Opportunity (Oswald Cobblepot...

By Shan_k

6.9K 219 182

Now that Oswald is the new owner of the club, everything changes. Too bad the talent isn't showing on stage... More

Part 2!

Opportunity (Oswald x Reader)

4.1K 119 92
By Shan_k

This was not how he imagined having this club would feel like. He had less business then when Fish was running it. He had a new look, a new name. None of that was really working.

Oswald stood watching as another excuse of a comedian pulled off his bit in a terrible manner. The few people that were occupying the tables rolled their eyes at the horrible jokes, some leaving not being able to stand for one more. Irritation arose inside Oswald, thinking that if it were him he would've done the same thing.

These incompetent people. No talent at all. They're the reason why business is going down the toliet. I need to recruit some new and fresh attractions. Give this club life. As soon as we close I'll put an ad on the papers and hopefully this dreadful disaster called "entertainment" will end.

Within the week hopeless dreamers and drifters came through Oswald's club but did not suit his definition of entertainment. More painful jokes came by and no-talent musicians played what they called music. Oswald was at the end of his rope.


Opportunity had struck and you think this might be your chance. Being a college drop out had some disadvantages (many disadvantages) but being the optimistic person you were you felt that this was the path that was carved for you. An ad in the paper gave you the hope you needed.

Entertainers needed for club Oswald's. Will take any form.

This could be your shot at doing something that won't bore, irritate, or tire you out. You held the newspaper with a smile on your face thoughts, racing until a loud cough interrupted.

"Are you gonna pay for that?" the owner of the newspaper stand asked. You realized you were just standing there and got yourself together.

"Oh, of course. My bad." You scrambled to get your money out your small yet handy messenger bag and pay the pushy man. Putting the newspaper in your messenger, you walk back towards your apartment building to get ready for this job opening.

Excited, you rushed to change into something better. First impressions always last. You rush out of your apartment until you almost forgot something. "My god, what a scatter brain..." you said to yourself when you went to your bedroom and picked up your guitar and placed it within its black case. How am I gonna perform without you, you thought to yourself.

During the walk to the club, you try to calm yourself down that way you didn't come off too strong when you meet the employer. You tugged on your grey sweater and pulled down on your black beanie to cover your ears. The weather in Gotham is always gloomy but you noticed that it started to pick up on the cold. The wind started slapping your cheeks to a light pink color.

Entering the very welcomed warm air that's in the club, your leather black boots made an impression on the silent club towards the bar where a man in a red vest had his back to you, organizing the liquor for the night. "Excuse me," you said a bit timidly, "Um, I'm here for the ad in the paper. I was hoping that I could try out for the job opening..."

The man turned around a bit surprised at first but then went to a relaxed state. Must've thought I was apart of the mob or something. "Of course. Wait here, I'll go get Mr. Cobblepot." as he said that he left his area and rushed to the back where the office might have been. You stood there, hands clasped in front of you, your nerves trying to get the better of you. Trying not to think about it, you looked around realizing how elegant the place looked. Chandeliers, the dim lights, the stage, it felt like the highest people of society came here.

You then heard footsteps coming to your spot. You looked up and saw the bartender along with a man who had a very noticeable limp. He wore a fancy suit and his pitch black hair swept to the side in contrast of his pale white face. To be honest, you didn't think he was bad looking at all, although he had an irritated look on his face. He stopped in front of you, bartender in tow, and gave an innocent smile. "Hello, my name is Oswald Cobblepot," his hand rose. You took it and shook it. "I'm the one in charge here." he said in a proud tone. "You're here for the opening I presume?"

"Oh, uh, yes. My name is Y/N. I wanted to seize the opportunity when I saw it in the papers. I'm hoping that you might give me this chance."

"Of course! We are in the land of opportunity aren't we?" His arms rose along with his smile.

You chuckled at this and responded "Yes, yes it is." He walked leading you to the front of the stage. He sat down on one of the chairs that were near by. You stood at the side starring at him.

"So, what will you be performing for us today to ensure a spot in this club?"

"Well I was hoping to do the cliched talent, that you probably already seen a thousand times during your hunt." You took off the guitar case that was strapped securely on you. "Just play and sing for you is all."

Oswald gestured to the stage. "You have the floor my dear." Butterflies flew in your stomach. This rarely ever happens but this is a job interview, in a way. A high stool and a microphone were provided. On the way to the stool you were trying to think up a song to sing, Of course, perform for this guy but have no song in mind to sing. Nice way to rush into things Y/N. As soon as you sat down you already thought up a song to play. You just hoped that he would like this song, he looks like he would be into this type of music.

You took a breath, closed your eyes, and eased yourself to the situation you were in. You placed your fingers on the notes and began to strum.

I'm a mess
That's the best way to describe it
Having no time to myself is the only way I can fight it
When I'm alone it's like I'm staring into a mirror
Don't know the person inside it and that's never been any clearer

I miss your family and I miss all our friends
If you had it to do over would you do it over again,
Cause I would, this meant something more to me
There's a hole in my heart where you used to be

I still wish you the best of luck, baby
And don't go thinking this was a waste of time
I couldn't forget you if I tried

You killed what was left of the good in me
I'm tired so let me be broken
Look down at the mess that's in front of me
No other words need be spoken
And I've got nobody else to blame though I tried
Kept all of our past mistakes held inside
I'll live with regret for my whole life

I confess that I brought this all on myself
Condemned to suffer alone, like there's nobody else
When you're gone, it's like a whole part of me's missing
So I'll keep living the lie and just hope that you're listening

I tried to make us a life here
But our foundation was built on sand
No time to run until the damage was done
And I've never had the upper hand

I still wish you the best of luck, baby
And don't go thinking this was a waste of time
I couldn't forget you if I tried

You killed what was left of the good in me
I'm tired so let me be broken
Look down at the mess that's in front of me
No other words need be spoken
And I've got nobody else to blame though I tried
Kept all of our past mistakes held inside
I'll live with regret for my whole life

All the things you love are all the things I hate
How did we get here in the first place?

I play it cool but it's hard to be (All my trust)
Is slowly burning inside of me (Over what)
There can't be anymore progress, I know our fate
The only thing that can heal this is time and space

You killed what was left of the good in me
I'm tired so let me be broken
Look down at the mess that's in front of me
No other words need be spoken
And I've got nobody else to blame though I tried
Kept all of our past mistakes held inside
I'll live with regret for my whole life
For my whole life

Oswald couldn't believe what he was hearing. It's actual talent. This woman could fix all his problems, he felt. An astonished look was drawn on his face. He noticed this and shook his head slightly to get out of his thoughts. Oswald stood up abruptly and applauded Y/N. The bartender now realizing what was going on, clapped along with Oswald. "Bravo, amazing! This is the best audition I've heard so far this week. Incredible talent!"

You looked at him surprised, astonished at what he was saying. This is good, you thought. You walked down the stage with guitar in hand, only to meet face to face with Oswald. "Really?" you asked.

"Of course! You officially have this job." He said in a happy tone.

"Oh my god! Thank you! I needed this, Thank you!" A surge of happiness pulsed through your body.

"You're quite welcome my dear. When can you start?"

"Oh, uh, would tommorow night be fine?" you asked.

"Tommorow night would be fantastic. I'll see you then." he then walked away to his office. You then had some questions pop in your head and stopped him before he'd gone too far.

"Mr. Cobblepot, do I have to wear anything specific like a uniform or something?" you asked.

"Oh, no that's not necessary. Anything appropriate if you don't want to deal with grabby hands." Oswald said giving you a warning that you understood. "Oh! And just Oswald. I dont like to be too formal. I have a small orchestra that you can work with whenever and practice when needed." Oswald then turned away from you.


Because of working in Oswald's club for awhile he appointed you to be in charge of finding new acts to fill up the club which you've done well at. He felt that you brought more business here, like you where the star attraction. Oswald found himself being quite fond of you and how you treat him better then other people ever have but not from fear or the fact that he's your boss. You yourself have started to like Oswald as well. A gentleman and very respectful you appreciated the fact that he isn't like most men in Gotham.

It was another night and you had just finished a show leaving the stage to one of the many acts you had hired. As usual you stayed behind taking a seat at the bar ordering a soda since you didn't like the way alcohol tasted. Proudly watching the musician sing his song, you hadn't noticed a man walking up to you, drink in hand. Oswald had, knowing full well the bad intentions he had in mind. Watching intently from a distance, Oswald called over Butch to come to his side with instructions leaving his lips.

"You performed very well tonight." You faced the voice that was speaking to you, rolling your eyes, and turning away from another flirt.

"Thanks." you mumbled from your drink. He then took a seat next to you, irritated that he won't go away.

"Name's Zachary. You?" he sticks out his hand for you to shake. Being polite you shook his hand with him giving a slight squeeze.

"Y/N. Nice to meet you?" You didn't realize it came out as a question. It might have been nice to have met him but then again, when is it ever nice to meet a guy from Gotham? There's Oswald, you thought, far better then these animals.

"Might I add that you look very beautiful as well." Oh great, loaded compliments. Just what I need. All you wore tonight is a black floral dress with a tan comfy sweater over it. Nothing special.

"Gee, thanks." You faced the stage trying to signal that you wanted the conversation to end and for him to walk away, unfortunately he either didn't take the hint or he's just very persistent.

"Mind if I buy you a drink?"

"Uh, yeah, considering I already have one. In my hands." You gestured to your drink.

"Well, yeah. I mean after you're done with that."

"Yes I do mind then because I'll be leaving after this."

"Then I'll take you home. I wouldn't want a pretty lady walking home in the middle of the night. It's very dangerous to do so."

You stood up, getting your purse to pay for the drink, you fixed your dress and said "Thanks but I've managed before and I think I can again uh, Zachary."

Before you could even take a step, he stood up stopping you from taking the exit. "No I insist, I would be terribly worried all night if I didn't know if you made it home or not. Please, let me walk you."

"Like I said, I can manage." You try walking around him he blocked you once again.

"Then let me get your number that way I can call and see if you're alright."

"How about you let me leave and you go annoy someone else."

"What's the matter? I'm just trying help." His hand found it's way to your upper arm, giving you a smile that tries to say 'I'm telling the truth'.

"Honestly, I don't want your help, all I want you to do is to leave me alone and let me go home." You've had enough of this guy pestering you with phony excuses just so he get into your pants, well, under your dress.

"No need to flare up. It's just you're such a pretty girl and I just wanted to talk and get to know you is all." His hand then went under your chin making you look up at him. Ugh, can he not.

"Excuse me sir, I couldn't help but overhear but I suggest you listen to the pretty girl and leave her alone." Thank God, it's Oswald. You stepped away from the creep, happy that someone came by, and faced Oswald. Zachary grabbed a hold of your elbow, tugging you to him.

Zachary looked at Oswald up and down. "Yeah, why don't you back off waddles. Me and her were just talking." Oswalds mouth formed a straight line, his eyebrows slightly furrowed.

"Butch." Was all that was said from Oswald.

"Yeah boss." Butch was right beside Oswald, knowing exactly what he was to do next. Oswalds eyes never left Zachary but a small smirk formed on Oswalds lips knowing the full beating the fool was about to endure soon.

"Can you please escort this fine gentleman out to the back. I think he's had one too many to drink tonight." Knowledge of this man's pain that was about to ensue right in the back of the club brought a large smile to his face.

"Of course." Butch walked over to Zachary, pulling on his collar, leading him to the back door. While no one was looking, Butch brought the baseball bat that was leaning right next to the door, without Zachary noticing.

"Thanks for that Oswald." You walked up to Oswald, grateful for what he had done, a smile slithering it's way to your face.

"It's my pleasure. I couldn't stand to witness someone harassing one of my employees, especially you." A slight pink blush sprinkled on Oswalds cheeks. How sweet of him to say!

"Well thank you. Now I know that I'm safe here at work with you around." There was a moment of silence, both of youjust smiling. "Um, before I go, I was wondering if you like to join me for lunch tomorrow or something."

"Oh, uh, yes. That would be an excellent change to my usual lunch routine." How adorable he's blushing. You smiled noticing this.

"You have my number so call me anytime." you went to Oswald, placing a kiss on his cheek. He tensed up at this wondering if this was some sort of dream. A girl was actually kissing him, that wasn't his mother. It felt great even if it wasn't on his lips. Your lip gloss slightly stained his cheek which he didn't mind at all. "Thank you again." You walked away, waving to Oswald. He stood there with a smile on his face, he turned around and walked with more confidence to his office. Won't tommorow be a great day.

A/N: Oh my god i finally finished it. YYYUUUSSS! the song is "you be tails, I'll be sonic" by A Day To Remember but the video is an acoustic cover which i really love.

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