|| The Younger Carter || SAM WILSON

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A/N: spoiler alert for the final episode of tfatws

Location: New York

You had just come home from an early morning run around the neighborhood. It was the only thing that kept you sane. You got shot on a mission a few years back and you retired. When you came back home, your sister was gone. Not dead, but it was like she had dissapeared of the earth. You always had been quite close, so it was very weird that she had gone without any word or hint of where or why. No one knew where she had gone, only that she had become an emeny of the state. They never told you exactly why and that made you and your father very suspicious of the whole ordeal. You knew your older sister well enough to know that she would turn up at some point and that she had done the right thing, but that in the eyes of the government it was at that moment a crime. If live hadn't thrown enough crap at you, your father dissapeared during the blip. Leaving you behind, all alone. But you did not give up and you kept on going as you knew deep in your heart that your father and your sister would one day come back home. Your father came back, your sister had not. After years of being on your own you feared the worst, that she might have been captured and was locked up in some highly guarded cell without anyone knowing or even worse, dead. Sharon and you amplified each other perfectly. You were more of a strength kind of gal with a keen eye, that is why you joined to army and ultimately became a sniper, where Sharon was more of a thinker before she would act and became part of S.H.I.E.L.D. like your aunt Peggy. Both of you were very smart in your own way. God, you missed Sharon so much. Not knowing what happened was the worst, but you tried to stay strong for you dad. Who was getting older, but you spotted him every morning looking at the pictures of your mom and Sharon which were placed on the mantle, lighting a little candle. It broke your heart and made it very hard to move on yourself. Your dad had gone on a vacation with some of his old buddies, which you only could encourage, because than his mind would go to other things. You had started to make a decent breakfast after your run, still wearing your tight sport leggings and tank top, while the door bell rang when you just had taken a big bite of your sandwich. While chewing on the bread, you rang to the door.
"I am coming!" You yelled with your mouth full as the person at the door rang again and you tried to quickly unlock the locks on the door, failing of course. With a little struggle, you managed to finally get the door open.
"Hi, I am Sam Wilson." The man on her door step introduced himself, looking you up and down real quic with a smile. You give him a little smile back.
"Uh, hi? I'm Y/N. How can I help you?" You ask, leaning against the door frame. He looked quite familiar, but you couldn't really pin point it.
"Are you family of Sharon?" He asked and you were shocked that he spoke of your sister. You took a small step back and looked at the kind and very strong looking man in confusion. Within a second, hundred of different scenarios went through your head, but most of them involved your dear sister dead.
"Your sister back, in New York. We are helping her getting a pardon." Sam spoke and you were flabbergasted by this story. For years you had been thinking about when and if Sharon would come back, but it seemed so surreal that the man in front of her actually told you that she was alive and in New York.
"Sorry, what?" You brought out in confusion. "Come in, please." You signed that he could come in, because this really wasn't a conversation you wanted to have on the door step. You were very confused, and a little part inside of you did not want to believe this good news.

Sam told the story of what happened to Sharon and you had quickly realised that he was an Avengers and that you had seen him on the television last night as the new Captain America. His speech was very remarkable and you were glad to see someone like him taking on the mantle and defending everyone. Plus, you thought it was really cool that his suit had wings. He promised you that he would get a pardon for her. It was only fair after everything she had been through and everything she had done for the Avengers. You smiled at the idea, you knew Sharon had done the right thing, but the governement at that time just did not see it yet.
"Wow, sorry. I am speechless." You spoke softly, putting your hair behind your ear while shaking your head. "My father and I have been dreaming of this moment, but now that you actually tell me that she's back feels so surreal." You look at Sam, who looked back at you with a reassuring smile and symphaty. He noticed a picture on you from your period in the army in the book case behind you.
"You were in the army?" He asked insterested. You nodded.
"I was deployed in Afghanistan, our squad was embushed on one of our last missions there. I got my squad to safety, but barely made it out alive myself. I still have the scars to prove it and a medal." You spoke and he smiled at you. You did not smile back. At that time you were glad that you could go home and see all your loved ones again, but Sharon was not there.
"I also served in Afghanistan." Sam said and he noticed that you looked a bit down. "You came back and she was gone, wasn't she?" You sighed and nodded.
"When can I see her?" You asked the new Cap hopeful.
"Not yet, I am afraid. First, we need to make sure that she will get that pardon before she can walk around the streets again without having a bounty on her head. But I am going to try my hardest to make that happen asap." Sam answered. "I will keep you updated on everything that goes on, but I don't think it will take that long. You can see your sister again soon." You smiled at the man infront of you, tears slowly welling in your eyes and you blinked them away.
"Thank you, Sam." You said with a smile and he smiled back. Clearly happy that he could be of service.
"This might sound a bit weird, but can I have your number?" He asked bluntly with a confident smile on his lips. You were surprised and tilted your head in amusement. "To keep you updated on everything of course."
"Oh yeah, of course." You replied, giving him your digits and noticed that he seemed quite happy with himself. You wondered if it was because he basically had saved his own ass with that last remark and now he got your number or if it was just his face. He was Captain America after all.
"I have to go now Y/N, but it was great meeting you. We'll be in touch!" Sam spoke and got up from his seat and walked back to the door. You followed him to lock up again after him.
"Hey Sam. It means a lot to me and my father that you are taking time to do this for my sister, really, thank you." You said to him and gave him a quick hug before he left, which left him surprised and you smiling. You were over the moon with the news that your sister was still alive and hopefully coming back home soon. It overshaduwed the fact that the new Captain America had just been sitting in your living room and had been taking time to get your sister pardoned.

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