PRINCESS - in search of lovab...

By hiddenpearl21

79.1K 7.8K 9K

She is too stubborn too achieve anything but failed miserably to achieve love in her life. Her family and the... More

Author note
1. +2 college party
2. Possessiveness + Angry
3. Crush or Love
4. Make yourself optionless
5. Dreadful past in childhood
6. Punishment
7. File a case against you
8. They already apart once
9. Anamika
10. Nisha
11. My naughty doll
12. Glimpse of her
13. Am I unlucky girl
14. Diseased father
15. Exams
16. Grand pa
17. Her happiness
18. Interaction
let me know
19. Is girl is a toy..??
20. Angry siya
21. Tablet and injection
22. Wild cat vs Pet dog
23. Her scoldings
24. My slapping queen
25. Friends
26. Secret friends
27. Scary past
28. My snappy girl
29. Sweet chicken uncle
something to say..
30. Who is HE..??
31. A new me
32. Lie or love.
33. I wish
34. Fresher's party 1
35. Fresher's party 2
36. My cherry girl
37. Got selected
38. Periods
39. Who..??
40. Cuddler
41. Are you the one
42. Manipulate
43. Thoughts and opinion
44. Puzzled one
45. My stubborn beauty
46. He is dead
47. How long
48. Flimy Funda
49. In the vast of fear
50. Sports Fest
51. Play time
52. Mom love
53. Adorable family
54. Escaping from his eyes
55. Caging eachother
56. Fear and Insecurities
57. What now..
58. I love my hubby
59. Birthday
60. Message
61. Voice of night
62. Her uncontrolled anger
63. Consoling her
64. Her little world
65. Rumours in college
Clear view about characters
66. 199251
67. Success party
68. My favourite dessert
69. Best day
70. Messed life
71. Back to Back
72. Staying with us
73. Got slapped
need help
74. Puzzle and wish
75. Traditional day
76. Catch me
77. Home or house
78. Prank
79. Failure
80. Defeat
81. Topper
82. Fear
84. In every breath of mine
85. Her anger his sorry
86. A ghost
87. What happened
88. Haunts me to END
89. finding solace
90. Dead soul
91. Trust
92. I'm bound to you forever
93. Sharing and bonding
94. Teaching a perfect lesson
95. How can I say
Important note
96. We are of five not four
97. Knowing her family
98. Is it start or end..
99. Her birthday
100. A bit more closure
101. Wished for a day long
102. Stuck
103. Scared to miss him
104. Dead
105. Who is culprit..??
106. Doubting
107. Guardians
108. Responsibilities
author note
109. sound cruel
110. True colors
111. Catch me
112. Only I know
113. Imaginary beauty world
114. Date
115. Pocket heart
116. SAV
117. Unknown message
118. Believed you
119. Painful memories
120. Opinion changes
121. Pencil sketch
122. Can you turn the page
123. Angry naveen
124. Court
125. Dressed in blood
Author note
126. Mail
127. Naming myself as failure
128. Is everything fine.
129. Accused
130. Diginity at stake
131. Provoking
132. Because of you
133. Manipulating
134. A thief
135. Every journey opens
136. Blessed in the storm
137. Proposal
138. Fly like an EAGLE
139. Because I don't trust you
140. To know who is behind
141. Forever together
142. Everything seems blurred
143. Just like a snake
144. Bond of blood
145. Desire of soul
146. Lost
147. Your Princess My queen
New story

83. Absence of U

255 41 20
By hiddenpearl21

Here in this chapter you see almost all characters simultaneously so please try to understand if this chapter is confusing please do let me know I will edit according to person pov.

Author POV

After doing first aid, sid and his family went to departure but suddenly sid is feeling so heavy and weak.

Sid understand why and thought it might be loss of blood but subconscious is saying something which he didn't focused on it as he is too weak and slept soon.

Seeing him, daadi got worried and crying being a father he didn't show anything but deep inside he just mess.

Seeing abhi in shatter form even though he is covering and consoling his mother, daada understood him and patted his back saying "everything will be fine abhi. Be strong"

Sid woke up after long of twelve hours still he is feeling sleepy and tried to hold his dad hand.

"Dad" sid whispered

"Chottu, are you okay..??" Abhi asked immediately

"Yes dad, relax..

Dad here it's paining dad. I'm feeling so heavy and can't even open my eyes as if I used some drug" sid said with great difficulty.

"Relax chottu, don't stress just bare for few more hours we will go to home.

You are strong just relax, doctor is there and checking you.

Once we reach aahil will treat you. Be strong" abhi said to his son sid.

In above all these, abhi did is that they took private jet instead of booking tickets and going ordinary and now it helped them alot to relax and to treat sid well

Abhi checked his arm where sid said it's paining and saw injection mark which increased his stress and worry.

Abhi didn't say anything to his parents as they already worried about sid and taking rest in another room

Sid soon dozed off and his body temperature started increasing.

At other side, bhai you are amazing I thought to share their separation news to you but you were so engrossed in work so I didn't but what you did now is just amazing bhai" bunny said with excitement.

"Haha, I know. But I thought in different way that his father will get cut and sid can't help as I injected the drug which make him weak by making him helpless.

But it happened in reverse that everything happened to him making him so weak to stand atleast" Praneet said

"I forgot to ask you how many days it will work pranay" Praneet asked pranay

"May be two days it makes the person complete weak that he can't stand will have heavy fever that no one can't stand beside him atleast because of heat.

Added to that he got injury so I guess it started soon." Pranay said

"What do you mean by soon" bunny asked

"After giving drug it will take time to make the person weak may be atleast twelve hours or a day and it will start working and last for two days" pranay said.

"Wow" bunny said where Praneet slipped his drink calmly thinking something.

At other side, siya feeling so restless because of sid as she is feeling some bad.

The smile that finally she passed or scored top is not on her face.

It's just like she completed one work and called sid again but it went into robotic voice saying switched off.

"What happen to you why are you so dull..??

That too when you came to know that you are safe and going to continue your studies as your wish" kusuma asked siya

"Nothing mom, it about assignment. I missed one week classes as I prepared in library so that stress only nothing else more" siya said and laid down to avoid questions from her mother.

At other side, they reached home and abhi called his elder son aahil

"Aahil come down without making any sound and don't wake up your mom so come silently" abhi said and cut the call.

Abhi tried to lift sid but he lost his energy when he saw his chottu in weak state.

Atleast sid was conscious when they landed here that abhi helped sid to reach the car but now sid completely lost his consciousness making abhi scared but being father he hide his face with no expression.

"Ma, pa you both go to your room and sleep will talk tomorrow.

It's just because of medicine sid slept nothing happened to him so relax and sleep. I called aahil he is coming" abhi said to his parents

Meanwhile aahil rushed towards the entrance sensing the emergency in hiss father voice.

"Dad" aahil called

"Took sid to his room silently and check him up" abhi said where aahil nodded

Abhi make sure that his parents went to their room and locked the door and rushed towards his chottu room.

"Dad, we need to take chottu to hospital" aahil said as soon as his father abhi entered

"No, bring what you want and treat him here only" abhi said

Sensing the seriousness in his father voice aahil nodded and started doing the treatment.

He cleaned the wound and put saline to sid where abhi sat on couch looking at his son.

"Dad" aahil called

" Call sanjay Vikram and vivek immediately" abhi said

"Dad woah..

"I said call them immediately" abhi said sternly.

"Aahil, what happen to sid" abhi asked after few minutes getting himself prepared.

"Don't know dad, what medicine they gave that sid is sleeping like that.

I'm Just checking the medicine you bought which they gave to sid.

But, I'm no..

That when aahil phone started ringing with frown he took out mobile and looked at the caller ID vikranth.(Vishaka partner)

Hello" aahil said

"How is Aarav" vikranth asked as soon as he lifts the call.

Seeing the frown abhi asked aahil to put the phone on speaker.

"Aahil, how is Aarav" vikranth asked in bit loud

"Don't know he body temperature is getting high and low all of sudden changing" aahil said to which vikranth guided him some medicine to inject him directly and in saline for every two and four hours where aahil said okay.

"I don't have one medicine in that and how to do you know" aahil asked when abhi sognalled him to ask.

"I got a call from deelip and he said about Aarav and he is the one who treated him at airport.

I thought to come on check him on own and let you know the remaining details but I can't come now as I can't leave Vishaka alone in this night.

I send medicine with my driver to your house, may be he is at your place and just go and collect and start treating Aarav. Don't be late it dangerous" vikranth said in one breath

Aahil rushed and got the medicine and gave to Aarav and now his temperature is normal.

"Don't call anyone let vikranth come to home tomorrow" abhi said and sat there praying to God to make his recover where aahil nodded his head.

At other side,

"Sir I did what you say please leave my family" deelip requested pranay

"Why so soon they are safe," pranay said

"Sir please sir" deelip said

"Pranay leave them" Praneet said where pranay leaved his family

"What if he say to them" bunny asked

"They can't find us by anyway, I rechecked myself in every way and if they find more then they will get to know the culprit as vikranth" Praneet said

"But he knows anti dose  of that drug " pranay said

"Let it be, if he give also no problem because they will have a fear and we need to wait till aahil gets a call to know whether he called or not. Or he scared and listened to us or not" Praneet said

At other side,

Deelip landed in india and went to vikranth house with his family

"Why you called me instead of aahil who is your friend and classmates" vikranth asked

"I heard him while talking on phone that he is tracing the call and I know that no one can trace your calls so I called you seeked help and said everything from start" deelip said

"Then with whose number you called me" vikranth asked

"Random passenger as I can't trust anyone in airport worker." Deelip said

"How do you know the anti drug of it" vikranth asked

"I said you once that I'm changing the job" deelip asked and where vikranth nodded his head.

"Because of this drug only, I joined to help the poor people but they are testing and giving antidose with more money when I came to know that I said I will complain to police but they blackmailed me and watched my everystep so I won't say to anyone.

Today they make me do like this" deelip said in defeat

At other side,

"Dad he is fine now go and fresh up its already morning Five" aahil said giving medicine to Aarav

"When chottu will get concious" abhi asked

"May be in two hours dad" aahil said

Meanwhile door bell rang where anitha opened the door with frown

"Who are you..

What you want" anitha asked

"Aarav how is Aarav aunty" vikranth asked

"Mom, he is vikranth my colleague" aahil said

"Okay, get in. What you are asking about Aarav. He is good may be on his way as he went to US" anitha replied making vikranth frown

"We are here anitha" abhi said

"You people came and didn't inform me. Where is chottu what happen to him" anitha asked while moving towards his room.

Seeing Aarav bandage anitha frowned and looked angry at her husband.

"What happened to my son and what you didn't say anything to me" anitha shouted and went towards Aarav.

"Chottu chottu" anitha called but not getting any reply she shouted more" what happen to my son abhi"

Listening to her voice anu and daadi and daada came out.

"Nothing anitha, he got fever and in medication so not opening his eyes, he will come to concious in two hours" abhi tried to calm her and tried to held her but anitha pushed him.

"Why you didn't say anything to me.

Are you saying true or you are hiding something from me" anitha asked while crying

"No he will get concious in two hours let's vikranth check him" abhi hugged her where anitha cried more

"Why everything happening to him." Anitha cried more

Soon vikranth checked and everyone of sid family arrived (abhi brother and sister family)

Girls stayed with Aarav where boys went to study room and vikranth said everything what happen from the start.

"Where he is now" abhi asked

"Farm house as I scared when he said about Aarav I said to him to reach farm house to home" vikranth said.

"okay, make sure he is safe and will think what to do next.

Sanjay and Vikram I want everything on my table with in a day" abhi said where they replied as okay

At other side, siya went to college to meet atleast anu and ask about Aarav but to her bad luck they didn't come to college making her condition worst.

Siya called Aarav many times that she forgot how many times but every time it's says switched off now even anu phone is switch off making her cry more

"Ohh you topper enjoying yourself in canteen" sindhu said but siya ignored

"What a love you have on Aarav you don't even know that he is not well that you are enjoying your time with food that you came to canteen" sindhu mocked making siya worried

But to be frank, siya didn't have food from yesterday afternoon as she want to talk with Aarav first to make sure he is fine but now new found information make her scared and her heart to bleed in pain.

Siya left from there as she don't have energy to fight with her and called anu and to her luck she lifted the call.

"How is aarav' siya asked as soon as anu loft the call.

"He is fine just fever" anu stammered

"Why are you nervous iss everything okay. Can you give phone to Aarav please" siya pleaded making anu cry

"You no need to request me pumpkin but bhai is sleeping I will call when he wake up" anu said where siya replied okay and cut the call.

Siya cried her heart out thinking about sid in washroom and left to attend the class like a dead soul.


Hello my lovely readers ❤️❤️

Welcome back..

How was the chap..??











Do let me know your opinion through comments..

This will be more dramatic chapter and will not see any chapter like that anytime soon so bear with this chapter.

Shower your love with votes and comments

Will meet you soon
Untill then
Keep smiling
Take care

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