The Boy Who Loved The Girl Ne...

By big_poppa123

73.1K 1.6K 689

Richard "Ricky" Andrews. The young brother of Archie Andrews was known by everyone in Riverdale as 'the sweet... More

1. The River's Edge
2. A Touch of Evil
3. Body Double
4. The Last Picture Show
5. Heart of Darkness
6. Faster, Pussycats! Kill! Kill!
7. In a Lonely Place
8. The Outsiders
9. La Grande Illusion
10. The Lost Weekend
11. To Riverdale and Back Again
12. Anatomy of a Murder
13. The Sweet Hereafter
14. A Kiss Before Dying
15. Nighthawks
16. The Watcher in the Woods
17. The Town That Dreaded Sundown
18. When A Stranger Calls
19. Death Proof
20. Tales from the Darkside
22. Silent Night, Deadly Night
23. The Blackboard Jungle
24. The Wrestler
25. The Wicked and The Divine
26. The Tell-Tale Heart
27. The Hills Have Eyes
28. There Will Be Blood
29. Primary Colors
30. The Noose Tightens
31. A Night To Remember
32. Prisoners
33. Shadow of a Doubt
34. Judgement Night

21. House of The Devil

895 28 15
By big_poppa123


"Like the Red Death showing up in an Edgar Allan Poe story, the Black Hood had come to Riverdale. With that grimmest of reapers looming over us, how did we cope? In the case of Archie and Veronica, it was through carnal defiance. With every kiss and embrace, they seemed to be saying: 'You have no power over me, Death.' In fact, 'Varchie' became the opposite of death. In Archie's bedroom... In his garage... Even in the Pembrooke. After all, if our young lovers dared to defy the Black Hood, why not risk Hiram Lodge's wrath as well?"

Meanwhile, Ricky Andrews had cleaned up his act as promised but he was still struggling to balance his trauma and keep up a normal façade.

Ricky tried to focus on something else like his...boyfriend working to do some digging up on a crime a creepy trucker told Jughead a while ago.

Ricky knew it had to be in connection with the a Black Hood and while he wanted to avoid anything Black Hood related, focusing on it made him less worry about panic attacks and his lack of sleep.

"Sorry, there's no service in the bowels of City Hall," Jughead stated as he sat across from Ricky and Betty. All three together like this reminded Ricky of a time when they were only solving Jason's murder.

"So what'd you find, Jug?" Ricky asked.

"Any truth to what that creepy truck driver said about that murdered family?" Betty questioned.

"Yes, shockingly," Jughead answered, pushing an old Riverdale Register newspaper across the table for them to see. "Freddy Krueger didn't lie to me. A family of four was murdered by someone that the press called 'the Riverdale Reaper'. The victims were Jim and Mary Ellen Conway and their kids. Tommy was ten, and Sue was nine. Reaper was never caught or identified, so he could be our Black Hood, but I'm dubious. He would be in his 60's by now."

"Why did he do it...Kill them?" Betty asked as Ricky read over the article.

"The reporter of the article talked to a sheriff at the time who thought killer chose them at random or because their house was isolated."

"Where was it?"

"Edge of Fox Forest, down some service road," Jughead answered.

Ricky flipped the article over seeing a picture of the house. "This is the victims' house?" he asked Jughead.

"Yeah," Jughead answered as Ricky showed the picture to Betty.

"Oh, my God," Betty spoke. "Guys, I've been to this house. The Black Hood sent me to it, as part of his game."

"Well, then that means there's definitely a link between the Hood and the Reaper," Ricky mumbled.

"We should talk to Keller. Pull the files from the murders. At least get a list of all the players," Jughead stated.

"No, Jughead, I can't go to Sheriff Keller. Not after I accused him of being the Black Hood," Betty told him.

"Right, yeah, that would be awkward. You could go to the house."

"We could go with you," Ricky added.

"I can't go back there," Betty whispered in a semi-quiet and scared tone. "He made me look in a mirror, you know, what I saw staring back at me... I don't want to do that again..."

Ricky gently placed his hand on hers without a second thought. "Hey, then you don't have to, okay?" he spoke calmly to her. "We'll figure this out without going."

Betty gave him a small smile in thanks while Jughead eyed their hands which Ricky felt his gaze, letting go of Betty's hand to grab his milkshake, taking a sip.

Jughead looked towards his phone that began to vibrate with an unknown number. Nearly every time Ricky saw a phone call with the title 'uknown', the color slightly drained from his face out of pure fear and most of his friends knew that by now.

Jughead glanced cautiously at Ricky before picking up his phone, swiping the answer icon before holding the phone up to his ear, answering with a tense tone. "Hello?" Jughead shortly let out a sigh of relief which eased Ricky's nerves. "Yeah, I'll accept the charges."


Shortly, the three stood in the Blue and Gold office at school with Archie, Veronica and McKenzie.

"So the reason we called you guys in here..." Betty spoke.

Jughead grinned. "My dad's getting out of jail."

McKenzie smiled. "Really? FP is getting out?"

Ricky nodded with an excited smile as Archie said, Jug, that's...That's great."

"Yeah, what heralded this miracle?" Veronica asked.

"Uh, overcrowding at the jail, I guess the judge reviewed my dad's case and after Cheryl's testimony it was...A perfect storm," Jughead answered.

"What do you need from us, Jug?" Archie asked.

"The three of us actually," Ricky told his brother. "We have a new lead on the Black Hood case..."

"The three of us we were wondering if you guys would follow up on it for us," Betty finished. "We can give you all of the details, the articles."

"It's just that I have to be there for my dad to help with his re-entry, so..." Jughead added.

"Uh, yeah and I'm just...I'm taking a break from the Black Hood," Betty added.

"Same here," Ricky added. "I have something a bit more positive to focus on now with FP so..."

"Wait, so, you want us to be you guys?" Veronica asked, motioning to herself, McKenzie and Archie.

"Well, actually just you and Archie to be the three of us," Ricky stated.

Jughead looked at McKenzie. "I know how much being there for my dad means to you so you don't have to play detective if you don't want to."

"Actually yeah," McKenzie answered. "I really do wanna see FP."

"But essentially, yes," Jughead added, answering Veronica's question. "Why, is there a problem with that?"

Veronica and Archie just shared a look.


Ricky sat in the Whyte Wyrm at a table with Toni and McKenzie. He had to ignore the looks he got when he came in since he was a Northsider but Sweet Pea made it clear that if anyone had a problem with Ricky, take it up with him and Fangs.

"I have an announcement to make," Jughead spoke up loudly. "My dad's getting out." Everyone cheered while Jughead added, "And when he does, I'll bring him up to speed about our plans with Mayor McCoy."

"That's brilliant," Tall Boy remarked.

"Do you have a problem with that, Tall Boy?" Jughead asked in a slightly annoyed tone.

"Your old man?" Tall Boy stood up. "No. I got no problem with him. But you want us to sit down with the Mayor."

"I do. He's right. I think we can bring the Southside back. But it's going to take work and it's going to take compromise."

Tall Boy sarcastically laughed. "Bring the Southside back. You've been here all of five minutes."

"Tall Boy, I am sick of you acting like a little bitch," Jughead snapped. "Whispering behind my back that I'm half a Serpent or that I don't belong here. Why don't we put it to a vote?" He looked at everyone in the bar. "If you guys think what I'm doing is wrong, I'll step aside."

Toni spoke up, "All those who stand with Jughead and think that Tall Boy should shut the hell up?"

Nearly most if not all Serpents raised their hands including Ricky.


Ricky waited outside of the prison with Jughead and Alice Cooper leaning against her station wagon behind them.

Betty sent him a warning text that Alice would be going which Ricky deflated at almost immediately as she sent the text. He just wanted to spend time with his second father figure.

Ricky smiled immediately as soon as the gates of the prison opened and FP Jones walked out as a free man.

FP immediately hugged Jughead tightly before pulling back, looking at Ricky. "Hey, Richie."

"Hi, Mr. Jones," Ricky greeted with a wide grin as he hugged FP next. "It's good to see you."

"You too." FP pulled back to look at him. "How you been doing?"

"Trying to get by," he answered honestly.

"Yeah, I know the feeling." He looked at Alice who was leaning against her car with crossed arms. "Alice."

"Is it true what they say about men who have just been released from prison, FP?" Alice asked.

"What do they say?"

"That they're incredibly sexually frustrated."

Ricky covered his face with his hand in embarrassment. "Oh my God," he sighed.

"Wow," was all Jughead said while FP only grinned while everyone got in the car.

"I'm getting second hand embarrassment," Ricky mumbled to Jughead, putting on his seatbelt.


They drove to Pop's where Ricky reluctantly sat next to Alice and across from FP and Jughead in a booth.

Alice, of course, was the first to speak breaking Ricky from a casual conversation from his father figure. "The Black Hood is targeting sinners, so, I'd watch my back if I were you, FP, especially once you re-join that gang of hoodlums."

"Jesus, can't enjoy one conversation about life," Ricky mumbled causing Jughead to place a comforting hand on his knee.

"The Serpents aren't-" Jughead began

"I'm not going back to the Serpents, Alice," FP said making both boys look at him. "I thought a lot about this while I was in Shankshaw, and I'm done with Serpent life. It's gonna be one last ride for my boy and I. But it's too much of a slippery slope for me."

Jughead and Ricky spoke at the same time:

"The Serpents need you, Dad."

"Jughead needs you, Mr. Jones."

"And what, pray tell, will you be doing with all of your extra time, FP?" Alice asked.

"Working, Warden Cooper," FP answered. "Saw a 'Help Wanted' sign in the window. Thought I'd talk to Pop about picking up some shifts."

"Let's hope your plans don't come crashing down once you start drinking again."

"Actually, I'm in AA." Both Jughead and Ricky gave Alice a smug look. "Started in jail and I don't plan on stopping."


The next day, Ricky sat next to Jughead at Pop's.

"So have you talked to your dad yet know, everything?" Ricky asked.

"I did. And I honestly don't know if it didn't anything but get a better understanding about him."

"That's still better than nothing."

"I guess so..." He sighed, looking at Ricky. "What about you? Are you okay? Anymore nightmares?"

"They're every night, Jug. I don't think it's gonna stop anytime soon," he replied. "I'm tired of everything."

"I know but we're gonna fix this mess so you won't have to live in fear," Jughead told him, his hand on Ricky's.

"I hope so," he mumbled, turning his hand up to interlock their fingers. "Only good part of it all is you. You always being there when I need you."

"Always will be, Andrews," he said with a small smile.

"Good." Ricky smiled sweetly, looking around the diner before pecking his lips.

He grinned. "I'll be around so much you'll get sick of me."

"That's impossible."

"Don't underestimate me."

Ricky laughed. "Are you seriously telling me not to underestimate your annoying-ness?"


"Jughead, I've known you my entire life and you've never annoyed me."




"You heard me."

Jughead let out a laugh as FP walked over in the Pop's uniform. "Y'all finished?"

"Yeah, thanks, Dad," Jughead said passing FP his plate as did Ricky.

"Thank you," Ricky added.

Ricky smiled as he walked away. "I'm glad he's back. I really missed him."

"Me too."

"...I'm fixing what I said. The Jones men, you and FP have been the best part of-"

There was a loud clang behind him, making him look back. Cheryl had purposely knocked down her milkshake from the table, spilling it all over the floor.

"Clean that up, Plebe," Cheryl spoke, staring down FP. "The way you did my brother's blood."

Jughead immediately stood up to which FP said, "Jug, don't." He walked over, wiping up the mess. "We'll get you another milkshake right away. On the house."

Jughead scoffed as he sat back down next to a silent Ricky who's anger was slowly building. "My dad used to be a king. A leader of men. Now he's being demeaned by the likes of Cheryl Blossom. He deserves to be honored, not humiliated."

Ricky sighed, his fists clenched. "So, why don't we do just that? Seriously, why not throw your dad a retirement party fit for a king? Don't worry, I'll take care of everything."

Jughead also sighed. "Fine, if that's what you wanna do."

"I'll wrangle in some help if I need it. But first..." He stood up, walking over to Cheryl's table. "Look, I know what FP has done but that does not give you the right to harass him when he's trying to do better."

Cheryl hummed. "Last I checked, Ricky, I have every right to be upset. JJ is gone."

"No shit but it's not his fault," he said in annoyed tone. "So back off."

"Back off? Are you kidding me?"

"No, I'm over the bullshit drama so mellow the fuck out."

She scoffed. "You were never this cruel before..."

He dryly laughed. "Cruel? You wanna know cruel?" He leaned close to her. "I was the one who told McKenzie to blackmail you to plead that you forgive FP," he whispered.

Her face fell looking at Ricky. "You did that?"

"Yeah, anything to get my father figure saved from prison. Even if that meant screwing you over." He stood up straight, waving to Josie who was across from Cheryl. "Hi." Without another word, he walked to sit back down.


Ricky sat on Betty's bed, her right next to him. "I just wanted to say I appreciate that you're helping out with the party, it means a lot."

"Of course, you needed less to be taken off your shoulders and I'm happy to do it," she replied.

"You sure?"

"Yes," she replied firmly. "I needed to take a break from the Black Hood and in a way I am to focus on a party with McKenzie."

He nodded. "Food is taken care of so one less thing for you to worry."

"I appreciate that." After a moment, she wrapped her arms around him in a hug, making Ricky stiffen slightly in shock. "Sorry, just the most comfortable place for me is in your arms."

"Oh, okay," he said softly, his arms slowly moving around her to which she buried her face in his chest.

"Whenever I felt most comfortable and safe was here, being in your arms, we never even had to say anything. We'd just lay and stay like this for hours. I always felt at peace...I miss that," she spoke softly.

"Me too," he admitted quietly.

She held onto him a little bit longer, breathing him in, his scent intoxicating to her. He smelled like vanilla and lemon zest.

He closed his eyes slightly, his fingers playing with the ends of her ponytail. She was right, this was the most at peace he's felt in a very long while.

Betty looked up at him finally and gently pecked his cheek, getting him to open his eyes and look at her. "Sorry, I know you're not ready to get back together but I just miss you a lot," she spoke sheepishly.

"No it's okay, I miss you too," he told her softly, before getting up. "I head home, I'll see you later?"

She nodded, looking down. "Yeah, okay, see you," she said softly.

He pecked her cheek politely before leaving her room.


Ricky stood in front of Archie and Veronica with Betty, Jughead and McKenzie close to him in the Blue and Gold office.

"So, the real story was in the Sheriff's notebook," Archie spoke.

"There was a third child, Joseph Conway, who survived the massacre," Veronica spoke, setting down some books and files.

"They hid his identity, changed his name, so he could lead a normal life."

"According to Sheriff Howard's notes, he was adopted by another family in Riverdale and presumably, enrolled at a local high school."

Archie passed a photo to Betty. "We got a picture of the kid."

"If we match that boy to one of the students at Riverdale High during the years he would've attended..."

"Then he might be able to tell us how the Conway murders are connected to the Black Hood," McKenzie finished.

"Or he is the Black Hood," Jughead spoke. "Just go with me here. Let's say that our mystery kid did end up surviving the slaughter, maybe even saw it. That would've messed him up for life."

Ricky nodded. "That makes sense, and somehow, for some reason, he could be blaming the town for what happened."

"And now is punishing us for it."

"So, basically, we just have to go through all these yearbooks, page by page, and see if we find a match. So, not quite a needle in a haystack," Veronica spoke but Jughead, Ricky, Betty and McKenzie all shared a glance. "What?"

"Uh, we just have to get ready for a party that we're hosting," Betty answered.

"It's my FP's retirement party, so..." Ricky replied.

"Oh," Archie and Veronica both said.

"No, you guys should come," McKenzie quickly said, looking to Jughead. "If that's okay with you..."

He nodded. "Yeah, you don't have to. Not a big deal."

All four stammered over the right words to say before the couple stood with a solid maybe.


Ricky sat at the bar in the Whyte Wyrm, Toni across from him.

"You look anxious, anything you want to get off your chest?" Toni suggested.

Ricky looked up from his drink. "Honestly yes, a few things...But it needs to be confidential and no judgement."

"I'll try to not judge but continue."

He sighed. "So the night Jug became a Serpent was also the night Betty dumped me as you know..." She nodded to show she was listening. "After you left, Jug's trailer that night, Jug and I...did stuff..."

Toni hummed. "I had a feeling."

Ricky looked at her in surprise. "You did? How?"

"There was already sexual tension between you two before, you just looked more relieved the day after." Ricky flushed slightly at that making Toni chuckle. "Continue."

"We've been keeping it quiet considering Jug broke up with McKenzie and Betty dumped me. I know she did it because of the Black Hood but I really liked Jughead..."


"I still do. A lot. But I love Betty and that won't change..." He sighed, dropping his head on the counter. "My year wasn't supposed to go like this, I wasn't supposed to worry about feelings and stuff. I just wanted to ace my classes and have the time of my life but yet here I am with goddamn C's in every class...." He looked at Toni. "I'm rambling, aren't I?"

She smiled. "Yeah but you're adorable so I'm not annoyed." Ricky smiled at that. "And to your problems, if you and Jug like each other and it feels like the real thing, you should keep it going again. People might get hurt or upset but that's up to you whether you choose their happiness/comfort over yours." He sighed. "And as for Betty, I'd hold off at the moment since it's still pretty fresh and you were still pretty hurt by everything."

After a moment, he nodded. "Okay...makes sense," he spoke as Jughead walked over, looking around slightly.

"Jones, you look nervous. Want a drink?" Toni asked him.

"No, I'm good. I'm just getting a lay of the land."

Ricky didn't say anything but it looked like he was clearly lying but turned his attention to Alice, who looked more like a Serpent with dark make up and leather clothes, and Betty who's hair was down and wearing a half opened blue blouse and a pink skirt.

Ricky smiled, looking at two Cooper women, sliding off his barstool and walking over. "Wow, Betty. Mrs. Cooper. You two look incredible."

"Tell me about it," Alice replied before nodding to Betty. "Unfortunately, I couldn't convince this one to dress appropriately." She walked off to the bar.

Ricky smiled, looking at Betty. "As much as she looks great, so do you."

She smiled, looking him over. He was wearing a Serpent jacket which only made her more convinced she was doing the right thing. "I have a surprise for you. Later."

He nodded, he was only wearing the jacket that Jughead gave it to him to wear because he forgot his comfy hoodie.

Alice slammed down her empty shot glass. "Hit me, Hog Eye." She looked at Betty. "Honey, what do you want? A Shirley Temple?"

Ricky smiled slightly at that to which Betty turned to him. "Real mature for you to laugh when you love to drink Shirley Temple."

He laughed. "It's not a judgement laugh, and who doesn't love a Shirley Temple."

She giggled slightly as the piano for Gary Jules's Mad World began to play and Archie and Veronica walked up onto the stage, beginning to sing.

As Betty moved away from Ricky slightly, he moved to lean against the pool table next to Jughead who mumbled, "Why do I feel a storm approaching?"

"Thought it was only me," he mumbled back. "What do we do?"

"Nothing we can do if we don't know what is gonna happen."

Ricky felt someone's gaze and turned to see McKenzie looking at him. Her gaze spoke of some suspicions but she never made the attempt to approach him.

Ricky turned back to the stage to see Veronica quickly walk off with Archie following.

Betty took this as her chance to get up on stage, singing into the microphone, her gaze completely on Ricky as she slowly undressing into black one piece lingerie.

At one moment, she moved away from the microphone, dancing slowly against the pole, her gaze never leaving Ricky.

Ricky gulped slightly surprised and confused, watching as Betty walked back to the microphone to sing all while Jughead was giving her a glare.

FP was the first one to clap, going on stage, wrapping his jacket around her shoulders as he spoke to the crowd, "Let's give her a round of applause! And show her some of that Serpent hospitality we're known for." The crowd cheered. "You know what? I've been in and out of the Serpents since I was younger than my son. And it's been a...A wild ride. Good times, bad times, but through it all, the Serpents stuck by my side, while most other people turned their backs on me. My own family included." He glanced at Jughead but continued, "Now, the letter of the law says that I can't be here in the Serpent den. That I can't associate with my friends. My real family. My blood. But I've been thinking about that. And it'll be a cold day in hell before a snake lets a pig tell him what to do." The crowd cheered once more. "Northside wants me outta this gang? Well, they better bring a coffin because FP Jones isn't retiring! I am not going gently into the night! I'm here to stay! So, bring the fire!"

The cheer around Ricky was slightly deafening as FP got off stage, walking over to Jughead to which Ricky moved away from them to give them space.

He moved outside to get some air where a now fully dressed Betty Cooper was waiting.

"Hey," she spoke, making him sigh. "What's wrong? Was it the dance?"

"It's everything. I had a bad feeling about tonight and some things are fucked." He looked at her completely. "And, yeah...Why would you do that? That dance?"

"I wanted to be a part of this. The Serpents, your world."

He furrowed his eyebrows. "My world? You think this is my world?" She looked at the jacket he was wearing. "Because of this or because I like hanging out with the Serpents a lot more than my other friends?"

"You do?"

"Most of the time, yeah," he answered honestly. "They don't judge me by what I've been through."

"You don't get judged-"

"Really? Betty, have you ever actually looked around when you walk with me somewhere? I get looks of pity from almost everyone at school, at least here around Toni, Sweet Pea, everyone doesn't. They don't treat me like glass."

She sighed. "Ricky...the only reason I got up on the stage is because I wanted to show you that I was willing to do anything for you, understand you just as much as your Southside friends do."

"Is that why or you're trying to get me back running into your arms?" he asked softly, he couldn't help but think she had more than one motive.

She gaped, looking at him. "Ricky, I...No...I-"

"Why can't you understand I don't want to be with you?" he replied in a slight snappy tone.

Her eyes widened. "You...what?"

"It's over, Betty. All I want is to be your friend."

He walked away but she grabbed his arm, turning him to face her, gently grabbing his face. "No, please tell me why. I'm sorry that I hurt you but please tell me why."

"Because...." He looked away to see Jughead walking out of the Whyte Wyrm before turning back to her. "Because there is someone else..."

Her face fell.

"Betty, I love you but I need space from you. Please," he replied, he gently grabbed her wrists, pulling her hands away from his face. "Please go home." He walked away from her.

Jughead was on his motorcycle as Ricky walked up to him. "You okay?"

"I should be asking you that, what happened?" Ricky asked, climbing on the back.

"I'll tell you later. Am I taking you home?"

"No, take me back to your trailer. We can talk or do whatever you want," he replied, resting his head against his back, kissing his shoulder gently as they drove off.



Sorry to those who have been waiting on an update I stopped keeping up with Riverdale after season 5 and to be honest, unless I get some more interest to continue watching that's when this book will end.

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