Back In Time (Connie x Reader)

By Gabby_Yellow

30.7K 970 7.6K

You decided to head home for summer break and stay with your grandmother only to fall for her childhood best... More



2.2K 79 701
By Gabby_Yellow

"Why...did you kiss me?"

"Did you not want me to?"

"I don't know...can we do it again? I liked it."


This time Connie initiated the kiss. You looped your arms  around his neck pulling him closer and his hands gripped onto your ass making your dress raise up. Connie's first kiss had turned into a full blown make out session between the two of you. Your knees practically buckled and you knew Connie had left hand marks on your ass. You backed up for a breath and Connie took the opportunity to place kisses down your neck. With the way this was going, both of you would lose control.


Connie backed off you and swerved his head to see who called you with so much confusion and pain in their voice. He turned his body back to you, however his hands still lingered on your body.

"Colt? What the hell?"

"Who's he?"

"This is Connie. Um... we're complicated."


"Yes. We're"

"So your done with me then?"

"You cheated on me."

"I didn't cheat y/n. I got drunk and-"

"Whatever Colt. How'd you even know I was here?"

"Your dad said you went to visit your grandmother. Plus you unblocked me so your location was on."

"So your stalking her?" Connie's hands moved off of your body and he took a hold of your hand. "I think you should get lost. She clearly doesn't want to talk to you."

"So you must be the rebound? She fuck you yet?"


"Please I was there too. That's what she does uses guys."

"Y/n would never." He squeezed your hand tightly as if he was afraid what he was hearing was true.

"No she would. Some guy she was talking hooked up with another girl so she ran to me. Then when the relationship between them didn't work, he flipped out when he found out she slept with me. She uses guys and then we have to deal with the drama afterwards. I suggest you get out while you can."

"I wasn't dating that guy Colt! He was just possessive. That was one time."

"Just come home. Running away down here for some fling was useless and immature." He moved to look at Connie and spoke to him Listen dude just forget about messing with her ok? We're basically together she's just using you."

"Using me..."

Connie let go of your hand and his arm fell down to his side.

"No Connie! I swear I'm not!"

"How did you'd develop feelings for me so fast though? This all kind of makes sense."


"What you's not genuine...there's no possible way... you've been gone for so long and we haven't spoken and then all of a sudden you like me?"

"Connie stop just listen to me I-"

"I'm going home."

"No! He's lying Connie I swear I would never use you."

"Don't touch me. You just ruined my first kiss."

"How? You just kissed me the second time!"

"That was before I knew you were using me to make yourself feel better."

"I'm not!"

"You are! It makes sense! I thought for a moment...that you actually did like me back...but then he shows up. He wouldn't have came down here if you didn't unblock him. Why'd you unblock him?"

"Because you were mad at me so I was going to talk to him!"

"Oh, so you gave up on trying to get in my pants and moved back to him them?"

"That's not it at all!"

"You never liked me. You've never once made me feel like you liked me. You've never let me know that you find me attractive, I'm always the one who has to put effort into spending time with you, and to be honest I'm just realizing it was always like that. I always called you pretty and made plans and worked my ass off to make you happy. But you've never even blinked in my direction."

"But I am now! Look! I'm literally trying! I'll get on my knees and beg if that's what it takes."

"Forget it. I'm going home."

You almost had him, but his self confidence was so low at this point it would take one word and he would run away from you again. He didn't feel like he was able to be loved by anyone, let alone you. So when Colt arrived spreading nonsense and lies it sparked Connie's fight or flight. And he chose the second option.

"You fucking happy Colt?"

"Yes, now come home. I really miss you."

"What happened to that girl? Didn't you have your dick down her throat?"

"I was drunk. I don't even remember her name. But I drove all the way down here for you. Because I love you."

"Colt...listen I can't...fuck. Just leave."

"No way. I'm not leaving you here. At least let me take you home."

"I have a ride."

"Come on. Just let me drive you."


"Baby come on."

"Don't call me that and I said no."


"I think I head her say no. So fuck off."

You turned around to the voice behind to find Jean standing at the doorway with his arms crossed.

"Y/n come on. I'll take you home."

Colt raised an eyebrow and looked between you and Jean in confusion.

"So now your fucking with him?"

"Jean and I are friends and you have no right to say anything to me about fucking anyone."

"So now what? Your just gonna leave."

"Yes. When I said we were done I meant done. I put all your shit in the hallway for a reason."

"So we're ending it? Just like this."

"Yea I am. Colt your a good person and I really do think you actually love me. But I'm not going to sit around and allow you to hurt me and then pull some lame ass excuse out of your ass. This visit made me realize that I have self worth and there's people out there that recognize that. Connie is one hundred times the man you'll ever be Colt. Because I know in my heart he would never cheat on me or anyone for that matter. Connie is a kind and compassionate person who constantly puts himself before everyone else. He always has. I know I know that I never returned all the kindness he gave to me. When I met Connie he was a scared little kid at the park...and I took advantage of that unintentionally all my childhood.  My biggest mistake wasn't dating you Colt. I'll always have love for you, my biggest mistake was not loving Connie enough."

"Fine. Go run through a field with him or something. But if you change your mind I won't be waiting."

"That's alright, I don't need you to."

Jean placed his jacket on your shoulders and led you out. Sasha was nowhere to be found she probably ran after Connie.

"Well Sasha took Connie home. I didn't feel comfortable leaving knowing you were arguing out there."


"No problem. I um. I can fix this for you."


"I recorded that whole speech you just gave...I'm going to show it to him. Make him realize he fucked up."

"Jean...god I really missed you."

"You can thank me later I already know how amazing I am. Let's just get you home."


Your fever was back in the morning but it wasn't too bad. So you'd decided to drive to see your grandmother and discuss the situation with the house.

"Grandma! You can't just get up and leave like that."

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to worry you. Besides, I figured you and Connie would need the house."


"Nothing dear. You look ill. You feeling alright?"

"I just had a long night."


"Nobody. I was out late with Sasha that's all."


"Anyways um. What do I have to sign?"

"Oh here."

She handed you the papers to the house and signed it, putting it in your name.

"Do you really like it here?"

"It's nice. Lots of people my age. I'm gonna kick the bucket soon so might as well enjoy the time I have left."

"Stop talking like that."

"It's the truth."

"Um I also have a question to ask you."

"What is it?"

"You said Connie helped you out right after I moved. Did he ever mention me."

"Well he would ask how you were doing, if you were still crying, when were you coming back, things like that. Of course I didn't really have an answer to most of his questions. He just seemed like he missed his friend."

"Right...and what about me liking him?"

"You liking him? Well he did say he liked you but nothing about you liking him. Almost seemed like he didn't believe that you could like him...why?"

"Because I'm in love with him, and he doesn't believe me one bit."

"Well you'll have to prove it to him somehow."

"How am I supposed to do that?"

"That's up to you. When you mother first discovered that she had feelings for your father I told her the exact same thing. You can't listen to other people and try to use their methods even though they're trying to help. You have to do what sits right in your heart. And that's exactly what she did, and about five years after that, I got to meet you."

"Well don't get any funny ideas. I'm not ready to give you a great grandchild."

"I can wait."

"Sure...uh hold on dad just texted me."


"That I need to come's an emergency-shit."


"Sorry. I gotta leave no no."

"Your going back to the city?"

"Yes. I'm sorry. I'll come back to visit. I promise."

"Ok... I'll tell Sasha and the others don't waste any time."

After your mother died your father remarried when you were a junior in high school. Around a year later your step mom had your step brother and  now she was pregnant again. Only this time she was having complications and your father needed help with your brother. However you didn't really know how to entertain a four year old boy and you didn't have the best relationship with your stepmom. But you had to go.

Once you got back home, you stuffed all your clothes and belongings into a suit case, turned off all the lights and threw your things into the trunk of your car. Sasha and Jean pulled up into your driveway and jumped out of the car.

"Your leaving?!"

"I have to I'm sorry."

"Nuh uh, not again. I just got you back."

"I'm sorry Sasha. I have to go now. My dads having a panic attack and he needs help."

"No you can't go! Connie's not here either!"

"Well maybe it's just not meant to be. I cant stay I have to go."

"No! He's coming!"

"Fuck my dads calling, guys I really have to go."

"Can I have a goodbye hug?"

"Of course, Jean you come here too."

You hugged the two of them goodbye and walked to your passenger door.

"Tell Connie I said goodbye, and um, that I'm sorry I ruined his first kiss."


"Yeah... it was nice...until Colt ruined it."

"No no no no this isn't happening. Not when everything is getting better. I've worked to hard."

"Sasha I'm sorry I have to go. I'll come back during winter break."

"That's months away!"

"I'll face time all of you every day."


"I promise. Goodbye."

You got in your car and drove away, not knowing when you would talk to the two of them next. But about three minutes after you left, Connie pulled up to Sasha and Jean.

"Don't tell me I missed her?"

"She left Connie. She fucking left you idiot!"

Jean placed a hand on Sasha's shoulder and shook her slightly. "Sasha! Don't yell at him."

"Not after I- I saw what she said..."

"Well now look! She's gone!"

"I'm going after her."


"You know her address right? Send it."

"Connie are you sure? That's like an eight hour drive and-"

"Yea,I'm sure. I'm not letting her go this time."

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