Flaming Lotus of Justice (Dan...

By HirokuEmiyo

70.7K 1.3K 546

After a Heartbreaking Movie, Our 16 years old Boy had been a Part of a Accident on his way Home, Resulting hi... More

Help & Dungeon
A Deal you can't Refuse
Aiz Wallenstien
18th Floor, And Evilus
Past of Anya
Resolve, And Amphisbaena
Girlfriend? and Revelation
Level up, And Break
Knossos Part 1
Knossos Part 2 (Kiara vs Alfia)
Knossos Part 3 (Nade vs Zald? Did they fight?)
Chapter 17 (Can't think of title)

Battle and Promises

3.8K 87 16
By HirokuEmiyo

The Goliath Started to scream

Alise: Everyone in position, Ryuu start your magic, Kaguya, Lyra, Neze, Go and Support the Adventurers, The rest, Clear the Monsters that are Coming From Floor 18th and 16th

All: Right

They all started to move, Most of the Third Class adventurer's Assisted on removing the monsters on the Field, The Level 3's are With me attacking the Goliath

Nadeshiko: You people, Are the Ganesha Familia here Yet?

Adventurer: Not yet!

Nadeshiko: Then, All of you, Try taking out it's tendons, If it's head Bowed, Then we'll take him!

Adventurers: Understood!

The Goliath Swung it's hand towards me

Nadeshiko: Hono no kokyu, Ichi no Kata: Shiranui

I take the Goliath's hands head-on, I twist in mid air avoiding it's direct Hit, And while on the Side of the Hand, Nadeshiko sliced the hand but not too deep nor Too shallow

Nadeshiko: Hinokami Kagura: Enbu Issen

I used the Flash Dance to get Close to the Head

Nadeshiko: Your Eyes are Super Ugly

Nadeshiko: Hinokami Kagura: Shakkotsu En'yō

That Form took the Goliath's Eyes, Being unable to Regenerate due to the Burn

Adventurer: The Eyes are Gone, We need to move Now!!!

The Adventurer took this chance to take the Goliath, The mages Finished their Chanting, Their Aim was for the <Magic Core> of the Boss, They Shot their Magic and Landed a Perfect shot, The Magic Stone was Visible

Ryuu: <Luminous Wind>

Ryuu used Her magic to make the Hole more Big

Nadeshiko: I'll take that KILL

Nadeshiko: Hinokami Kagura: Yōkatotsu

I used all of my strength on this Form, I thrust the Point of my Blade into the Goliath's <Magic Core>

Adventurers: He did it!

But then Before the Goliath Die, It shouted its battle Cry

Nadeshiko: (THIS SOUND!)


Then a Silence had Surrounded the Adventurers

Adventurer4: C'mon, The battle is Over, Even if the Goliath called for help, We can just take them

Nadeshiko: But this is-

Adventurer4: Don't be like that, I know your strong but, You should not act to this Extent

Then A shadow figure came behind Him


Adventurer4: Huh?

He turned around then, Then He was Smashed but Many Minotaur who was Running wild

Nadeshiko: Bastard! Everyone, Protect the Level 1's, Alise, Ryuu, I'll leave this Side to you two, I'll have to Clear everything (I Wont let Anyone Die, Well, Except for one Guy)

Nadeshiko: Gareth-san! Protect most Of the Level 1's, This Irregularity is No Joke

Gareth: Yeah! I shouldn't had Followed you if i know this would happened

Nadeshiko: I'll count on you

I saw the Center of the Hordes, My target was to get Rid Most of them, Then we'll Clean Up the Rest


Adventurer: Weren't the Dead should to the Haunting?

Adventurer2: Here they Come

Adventurer3: Protect the Level 1's

Aiz: Gareth!

Gareth: Aiz! Don't leave beside me, We have to trust Nade on this

Aiz: Grr

Nadeshiko: I see now, The Opening threads, Hehe I always wanna say that

Nadeshiko: Hono no Kokyu Kyu no Kata: Rengoku

I used the Finally form of the [Flame Breathing] I targeted most of the Minotaur, in the Centre of the Battle, Then All of the Minotaur gave their attention to me

Nadeshiko: Man, I'm fed up with attention, But I'll refuse yours

Then all the Minotaur charges to me

Alise: Nadeshiko!

Ryuu: I'll help Him!

Nadeshiko: Hinokami Kagura: Nichiun no Ryū Kaburimai

Kaguya: What's that? I've never seen him use that?!

Alise: Maybe another one of his Sleeve

Nadeshiko: (I have to Finish this Quickly, I can't keep this up for a Long Period of time)

Then Nadeshiko Rushed to the Minotaurs, Chopping off their Head in a Flash

Aiz: Fast! So Fast!

Then Minotaur Appeared behind Gareth

Gareth: Aiz!

Aiz: (I have to Dodge!)

Nadeshiko: Hinokami Kagura: Enbu Issen

Nadeshiko: I told you, I'll protect you Right

Aiz: *Blush* Y-Yeah

Nadeshiko putted Aiz behind Him

Nadeshiko: Gareth, I'll be takin' Aiz now, Protect the Kids, While I massacre the Minos

Gareth: Massacre is the Right word for you

Nadeshiko: Aiz, I want you to Never let go

Aiz: G-Got it

Nadeshiko: Then Hinokami Kagura: Enbu

With a speed of a Low Level-3, I killed every minotaur that Got in my way

Aiz: So fast! Can you go more faster?!

Nadesjiko: If that's what you want, Then 

Nadeshiko sped up, More faster due to his breath, Bute he can't keep this for long, He need to clear them out, Or just weaken the Minotaurs

Aiz: How are you so Strong?

Nadeshiko: Ne, Aiz, I wanna ask you about your parent

Then, The time had slowed for the two of them. (Slow motion)

Aiz: How do you... Know about them!?

Nadeshiko: Aria was your Mother, And the Hero Albert were your Father, Right?

Aiz couldn't speak, She was scared and confused about how I know about her parents 

Nadeshiko: I assure you, Your "Hero" Will surely appear

Aiz: NO!

Nadeshiko looks at Aiz

Aiz: That Hero didn't appear, That Hero was not there when I needed him! So that's why I will be the one to do it

Nadeshiko: You should do something with that belief, But, I will tell you

Then Time slowed more

Nadeshiko: That Hero will come, And you of all people will notice your change, I'be read, The Future

Aiz: Huh?? What do you mean

Nadeshiko: We're going in! Get ready!

Then Me, Aiz, Along with some level 3's are clearing out the Minotaurs

Aiz: I want to believe in you

Nadeshiko: And I'll never lie to you

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