The Death Of Us

By Night-ed

3.2K 375 134

Two girls fighting for survival, in a destroyed world. A world where people eat each other and are beyond rec... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Aesthetic pt 2.
Chapter 10
Face reveal
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Aesthetic Pt. 3
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Face Reveal Pt. 2
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Face Reveal Pt. 3
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Thank you for reading!

Chapter 42

52 6 0
By Night-ed

Katie's P.O.V.

I take my gun and point it at the tall boy in front of me, he looks around Levis age, wont surprise me if a little older even.

"What the fuck do you mean sorry."

"We have your friend."

"Where is she" I load my gun now.

"Come with me" he points to the truck behind him. I look hesitantly at him and walk one step ahead.

"Hold up, you can't go Katie, you are 8 months pregnant" Levi walks up front.

"The hell u talking about I can't, she is my friend, my sister okay, I will go get her."

"She doesn't even care about you anymore" he snaps at me.

"My sister can decide for herself" the boy comes up front to Levi. The fuck he is talking about. "sister"? I give him an odd look before flipping him off.

I really am turning into Mariah.

I go into the truck and look to them all.

"Come or just shut up, got that" I say, and I see Brandon and Leo casually walking up while Levi hesitates.

Hua comes up front with her new friend and enters the truck too.

"Levi, we need you" I just say, and he looks up and down, and decides to take Noah's hand and come with us.

He won't regret it, but would I?

It doesn't even take that much time for us to get to their place. On the way, Blake tells us that they've been watching us for a while and that kidnapping Mariah was her father's fault not his.

I couldn't give one less of a fuck. I'm a hormone filled woman whose best friend has been taken. It's taking me all my self-control to not socker punch this mother fucker.

"You all really just wanted us close huh" I scoff glaring at him along with Leo. He hasn't stopped glaring at Blake ever since he found out Mariah has been taken.

Honestly, I get where he's coming from. Leo and I may not have talked as much as we did before I left but we both have one mutual enemy. Whoever this Blake guy is.

"When I find that dumb fucker who has Mariah, I'm going to rip his fucking face off" Leo says, and I nod in agreement.

"Lead us to Mariah, now" Brandon demands. Blake rolls his eyes at him and I grab him by the collar of his shirt.

"Listen here you sick fuck, I'm a fucking 8-month pregnant woman who's in bad need to see her fucking sister. Lead me to her or I will rearrange your fucking face. Notice how many times I fucking said 'Fuck'. I'm angry so lead me to her" I yell at her and his eyes widen probably realizing how much Mariah means to me.

"Well, she's a real tiger, ain't she?" I hear a familiar voice. He's confidence is missing and he sounds angry. I grab my gun out and shoot at his feet. I look Caleb in the eyes.

"You motherfucker!" I yell at him and stomp towards him but Levi holds me back. "Levi, let me go!" I yell.

"Katie, it was orders, I swear she's alright. I'm here to lead you to her" Caleb promises but Levi pushes me behind him and advances towards him. I feel small hands hold mine and I look down at Noah immediately calming down a little.

"You are not going to lead us anywhere. You're bringing her right here. Alive" Levi says. I can't help a small smile grace my face at how much he actually cares. I guess Mariah didn't just annoy him while I was gone

"I'm sorry but we can't do that. Follow us and nothing happens to your Mariah. I would hurry before her dad finds her" My heart stops at Blake's words. Fucking Knox. I signal for them to lead the way and follow them silently. We walk through many halls, earning many looks from different people. I ignore them all, only ignoring Caleb and walking in silence beside Noah. Finally, we reach a room and walk in. There I see the back of Mariah's head.

"And honestly, I'm pretty annoying, so I don't think you'll be lasting very long sir. I already see a lot of grey hair and potential bald areas" She rants, and I feel my lips widen in a grin. "I can make you a hair cure if you want, it's very organic and vegan" She adds.

"she's been annoying him ever since she came" Blake whispers to us as we watch the man look at her in anger.

"If Knox doesn't kill you, I will" He curses. That's Triden I'm guessing. Blake told us he was working for him.

"The old fart? Yeah no, I'm killing him. You got it all mixes up sweetheart" she says and before I knew it, I hear Levi chuckle and Mariah looks back at her. She looks at me and her face seems to look relieved, and I send her the same expressions.

"Hey guys! This is Triden. Him and I are best of buds" Mariah states which makes me chuckle. Triden disregards her to look at me with an unknown emotion.

"There she is" Triden stares at me, for a second, I thought he looked through my body, because his stare was intense. What does he mean with "there she is"?

This Triden walks towards me with open arms, and I lift my gun at him. "don't you dare to come one step closer."

All the guards around us lifts their weapons, and making our group react too.

We all stand here, about to be caught in a crossfire, I hear Hua coming closer and getting Noah in the back slowly.

"Relax guards" Triden pauses, "don't you know that she is my daughter" he points at me "and soon to be grandchild."

"Katie clearly didn't get the looks from you" Mariah tells Triden from the back. The things that just got said didn't sink in before now, he is my father. No way. That makes Blake my brother. That's why he called me his sister.

"You're lying" I yell at Triden, that thing could never be my father. "I don't have a family".

Tears are pressing and I am sure my eyes look like glass at this point.

"I don't have a family because of you" I pause "that was in the past, now I got all of these people, and I don't fucking need you anymore" I scream at him, holding my finger tighter around the trigger.

"You tell him, girl!" Mariah exclaims and Triden shoots her a look, she gives him a smug one back.

Triden looks around, "get Knox" he tells one of the guards, and he leaves.

"Hear here my daughter, they aren't you family, I am your blood."

"And you left me" I pause "I rather have them, than you."

"you bitch! You will listen to whatever I say" he pauses "be like your brother!"

"What brother, I don't even know him. And you expect me to be a family with you."

We all yell, but suddenly Blake moves, towards me, I don't know in what direction to hold my gun, at Blake of Triden, both apparently my blood, but what is blood worth anyways.

"No father, I stopped being your son the moment mother died" Blake stands now behind me, holding his gun at Triden, like I do.

Knox walks in the door and he already has his gun ready.

"Fucking great, the old fart" Mariah mutters loudly and Knox glares at her.

Triden looks over his shoulder at him, "you can take her, these ungrateful kids don't deserve our mercy."

"don't you fucking dare to move." I point the gun at Knox.

"And what can you do, fat bitch?", I look down at my belly, and up again.

"You're the fat one, you old fart!" Mariah says, and jumps up tackling Knox, she must have freed herself, while I was talking with Triden, but there wasn't enough time to think, we already began shooting. "Hey let go you fucker!" I hear Mariah yell.

We all try to get shelter from different places, but I can't see Triden, and not even Mariah, where the fuck is she?

"He is there" I hear Blake say, and he runs away.

"No wait for m-" I get caught off by a shot.

I look at who was shooting, and I see Knox, if Knox is here, where is Mariah? Did he...? No, he couldn't have. But she screamed at him. No, she's too stubborn.

I stand up, holding my gun, but before I get to shoot my shot, I hear someone else shoot from my left, as I look, I see my father pointing a gun at me.

I look down, expecting a wound, but there he lies.

Caleb Is bleeding by my feet.

I fall to my knees, holding into him.

"No, don't" my tears roll down without noticing.

"Hey princess" why is he calling me that now? Don't!

"Do you forgive me?" he lifts his hand, brushing my hair out of my face.

"of course, I do."

"Good, because I love you princess."

"I love you too."

Writers; Kaynad M. & Maryam S.

Word count; 1542 

Side note; the next chapter will be the last chapter of this book😪

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