By davinasgirlfriend

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(EDITING) 𝐈𝐍 𝐖𝐇𝐈𝐂𝐇 Kol Mikaelson finds out his soulmate is dating Damon Salvatore alternative universe... More

𝐈𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐝𝐮𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 ✓
𝐀𝐜𝐭 𝐎𝐧𝐞 ✓
𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐮𝐞 ✓
𝐀𝐜𝐭 𝐓𝐰𝐨
𝐀𝐜𝐭 𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞
𝐀𝐜𝐭 𝐅𝐨𝐮𝐫
𝐄𝐥𝐢𝐳𝐚𝐛𝐞𝐭𝐡 𝐒𝐡𝐞𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐝
𝗧𝗵𝗮𝗻𝗸 𝗬𝗼𝘂


577 7 36
By davinasgirlfriend



ITS BEEN A FEW MONTHS since Kol passed due Finn's hex. Alot has changed, new enemies, friends and goodbyes.

Davina and Hope had left town together, wanting a peaceful life without supernatural enemies. They promised they would visit occasionally and they did.

Freya had been a good witch, she only helped Finn because she thought it was the right thing. She was now on our side.

Elizabeth has been focusing on getting back Kol with Rebekah, who was determined. Elizabeth wanted to move back with them, but Klaus had suggested to stay with Marcel due the new dangers in New Orleans.

Elizabeth had been okay again, she wasn't out to want to kill Klaus. Sure she would love to dagger him when he was being his annoying self, but she wouldn't not ever.

Freya is pacing around the study while Elijah, looking tense, is standing and watching her. She turns and gives him an incredulous look.

"You daggered Rebekah? And you're just telling me now?"

"She sacrificed herself in order to protect us. And, to protect her, I've told Niklaus and Liz this already, and I'm telling you. No one would have known Rebekah's whereabouts if Aurora had taken my life."

"The prophecy says you three will be felled by friend, family, and foe. Rebekah was fallen by family. That leaves friend and foe. You and Klaus have a lot of foes."

"Just one or two."

"Thankfully, not many friends. Except for Liz, i don't understand how a powerful witch like her wastes time on this family."

"She loves Kol, she wants him back and we're here. We've known that girl for years, she is family." Elijah says to Freya defending Elizabeth her loyalties.

Just then, Klaus walks into the room with Stefan in tow. "Freya, this is Stefan Salvatore, an old friend."

Elijah hilariously rolls his eyes at the sight of Stefan, and Freya gives Klaus a hard look.

Klaus sighs before he confesses to his sister. "One of my trickle-down sirelings. Long story." Klaus turns to Stefan.

"Stefan, this is Freya, my brand-new older sister. Also a long story."

Stefan nods and smiles weakly in acknowledgement, and Klaus turns back to Freya to address her as he pats Stefan affectionately on the back.

"Stefan needs a favor." Freya looks at Stefan suspiciously.

"You're an old "friend," are you?"

Stefan is stood awkwardly. "Well... That kind of depends on your definition. I'm friends with an friend of his." Stefan says referring to Elizabeth.

Stefan smiles nervously, but Freya continues to scowl at him.

Elizabeth is consulting her notes on the de-linking spell that are still hanging in the pool room when she hears footsteps approaching and sighs, visibly stressed out. It's Marcel, who looks concerned as well.

"You got everything you need to break the sire link?"

"Almost. Aya's getting the rest. I should be ready by sunrise. It'll be fine, I promise. You may feel some warmth when the spell begins, but it'll pass when the link's broken."

Marcel still appears to be terrified, and Elizabeth gives him a pointed look. "I know that face."

"Crazy spell. Substitute hearts. Creepy witches helping you out. What if the warmth is the last thing I feel?"

"I'll be careful."

"I get that. And I am game. But, we are on a tight rope with the Mikaelsons. I mean, that's not just anybody's heart. Jackson was a friend to them, and he was to us."

Elizabeth sighs. "I know, Marcel. And it's a long shot. But, if I don't save you, then I can't save Josh, and I can't save Kol. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if something happened to you guys."

Freya and Stefan are in the upstairs living room, where Freya is unbuttoning Stefan's shirt to examine his X-shaped wound from Rayna's sword. After an awkward silence, Stefan speaks up.

"So, um, just full disclosure... I dated your sister once." Freya chuckles and rolls her eyes.

"Oh. While that seems like a great story, let's get back to your wound. A mystical vampire huntress stabbed you with her magic sword. Klaus killed her..." Freya speaks while Stefan nods.

"...But, surprise, surprise—" Stefan finishes Freya's sentence as she mixes ingredients together in a small bowl.

"—She regenerates." Freya sighs dramatically as she walks back over to him.

"And won't rest until you're dead."

"Right. So, no matter how far I run, this wound acts as a beacon, drawing her to me. So, I guess you could say it's been a bit of a rough week."

Stefan chuckles nervously as Freya begins to rub an herbal paste over the still-bleeding X-shaped cut with an equally nervous smile.

"Well, I can't cure the wound, but this paste will mask its signal. Just let that dry, and you'll be on your merry way." Stefan frowns in confusion.

"You know, not that I was expecting a, uh, parade or anything, but why is everyone so eager for me to go?"

In the hallway, Klaus and Elijah are talking as they walk down the staircase to the entrance call of the compound.

"Stefan Salvatore is not the problem. But, if you are so determined to find foe amongst friends, then look no further than Marcel. After all, did he not steal Jackson's heart and deliver it to the very people bent on harming us?"

Elijah looks impatient. "Marcel is the least of our troubles. Our troubles are that he has compelled Elizabeth for his own good."

Upstairs, Freya is continuing the story with Stefan as she fills him in on what is going on. "What's troubling the Mikaelsons? Oh, let's see. There's Elijah's super-secret society of ancient vampires..."

Klaus and Elijah continue their argument in the courtyard.

"The Strix would still be clamoring over Hayley's heart if it weren't for Marcel."

Freya and Stefan continue their conversation in the living room.

"One of their more zealous members, an old flame of Elijah's, is trying to undo my mother's most powerful spell..."

Klaus and Elijah continue their conversation in the courtyard

"And now Aya and her mob are free to break the sireline. While Marcel has compelled Liz to help. You know, we've had many glorious enemies over the years, brother, but if they sever their link to us, then they will all come for our heads."

"We will get Elizabeth alone, and help her. They can't do anything not without the white oak."

"Aurora has the last of it."

"Then she dies first!"

"You once told me you wanted to use her head as a footstool. Why wait?"

Suddenly, Elijah's phone rings, and he answers it when he sees that it's Hayley calling from the Bayou.


"Yes. I see." Elijah hangs up and turns to Klaus with a smile.

"The Crescent wolves... They found Aurora."

Elijah and Klaus' unconscious bodies are floating in the pool in the pool room while the Sisters prepare to cast the sireline de-linking spell. Next to the pool, Elizabeth is kneeling and siphoning what looks like blood into a bottle.

Like Elijah and Klaus guessed, Elizabeth looks under control of compulsion. Meaning their guess was right and Marcel compelled her.

Klaus and Elijah are walking around the room to figure out what is representing them. Klaus walks by a large statue with the nose chiseled off before walking toward several paintings in gilded frames.

Across the room, a large stand full of katanas draws Klaus' attention, and he walks toward it, only for Aurora to vamp-speed over to him, grab a katana, and hold it to his neck.

Klaus smiles mischievous. "Oh, dear. Perhaps I've gotten too close to that which represents me in here?"

Aurora chuckles. "Oh, you mean the swords? Hardly, darling. Though, between a sub-par piece of art and a broken relic, I supposed you'd have to choose the swords, wouldn't you? If only out of denial."

Klaus vamp-speeds toward her, grabs her by the arm, and spins her so he's now got her in a choke-hold with one arm while he holds the katana blade to her throat with the other.

"Maybe we can't hurt each other in here, but when I'm free, I'm going to cut you in half." Aurora pauses before responding to his threat.

"How's Cami?" Klaus reluctantly lets go of her, and Aurora chuckles.

"Who says we can't hurt each other in here?"

Meanwhile, Elijah is at the other end of the room near where Tristan is sitting at the table with the chess game set up. He eventually sits down across from him.

"Let me guess. I'm the chessboard."

"Not exactly, but this room was designed by someone who knew you. Intimately. So, you should ask yourself. How does Aya see you? You realize that I'm here because my people love me. You're here because those same people loathe you. You've driven them to this."

"It's a prison of your own making. Shackled to your miserable existence from the moment I sired you."

"Precisely! We are your children. We came to you. We begged you to lock yourselves away until the prophecy was passed to, for once, bear the burden of being our creators."

"Would you mind terribly if you spared me the deadbeat-dad lecture?"

"You know, I'm almost grateful for those hundred-odd years I spent compelled to be you. It taught me so much... But nothing more important than how to not be you. Where you betray, I remain loyal. Where you abandon, I remain. And, should you find a knight or two in shining armor still foolish enough to fight for you... They will die right alongside you."

Elijah scowls at him, and the two continue to play their game of chess.

Hayley has brought Lucien back to the compound, where he is frantically gulping down several blood bags to replenish himself in the courtyard while Marcel and Hayley argue about what has happened to Klaus and Marcel in front of him.

"I had no idea that Aya was gonna take Klaus and Elijah down! And regardless, why the hell are we trusting this guy all of a sudden, huh? He's the one who ran off with Aurora the first chance he got."

Lucien speaks although he is weak and it is very obvious. "You can hardly fault a man for following his heart. Yet, the moment she started raving about firing white oak into Klaus, well... Words were said, hearts broken, veins drained."

Hayley turns back to Marcel. "You're one to talk about trust, who was it that handed my dead husband's heart to the people that helped murder him? And didn't u use compulsion on Liz to force her to help you?"

Marcel looks frustrated. "I bought your life with that heart. As of E, i had no other choice. But hey, you know what? You called me here, so if you have another plan? Please, let's hear it."

Hayley sighs in frustration, realizing she can't stop Marcel who compelled Elizabeth. "It's simple. We storm the coven house, stop the Strix from completing the de-siring spell. Period."

"Okay. Well, that's easy for you to say. You're not sired by anybody, are you?"

Lucien joins the conversation. "It's not just about de-siring... We've got to stop an execution."

Marcel makes a face and walks over to him with a skeptical look. "What are you talking about?"

"A lovesick teenage witch with a runner-up heart is somehow going to break the sire link? I'm sorry, but your darling Elizabeth is in over her head, and Aya knows this. She will let her de-sire both brothers, then test the spell's success by firing a white oak bullet into Klaus' heart. I mean, it's win-win for her if you live, Marcel, we'll, she's won. If not, at least she's eliminated the rival sireline, including me."

Hayley nods realizing. "His prophecy witch said she saw Klaus die and his entire sireline burn."

Marcel looks extremely worried as Lucien quotes Alexis' words from a while back.

"She watched us fall, she watched us burn, every soul Klaus ever turned. When Aya tests this spell, Klaus will fall either way. And, if Elizabeth fails, as she likely will, the two of us will die as well."

Just then, Stefan walks down the stairs and into the courtyard. "Actually... make that the three of us."

Hayley turns and looks shocked at the sight of Stefan Salvatore in the courtyard of her home.

In the courtyard, Stefan is looking at a blueprint of the Davilla Estate while Lucien stands over his shoulder.

"Could use one of these access tunnels to slip into a back room." Stefan says pointing at the access tunnels.

Lucien frowns. "Hmm."

Stefan gives him a look and a sarcastic remark. "What? Worried about getting a little dirt on your thousand-dollar shoes?"

"Actually, I'll be doing most of the heavy lifting, since the vampires we're facing are, what? Seven times your age?"

Lucien turns to Marcel, who is sitting on the staircase and has just hung up his phone, looking frustrated and unhappy.

"Is this really the best help we can get?"

Marcel sighs and nods. "Doesn't matter. We're not getting their bodies back. Strix from all over the world are flying in to make sure this spell goes off. They're guarding every entrance and exit."

Lucien makes a face. "Well, you're their leader. Call a meeting. Schedule a retreat. Order them to stop." Marcel shakes his head vigorously in protest.

"Nah, nah, nah, nah. I do that, Aya has no problem staging a coup."

Lucien sighs. "Marvelous. I guess it's on me to come up with our grand plan, then."

Just then, Hayley and Freya walk in to join them.

"No need, Lucien. Freya figured out a way to get the boys out of the chambre. She just needs a strong enough power source."

Freya nods at Hayley's words before explaining. "I'd channel Finn, but he's all for letting our brothers perish. So, I'll channel Lucien. The older the vampire, the better the battery."

Hayley adds with Freya her sentence helping. "We're going to buy her some time, keep the Strix occupied."

Lucien scoffs and turns to Marcel. "Wait, so you want me here holding hands with the leftover sister while you take the toddlers and tackle the Strix? You must be jok—"

Freya smirks and flicks her wrist, telekinetically snapping Lucien's neck and watching in amusement as he falls back against the couch. Stefan turns to Freya and gives her a hilariously impressed look.

"Huh, that was impressive."

Freya smiles. "Well, I work better with quiet."

"Wait, so the plan is that the three of us are gonna keep one hundred of the world's most ancient vampires occupied?" Marcel asks dumbfounded.

"Well, there could be another way..." Marcel gives Stefan a curious look.

"All you have to do is get us to the front door."

Marcel is driving a black car down the road to the Davilla Estate. In the trunk are Stefan and Hayley, the latter of whom is looking at her phone to keep track of where they are.

"Are we close?"

Hayley nods at Stefan's question. "A few more minutes." Hayley swipes left to exit the GPS map and ends up on her home screen, where Stefan sees the picture of Rosie as Hayley's cell phone wallpaper and smiles.

"That's a cute kid."

"Yeah. She is."

"Is she the reason you're here?"

"In a trunk with a stranger, going into a fight we may not win? She's not the only reason, but yeah. Maybe I just don't want her to grow up without a father."

"Hmm. Guess that depends on the father. I could have done without mine. If it weren't for my brother, I probably wouldn't have survived the guy."

"So, he stood up for you, and now you're risking your life for him?"

"Yeah, something like that."

"You know, I never understood the brotherly bond until I met Klaus and Elijah. They hurt each other more than anyone, but... They're vicious when it comes to each other."

"And the ones they care about?" Hayley smiles and looks back at him.

"So, who's on your homepage, huh?"

Stefan chuckles quietly and pulls out his phone to show her his wallpaper, which is a photo of Caroline smiling brightly.

"Ahh, Caroline. Klaus had a thing for her."

Stefan laughs. "Yup."

"And I'm pretty sure that I snapped her neck once." Stefan looks amused as he takes his phone and puts it back in his pocket.

"Yeah, well... She's toughened up since. I don't think you'd win round two."

"And she's also in Klaus' sireline. Is she the reason why you're here?"

Stefan smiles. "In a trunk with a stranger, going into a fight we may not win? I guess we both have our reasons."

Just then, the car slows down as Marcel pulls up to the front gate. Stefan looks as though he's about to say something, but Hayley shushes him and puts a finger to his lips.


The Strix vampires at the gate approach the car, and when Marcel rolls down the window and gives them a look, one of the vampires gestures toward the other one to open the gate and allow him to go through.

Tristan is playing a somber tune on the violin while Aurora circles around him and watches him affectionately.

Meanwhile, Elijah is in a chair, looking bored and frustrated as he pinches the bridge of his nose, and Klaus is continuing to scowl at their captors. When Tristan stops playing, Aurora turns her focus to the Mikaelson brothers.

"Why, holy heavens. Look at you two. How could a woman really love either of you?" Aurora turns to address Klaus.

"Even if she can stomach all your treachery, she's left to face your brother."

Klaus sighs. "And here we go again, with the same tune you've been singing since you came to town "How Elijah Ruined Our Love.""

"I speak of both of you. Did you not rip Aya from Elijah when you forced him to abandon his loyal Strix? Just as he tore you from me? All in the name of "Always and Forever." A ridiculous concept that ensures both of you spend your immortality alone."

Klaus makes a face as he stands and turns to walk away from her, which only makes her more smug.

"Oh. It appears I struck a nerve."

Elijah interrupts their bickering, seeing Klaus lose his temper. "Tell me something, Aurora, have you met your brother Tristan?"

Elijah points at Tristan, and Aurora cocks her head to the side in confusion.

"Between deception and rampant abuse, he frequently, repeatedly, isolates and abandons you."

Klaus, curious as to where Elijah is going with this, turns to watch him continue as Elijah walks toward the de Martels until they're face-to-face.

"Of course... he's painfully aware of something that we've known all along you are a deranged and ridiculous child who cannot be left unsupervised. Do you know... I think the greatest mercy I ever paid my brother was to compel you to leave him."

Tristan glares at Elijah coldly, and Aurora looks as though she's about to cry, but Klaus simply smirks proudly at his brother as Elijah turns to face him, his arms spread wide.

"Et vóilà! Ten centuries later..."

Elijah turns back to sneer at Tristan and Aurora, the latter of whom can't even look Elijah in the eyes.

"He came to that conclusion all by himself." Elijah seems satisfied by how upset the de Martels are and smirks.

"Well, look at that. So, it appears I've struck a nerve."

Marcel has just entered the pool room, where Aya is overseeing as Elizabeth and the other Sisters prepare for the spell. Klaus and Elijah's unconscious bodies are still floating in the pool, and the witches sprinkle various herbs into the water around them.

Marcel looks nervous, and feels immediate guilt seeing Elizabeth dazed off. Obvious that she's been compelled. "Any problems?"

Aya doesn't immediately take her eyes off of the pool when she speaks to him.

"No. We're nearly there. After today, one man's recklessness will no longer weigh on the shoulders of his sires. Thousands of vampires across the world will be freed from the tyranny of the Originals." Aya says as she finally turns to face him, and Marcel conceals his nervousness as best he can.

"I'm really glad you're here, Marcel."

She touches his chest with her fingers. "Stay close by when it happens."

Marcel smiles fakely. "Mmm. Oh, I'm not going anywhere."

Aya walks away, and as soon as she's gone, Marcel's smile falls, and he rushes over to Elizabeth to confront her about what he's just learned.

She's still kneeling at the edge of the pool with her Sisters' coven cloak around her shoulders, pouring a clear red fluid into the water around Klaus and Elijah.

"Did you know?"

"Know what?"

"She's going to kill them. Klaus first. Then, if the sireline is proven broken, Elijah won't last much longer."

Elizabeth does seem surprised by this information and shakes her head, the compulsion still hitting her.

"I didn't know. But... does that really change anything?"

Marcel looks horrified for a split second, until he recalls the compulsion. "If it fails and Aya puts Aurora's bullet into Klaus' heart, I die. Josh dies."

Elizabeth frowns. "You don't think I can do it."

Marcel sighs. "It's too risky. And either way, Klaus is gone. Your boyfriend Kol's brother. My sire."

"I get it. Klaus saved you like you saved me when i was alone. You think you owe him, but you don't. He's taken far more than he's given from you, from me, from Kol. He's had his turn. One year ago, you asked me to find a way to break the sire link because you wanted to kill Klaus. I swore to you that I would find a way to do it. Now, I have. You trusted me then."

"Circumstances have changed, all right? Things are different now, E—"

Elizabeth interrupts him. "No! We've always protected each other. When you had me shunned, I was furious. But now... I get it. You'll always protect me, no matter what. Even if I hate you for it."

Tears start to fill Elizabeth's eyes, but Marcel still looks worried.

"You deserve to be free of Klaus. We all do. But I can't do this if you don't trust me. I'm scared, Marcel. And you're the only family that I have. So, are we in this together? Because if so, I can do it."

Elizabeth sniffles and pulls herself together as she stands to her feet.

"No doubts, no hesitation... I can do it."

Marcel sighs and looks away for a moment before reluctantly standing to his feet and squeezing her shoulder affectionately. Elizabeth smiles at him, comforted by this reaction.

Outside of the Strix headquarters, several Strix vampire guards are pacing around outside the front gate. Stefan and Hayley are still in the trunk of Marcel's car, where Hayley has just checked her phone.

Hayley sighs. "It's time."

Stefan is anxiously scratching at the healing wound from Rayna's sword on his shoulder when he replies.

"Hey, listen. I... know we don't really know each other, but my life is... sort of in your hands. So let's make this count."

Hayley gives him a worried look, and Stefan starts to scratch the paste Freya put over his wound off.

Just as planned, Rayna, who is stomping through the woods of the Bayou, pauses when she suddenly feels Stefan's magical signal and is drawn to the Davilla Estate.

Meanwhile, inside the pool room, Elizabeth is consulting her de-linking spell notes while Marcel watches and chews his fingernails anxiously.

"I'm ready."

Marcel nervously looks at his watch, and his smile nearly betrays the plan he has arranged with the others.

"Are you sure? Take your time." Just then, Aya walks into the room with a crowd of Strix vampires.

"If the girl is ready, she's ready."

Aya puts the heel of her platform boot on the edge of the pool and kneels forward to get a good look at Klaus and Elijah, who are still floating unconsciously in the pool. Elizabeth raises her hood and puts it over her hair in preparation.

"All of us have waited long enough for this."

Elizabeth takes Jackson's heart out of the box it was buried in and surreptitiously grabs a glass bottle adorned with gold, which Aya and the others are too distracted to notice.

"The unsired heart will bind the Sisters' magic to these waters."

Elizabeth walks over to the edge of the pool and holds the heart aloft over the water.

"Once the pool's fully charged with the Mikaelson blood, I can break the sire link." Elizabeth drops the heart into the pool with a large splash.

[Freya has finally just appeared inside the Chambre, where Klaus and Elijah seem to be in a verbal standoff with Tristan and Aurora. Freya wastes no time rushing toward them and giving them her instructions.

"Quickly. Find me what represents you in here."

Klaus smirks at the sight of her, but before any of them can react further, Klaus' throat suddenly splits open as though someone has slit it with a blade, causing Klaus to gasp and choke up blood.

In the Davilla Estate's pool room, Elizabeth has just slit Klaus' throat with an athame as she chants the incantation to the de-linking spell.

Elizabeth is chanting. "Nemo unus animabus carnem..."

Back in the Chambre, Elijah begins to panic when he sees Klaus' condition.


Klaus stumbles to the ground in the just as Elizabeth lets his body fall back into the pool at the Davilla Estate.


Just then, Elijah's throat is slit as well inside the Chambre while Elizabeth slits Elijah's throat in the real-world's.

Elizabeth continues her chanting not wanting to, but the compulsion is too strong. "Nemo unus animabus carnem..."

Just as Elizabeth drops Elijah's body back into the water, Aya leans forward toward him, almost as if she is giving him a mocking kiss goodbye. At the back of the room, Marcel looks agitated and seriously anxious about what is going on.

Elizabeth and the sisters start chanting together. "Nemo unus animabus carnem..."

Back in the Chambre, Klaus and Elijah are both gripping their throats and trying to staunch the bleeding as they gasp and choke on blood, and Freya looks absolutely horrified.

"Oh God. It's starting."

Klaus and Elijah's physical bodies are once again floating in the pool, where the blood from their slit throats fills it up and causes the water to turn dark red.

There are still a half-dozen Strix guards pacing outside the front gates of the Davilla estate as Rayna runs through the woods in pursuit of Stefan, now that she can finally track him.

She runs toward the estate, her Phoenix Sword at the ready, and when the guards hear her approaching them, they look at her uneasily.

Meanwhile, the de-linking spell is still underway inside, led by Elizabeth as Klaus and Elijah continue to bleed out in the pool.

"Newo unus animabus carnem et sanguinem de ista duo. Sanguinatum venetus barkael meh. Nemo unus animabus carnem et sanguinem de ista duo. Sanguinatum venetus barkael meh."

Just then, one of the Strix vampires comes in to speak to Aya.

"Aya. We may have a problem."

Aya seems torn, but reluctantly leaves with the man, leaving Marcel and several other Strix vampires to supervise the spell that Elizabeth, Cynthia, and the other Sisters are casting the sireline unlinking spell.

In the Chambre, Freya is kneeling on the floor in front of Elijah and Klaus, who are on their hands and knees and gasping as they try to staunch the blood flow from their slit throats. Behind them is Tristan and Aurora, who are watching silently.

"I need you to focus. Show me what represents you so I can break you out."

Aurora starts to walk toward Freya to stop her as Klaus manages to growl under his breath.

"The kings..."

Elijah follows and grunts. "The knights..."

Freya stands to her feet and rushes over to the chessboard, and Tristan smirks smugly, indicating that their guesses about their representations are wrong.

Back at the estate, Aya is walking into a parlor with at least a dozen of the Strix guards, looking impatient and annoyed by this inconvenience.

"If you've lost contact, send men to the front gate to check the—"

Suddenly, Aya senses something and stops, holding a fist up in the air to signal her men and women to do the same. After a moment, she gestures to three of the men to go into the next room to investigate.

When they do, it takes only seconds for stabbing noises and grunts of pain to be heard by the rest of the group.

Finally, a blood-soaked Rayna steps out and smirks at the sight of the terrified vampires in front of her, though Aya does nothing but scowl at her.

"Well, if it isn't Rayna Cruz!"

Aya and the other vampires vamp-out and lunge for the Huntress at vampire speed. Meanwhile, in the hallway, Hayley peeks around the door to make sure they're all fully occupied before she continues on toward the pool room.

In the Chambre, Freya has just made it to the chessboard, where she picks up two pieces, a black king and a white knight before desperately turning back to her brothers.

"Which is it? The kings or the knights? We need to decide now."

Hayley has just hesitantly walked into the pool room, where Elizabeth, Cynthia, and the other Sisters' are still performing the spell.

"Newo unus animabus carnem et sanguinem de ista duo. Sanguinatum venetus barkael meh. Nemo unus animabus carnem et sanguinem de ista duo. Sanguinatum venetus barkael meh."

Hayley looks horrified when she sees Klaus and Elijah floating in the pool filled with their blood and Elizabeth who looks clearly like she's being forced, but the witches all have their eyes closed and don't immediately notice her.

When one of the Strix vampires see her, Hayley vamp-speeds toward him and snaps his neck without a moment's hesitation. Unfortunately, his grunts of pain and the sound of him falling to the floor catches the other's attention.

Marcel, looking panicked, vamp-speeds over and snaps the neck of another Strix guard, and Elizabeth looks at him with a look that says she's feeling extremely betrayed.

"Marcel!" Marcel points at her and gives her an apologetic look.

"I'm sorry, E." Marcel turns and points to Hayley.

"We need to get them out of that water now."

Hayley nods in agreement, but Elizabeth looks furious as she thrusts her hand toward them, just as the Sisters all do the same.

Marcel now notice how suddenly Elizabeth her eyes were black, Hayley notices too. Which only means one thing, this isn't compulsion somebody is controlling Elizabeth.


Marcel and Hayley are both thrown backward toward the far wall, incapacitating them long enough to return to the spell.

In the Chambre, Aurora is giggling in amusement as she watches Freya try to figure out which chess pieces to destroy.

"How perfect! Even in this crucial hour, your ignorance blinds you."

Aurora kneels in front of the brothers and stares an angry Klaus in the eyes.

"Even if you never learn from your sins, at least you will die because of them... and I get to watch."

Suddenly, Klaus gets an idea and weakly calls out to Freya. "Take the queens. The women we betrayed represent us."

Freya spins and grabs one of the queens from the chessboard.

"Aurora... Aya."

Freya clutches the black queen tightly and begins to destroy them with her magic.

Freya begins chanting. "Onlucan et permette mon ostium!"

Suddenly, Elijah awakens in the pool at the estate, though the Sisters don't seem to notice immediately.

Elizabeth and the sisters start chanting again. "Newo unus animabus carnem et sanguinem—"

Before they can continue, Elijah vamp-speeds to his feet in the pool and grabs Cynthia by the front of her cloak, pulling her into the water and both drowning her and feeding on her at the same time.

Marcel and Hayley have just finished recovering from being thrown into the wall, and while Elizabeth and the remaining Sisters are trying their best to complete the spell, it's obvious that they're terrified and unsure of what to do.

They don't wanna hurt Elizabeth, but somebody is controlling her they need that person away. Once Cynthia is dead, Elijah leaps out of the water and snaps the neck of one of the other Sisters while Hayley does the same to another. Marcel leaps to his feet and pleads with Elizabeth.

"E, this isn't you. Stop!"

Elizabeth stands to her feet and rushes away, though she still continues chanting the spell.

In the Chambre, Freya has just grabbed the white queen from the chessboard and begins to cast the same spell to destroy it.

Freya chants. "Onlucan et permettre mon ostium!"

In the estate, Elizabeth has just thrust her hand toward Klaus as she continues the sireline unlinking spell.

"Nemo unus animabus carnem!"

Freya is almost done destroying the queen. "Onlucan et permettre mon ostium!"

Suddenly, Klaus awakens in the pool in the estate while Elizabeth continues the spell.

"Nemo unus animabus carnem!"

At the same time, Freya awakens at the Mikaelson compound, where she finds Lucien unconscious and still bound in his chair. She rushes over to him to check on him.

Klaus leaps out of the water at vampire speed at the estate, but the force of Elizabeth's spell causes him to remain frozen in the air as she growls at him.

"You've had your time!"

The lights explode into a shower of sparks, and she pushes her arms down, causing Klaus to land with a large splash into the pool.

Freya is in the middle of unbinding Lucien at the compound when suddenly, the skin on his hands start to turn bright red as though he's burning, and it makes his way up his arms, causing Freya to gape in horror.

"No... she's breaking the link!"

Elizabeth continues the spell as Klaus screams in pain in the water of the pool. "Nemo unus animabus carnem! Nemo unus animabus carnem!"

As she chants, both Marcel and Stefan's skin starts to turn red as well as Elizabeth slowly breaks the sireline link.

It travels up to their neck as they all scream in agony until finally, Elizabeth waves her arms in two concentric circles, which causes the water in the pool to shoot up in what looks like a half-dozen geysers.

The force of completing the spell causes her to pass out and collapse onto the floor, and Klaus falls unconscious in the water once again.

Elijah and Marcel, both weakened by the ordeal they've each been through, struggle to rise to their feet. Elijah jumps into the pool to gently pick up Klaus, whose body looks desiccated.

However, it quickly begins to fade as the wound on his throat heals, and he weakly opens his eyes.

"I felt them leave. My sireline is broken."

Elizabeth has just awakened on the couch in the living room to find that Marcel brought her back to the loft. She looks confused and warry as she immediately sits up and looks around.

"Where am i, what happened?"

"Someone was controlling you, they made u break Klaus's sireline. They know it wasn't you so ur safe."

"I don't understand, so i was right all alone. You just wouldn't trust me."

Marcel sighs, but Elizabeth stands to her feet and glares at him as she walks toward the door, grabbing her bag on her way.

"I asked you do to one thing for me. To believe in me. To choose my side. I asked you to choose me. But you didn't. I told you that i felt someone controlling me, and u didn't believe me."

Elizabeth turns to leave, but Marcel chases after her to stop her.

"Wait, E! Listen." Elizabeth ignores him, so he physically stops her.

"Hey, listen. I am always on your side, all right? I always have your back. But sometimes the things that you think... i'm sorry i didn't believe you. It just didn't make any sense."

Elizabeth is not at all convinced by his argument and simply glares at him.

"Yeah? Keep telling yourself that. Enjoy your freedom."

Klaus has just walked out of the tomb where he locked up Aurora to find Stefan outside waiting for him.

"So... the spell worked. We survived. I saved you, and you saved me. Funny how that works, isn't it?"

Klaus smirks. "Mmm."

"I'd be happy to let this be the end. Am I too optimistic in thinking we'll never see each other again?"

Klaus shrugs. "Well, that depends are you going to do the right thing?" Stefan gives him a knowing look.

"By whom? I assume you don't mean my brother." Klaus gives him a pointed look, which Stefan understands perfectly.

"By her."

Stefan sighs. "I love her. I know that you did once, too. I promise I will only do right by her." Klaus looks at him appreciatively.

"Thank you."

"You know, um... there's someone else you should be thanking."

Klaus frowns. "Marcel had to fight for me for his own survival..."

"I'm talking about Hayley. For some reason, she cares about you enough to risk her own life. Take your own advice. Do right by her."

Klaus seems stunned and taken aback by this statement about Hayley, and he exhales a shaky breath. Stefan frowns in concern.

"You okay?"

Klaus smiles weakly. "Never better." He and Stefan shake hands to say goodbye.

"And you... take care of yourself, old friend."

Stefan smiles back at him and picks up his knapsack off of the ground before he turns and leaves the cemetery.

Klaus turns around to walk toward Freya, who has just appeared, but he gets woozy for a second and has to lean against the wall of a nearby tomb to avoid collapsing onto the ground. Klaus looks at Freya with a worried expression.

"What's wrong with me?"

Freya smiles affectionately. "You hemorrhaged an enormous amount of mystical energy. Enough to create a nexus vorti. It's nothing a good night's rest won't cure."

This response does nothing to easy Klaus' concern. "Where did the energy go?"

Elizabeth has just returned to her former attic room, this time it's only hers. Davina gone. She misses Davina and Hope terribly but she knew those two wanted a new life, away from the terrors in New Orleans.

Elizabeth closes the door behind her and looks around at the set-up magic circle she must have created earlier in the day that is made of salt, with various runes and magical sigils created within it.

She grabs a silver urn of ashes from the nearby table and brings it to the middle of the circle, where she sets it on the floor in front of her while she kneels and digs the glass bottle embellished with gold out of her purse.

Elizabeth opens the bottle and begins to pour the blood inside the ashes in the urn.

Elizabeth mutters to herself. "The blood of two brothers, the ash of their dead. The blood of two brothers, the ash of their dead."

Elizabeth stretches her arms in front of her and closes her eyes as she starts to cast the resurrection spell, channeling the nexus vorti Klaus created to fuel her magic.

Elizabeth chants. "Le sang des deux frères, les cendres de leurs morts. Le sang des deux frères, les cendres de leurs morts."

A strong gust of wind blows through the attic as she continues chanting the spell, until finally, an ash covered Kol Mikaelson, in his original body, suddenly appears, naked and kneeling on one knee in front of her.

When Elizabeth finally opens her eyes, she can't believe what she's seeing, and Kol himself seems to be shocked that he's finally back in the world of the living. Elizabeth gapes in shock at him, and Kol smiles widely as he laughs.

"I never doubted you for a second, Elizabeth Sheperd."

Elizabeth stares at him for a long moment before her face breaks out into a beauteous smile.

to be continued..

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