not allowed

Por eraserbread

311K 6.3K 6.8K

Sometimes the dead have a scary way of returning to life, especially when they're better off dead. And espec... Mais

from the author


9.4K 212 165
Por eraserbread

Somehow, someway, Keigo convinced you to pack a month-long bag of clothes, and you were going to stay at his place.

It didn't come with too much convincing, which he was grateful for. He knew the power he had over you, and he'd treasure it for the rest of his life. Right now, he was using that power to keep you by his side.

You're all he could think about.

Touya can tell that, too.

But, that's not why Touya's pacing at the edge of the bed, looking over once in a while to see Keigo spread over the mattress, hands crossed behind his head. There was a lot of talking they had to do, but Touya was just trying not to focus on the hero's body. It's hard when there was literally nothing covering him but a pair of briefs and a sheet.

"I told her about the personality disorder, too. Figured it was necessary."

"Might as well have just called me a basketcase."

Keigo laughs because Touya's tone wasn't serious. He feels so at ease, hearing his footsteps in his room again - smelling his body close to his. It doesn't matter that he was numb from twelve hours of patrol, he'd keep his head up for as long as Touya wanted his attention.

"You're not on medicine for it anymore, right?"

"The borderline? No." Touya bites his thumb as he nears the center of the bed frame. Keigo's eyes were hazy, and they were pulling him in. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

Then, Keigo sits up on his elbows, cocking an eyebrow. "I'm glad. The pills killed your libido."

"You were always such a horny teenager."

"Nothing's really changed." Keigo's voice dips lower, and his knees part just enough to make Touya want to dive head-first into him.

Not quite a dive, but Touya jumps on that mattress so quickly that Keigo can't react in time. There are lips all over his chest - hands on his abs and waist. He drops his head back, a satisfied smirk on his lips now that he finally milked what he wanted. It feels so rushed, but Touya takes it slow. Just slow enough so that he could feel Keigo's erection start to fill out under him.

Then, he moves to his lips, whispering once. "You don't know how bad I want to fuck you up, pretty boy."

"How about you eat me up first?" Though initially a question, it sounds like a demand. But Touya doesn't care. He just makes quick work of bunching Keigo's underwear just past his impressive half-hard cock, swallowing him whole almost on impact.

A loud, sucked-out moan falls from Keigo's lips as Touya balances between his thighs. He's laying on his stomach, and it takes every ounce of willpower not to crush Touya's head between them.

Keigo wasn't prepared for the harsh friction, but that doesn't stop him from tangling his fingers in Touya's dark hair to gag him further and further on his cock. He doesn't want Touya to breathe, he wants him to suffocate. He wants his lover's death to be by his own hands, in the heat of the moment.

Then, the soft call of his name snaps him out of it. When he opens his eyes, Touya is still busy with his cock, and the sight alone makes him want to lose himself, thinking he's gone crazy.

But, he hears it again. Just a bit more real. Touya's name follows.

Now, both of them were at attention.

"Shit." Keigo jumps off of the mattress, not caring too much about covering his body except for pulling his underwear back on. It makes him lightheaded, how quickly he changed the mood, but he wanted to see you. Just not in the position he was once in.

"You're kidding me." Touya sits back on his heels, watching as Keigo heads for the door.

"You can wait. She can't." He mutters once before opening the door, calling out to you. "Coming, kid!"

You smile from down the hall, placing your bag at your feet. The lights were on through the house, and everything was neat and clean given Keigo hadn't been home all day.

When he rounds the corner to you, his smile is wide and genuine, and his chest is damp with sweat. You have to swallow some type of guttural feeling.

He leans in to kiss you passionately, hand reaching behind your back to grope the swell of your behind. He swallows the gasp you offer with a kiss, and you can't shake the underlying taste of Touya's smoky interior. It doesn't bother you - in fact, you lean into it without a passing thought. Hoping, but not yet knowing if you'd get lucky by the end of the night.

"Why does it take three hours for you to pack a bag?" He whispers between kisses, smirking as he touches your skin. Against him, you can't help but giggle and flush. If you had seen yourself from a distance, you were sure to be mortified by your behavior. "You like keeping me waiting?"

"Punishment for talking my ear off for twelve hours straight." You reply, biting down on your bottom lip as he chuckles. You weren't exaggerating, Keigo loves talking. About his early hero work, his favorite memories, and prized possessions. You wouldn't trade those boring talks for the world, only because it showed you that he cared, and it helped you understand him a little better.

"You're so easy to talk to, next time just tell me to shut up."

"Never." He kisses you one more time, and you savor the feeling of being wanted. The headiness lasts long enough for Touya to pad out of the bedroom hallway, rubbing his hands over his face before he closes in on you two.

"Hey," He starts, leaning over to kiss you on the cheek. You mutter back pleasantries as Keigo looks at him with that wide-eyed gaze you've only seen Touya pull from him. "How was patrol?"

You look at Keigo as if he would answer the question, but you find he looks at you. So, you nod. "Really good. Thank you, again, for helping me this morning."

"Anytime." Touya nudges Keigo, a smirk on his lips. Only they know what just played out in that bedroom, but both were okay with letting it simmer. "You ran off before you could take Y/N with you. Had to help her stretch and shit."

"I didn't want to wake you." Keigo talks to you, treating Touya's voice as a shadow of his thoughts. "In retrospect, it was dumb."

"Thank God we didn't have to fight. I would've died." You three treat it as a joke, but you know it's not far from the truth. Your job was your body, and if you didn't treat it with the same respect, your career would be easily cut in half.

"Come on, I bet you're tired." Keigo leans down, taking your heavy bag in his hand. He doesn't comment on the weight, not wanting to make you feel overly conscious about what you needed. You already agreed to this selfless change he wanted for you all, and he was destined to cradle your trust for as long as he had it.

"Exhausted, actually. Thanks for noticing." You smile at him as you start walking to the bedroom. Touya doesn't follow, he just runs a hand through his hair, thinking of the cigarette he was going to smoke down to the filter the second he could grab it.

Keig notices he's not being followed, and looks over his shoulder. "What's wrong?"

Touya shrugs. "Nothing. Go get settled, I'll be there soon."

Then, Keigo looks at you, and you look back. "Okay..."

"Come on." He places a hand behind your back, rubbing it lightly as you two walk to the bedroom. He starts asking about the rest of your night - if it was filled with silence or music. Or if it was filled with thoughts of him.

You'd never be able to tell him that it was filled with doubts and nerves.

This balcony has become Touya's safe space for a number of reasons - the most notable being the fact that he can easily see the inside of the bedroom from it. He watches you and Keigo move about the space as if you've known each other for years. You undress in front of him, a playful smile on your face as he talks your ear off. You're changing into a piece of his hero merchandise that you surprised him with, and Touya swears he's never seen the blonde's eyes go so big.

It's only fair that he pities himself in this moment, because he won't allow anyone else to. He's running low on smokes - only three left in the bend-proof case he keeps them in. It doesn't phase him as he lights his first two fingertips, a steady blue flame warming the night, and burning the end of the cigarette.

Touya smokes the first one down to nothing in less than five minutes, feeling lackadaisical and other-worldly as he watches you climb over Keigo's lap through the window, kissing him like he had just less than an hour ago. Hands are wandering - lost under the hero shirt, and unapologetically bold. The collar is already stretched as Keigo marks yours with red-hot kiss marks.

Touya can't take his eyes off of it, not even as he reaches for another cigarette.

He sees you and Keigo kiss, and his hands are buried somewhere deep between your thighs. Touya wishes he can feel that insane warmth, but it wasn't his to want just yet - just his to watch. The way Keigo kisses you is so much different from the way the two of them kiss, and the way he handles you makes Touya weak and warm. He stands with you in his lap, never letting go of the kiss he gives you, until the two of you disappear into the bathroom and Touya can't see anything else.

He lets his head drop between his shoulders as he places both hands on the balcony fencing, taking too many deep breaths and thinking what would happen if he just disappeared back into the night. These thoughts meet him sometimes, but he's not scared of them anymore. They're familiar and fragile like he always was, so they don't get to him.

Or perhaps it was the post-smoke buzz he was riding on.

Either way, he lights another, wondering what was happening outside of view with the two of you.

Once he's three cigarettes down, he clears his throat and heads back inside. He can't hear anything initially as he pulls the door shut behind him, but he only makes it a few more steps.

The shower in the master bathroom is running incessantly, drowning out what he would assume are two voices. It sounds like a conversation - back and forth from afar, yet backed by harsh tones and whimpers. He decides it's probably smarter to avoid it, and instead, he finds himself in Keigo's at-home office.

It's quaint, and Keigo doesn't keep a lot of his work at home for privacy purposes, but Touya wasn't looking for specifics. He knows the past mission Keigo did with Endeavor - the one that initially raised his red flags, and wonders if there's any history in this room tied to it.

It was just a villain raid, but Touya hated the fact that he was forced to see them together. It was all over the news for weeks, that he couldn't escape it, and it made him nauseous.

All Keigo has on the desk in his study was his laptop - glossy with quality. There are a few frames, but they're all awards or press pictures, save for a small, crooked cutout of a picture of you and him. Touya completely bypasses any distractions, though, sitting back in the expensive chair to try the laptop.

It's password protected, and Touya doesn't care enough to guess, so he moves to the file drawer. The smaller top drawer is locked, but the bottom isn't. The first thing he sees when he pulls it open is a file with your full name - hero name in quotations. It's a mega-stack of everything you have achieved in life going back to pre-high. It's a little uncanny, seeing you splayed out so selflessly, but he learns every single professional detail about you. He was sure to pull this out in conversation, not caring if he sounded like a creep in the process.

He loses track of time long enough that he doesn't hear the shower turn off and the bedroom door open. It's only a matter of time until Keigo steps into the room. He's shirtless with a pair of linen pants clinging to his bare, freshly showered legs. He looks like a wet puppy - light hair dark and stringy with residual water.

"What are you doing?"

"Going through your shit, what does it look like?" Touya's eyes then fall to your stat charts and past rewards, finger pointing to the page. "Ninety of a hundred in mental resistance and wits. She's ruthless."

"She's strong."

"Does she know you have all of this?" Touya looks up, turning the chair from his desk and patting his knee once.

"I hope so. I am her boss - responsible for all of this." Keigo settles over Touya's knee, pointing to your lower speed and technique stats. "It's outdated, though."

"You gonna update it?" Touya questions, looking up at Keigo. He can smell the body wash he used - can feel the stickiness of humidity as they sit skin-to-skin.

"Not now." Keigo decides, closing the file promptly and leaning down to put it back in its rightful home. "Stop looking through my stuff, some of it is confidential."

"The fuck do I care?"

"I mean it." Keigo stands with a sigh, motioning Touya upwards as well. "Come on."

"You told me for three years about how much you hated shower sex, you liar." Touya starts as they head for the door, stopping to flick the lights off. He's smirking, but Keigo isn't.

"Because I was always the bottom and you didn't care enough to make sure I didn't fall." He speaks on the sound of the door clicking shut behind the two of them. "Shower sex is actually pretty fucking great."

"Great! Now you have a partner to fuck - live it up."

Keigo scoffs. "Make love to, actually." He opens the bedroom door, and you're sitting on the bed, still catching your breath and drying off.

"Did you tell her who you were choking on your dick earlier?"

Keigo whips his head back to Touya at the speed of light, cheeks going ruby as you look up. "I'm going to kill you."

Touya laughs, taking a breath to lean over and kiss Keigo's warm cheek. "It's not personal."

"I wouldn't care either way." You finally speak, self-conscious when your voice breaks. Keigo insisted you put the shirt you surprised him back on, and Touya's glad, because he can get a closer look. You're just comfortable enough with him that you don't question when he takes the thin fabric in his hands, straightening it out to get a better view of the illustration that seduced Keigo.

"It's cute." He mutters, finding it so uncanny to see Keigo's illustrated face printed on fabric.


"Really? You wanna put it on?" Keigo speaks almost excitedly.

"Will it get me fucked against the shower wall? No, thanks." Then he looks back at you. "It's not personal."

"I know." You take your shirt back, pulling it further down your legs as you didn't have anything else on alongside it. "I figured you were the type."

"I hope it doesn't come across too harsh." He continues, hands falling from the hem to your thighs. They feel like butter under his touch, and suddenly he's more envious of Keigo than he was of you. However, he stands straight and you stiffen as if one move swayed him the wrong way.

"You're not harsh." Keigo's voice of reason is so soft next to him, and it makes you both quirk a small smile.

"I'm gonna get ready for bed. Maybe have a smoke."

"Another one?"

"Is there an issue?"

Keigo suddenly fumbles over his words, shaking his head. He knows this is the one compromise he had to settle on, and his tongue is bitten. "Go ahead. I'll be in bed by the time you get back."

"Is that a promise?" Touya's voice is a whisper, and you feel so small watching them talk back and forth while you sit silently on the edge of the bed. When they look down on you, it's simultaneously, and your heart falls into your stomach. You blame it on exhaustion.

"Just hurry."

Touya doesn't respond, because if he does, it'll be confrontational. Instead, he leaves you with a fond passing glance, and Keigo with a glare. Then, he's disappearing into the night-shrouded darkness and out of the room.

You feel like you can finally react, but all you can do is gulp around air. "He hates me."

"What?" Keigo's voice pitches higher as he climbs into the bed one knee at a time. He pulls you back with an arm around your waist, and you don't care to hold your ground. You care to be close to him. "He hates me, he'll tell you himself with a serious face."

It's a lighthearted joke meant to swing your mood, but it just makes you roll your eyes. As you settle chest to chest with Keigo on the bed, your body rises and falls with his breath, and you find yourself tracing patterns into his bare torso. There are still a few marks on the skin - scratches down his back. It's a work of art to you.

"Why didn't you recommend me for the mission you have intelligence for on Monday?"

Keigo hums, hands gentle across the back of your neck. His touch is only slightly ticklish. "Nepotism?"

"Nobody knows we're together." You quirk your head up quickly, reacting viscerally towards his bullshit tone. Keigo shushes you, urging your neck to relax again, and you give in. "Keigo-

"I don't want to talk about this right now, babe."

You don't find the conversation over at all, but you're willing to let it fester until the daylight, or at least until Touya's in your bed so he could back you up.

A few minutes pass, and Keigo's tracing touches grow slower and slower, but words burn your throat that never quite get spoken.

"I hope you're not ashamed of me."

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