By davinasgirlfriend

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(EDITING) ๐ˆ๐ ๐–๐‡๐ˆ๐‚๐‡ Kol Mikaelson finds out his soulmate is dating Damon Salvatore alternative universe... More

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430 5 21
By davinasgirlfriend



CAMI IS WORKING ON SCHOOLWORK AT the bar when Finn who is still in Vincent's body enters the bar and joins her.

"Fancy meeting you here?"

Cami laughs. "Not that fancy, seeing as I work here. I thought I mentioned that?" Finn smiles and sits next to her at the bar.

"Cami, half my patients work in bars. I can't avoid them all."

Cami smiles uncomfortably and returns to her work.

"You okay?"

Cami looks as though she's about to speak, but remains silent.

"Let me guess... more drama with Klaus, is that right?"

Cami looks at Finn confused and suspicious. "Yeah, actually. He has family in town. They don't really get along, and he's kind of flipping out. I got sucked into the crazy." Cami laughs awkwardly.

"Seems unfair that he would rely so heavily on you for support. Does he have anyone else?"

Cami shrugs. "His sister left town, his brother's been... occupied, the rest of his family I wouldn't say has a healthy dynamic. So, I guess I just feel a professional obligation to help him?"

"Cami, this is a person whom you've described as being dangerous."

"Not to me."

Finn takes a deep breath. "I don't want you to put yourself in the position where he can harm you."

Cami sits back and laughs. "I know it's your job to give me advice, but...can we save the shop-talk? I mean, it is happy hour."

Finn smiles. "You're right! Now is not the time. Bartender, I'll have a whiskey, neat, and for the lady, a sazurac, two spoons of honey."

Cami looks at him, startled and even more suspicious.

Cami panicked. "You know what? Better cancel that, I actually have to run. But, I'll see you Monday?"

Cami packs up all of her books and quickly leaves the restaurant. Finn, confused, turns and watches her go, disappointed.

Esther and Klaus are bickering, Klaus tries to not listen while his mother reminisces old memories.

"Because of you, we were a family again!" Klaus, clearly overwhelmed by the story, steps away from her.

"A family built on secrets and lies."

"Oh, you were my secret joy! And, to protect your secret, I denied you a life with your father. But, what if I could make up for all that? By curing you of this sickness that's infected your soul? Where as I put Kol and Finn into the bodies of a witch, you I shall place into the body of a werewolf! So you can live out your days as what you were always meant to be!"

Klaus turns away from her. "What could possibly make you think I would agree to such a thing?"

"With mortality, you could start over. You could have a family of your own. Happiness, peace, all the things you have long been denied?"

Esther walks toward Klaus as she talks, but with every step she takes in his direction, he takes a step backwards to get away from her, clearly unhappy at the day's events.

Klaus stops backing up. "ENOUGH! Tell me where Elijah is, or I will kill you, in this body or any other you choose to jump into from now to bloody Armageddon!"

He steps toward her, but Esther throws him away from him using telekinesis.

"I had hoped there was some part of you that yearned for an end to your vicious ways!"

She continues holding Klaus back using magic as he stands to his feet and tries to push against it.

"But, if you are determined to perpetuate the cycles of the violence to which you have become accustomed? Well, then, I'll have to accommodate you."

She makes her outstretched hand into a fist and twists it in the air, snapping Klaus' neck with telekinesis. Klaus falls to the ground, unconscious.

It's a while later night has fallen, and Klaus still lies on the ground outside the plantation house. In his dreams, he's been transported to a flashback.

It's night time, and Klaus has stumbled out of the woods to find the bloodied bodies of several werewolves impaled on pikes.

Horrified, Klaus rushes over to the nearest body and turns over his arm, revealing a tattoo of three crescent moons surrounded by a circle. He then brushes the long hair out of the man's face so he can see who it is. It's Ansel, who has been killed by Mikael. Klaus becomes distraught.

Klaus awakens with a gasp after his snapped neck has healed. He sits up to find that Esther has been waiting for him.

"Apologies for the headache. Were you dreaming?"

"I was remembering the day I found out who my real father was. Only that was after Mikael slaughtered him."

"My darkest hour. Had you yourself not killed me soon there after, I doubt I ever would have recovered."

She checks her pocket watch, which reads 8:35PM. "You woke earlier than I expected. No matter. It is time."

Klaus looks concerned at the woman infront of him. "Time for what?"

"You said you wanted Elijah. He's sleeping. Chained to the wall of a tomb in Lafayette Cemetery. I've lifted the spell that hides him. You are free to take him home. Now, his own mind will work out his choice for him. When he wakes, he'll make his own decision. Every single thing I've said to you tonight is the truth, Niklaus. Whether you choose to believe it is up to you."

Elizabeth is looking into a broken mirror as she performs a spell. Elizabeth chants.

"Venez très connu cendre. Venez très connu cendre."

Kol walks out of the bathroom, having just showered, and watches as Elizabeth's spell begins to repair the broken mirror. He approaches her and leans in close.

"Still at it?"

Elizabeth is so startled that the mirror cracks in the corner again.

"I'm trying to repair the damage that you did to my de-linking spell!"


He looks down at the indestructible white oak stake on the table in front of her, and she snatches it away from him.

"The only reason I'm still shacked up in this dump motel with you is for your freaky witch-encyclopedia brain."

"Okay. Well, here's a magical secret from the ancient legends of the Romani psychics-- SLEEP, Lizzie! You've been awake for days." Elizabeth shakes her head and starts anxiously packing up her things.

"Kind of hard to rest with a thousand-year-old psycho in the next bed."

Kol scoffs. "You say that, I sound like a bit of a creeper! You used to like me."

Elizabeth is frustrated. "Can you just stop?"

"Stop what, darling?"

"Calling me "darling," and trying to be funny, and not telling me why i can't remember you and—"

She's momentarily distracted when she sees that Kol's shirt is open, revealing his bare torso.


Kol simply smirks and buttons up his shirt before walking toward her again

"Oh! Well, most girls like this. But, then, you're not like most girls, are you?"

"What I'd like is for you to just stop messing around." She continues packing up, and after a moment, Kol stops her.

"Okay, Lizzie. Alright. I have been trying to charm you. And your resistance is as impressive as it is baffling. But, there are things that we can do. Big things." Elizabeth looks at him warily. "I can't share my secrets with you unless we trust each other."

"I don't care about your secrets, Kaleb. Kol." She becomes flustered. "I don't even know what to call you!"

"Kol Mikaelson. And, if you want to take down Klaus without your friends dying, well, then, you'd be a fool not to listen."

Suddenly, Kol begins to groan in pain and falls to his knees. Elizabeth rushes over to him to find that there are symbols burned or carved into the skin of his forearm. There are Norse runes that spell his name, and a triskelion.

"What's happening?"

"That's Mother Dearest, calling me home."

Esther is in the greenhouse of the Lycée, where she has put the same Runic symbol and a triskelion in salt on the table to do her spell. Finn watches her work from across the room.

"Well, you always did know how to leave a message, Mother."

Esther smirks. "If only all my sons were as respectful as you are. Kol will return home soon, Elijah will wake from his slumber believing the only way to salvage his humanity is to rejoin our family." Finn nods in agreement.

"Which is why it is time you bring Camille in." She hands him a small bundle of herbs. "Here. I've spelled this to subdue her without causing bodily harm."

Finn is visibly nervous. "I thought we had more time."

"We don't. Once Klaus has been duly influenced by his father, we will need to act quickly."

"No, there's no need for this." Esther gives Finn a look. "I can bring her in without it."

Elizabeth is driving Kol's car while he sits in the passenger seat, wincing as he cradles his injured arm. They're listening to classical music, Elizabeth's favorite.

Kol uses magic to turn the station to blues music. Amused, Davina leans over and hits the button to turn off the radio.

Kol laughs. "You have any fun with magic, or is it all just angst and child sacrifice with you lot?l

"You were a witch before you were a vampire, right?"

"Yeah. None of my siblings had tapped into their power. I was a bit of a child prodigy! I loved it. I loved the power, I loved the rush... and then, when we turned, I lost it all. Went through a bit of a dark period."

Elizabeth looks at him sarcastically with a glare. "A thousand years?"

"Yeah, well, I'm a thrill-seeker. I couldn't get that from magic anymore, so I looked elsewhere."

"Yeah. Murder, mayhem..."

"Yeah, youthful misadventures! I actually spent quite a lot of time with witches. You know, learning from them, teaching them. Trying to get back what my mother stole from me."

"Is that why she brought you back as a witch?"

"Well, she felt like this body would be best for the task at hand. Spying on the prettiest witch in town!"

Elizabeth laughs. "I can't believe your mom sent you here to flirt with me."

"Oh, no, she sent me to follow you. The flirting bit was me!"

After a moment of silence, Kol flicks his fingers, turning the radio back on to classical music. Elizabeth smiles at him.

Kol has just returned back to the greenhouse, where Esther is waiting for him. He goes to the shelf to grab a jar full of an herbal poultice for his arm.

Kol is frustrated. "Remind me to teach you how to send a text message."

"You were told to get the white oak stake days ago. We need it now... seeing as your father has risen."

Kol looks alarmed and feigns surprise to maintain his cover.

"Mikael? Back from the dead?"

"Enough! You kept it from me. Why? Because of Elizabeth Sheperd?"

"To protect your plan! She's never gonna trust me if she thinks I'm just a flying monkey to the wicked witch! I've got it handled, Mother."

Esther considers this for a moment, and then snuffs out a nearby candle, which causes Kol's Runic wounds to heal.

"I want that stake! And I don't care what you have to do to get it!"

Esther turns and walks out of the greenhouse. Kol picks up an athame on the table and looks at it with interest.

It's a while after Esther left Kol and Elizabeth has arrived at the cemetery, where Kol is waiting for her outside of a mausoleum, holding the athame that he took from the Lycée.

"What did your mother want from you?"

"She wants me to take that stake out of your bag, give it to her, so that you can't kill Klaus before she gets her big, happy family."

"Is that why you called me here?" Elizabeth asks disappointment lacing her voice.

"I'm not my mother's puppet!"

He stands up and walks toward Elizabeth, holding the dagger toward her.

"I want something different entirely. I want your blood."

Elizabeth backs away from the athame, looking scared, but Kol raises his hands non-threateningly.

"Relax, love! I'm not gonna take it. I'm asking you. Nicely."

Elizabeth nods and starts talking to him with sarcasm. "Sure, I'll just bleed for you with no explanation at all."

Kol chuckles. "About a hundred years ago, this tomb used to be my playhouse. The witches I used to run with, we used to make all kinds of magic in here. That is, until I pissed the prettiest one off, as I tend to do, and she locked me out."

"So, why do you need my blood?"

"Her name was Mary Alice Sheperd."

Elizabeth, knowing where he's going with this, sighs and rolls her eyes.

"Only a Sheperd witch can open this tomb. Since i don't exactly know ur sister, u are my only hope."

He walks toward her and hands her the athame, handle-end first. She looks at it for a moment before taking it. When we catch up with them, they've just entered the tomb, which is full to the brim of artifacts and materials with which to practice witchcraft. Elizabeth looks around at all the shelves in wonder.

"Where did you get all this stuff?"

"Well, I was a vampire. I could get anything I wanted. I couldn't practice witchcraft, so, I charmed some witches, and I taught them a new kind of magic that I learned in Arabia called Kemiya. We made items that allowed me to use magic without doing magic."

He starts pulling boxes off of a shelf, and Elizabeth suddenly makes the connection.

"You taught them how to make dark objects."

"Yeah. And, for a time, they were scattered all around this city." He opens a small wooden box. "I can't for the life of me find where they are now, but... I've got the one that matters."

Elizabeth, remembering that Father Kieran has a stockpile of dark objects, gulps nervously.

"What is it?" Elizabeth asks Kol.

"It's not about what it is, it's about what it could be. You want to take down Klaus, right?" Elizabeth nods. "I've wanted one thing for years—"
He holds up one of the white-oak-ash daggers that he has found in a box. "—to drive a dagger into his heart, like he's done to me so many times."

"Those daggers don't work on Klaus."

"Smart girl." He puts the dagger into the wooden box and closes it.

"With a little practice, and some trust, we'll fix it so this one will. We'll put him in a box, but, seeing as he won't be entirely dead, your friends will be safe." Elizabeth looks interested. "So, what'd you say?"

Elizabeth looks at Kol, a small smile on her face.

Kol and Elizabeth are still going through all of the materials in Kol's playhouse. He snaps his fingers, and classical music starts to play on the record player, which makes Elizabeth smile.

"The hunters who forged the Originals' daggers to take out my family didn't know that Klaus was part-werewolf, not vulnerable to silver."

Elizabeth picks up the dagger and looks at it, so Kol comes over and takes it from her.

"Now, it's impossible to replicate the spell cast on the dagger. Trust me, I've tried." He puts the dagger back into the box. "But, it's not impossible to change the dagger itself. Kemiya allows witches to destroy one element to create another. Say, changing silver to gold, for example."

"So, you've been hanging out with me this whole time because you don't have enough power on your own?"

"No! Kemiya's about...it's about chemistry. It's about connection. And, after what happened with the white oak stake, I don't think you can deny what we still have." Kol references to their past, althought Elizabeth doesn't notice and even if she did she wouldn't understand.

He holds out his hand, which has a large diamond laying in his palm

"So, here. Hold my hand." Elizabeth steps toward him, and Kol holds up the diamond so she can see it better.

"That's a huge diamond."

"It's a paragon diamond. You use them to conduct power."

He lays the diamond back in his palm and holds his hand out toward her.

"Is the hand-holding really necessary?"

"I mean, we could make out, but then that'd be entirely distracting."

Elizabeth sighs and reluctantly holds Kol's hand. He holds out his other hand, which holds a length of rope, so she takes the other end of the rope in her free hand.

"Alright, follow my lead. Close your eyes." She closes her eyes and does as she's told.

Kol starts chanting. "E loke gae la lidi. E loke gae la lidi."

After a moment, Elizabeth joins him in chanting the spell. Kol lets go of Elizabeth's hand with the hand that holds the diamond, and slowly slips down and grasps her elbow.

Kol and Elizabeth chant in unsion together. "E loke gae la lidi. E loke gae la lidi."

The rope suddenly catches on fire, and they stop chanting and stare at each other in surprise. Kol moves his hand to her shoulder, and lets go of the rope before he can burn his hand. Elizabeth is so distracted by him leaning closer to her that the burning rope singes her hand, and she drops it onto the floor.

They both then kneel and look at the ground, where they find a rope made of gold laying in place of the regular rope they just spelled. He fastens the length of gold around her wrist, and Elizabeth smiles.

"To replace the one I broke."

Elizabeth whispers in awe. "We changed it."

"Well, Elizabeth Sheperd, we're going to change everything."

Elizabeth stares at him, obviously charmed by him despite her best efforts to resist it.

Elizabeth lays down on a nearby futon while Kol puts away his paragon diamond in a small velvet pouch.

"Well, it's late. I should get going."

"I suppose you'll be wanting to get back to Marcel's."

"I lied to him about you. I'll probably go back to the attic with Davina."

"Voluntarily returning to the jail cell where they locked you girls up."

He walks toward her and sits down next to her on the futon.

"You both must have been lonely all that time. A witch needs a coven, even if it is just two."

"When can we work on the dagger?"

"Soon. We have some more work to do with each other, first." He grabs her jean jacket and spreads it over Davina like a blanket.

Kol smiles. "You're gonna like me, little Sheperd. I'm happy to let you pretend a while that you don't already." Elizabeth stares at Kol curiously.

Kol carries Elizabeth into the attic and lays her down on the bed. The stake is clearly poking out of her purse, and he stares at it. Before he can take it, Marcel appears in the doorway, scowling at him.

Elizabeth awakens in her bed, next to her Davina's bed where she is sleeping peacefully. Elizabeth is confused as to how she got there. She spots the bracelet on her wrist and smiles as she remembers making it with Kol.

When she looks around, both Kol and Marcel are gone, and the stake is no longer in her bag. She frowns, horrified at this development.

Klaus is leaning against a chair in Elizabeth's old room, talking to Elijah, who is standing on the balcony.

"How do you feel?"

"The worst has past. Though, I suspect the nightmares are far from over."

"Well, gather your strength. After the message I sent Mother tonight, I expect hell-fire to rain upon us imminently."

Elijah approaches him. "We need to make a move before she strikes." Suddenly, Marcel and Hayley appear in the doorway.

"Well, actually, moves were made while you were sleeping."

Hayley smiles. "It's good to see you vertical. Marcel and I each left a gift for you in the ballroom." Klaus looks at them curiously. "You're welcome?"

Klaus looks at Elijah, who gestures toward the door. As they pass Marcel on their way out, he whispers to them under his breath.

"You're welcome." Marcel nods back.

Downstairs, they arrive in the ballroom, where Klaus and Elijah find both Finn and Kol, each wearing the enchanted manacles, which are suspending them from the balcony by their wrists. Klaus and Elijah look very pleased.

Kol sighs. "Kidnapping? That's a rather unpleasant way to begin a family reunion!"

Klaus grins. "Well, wait until you see how we end it!"

to be continued..

as u can notice these are two episodes in one chapter, episode 2x06 was important for the storyline so i got some of it in. the rest is from episode 2x07 :)

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