college pregnancy, depression, body image issues, financial problems yoongi is left pregnant as... More

thank you!


1.4K 63 15
By vickie_org

yoongi called in for a morning shift so he woke up at seven in the morning to get him and minji ready, seokjin was left to sleep in for the day.

according to jungkook, their manager had changed all of yoongi's shifts to morning shifts and gave his shifts to a new guy. yoongi was pissed off to say tha least.

"hurry minji or we'll be late" yoongi said, minji was too busy sipping orange juice at the table, "okay! i'm done" she smiled, yoongi smiled back at the girl, "great job, min"

morning's were slow, yoongi liked that about morning shifts. he wiped down tables faster than the other employees even though he had just came back. he was a hard worker.

yoongi eventually got a table, making him shake a bit but he was okay. he had spent all day yesterday preparing himself for this.

"here are your drinks, are you guys ready to order?" yoongi asked, staring at the couple "can i see your manager?" the woman asked, yoongi's heart drop. he was doing well! why did the woman want the manager?

he smiled, "of course! i'll be right back!" he said, he swore he was going to light this place on fire.

jungkook came in after a bit, seeing yoongi was leaning against the kitchen with a sad expression, "what's happening?" jungkook asked, "i have one table and they asked to talk to the manager! i didn't do anything, i even made sure to give them extra attention while wiping tables" he frowned, a pout on display.

"aw man, those people are the worst. don't worry about it hyung" jungkook smiled, yoongi sighed and nodded, he couldn't do much about it.

he eventually saw his manager come over to him, making him gulp, "all good yoongi, they just said that you're a hard worker with a nice personality who has a bright smile. keep it up!" she smiled, yoongi untensed his muscles and bowed, "it's your first day back and you're doing well" the manager complimented, "thank you"

"what happened to yoongi? why was he gone for so long?" one of jungkook's co-worker's asked, "he was sick and he was on paid leave" jungkook said, he couldn't say more than that, "what was he sick with? is he pregnant again? he looks chubbier to be honest" his co-worker laughed, jungkook rolled his eyes, "stop that nonsense, you're crazy" he sighed, leaving to go help the boy who was wiping the tables like mad and running around with food and drinks.

yoongi's legs ached, he was so tired but needed to keep going.


hii yoongi




what r u doing hehe


im working

i had to go back



where do you work?


[location sent]

i forget the name oops


mind if i visit you for lunch?



that'd be fine

it's 12 already?



also, minji went out to play with the students today and she went to eat lunch with them. she usually stays with me for both


ah that's amazing

ok i need to go back

i'll wait for you

soon enough, namjoon came by, sitting down by himself and he waited for yoongi to get his table, "hi! my name is yoongi, what can i get started for you?" he smiled, namjoon blushed, he loved that smile, "it's my first time here so i'll let you choose but to drink, i'll like a strawberry lemonade" he said, showing his dimpled smile.

"i got that strawberry lemonade. so, i like to eat the jajangmyeon, the steamed vegetables and rice is really good too. i recommend that" yoongi said, namjoon hummed, looking at the menu and then yoongi, "i'll have that" he smiled, "perfect, it will be right out" yoongi smiled, putting back his notepad and going to take other orders.

namjoon ate the food, yoongi didn't fail to give something good. he was confused when yoongi went up to him with a plate of dasik.

"here, it's a gift from me" yoongi smiled, setting it down, "ah yoongi, you didn't have to. thank you" he thanked the boy, bowing his head a bit and then looking up at the boy, "thank you for the lollipop idea by the way" yoongi said, "i have a bunch of lollipops, i'm a prek teacher, i give them out a lot. it wouldn't hurt to give you some, i'll put some in minji's backpack" namjoon said, taking a sip of his lemonade.

"you don't have to. i have to get back to work. let me know if you need anything" he said, leaving the table once again.

namjoon asked for the check shortly afterwards, making sure to leave yoongi a good tip for being such a good person, he was adorable.

"my legs hurt like hell" he complained to seokjin as he flopped on the couch, it had gone surprisingly well, "how'd it go?" seokjin asked, "it went good, not many people but i got good tips. you know namjoon? he came over to the restaurant for lunch" he smiled, seokjin hummed, "so is he your boyfriend now?" he asked, yoongi shook his head.

yoongi actually didn't know if he wanted a relationship, he was still thinking about a lot of things. but one thing was for sure, he liked namjoon more than a friend.

seokjin chuckled, "i know you like each other a lot. how about you go out with him today? how about you guys do netflix and chill again?" he asked, yoongi hummed, "yeah, i'll see what i can do. i have to pick up minji so i'll be right back"

yoongi picked up minji and saw she was crying, which made him feel confused and upset. who had made his little girl cry?

"hey sweetie, what's wrong?' yoongi asked, wiping her tears, he couldn't start driving knowing his daughter was crying, "a-another t-teacher called m-me s-stupid be-because i couldn't fo-focus! b-but i-i'm not stupid!" she cried, yoongi sighed, he knew something like this was coming.

"i'm glad you know you're not stupid. i understand you have a hard time focusing and that doesn't make you stupid. appa will have a talk with the school as soon as possible. you're not stupid, you're so smart minji. i'm so proud of you" he said, wiping her tears and pulling her up for a hug.

yoongi got the girl an ice cream from mcdonald's to make her feel better. it did in case you're wondering.

he was upset because that's something he was told a lot growing up because of his adhd. he knew minji was smart but couldn't focus for long periods of time, just like him.

he didn't want to stress about it so he decided on calling the school and give a complaint, the angriest complaint he would ever leave in his life.

"and they didn't notice you were crying?" yoongi asked the girl, "don't wanna talk about it!" she shouted, what the teacher said made her really upset, "i understand minji, do you want some alone time?" he asked, minji nodded, "i'll be in the bedroom" he said, leaving the play room so the girl could cool down.

yoongi was probably as upset as minji. hell, he didn't even think he had the right to be upset because he didn't experience it.

"what has you frustrated?" seokjin asked, "a teacher called minji stupid and it made her upset so now i want to go punch someone and hope they get a concussion" he mumbled, "well, one, let's not do that. two, what do you plan on doing?" he asked, yoongi sighed, "one, get a session with her therapist because she won't talk to me about it without shouting at me. two, contact the school and do something about it or else i'll beat up everyone"

seokjin nodded, "if you have everything planned out, why are you worried?" he asked, "i'm scared it will have further impact on her" he said, the one thing he feared most was that, minji inheriting his mental health.

"i know that's worrying but i know that if it did, you would handle it well and make sure she will be okay. you got this yoongi, i've never met a father like you" seokjin said, yoongi looked down, "thank you hyung, i'll be in my bedroom if you need anything"





nothing much, just watching tv

i feel really upset


why is that :/


at dismissal, minji was crying because she said some teacher call her stupid for having trouble concentrating and she just got diagnosed with adhd like me so im like :(

because people told me that growing up too, i have a shit concentration abilities


i wasn't in charge of dismissal today

it was probably bitchass miss yang

jung was in charge of dismissal today, im going to beat his ass

miss yang is absolute shit and ableist

im so sorry yoongi


yeah, i wish i knew who it was but min doesn't want to talk about it


i'll make the office check the camera and see who it was

im so sorry



don't apologize, it's not your fault

off topic

i want to hang out with you



i want to hang out with you too


if min feels better, can we hang out today??



my house?



uh hold on

yoongi looked at minji who entered the room, "are you okay now?" he asked, minji nodded and shut her eyes, she felt tired from crying so much, "tired" she mumbled, yoongi nodded, "do you want appa to play music while you fall asleep?" he asked, the young girl nodded.

yoongi usually played white noise, lullabies, or soft piano while the girl fell asleep. he felt the girl needed extra rest this day.

"i'm so proud of you minji. you're appa's smart girl" he whispered, minji sleepily nodded, pulling her stuffed elephant close.

soon enough, she was asleep, yoongi gently got up and left the room.


ok back

min was tired so now she's asleep



do u still wanna hang out?



it feels wrong to leave my daughter with my when she feels like this but i really need to get my mind off things


that's understandable

we'll probably just watch a movie then

and eat and talk



sounds nice!

i'll be over in a bit

"i'm sure she won't wake up but if she does, call me" yoongi said as he grabbed his car keys, "okayy, have fun!" seokjin smiled, yoongi smiled back, he was excited.

he liked everything about namjoon, he was genuine and understanding. he had a nice sense of humor, everything about him was amazing

yoongi immediately noticed a new plant in namjoon's home, it was small but cute, "new plant, it looks cute" he smiled, going on his knees to admire it, "i know! i love plants" he smiled, yoongi stood back up to make eye contact with the boy, "i was thinking we could watch a movie in my room, does that sound good?" namjoon asked, the short boy nodded, following namjoon to his room.

yoongi wanted to hold namjoon's hand, he loved hand holding. he always felt comforted by it but he didn't really have anyone to hold his hand.

he frowned as he tried to figure out how to ask but gave up and laid down next to namjoon to watch the movie, his eyes glued on the tv.

"yoongi, did you stop growing in 6th grade?" namjoon asked, yoongi scoffed, rolling his eyes, "sorry, couldn't hear you from down here" he said, namjoon giggled, "you're cute yoon" he said, ruffling yoongi's hair and smiling.

yoongi's heart felt warm, he really liked namjoon, "but yes, i did stop growing in 6th grade" he pouted, crossing his arms, "that's awfully sad, should i start buying milk so you grow?" namjoon asked, a grin on display, "you're so mean, you wish you were 5'8" he scoffed, "no, then i wouldn't be able to be the big spoon when we cuddle so no" he said, yoongi felt himself blush, "m-mean, now cuddle me" he pouted, namjoon chuckled and did as told.

yoongi was getting tired, his eyes felt heavy and he was feeling comfortable with namjoon.

he noticed that a lot of his worried went away when he was with namjoon, namjoon was an amazing person, someone he could trust.

"i'm tired" yoongi mumbled, shutting his eyes, "want to go home? i know you're worried about minji" he said, yoongi really wanted to spend time with namjoon too, "i'll stay for a bit longer"

yoongi loved the way namjoon cuddled him, it made him feel loved and warm. namjoon was like no other.

yoongi fell asleep shortly after closing his eyes, he was exhausted from work and couldn't help it, "yoongi" namjoon whispered, yoongi hummed, not opening his eyes, namjoon didn't want to wake him up, he felt bad.

he knew yoongi had a lot on his plate and needed rest, he gently caressed yoongi's hair which made yoongi stir a bit, "f-feels nice" he sleepily mumbled, turning so his body faced namjoon's, namjoon softly smiled.


yoon is asleep

but he probably has work tomorrow and said he needs to take care of minji and idk what to do because i don't want to wake him up 🙁🙁☹️


can u carry him to ur car?

or wake him up.

actually just carry him to your car and then drive here and we'll carry him inside

minji is asleep dw



namjoon carried yoongi out to hus car in bridal position. yoongi was a heavy sleeper, only flinching when he was picked up from the bed. he would have expected him to be a lighter sleeper considering he's a father.

namjoon wanted something with yoongi, he adored the sight of him and everything about him. he was gorgeous.

yoongi was sleeping like a baby, he found that he slept better when namjoon was around.

"appa? mr. kim? jinnie?" minji said, seeing namjoon and seokjin carrying yoongi inside, namjoon and seokjin glanced at each other, "go back to bed minji" seokjin said, setting yoongi on the bed, namjoon stood there awkwardly. he didn't think minji would wake up.

"mr. kim, why are you at my house?" minji asked, a bit freaked out upon seeing namjoon at her house, yoongi stirred in his sleep. opening his eyes and seeing the trio.

he immediately sat up and looked around, "uh hi?" namjoon laughed, yoongi was confused, "huh?" he asked, namjoon found the boy cute when he was just woken up.

"well, i'm going to leave. you can text me though" namjoon said, running out the house, feeling embarrassed that minji had saw them.

"what just happened?" yoongi sleepily asked, his brain didn't process what had happened, "why was mr. kim here?" minji asked, yoongi looked at seokjin who nodded.

"o-oh!" he gasped, "mr. kim and i are friends and friends hang out together so that's what i was doing. we were watching a movie" yoongi said, minji hummed, "did you guys watch frozen? why are you friends with mr. kim?" she asked, "no, we watched a funny movie and we're friends because when i was in the hospital, he sent me letters-" he was cut off by minji throwing a book across the room.

"don't wanna hear about hospitals!" she shouted, gripping onto her ears, yoongi nodded and pulled her into a hug, "mhm, thank you for telling me, min" yoongi said, seokjin smiled, "i'm going to sleep so goodnight both of you"

seokjin closed the door and left both of them alone, "you don't like hearing about hospitals?" yoongi asked, minji shook her head in yoongi's chest, his shirt was soft, "why not?" he asked, the small girl huffed, "appa in one and  machines and.." she trailed off with some things yoongi couldn't understand and he felt horrible.

"i'm sorry honey" yoongi whispered, running his hands through minji's hair, "i-i love you appa"

yoongi smiled, "love you too"

the boy put on a jacket to go outside once minji fell asleep, his pack of cigarettes in one hand and lighter in another.

he sat on the grass, gazing at the moon  which was shining brightly. he placed a cigarette between his lips, lighting the end up and inhaling the smoke.

winter was soon approaching, meaning minji was going to need new coats since she had grown out of her old ones. just the thought stressed him out, winter coats weren't cheap. he needed one too but he didn't care, he cared if minji had one.

soon enough he was crying, he was so stressed and worried. he just wanted a hug, a day without worries.

he didn't realize how long he had been outside until he heard seokjin's sleepy voice, "yoongi?" he asked, yoongi sniffled, "yes?" he asked, standing up and drying his tears.

"were you crying?" he asked, yoongi shook his head. seokjin deserved at least a day without his bullshit.

seokjin hummed, "okay, get inside. i think min woke up" he said, yoongi quickly went back inside.




why don't u talk to me irl


too lazy to walk


mm okk



so you said you'd stay with me until i got to a stable point

im at a stable point

i want you to go home, you don't need to put up with me

im okay now

go home


i love having you here but you have your own things to take care of



are you sure?





go to sleep, okay?


i will



good night!

im exhausted today idk why

yoongi tried to sleep, he really did try but couldn't. it resulted in him accidentally waking up minji.

"appa" she sleepily mumbled, "yes?" he asked, "don't wanna go to school tomorrow" she said, rubbing her eyes and hugging her stuffed animal, "why is that?" he frowned, "don't want to see meanie teacher" she frowned, yoongi sighed, caressing her face.

"appa is going to let you skip school tomorrow. but i want you to know appa loves you very much and he will make sure whoever said rude things gets in trouble. okay? appa loves you a lot. come here" yoongi said, pulling the girl to his chest.

"love you lots appa!"

stay safe and healthy! drink water and eat some food! sorry for any mistakes, i love you all! qotd: give me ideas for this pls.

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