Hisoka x Illumi Oneshots (Req...

By theoden_moon

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Author's Note :3
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Requests Open

6. πŸ‹

4.8K 67 187
By theoden_moon

Suggested by y4c5nn9fm2privaterel


Note: The Zoldyck family aren't assassins in this one-shot.

Top Hisoka
Bottom Illumi


"Illumi, where do you think you're going?!" Silva shouted as he saw his eldest son stuffing his clothes into a duffle bag.

The young male gave him a sharp glare as he zipped the bag shut. "I can't stay in a family where my parents emotionally abuse me and my siblings," he seethed angrily, firmly putting the bag over his shoulder.

Silva roughly grabbed his wrist as he tried to walk past him and his son winced in pain. "Let me go!" Illumi shouted angrily as he fought out of his father's grip.

"Just so you know," the middle-aged man growled, making Illumi meet his eye, "if you even think about walking out that door, don't bother coming back."

The long-haired teen pulled away his arm and turned around. "I won't," he uttered before walking out of his bedroom.

Silva glared at his back as he walked away before the father clenched his fists. "You will be nothing outside of this family, Illumi! Nothing!"

"I don't need your fucking money!" He shouted back as he stomped down the stairs. The pale teen was about to reach for the door handle but froze when he heard a small voice.

"Aniki?" Illumi turned his head and saw a worried 7-year-old Killua staring up at him while holding a stuffed robot plushie. "Where are you going?"

His older brother sighed and plastered a small smile onto his face before bending down to his height. "I'm just going away for a while but I'll be back soon to visit. Okay, Kil?" Illumi reassured quietly as he gently patted his head.

Killua's mood visibly dampened and he held the plushie to his chest. "Did you fight with father again?"

"It's nothing you need to worry about, okay?" The older male said while glancing at his father who was standing at the top of the stairs, his arms firmly folded across his chest. "I have to go now. Bye, Kil."

"Bye, aniki..." The blue-eyed boy sadly watched as his older brother walked out and the door clicked softly.

"You should never become like your brother, Killua. He's become a disgrace to this family."

"Yes, Father..."

"Illumi! You're up!" A loud voice shouted into the dressing room, snapping Illumi out of his thoughts.

The young teen was thinking about the last conversation he'd had with his father before he had left home. Illumi barely regretted having gone out on his own but he truly missed his brothers and sister and wished to see them again. But it had been 2 weeks since then and it was certainly too late to change his mind.

"Coming!" He replied as he did the final touches on his make up and stood up from his chair, his black stiletto heels clicking as he walked to the stage.

Illumi nervously stepped behind the curtain and fixed his black mini skirt as he heard the music start to play. (Y'all they be playing Streets by Doja Cat!! ✋🏽😩)

The curtains slowly opened and loud whistles came from the crowd of men, all of them turning their attention towards the lean figure with shoulder-length hair. Illumi felt his confidence go up as he strutted towards the pole, his dark eyeshadow complimenting his hooded gaze.

The young male began to dance around the pole, the men starting to praise him and whistling louder as he spun around it. Illumi's flexibility was what ensured him this job and it had quickly become a main attraction amongst the usual customers.

His slim legs firmly supporting him on the pole as he hung upside down, the muscles in his thighs flexing slightly. Illumi pulled himself back up and carefully slid down into a split, the people beginning to throw money onto the stage.

The Zoldyck gracefully stood up as the song began to end and he seductively leaned against the cold metal. A sprinkler turned on above him, wetting his clothes and the white shirt he was wearing stuck to his skin. Illumi strutted to the middle of the runway, his black hair shining under the stage lights. He swept the wet hair out of his face with both of his hands before going on his knees and crawling to the end of the runway.

Illumi pulled on the tie of the middle-aged that was sitting in front of him, using it to pull their faces closer together and tracing a finger along his jaw. The teen didn't kiss him though and instead grabbed the money that was held tightly in his hand before pulling away with a smirk after noticing the man's erection.

He finally stood up and sauntered backstage, the cheering getting louder as he left. "Great show, Illumi," someone told him while handing him a towel.

"Thank you," he muttered as he began to dry his hair. The Zoldyck slowly looked up and saw the person who had handed him the towel staring at him with an intrigued yellow gaze. "Can I help you?"

The other male chuckled at his confused expression. "You're the new kid, right?" When Illumi nodded they stuck out a short-nailed hand. "Hisoka. Not that there's any need for you to introduce yourself, Illumi~."

The dark-haired teen took note of the seductive manner that his name was said but chose to ignore it and carefully took the other's hand. "It's nice to meet you, Hisoka."

Hisoka raised a brow and chuckled before shaking his hand. "Well, that's a first. Not many people are fond of my presence unless, of course, there is some type of payment involved," he told him with a nonchalant shrug. "So, what brings you to this line of work?"

"I'm just trying to make it out on my own, I suppose."

"Sounds like you have daddy issues, pretty boy." Hisoka gently tilted his head to the side. "Or am I wrong?" When Illumi simply shrugged, the redhead couldn't help but chuckle a bit. "Since you're new and might be here for a while, I guess I should give you some advice. First, if any of the customers touch you without permission just smile, the boss hates it when we complain. Second, you can never decline a private show, they bring in a lot of money. And Third, you might get asked to leave for the night and the boss won't say yes unless a shit ton of money is involved."

The dark-haired teen frowned in confusion. "Leave for the night? Wait... we have to sleep with them?!"

"If they're paying enough, yes." The redhead raised a brow at the other's surprised expression. "What? You're not a virgin are you?"

"Well..." Illumi flushed in embarrassment.

"Don't worry, love. I could always give you a few demonstrations back at my place if you'd like?" Hisoka suggested while twirling a strand of Illumi's black hair. The Zoldyck opened his mouth to answer but was interrupted by the sound of the older male's name being called on stage. "Looks like I'm up. I'll see you later, cutie."

The teen watched as he left, his cheeks still burning a bright red.


Illumi was waiting outside in a sweater and a pair of sweatpants, a small bag sitting comfortably on his shoulder. He nervously shifted from foot to foot as he waited for Hisoka to come outside so they could leave together.

The teen had only ever dated one guy in his entire life and that relationship had only lasted a few months before they had to break up due to his father finding out. They never had sex though but now here he was agreeing to have sex with a random man that he'd just met.

Hell, he wasn't even legal yet... Illumi was only turning 18 in 9 months.

"Hey," the other's familiar voice called out to him and the Zoldyck turned to wave at him with an uncertain smile. "You nervous?"

"Just a bit..."

Hisoka couldn't help but laugh before bending down towards his ear. "Don't worry, I'll make sure to be gentle with you," he whispered in a husky tone, making the younger boy's knees feel weak. The redhead stuffed a hand into the pocket of his denim jacket and used his other hand to grab Illumi's. "Come on."

They arrived at the sidewalk and the older male quickly hailed a cab, then he opened the door for the other to walk in. When they were both comfortably sitting inside, Hisoka leaned forward and told the driver his address before relaxing into the backseat.

The two of them sat in comfortable silence before Hisoka turned to look at Illumi with his yellow gaze. "What?" The teen asked shyly.

"Nothing. You're just pretty," he told him with a shrug.

The younger of the two blushed and looked away, a small scoff escaping his lips. "Hisoka?" The stripper turned to look at him. "How long have you... well, how can I say? It's just, how long have you been doing this type of thing?"

Hisoka leaned back and began to think, slowly biting his lip. "I'd say... since I was 12," he said with a small shrug. "I've been on my own for as long as I can remember so it was the only way I could make a living. It's not really the most ideal lifestyle but you get used to it, even if it means doing things you don't want to."

Illumi noticed the sad look in those yellow eyes and couldn't help but feel guilty. He had grown up in such a privileged home and had left that all behind due to his petty feelings. Did he make the right choice?

"How old are you now?"

"I'm 22."

He's been doing this for 10 years? Illumi thought in shock. Would I have to do this for that long?

The feeling of the taxi coming to a stop broke him out of his thoughts and Hisoka paid the driver before stepping out. "So, how old are you?"

"19," Illumi lied smoothly as he was led into a hotel called Heavens Arena. The teen found the place familiar but couldn't figure out why until his dark eyes slowly scanned the building's interior. "Wait?! You live here?!"

"Yeah," Hisoka said with a nonchalant shrug and waved at the receptionist.

"But this place is so expensive..." Illumi muttered as they entered an elevator. He remembered how his family used to come here for holidays and the way Silva would always complain about the price. So, how could someone like Hisoka afford this place?

The older male shrugged with a small smile. "It always helps to know the right people to blackmail," he replied while clicking one of the buttons. "The owner of such a distinguished hotel would hate for someone to find out that he goes to gay strip clubs."

Illumi couldn't help but just stare at the other in shock before turning his attention towards the elevator door. When it dinged softly, Hisoka walked out as soon as the doors opened and the dark-haired teen followed after him.

The redhead carefully unlocked his room door and swung it open, revealing a slightly untidy apartment. "Sorry, I haven't had time to clean up," he told him while kicking at the clothes that were scattered on the floor. Hisoka went to a cabinet in the living room and pulled out a bottle of wine. "You drink?"

"Yeah." Another lie. Illumi had never drunk alcohol in his entire life and he didn't know whether he should start now or not. But there was no turning back, he'd already said yes and the 22-year-old was already pouring two glasses.

A glass was slid over to Illumi and he carefully took a sip, a bittersweet taste filling his mouth. The wine wasn't as bad as he thought it would be, it was surprisingly quite good and he took his time finishing his first glass before asking for another.

They drank together in silence with the occasional small talk in between as Hisoka's curiosity got the best of him, wanting to know more about the boy with the dark eyes. Before they knew it, an hour had passed and Illumi was already on his 6th glass, his cheeks a soft pink as he stared at the redhead.

"Hey, Hisoka?"

"Yeah?" He replied distractedly, his yellow gaze slightly unfocused.

Illumi bit his lip before trailing a hand up the older male's thigh and watched as he raised a brow in amusement. "Can you kiss me now?"

Hisoka didn't reply but simply pulled their chairs closer together before hungrily pressing his lips against Illumi's. The teen was caught off guard before he began to kiss back with only half as much passion, his senses slightly hazy.

He felt himself being picked up and quickly wrapped his legs around Hisoka's waist, both of them trying their best not to break the kiss. When Illumi felt his back being placed on the soft mattress, he used his hands to remove the stripper's denim jacket and stifled a moan that threatened to let loose as teeth grazed his neck.

Hisoka pulled away and both of them were left panting heavily before he leaned down and whispered, "Are you sure you want to do this? Because there's no turning back as soon as you agree."

Illumi bit his lip in thought as he stared up at Hisoka, his cheeks flushed from the lack of oxygen. Should he say yes? The teen really wasn't sure. He felt ready and this whole scenario just felt right for some reason but that was probably just because of the alcohol in his system...

"Well?" Hisoka inquired patiently, getting ready to back out any second.

"I..." Illumi trailed off but soon carried when he saw the reassuring smile that came his way. "Yes, I'm sure."

"Don't worry, I'll take things slow," the redhead reassured after noting the hesitation in the other's voice.

Hisoka pulled him in for another kiss, this one much slower and more sincere than the first, Illumi immediately relaxing into it. A cold hand travelled up his sweater and crossed over his nipple, making Illumi gasp softly before a tongue slipped into his mouth.

The teen's sweater was slid off of him and Hisoka gently lifted his hips, gently grinding their crotches together. Illumi pulled away from their kiss and bit his lip, trying to prevent any type of sound from escaping. The redhead noticed this freed the other's bottom lip from his teeth.

"You shouldn't hold back your moans, Illumi. They probably sound so pretty~" That comment alone made the Zoldyck release a sweet string of moans and Hisoka rolled his eyes in pleasure. "Yes, just like that~"

Clothes were quickly stripped out of as both males tried their best to maintain whatever contact they had between their lips. When they were both fully naked, Hisoka couldn't help but admire Illumi's body, his yellow eyes scanning over that pale skin.

He noticed every curve, every faded scar and every tiny mole on his shoulder. The redhead trailed a hand along the outline of Illumi's slim waist, smiling as he shivered under his touch. When last did I do it with someone so beautiful? That was the only thought on Hisoka's mind.

Illumi though was slightly self-conscious under that golden gaze, not noticing the fondness held in those eyes. The dark-haired teen was about to speak but froze as his entire face heated up due to a sudden compliment:

"You're so beautiful, Illu."

The new nickname made his heart skip a beat and he shyly looked away before Hisoka smirked and continued to kiss along his neck. While Illumi was distracted by his lips, the redhead reached for the lube that was sitting on the nightstand and smeared some on his fingers.

He slowly pushed a finger up Illumi's entrance and the teen dug his fingers into his bicep, surprised by the sudden penetration. "O-Oh," he stuttered as a second finger was added.

Hisoka began to move his digits, only for the dark-haired male to tighten around them. "Just relax or else it'll hurt," he whispered while slowly pushing his fingers in and out.

Illumi felt himself flush and moaned softly when the redhead prodded at his prostate. A third finger was slowly added and the Zoldyck arched his back, Hisoka licking one of his nipples.

"H-Hisoka~" He whimpered as the older male pulled out and reached for a condom. Hisoka ripped the packet open with his teeth and slipped the rubber over his member, aligning himself with Illumi's entrance.

The 22-year-old wordlessly pushed himself in and Illumi roughly dug his nails into his shoulders. When he was halfway, Hisoka paused to let the young stripper adjust to his size before pushing the rest of his length into him.

The redhead slowly wiped away the tears at the corners of the other's dark eyes and placed a gentle peck on his jaw. "You ready?" He asked and waited until Illumi nodded his head before moving.

Hisoka bucked his hips upwards and watched as Illumi whimpered beneath him, that soft sound driving him crazy. The redhead continued to thrust slowly before lifting the raven's leg and went deeper into him.

Illumi - who was so inexperienced - wasn't used to this new feeling and the words immediately caught in his throat as he tried to speak, tears rolling down his cheeks. The pleasure was intensely pent up in his body as those slow thrusts continued at their careful pace. But he wanted Hisoka to go faster and harder; he wanted him so deep inside him that he could feel him in his abdomen.

Yet, Illumi knew it would be dumb to even request such a thing. He wouldn't be able to walk for days if he did. So, Illumi just bore with their current speed of things, letting a few moans slip out once in a while.

"You want me to speed things up, don't you?" That sudden question, with that husky lilt to it, had the young male desperately nodding and Hisoka couldn't hold back his smirk.

He pinned Illumi's hands above his head then nudged his legs to spread them further apart, giving himself more access. Hisoka then increased his pace, jabbing into the other's prostate with each violent thrust.

The bed frame shook and Illumi arched his back, attempting to push himself further onto the redhead's cock making both of them release shaky moans. "Oh, g-god!~" The dark-haired teen whimpered as he felt his orgasm nearing.

A few minutes later a string of cum spurted onto both of their stomachs, Illumi panting loudly as Hisoka continued to pound into him. When it felt like he would pass out from exhaustion, Hisoka finally came with a loud moan and pulled out, throwing the condom away.

They laid comfortably next to each other and breathed heavily, Illumi still shaking as he recovered from his climax. "So, how was your first time?"

"I-It was great," he replied while turning to look at Hisoka. It was silent between them before Illumi spoke up again. "Can we... do this again sometime?"

The redhead was surprised by the request and furrowed his brows. "Do you want to do this again?"


"Okay, then."

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