|| one shots || marvel || the...

By veerleo

4.2K 96 13

"The legacy of that schield is complicated, to say the least." One shots about TFATWS characters. With (fem)... More

|| Trust me || HELMUT ZEMO
|| The Younger Carter || SAM WILSON
|| The Runaway || Part 1 || HELMUT ZEMO
|| The Runaway || Part 2 || HELMUT ZEMO
|| Did you know they could do that? || BUCKY BARNES
|| The Runaway || Part 3 || HELMUT ZEMO

|| Don't flirt with my sister || BUCKY BARNES

809 24 3
By veerleo

[ You are Sam Wilsons adoptive sister. Your parents were close friends with Paul and Darlene Wilson, but died when you were young. Paul and Darlene took you in and you got quite close with Sam and Sarah. They were older than you, but welcomed you with open arms and loved you like a little sister. You moved back in with Sarah during the blip and helped her wherever you could with the family bussiness and her sons]

Location: Louisiana

 "Well, if it isn't Samuel, the long lost Wilson." You said with a wide grin on your lips, arms crossed in front of your chest while you walked into the kitchen of the Wilson's home. You had been asleep when Sam had gotten home, but heard his voice coming from the kitchen after you had gotten ready for the day. You saw the look on his face and immediately knew that he having a rough time. Sarah had vaguely told you about what was going on, as you had been out of town for a couple of days when Sam had come back. A smile appeared on his lips and he stood up to lift you of the ground in a hug.
 "Oh Y/N, it's so good to see you!" Sam spoke, clearly relieved and you laughed, while softly hitting on his back.
 "Please, put me down Sam!" You giggled and Sam put you back on the ground. Sarah laughed and you straighted your shirt while shaking your head, leaning back against the counter.
 "Aren't you supposed to be off saving the world?" You asked and tilted your head. 
 "Yeah, why are you back here bothering us?" Sarah added with a chuckle while contuining cleaning up breakfast and making lunch for her kids.
 "'Cause my family's well-being is part of the world." Sam answered, while sitting down on a chair. You smile and started helping Sarah with packing lunch for her boys and two of their classmates.
 "You are waiting for a lead?" "And the governement stepped in and took control and kind of benched us." Sam answered Sarah with a soft chuckle. You felt sorry for him, you knew how badly he wanted to help the world be a better place. You gave Sarah some bananas to give to the boys for lunch and at that moment AJ and Cass walked into the kitchen, happy to see Sam and less happy to go to school. You couldn't blame them.
 "Hey guys, make sure that Bennett and Elling each get one." Sarah told her kids and you handed them their lunches. They nodded to their mother and hurried to school. You saw Sam looking a bit confused.
 "Bennett and Elling's dad cannot get up before noon." You spoke, leaning against the counter again.
 "Kids keep showing up hungry and are too proud to ask for help." Sarah added, sounding quite sad.
 "And you're just like Mom, feeding every kid in the neighborhood." Sam said with a small smile and you smiled as well.
 "As long as you do not take in any kid like she did with me, we will be fine." You giggled, Sam and Sarah chuckled as well. You were glad that they took you in as a little kid, you even called them mom and dad, as your parents had died in a car crash when you were quite young. You barely remember them, but you were so lucky that the Wilson's took you in, even though their kids were much older. You zoned out for a bit and looked back to Sam, who said that he was going to fix that damn boat. You were glad to have Sam back, even if it only was for a few days. The wound of losing so many loved once due to the blip and even before that hurted as if it was yesterday. You wanted to spend some quality time with him.
 "Please make sure he isn't going to destroy the boat, Y/N. We both know that you are the more handy one than him." Sarah chuckled. You gave her a little side hug.
 "We both know that you are my favorite sister." You joked and got poked in the side by Sarah. "Alright, alright. I will keep an eye out for disaster."

Sam had asked you to pick up some supplies from an old friend. Sam had called in a favor and the man had some buckets of paint and tools lying around that you could get for nothing. He did not have a car and it was too much to bring on foot, so you drove down there and put everything in your old Volkswagen Beetle, thanked the man and drove back to the docks. You noticed how many people from the neighborhood had come down to help Sarah, Sam and you with the boat. It was amazing to see everyone helping out with whatever they could miss. People did not have that much money in the community, but their hearts were filled with love for each other. It warmed your heart to see the community you entered when you were only a child, could come together to help the family that at some point helped every single person there. You wore your sunglasses and slowly drove up on the docks towards the boat, where you were hoping to find either Sam or Sarah. You saw Sam sanding some planks with a man you had not seen before. You stepped out of your car.
 "Y/N, are you still driving dad's old beetle?" Sam laughed, while standing up from the project he was working on, wiping his hands. You rolled your eyes and took off your sunglasses.
 "Shut it, Samuel. As long as the engine keeps working, I am driving it." You sneered with a cheeky smile and looked from Sam to the mystery man next to him, who had looked up to see who Sam was talking to. Your eyes met the ice blue once of the man and you both looked at each other for a second, before Sam spoke up.
 "Y/N, this is Bucky. Buck, this is Y/N, my sister." Sam spoke gesturing to you and the man with eyes like the ocean, smiled at you and you both said 'hi' to each other. You smiled back and noticed that he has a mechanic left arm. You assumed he was also one of the so called Avengers. Sam looked from you to Bucky and back to you, before you broke the silence. You knew how protective he could get over you and Sarah if anyone would only look a second to long at you. 
 "I have the tools and paint from mister Johnson on the back seats, where can I drop them off?" You asked Sam, crossing your arms in front of your body, tilting your head a bit to the side. 
 "For now you can store them in the shed, I guess." Sam answered and you rolled your eyes. "We do not need them yet."
 "Then why did you send me out to get them? You know I am much more useful here helping you instead of playing the delivery man?" You said and Sam chuckled. You saw the man with the steel blue eyes called Bucky chuckle as well at how you shot at your brother. 
 "I can help her store them away? I am already done sanding this thing here. By the time we get back, you might also finally be done... Samuel." Bucky spoke and noticed that he teased Sam a tiny bit by the way he spoke. You chuckled and received a little smile from him. Sam groaned and rolled his eyes.
 "Alright, but no flirting with my sister and do not call me Samuel. Only Y/N has a free pass of using that name." Sam said with a warning, pointing his finger at Bucky. You frowned and Bucky chuckled.
 "Samuel, I am a grown woman! I can take care of myself!" You said with a big grin and raised your eyebrows.
 "Bet you can." Sam said back and grinned, while contuining on his work. Bucky had jumped up, clearly happy to help and you did not mind the company. You always pretended to be a strong woman, but the strength in your arms left something to be desired. Your eyes quickly examined Sam's friend and you walked with him towards your old car. He smiled widely, while looking at it and got in on the passengers seat.
 "I like your car." He spoke and looked to you with those deep blue eyes, which looked even bluer up close. You smiled.
 "Thanks. It's really old, but I like it better than all those new cars. As long as it keeps me on the road, I am a happy gal." You said proudly. Most people were confused why you kept the old beetle, which was from the 70s, but you liked it too much, plus it has sentimental value. You made a sharp turn and drove back to the shed. You could see Bucky enjoying the short ride and you wondered if he liked old cars as well, he surely seemed the like your red beetle.
 "So you are Sam's little sister?" He asked, looking at you and you knew where he was aiming at. You did not look like Sam or Sarah for that matter. You had told this story to basically anyone you'd ever met, so you did not mind bringing it up. You nodded, shortly looking back at him with a small smile.
 "Yeah, adoptive actually." You spoke. "My parents died in a car crash when I was just a little child, so Paul and Darlene took me in as if I was their own and raised me. Sam and Sarah have always threated me as their sister and I am really lucky that I have become part of the Wilson family. They all look out for each other and others. This whole community is coming together to help us, just because the family was always there whenever someone needed them." Bucky looked out of the window to the water and slowly nodded. 

You reached the shed and you horribly parked the car in front of it. The brakes were struggling a bit, so they made a horrible sound, which made Bucky laugh a bit.
 "This is why I love old cars." He chuckled softly and you grinned. 
 "As long as it doesn't break..." You added and he lifted his shoulders with a chuckle. You felt the man relax a bit and you opened up the shed and carried in a bucket of paint. They were quite heavy. When you put the bucket away, you looked over your shoulder to Bucky, who had stacked the remaining few buckets on top of each other and carried them without any struggle towards the shed, where he put them with the one you just brought in. You frowned at him. You were really questioning your own strength at this point and he was clearly reminded that his strength was not normal for you so he quickly explained very short everything you needed to know and a bit more.
 "Wait, if you had been friends with Captain America since you were kids? Doesn't that make you like over 100 years old?" You were a bit confused. Sam had told you the very basics of the Avengers team at some point, but that had been years ago. Bucky chuckled and you noticed him getting a bit uncomfortable.
 "Yeah, I mean.." He stuttered a bit, like he was looking for the confidence to tell his story as it was nothing. "Because I had been injected with the super soldier serum, the bad guys froze me after I fell during a mission in the War and brain washed me to be an assassin and kept putting me back in the ice, so I barely aged... If it makes any sense." You had your eyebrows raised and your mouth was open a bit due to surprise. This guy had basically told you the basics of his life story in a few minutes. "But they got all the brainwashed out of me, so besides the super strength and the metal arm, I am just Bucky." He quickly added to your surprised face as if he wanted to apologize for scaring you. It felt like you were his psych for a moment, he was anxiously open to you.
 "Wow.." Was the one thing you could only say while slowing shaking your head. 
 "Ah shit. Sorry, I did not wanted to make you feel uncomfortable, Y/N.. I just have been trying to not let my past define me, but it's hard to talk about myself without having to tell my whole story, y'know.. I have been trying hard to accept it." Bucky added awkwardly, fiddling with his hands, you noticed him getting anxious about the situation. His piercing blue eyes were looking everywhere but to you and you did not want him to feel bad, because he shouldn't. You grabbed his right hand, which was closest to you to get his attention and he looked back at you.
 "Bucky... Hey, it's okay. I don't mind, it just caught me off guard a bit. It's not every day that I have a conversation like this." He looked back at you while you spoke.  "But I am used to weird shit by now, I mean I grew up with Sam, remember." You smiled at him and you saw a bit of relieve in his gorgeous blue eyes. "So you're from the 40's? That's really awesome." You added, as if it was nothing and that was the only thing he told you. He sighed with a relieved little smile on his lips and chuckled at your remark about Sam.
 "I am really sorry that you had to live with that man." He grinned and you laughed at him, playfully hitting his chest.
 "I am sorry for myself as well." You said back and he gave you a genuine laugh. "But shall we head back, before Sam is coming for you head? Thanks for the help by the way." 
 "Anytime, darling." He spoke with a cheeky smile, clearly feeling more comfortable now that he got his story of his chest and it made you giggle softly, which then made you blush, because you hated it when men made you giggle.
 "Do you want to drive back?" You asked him and you saw his eyes lit up a bit from surprise as if he was a little kid in a candy shop.

Bucky was a great driver. Most people had trouble with driving the beetle, because it was an old car, but you figured that he had learned to drive in much older cars, so he would be more comfortable to drive it. It was true. You had smiled at him, after seeing the excitement in his eyes as you drove back to Sam down the docks. You both got out and you already saw that Sam went into big bro mode. You sighed softly.
 "Here we go. " You whispered with a grin to Bucky, who was walking next to you.
 "Y/N, why is he driving the beetle? You never trust anyone with that thing?" Sam spoke as if they got caught doing something they shouldn't. You tilted your head to your brother.
 "I trust Bucky." You said cocky and saw a smile forming on Bucky's face in the corner of your eyes. Sam looked even more confused and sceptical from you to Bucky and back. "Are you done yet, because I need a drink." Sam nodded and got up to grab the crate with beers from inside the boat. Gracefully, you jumped onto the boat and Bucky followed you, but you managed to trip over Sam's tools that had been lying on the ground where they shouldn't have. Luckily Bucky was close behind you and grabbed your waist before you could fall flat on your face. 
 "Gotcha, doll." He spoke softly and you blushed at him calling you that and his strong hands on your waist. 
 "Thanks.." Was the only thing you could get out of your mouth.
 "Barnes, what did I tell you, do not flirt with my sister!" Sam yelled, carrying a crate of beers in his hands.
 "Jeez, Sam. He only rescued me from breaking my neck over your mess here." You yelled back and this time he raised his eyebrows and looked back at you with an attitude.
 "Then why is he still holding you, hmm?" Sam said and Bucky quickly let you go, you could swear that he looked a bit disappointed. "I thought so." You couldn't help but see a small smile on his lips, but you knew you shouldn't engage the discussion because you would regret it. 
 "I hate you." You mumbled while opening your beer and sitting down next to Sam and across from Bucky, who was now avoiding eye contact. Sam grinned at you.
 "Love you too, sis." 

As the sun was setting, you, Sam and Bucky had been casually chatting about what the boys have been up to and You were carefully listening. Sam usually never talked so much about his work as an Avenger, but Sarah and you always knew just enough to know what was going on. Sam had been surprised that Bucky had told you his story, you could see it in the way he reacted, but Sam did not say anything. You had also been complaining about how Sam had been trying to fix the boat and how you could've done it way quicker and better and that his way was the wrong way. Bucky had been enjoying the brother and sister banter and every now and then gave you a quick glance. It was nice to meet someone new. You felt a certain connection with the man named Bucky and that was more than him just being a co-worker of your brothers. You thought they were clearly partners, but they were not ready for the commitment to that term apparently. The man with the steel blue eyes got up.
 "Gotta catch my flight tommorrow." He spoke after taking a sip from his Heineken beer and you felt a bit sad that he was leaving. You liked the weird cyborg guy from the 40s. "Get a hotel room for the night... Crash, y'know?"  You looked up at the man and he gave you an apologetic smile. As if you did not wanted to go, but felt like he had to.
 "You're just gonna set me up like that, huh." Sam spoke to his co-worker.
 "Well, I do not wanna make it weird for your family." Bucky tried to explain nicely and looked from Sam to you and looked back to Sam.
 "Just stay here." Sam said and you felt relieved that Sam said that and explained that everyone in this town is very welcoming. You nodded in agreement.
 "And there is enough space at the house for one more." You said with a smile to Bucky and you got a genuine happy smile from him back.
 "Okay, I get it. The people are nice." Bucky said and looked from Sam back to you, looking you up and down. You blush.
 "Do not flirt with my sister, Buck. If you do, I'm gonna have Carlos cut you up and feed you to the fish." Sam warned and Bucky shook his head, but caught your eye for a second, making your stomach filled with butterflies. You giggled softly and got up as well.
  "Well, if you are staying, I will show you were you will be sleeping, which will probably be the couch, because Same here is taking up the spare room." You said, giving Sam a warning look and leaving him on the boat. Bucky took your hand to help you get of the boat easily. You did not needed his help, but you happily accepted his warm hand. Together you walked back to your childhood home.
 "Let's take a detour." You said. "I want to show you something."

 You had grabbed his hand to guide him in the direction of your favorite spot to sit and watch the sun set. It was close to the house, surrounded by beautiful nature as if it was far into the woods and next to the water, where the sun would slowly sunk into. You had hang up a swing chair where you could chill in while watching the sunset.
 "Where are we going?" Bucky had asked, on your way there, but did not seem to mind it for one bit. 
 "My favorite spot." You said, looking over your shoulder to the man with the metal arm. He had his shirt rolled up to his elbows now and you thought he looked very good. He was a handsome man and damn those steel blue eyes. "Almost there. I think you'll like it. The best spot if you ask me." He obiently followed you. "It's like a moment of calm in this busy and noisy area."
"I do like a little bit of calm." He said. Together you walked up to the old fisherman spot that had become your secret hide out over the years. He smiled happily. The setting sun gave the both of you the beautiful golden hour sunlight and together you looked over the never ending waters.
 "This is the best spot to calmly watch the beautiful sunset." You said softly and looked to Bucky, who was actually mermerized by the view. You smiled at him.
 "You're right. It's so beautiful." He softly spoke, as if he had never seen a sunset before. He was completely blown away by the beautiful spot filled with peace and quiet. You sat down on the grass, as your swing was only for one person, looking out to the colorful sky. Bucky sat down next to you, so close that you could feel the warmth of his body against your arm. His eyes travelled from the sunset back to you. "Thank you for showing me." You smiled back at him.
 "No problem, happy to share. I thought you'd be someone who'd like this kind of thing." You said and looked at your hands which were laying in your lap.
 "I guess that this is also something you wouldn't share with just anyone, just as your cute Volkswagen Beetle car, huh?" He softly spoke after a few moments. You look back up to him, putting your hands next to your body again, thinking. The sunset made him looke absolutely gorgeous and you could drown in his light blue eyes. You thought about his question for a moment. You actually hadn't ever shared this with just anyone, but Bucky just had something special which just made you do it without thinking. His presence felt like the security of a home. Even though you had only met him today, if Sam trusted the guy, you knew he was a good guy, even with everything that he told you what happened in his life. You looked away, back to the slowly setting sun in the sky painted with all the colors you could imagine, not knowing what to say. Suddenly, you feel his fingers slowly intertwining with yours and you look back to your hands. You hadn't noticed how close they had been and the soft touch of his warm fingers made you lose all your grown woman confidence and turned you back into a little shy school girl with butterflies in your stomach. You could curse yourself. His cold metal hand softly touched your chin to look back up into his eyes. You shiver slightly because of his cold touch, but he was so gentle that it didn't matter. His face had gotten so close, you could feel his warm breath on your face. It smelt a bit like beer and peppermints, you did not mind, you were completely lost in those gorgeous eyes of his. His thumb softly stroke your chin and lower part of your cheek, as if he was scared to hurt you. His eyes scanning your face and his tongue licked his bottom lip, both of your faces getting closer, you could almost taste his lips.
 "Can I kiss you?" Bucky breathed with a very low and almost unaudible voice, looking in your eyes.
 "Yes, please." You barely bring out hoarsely and you feel Bucky's lips on yours. Your heart skipped a beat. Bucky placed the hand that was just holding yours on your back to pull you in closer. You put that hand on his chest to grab his t-shirt. You feel his broad chest through it and you cannot help but smile in your shared kiss.
 "You like my muscles, doll?" Bucky softly breathed against your lips and you nod in agreement, pulling him closer by his shirt, deepening the kiss with your tongue. He moaned softly. You were hungry for the man. Your other hand was on his metal arm, softly caressing it with your thumb. You do not know if he actually feels it, but you do not care. He gently pushed you back onto the grass with your back and Bucky now laid partly on top of you. You turned your body fully to him and your hand that was on his arm now travelled to his hair and you played with his soft short hair. His metal arm kept him up from crashing you and his other one had found its way under your shirt to your waist. His touch made you moan softly against his lips and you softly bit his bottom lip to keep yourself from moaning too loud while he caressed your waist. After you let go of his bottom lip, your tongues slowly played for dominance with each other. You were glad that you were far from the house, because if anyone could see or hear you both now, you would never hear the end of it. Now Bucky was the one to grab hold of your bottom lip between his teeth and he gently sucked on it. You were enormously turned on and you pulled him back in for a deep and damn hot kiss. You couldn't believe that you were kissing a 106 year old. He eagerly accepted the deep kiss and his hand went up to your face to cup it. His large hand caressed your cheek and chin, pulling you in even closer as far as that was possible. After he let your lips go to catch his breath. The sun had set and the sky was getting dark and the stars where showing up. You both looked at each other, faces still very close, catching your breath with a happy little smile on both of your lips.
 "You are so beautiful, doll." Bucky spoke hoarsely and you giggled. At that moment, both of you were honestly and truely happy. But you needed to get back to the house, so you quickly got back up, got the dirt of your clothes, teased each other a bit, fixed your hair and walked back hand in hand, sneaking a little kiss or two until you were close to the house. You couldn't have Sam or Sarah see you both like that. No, you both wanted to keep it your little secret for now.

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