My Alpha King

By paranormalRHlover

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chapter 1: No Time To Hide IT!
Chapter 2: Have To Attend
Chapter 3: Getting Ready
Chapter 4: Come To Escort Her
Chapter 5: On Arrival
Chapter 6: Really Don't Like Him
Chapter 7: Meet My Brother
Chapter 8: Not My Fault
Chapter 9: Get. The. Fuck. Off. Me
Chapter 10: What Is Going On?
Chapter 11: Please, I'll Do Anything
Chapter 12: You Know What IT Is?
Chapter 13: Where The Fuck Is My Mate
Chapter 14: Enjoy The Hunt
Chapter 15: It Won't Go Away
Chapter 16: Marked
Chapter 17: I Want To Know Everything
Chapter 18: Who Am I
just a quick note
Chapter 19: Who Am I (from Jesse's pov)
Chapter 20: I Am!
Chapter 21: Not Like This
Chapter 22: What The Fuck Was That
Chapter 23: Well?
Chapter24: Don't Want Your Pity
Chapter 25: Bugatti La Voiture Noire
Chapter 26: Not A Nightmare
Chapter 27: Hello, Buttercup
Chapter 28: Feel Almost Feral
Chapter 29: Who's He?
Chapter 31: Ahhh HELL NO
Chapter 32: What Did I Do?
Chapter 33: Suprise For You

Chapter 30: Dream

4.6K 254 6
By paranormalRHlover


I try to open my eyes, I'm sure that Dexter character injected me with something to knock me out. I really am getting sick of this shit! With that in mind I feel a little confused as to where I am. That is until I smell Jesse's Intoxicating scent and I feel myself drawn to it and think fuck it! I can't wake up yet. I might as well enjoy his smell and go back to sleep, so I snuggle in and fall asleep listening to his steady breathing.

I'm feeling the pull really strong right now which is what starts my dream. This is a first for me as my dreams have always been full of abuse, so it's a very welcome change and I just go with it. Me and Jesse are laying in bed sleeping and I'm feeling a little aroused so I start to nuzzle Into what I'm guessing is his neck, which makes him stir.

I'm thinking waking him up this way would be fun, so I trace his tattoo's all the way down his abs and then slip my hand under his waistband and start stroking him and he hums in pleasure. I peek at his face and see him bite his lip. Tightening my grip, I keep pumping him as I slip under the covers and pop the head of his cock into my mouth, Making him gasp and tangle his fingers into my hair, pushing me down. As he hits the back of my throat I gag.

"Oh fuck that feels so good little mate..mmmm" He purred in a sleepy, lust filled moan. That I can get this reaction out of him excites me so much I have to press my thighs together, squirming as I feel my body flood with arousal. Hands still tangled in my hair, I start bobbing up and down. Humming with how much this is turning me on. As I go down he pushes his hips up, like he's fucking my mouth and I'm thinking I might just cum if he keeps doing that. Seems he likes making me gag on his large dick.

All of a sudden I'm pulled off his cock with a pop and dragged up his body. Then his lips are on mine, devouring me. I'm now straddling his lap and I start grinding Into him. But I need to feel him so I tell him

"Take my bottoms off! i need to feel you" He doesn't hesitate, he grips them in the middle and rips them apart. I now look like I'm wearing crotchless leggings! But that's all I need anyway. I start rubbing my wetness over his cock as I slide back and forth, groaning on how good it feels. How real it feels. This is the best vividly realistic dream I've ever had.

"Little mate, what are you doing?" He growls, nipping at my throat.

"And here I thought you were smart!" I quipped. Growling he takes my hips and flips us over, pinning my wrists to the bed, above my head.

"Oh, and what happened to wanting to wait until you were sure I wanted you for you and not just because the moon goddess chose you for me?" He challenged as he pressed into my center. Making me arch my back of the bed

"As your not fucking me yet, I guess that you do only want me for that reason?" I ask breathlessly

"Oh no little mate. I want you and not just because she made you for me. And I don't want you regretting our mating so I'm more than willing to wait if that proves it to you. I'm dying to slide so deep inside you, you'll be screaming for me. But I'm waiting for you to let me know when your ready for me to fuck you." He licks and sucks on his mark. Holy fuck! I'm now dying to get him inside me. I start angling my hips in such a way to get him lined up. But he pins my hips to the bed with his own

"Tsk tsk, little mate. You had your condition, I have mine. I won't mate you until you mark me as I have you. Once you've marked me it means that you're willing to fully mate with me. But do so wisely because once you mark me, Zander won't be able to restrain himself any longer. We will pin you down and fuck you so hard, that every time you move, you'll know exactly where iv been and who you belong to. You can't take it back, So only when your 100 percent sure your ready." He kisses up my neck and starts nibbling on my ear. All while grinding Into me

"Please, Kylie I'm ready right now. Just say the word and I'll mark him. Please! I've been dying to mark him. He's ours. I want him so bad!" Luna pleads and begs

I don't even think, he's driven me crazy and his words have now caused a puddle of arousal to gush out of me. If he doesn't fuck me soon I think I might just spontaneously combust. He keeps saving me and putting my needs before his. He's even given me a Condition that still leaves it up to me. They say your dreams manifest from your waking life. And I think this is my subconscious telling me I'm ready. And that he shouldn't have had to prove anything in the first place, because if he didn't want me for me he would have rejected me out right. So he's more than proved it. And I love him so it's the next logical- omg did I just say, I love him already? It just came out, but I do and I can't wait to tell him.

"Luna..." I'm giving permission
"Yes!!" She yips in excitement

As he's nibbling my ear he's left his throat vulnerable so giving Luna the go ahead she pushes forward enough to elongate my canines and I bite him. Marking him mine and hopefully he will now put me out of my misery and fuck me.

"Ahhh, fuck... You naughty, sneaky minx. You've done it now, no more waiting." Hes just about to line himself up and I think. Fuck I wish this was real right now. I want to wake up and make it a reality. Oh goddess! What if he can read my mind and I'm projecting my dream to him. The tip is right there but he's stopped moving. I lift my hips to meet his but he pulls back

"W-why have you stopped? You just said if I mar-" but he rudely cuts me off

"Little mate. Do you think you're dreaming?" He narrows his eyes at me.

"Well I don't remember waking up- why are you looking at me like that? You're totally killing my libido. I was very much looking forward to having you fuck me. And as this is my dream.... So fuck me!" I demand with a whiney voice

"For fuck sake" He mutters under his breath as he gets up, I try to stop him but he pins my hands till hes on his feet then let's go as he then backs away from me to the wall. I shift the the bottom of the bed in confusion then stand

"You marked me. I told you not too unless you were ready.... Zander is... really struggling right now. I need you to... get dressed and go see Parker." He says through gritted teeth looking away from me. I touch my neck where his mark is, as it all of a sudden starts to burn, that's weird, my dream shouldn't hurt right? His burnt amber eyes snap to me. And a deep rumble starts to rise from his chest, sending delicious waves of pleasure through me and I moan

"Don't fucking tease me mate! Your window of opportunity is closing. Keep this up and I won't hesitate to take you. No matter HOW Jesse feels about it.... Stop. touching. it!" Zander asserts. I'm totally confused and horney. This is my dream i-

"Kylie! He's telling you it isn't a dream"

"Yeah that's what I'd say too. I don't remember waking up so how is this not a dream? Plus you didn't tell me before marking him, I'm positive that's something the real Luna would do if I was in fact sleeping!" I snark at her. I see her in my mind's eye blush and look embarrassed

"LUNAA!" she needs to say something and fast

"Im sorry but i really want our mate. You keep putting it off. What else was I supposed to do? You want it just as bad, if not more so, than I do anyway. What's the problem?" She implored

"The problem!? The problem is LUNA, that I'd have mated him thinking it was a dream. You should have fucking said something. Me and you are gonna be having words, this is not on Luna. Fuck! What were you trying to accomplish"

"I just wanted to mate-" She starts, feeling chastised

"Then shift and fuck Zander! Don't take this away from me! I want to know if I'm mating him. So now I have to worry about you trying to force or take things from me too!"

"I didn't see it that way! I'm sor-"

I groan as pleasure and heat start filling my veins. I snap my eyes open to see he's now infront of me with his hands on my hips and his mouth on his mark

"Mate, don't be too hard on her. It's in our nature to want to mate straight away. Get dressed and go to P-.....Parker. I will restrain myself until you are truly ready." He says through gritted teeth, then his eyes go back to their beautiful brown.

"I mean it Luna we're having a talk later" i snap at her

"Ok! I-I'm sorry" She sobs

Jesse closes his eyes and steps back again pressing himself closer to the wall as I start moving. I don't go to the door though, I Walk straight over to him and run my hands up his chest. And lace my fingers together behind his neck. And kiss my mark making him start to breath heavy and moan.

"Little mate I warned yo-"

I steal his words by sealing my mouth to his. His hands come around me pulling me tight against him.

"That's enough!. Run along now" I see his eyes flickering again.

"And where might I be running along to?"
I ask

"I told you I can't-"

"Then don't! I'm ready, I'm just pissed she didn't tell me. How would you have felt if you'd mated me and then found out I thought it was a dream?" I coaxed as I nibbled my mark. I see his jaw clench but his arms tighten even more. It's almost crushing, but I like it.

"I was pissed the second I realised you'd marked me and though it was a dream so don't think i'd have handled that at all to be honest. I might have told Zander to never speak to me again if he'd have forced it and not given me control back- little mate you're driving me crazy. Please stop!" I shove my hand back down his sweats and start moving my hand up and down. His jaw clenching again when I say

"No. I'm totally aware I'm awake now and I told you I'm ready. I don't want to stop, I'm YOURS Jesse. Complete the mating and take me" I say breathlessly as my heart starts pounding in anticipation. I then bite into the other side of his neck, marking him again but fully aware of it this time and my way of saying I'm ready.

"Ummm. You have 5 seconds to stop and change your mind! 1.....2......3......4......!" With a growl he hoists me up and carries me to the bed. He lays me down and starts kissing my neck.

"Wh-what happened.. to 5?"

"I decided I couldn't wait another second, but if you've changed your mind-" I pull him back down when he goes to get up.

"That's what I thought, but no I haven't changed my mind Jesse. I-I think I'm in.... Ithinkiminlovewithyou." I express a little hesitantly, then just Blurt it out, biting my lip and peeking up at him through lashes to gauge his reaction. I find I'm scared and nervous of what he will say. How he will react. I needed to tell him, but he's just looking at me in astonishment.

"Say something! Don't just stare at me!'' I gulped. Fuck I should have waited, I can feel my cheeks heating up as one side of his mouth starts to lift into what I'm expecting to be a smirk. I close my eyes and cover my face with my hands trying to hide from my embarrassment. I feel so stupid.

He pries my hands away and I see he has a megawatt smile on his face.
"I love you too, little mate. Now where we're we" He mumbles as he starts kissing me then working his way back down to his mark which floods my body with endorphins and I whimper.

I reach between us and start tugging on his cock making him breath faster. I don't want to wait anymore, I want him inside me. So I lined him up and hook my feet round his waist and pulled him Into me. We both moan as he slides in deep. After a few thrusts, he then takes control and flips me over, pulling me onto my knees and pushing my chest to the bed, he enters me from behind with a groan.

"Fuck Kylie. You know I'm not letting you out of this bed until we get there!" He growls and taking hold of my hips he starts to pick up speed. The sounds of grunts and moans along with slapping and squelching where I'm so wet fill the room.

"Jesse. I need to... ahh umm"

"I know what you need love" He withdraws and flips me back over, hooking one of my knees over his elbow and slips back in. My arms go to his broad tattooed shoulders, digging my nails in as he leans into me and starts kissing me. He captures many moans before he kisses down my jaw to one of his marks and sucks on it then he rasps

"I'm going to make you scream now"

"Wha-aahhh fuck yes" i scream out as he bites into my neck much deeper than when he marked me. It stings for all of 2 seconds before my whole body vibrates with pleasure. The sparks are going haywire and just as he pulls his teeth away, without thinking my teeth elongate and I strike, biting into his neck making him roar his release, which is so powerful the windows start rattling, I think there about to shatter as I pull my teeth out. A part of me then clicks into place as the bond completes. He collapsed to the side of me and pulled me into his chest and I snuggle in. What just happened between us was perfect, I think I need a shower though. I almost feel complete, but there's still something missing. I wonder if that's normal, but I don't want to upset him by saying anything.

"That was....the best damn moment of my life. But i need to catch my breath"

"And I thought I wasn't allowed to leave this bed" I quipped, with raised eyebrows as I get up and saunter towards the bathroom shaking my hips for emphasis. He shoots up and comes after me, scooping me up in his arms making me giggle

"I said I needed to catch my breath. Not that I was done with you" He promised, taking my breath away with a kiss. We spent the rest of the train ride exploring every Inch of each other, and as he puts it, making sure I'm sore so that every time I move, I'll think of him and his dick. Men!

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