21. House of The Devil

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"Like the Red Death showing up in an Edgar Allan Poe story, the Black Hood had come to Riverdale. With that grimmest of reapers looming over us, how did we cope? In the case of Archie and Veronica, it was through carnal defiance. With every kiss and embrace, they seemed to be saying: 'You have no power over me, Death.' In fact, 'Varchie' became the opposite of death. In Archie's bedroom... In his garage... Even in the Pembrooke. After all, if our young lovers dared to defy the Black Hood, why not risk Hiram Lodge's wrath as well?"

Meanwhile, Ricky Andrews had cleaned up his act as promised but he was still struggling to balance his trauma and keep up a normal façade.

Ricky tried to focus on something else like his...boyfriend working to do some digging up on a crime a creepy trucker told Jughead a while ago.

Ricky knew it had to be in connection with the a Black Hood and while he wanted to avoid anything Black Hood related, focusing on it made him less worry about panic attacks and his lack of sleep.

"Sorry, there's no service in the bowels of City Hall," Jughead stated as he sat across from Ricky and Betty. All three together like this reminded Ricky of a time when they were only solving Jason's murder.

"So what'd you find, Jug?" Ricky asked.

"Any truth to what that creepy truck driver said about that murdered family?" Betty questioned.

"Yes, shockingly," Jughead answered, pushing an old Riverdale Register newspaper across the table for them to see. "Freddy Krueger didn't lie to me. A family of four was murdered by someone that the press called 'the Riverdale Reaper'. The victims were Jim and Mary Ellen Conway and their kids. Tommy was ten, and Sue was nine. Reaper was never caught or identified, so he could be our Black Hood, but I'm dubious. He would be in his 60's by now."

"Why did he do it...Kill them?" Betty asked as Ricky read over the article.

"The reporter of the article talked to a sheriff at the time who thought killer chose them at random or because their house was isolated."

"Where was it?"

"Edge of Fox Forest, down some service road," Jughead answered.

Ricky flipped the article over seeing a picture of the house. "This is the victims' house?" he asked Jughead.

"Yeah," Jughead answered as Ricky showed the picture to Betty.

"Oh, my God," Betty spoke. "Guys, I've been to this house. The Black Hood sent me to it, as part of his game."

"Well, then that means there's definitely a link between the Hood and the Reaper," Ricky mumbled.

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