Our Way Through The Dark

By IsisB14

35.7K 899 281

Baila- Social butterfly, Puts others before her, but she is really just broken deeply. Putting on a fake smi... More

Intro/Important (0)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Author Note (0)
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Authors note
Chapter 27
just a note

Chapter 23

803 18 3
By IsisB14

3 hours before__

Jay's POV__


"You should really change locations." She smiled as she closed the door to her black truck, walking towards me but stopping a few feet back,

"Isn't it a little to much with the guns, brother?" Jackson commented following behind mother.

He definitely grew. Jackson was wearing a black shirt and jeans, he had black wavy hair like the rest of us just a little longer pieces hanging over his forehead and a silver lip piecing in the middle; tattoos on his neck and one snake on his arm.

Our mother on the other hand had a black dress, a small purse in her hand and her long wavy hair put up into a bun in the back of her head some pieces out of place.

"Put the guns down." I told my guards and without a word they did, "I didn't know we would have guest."  I lied a smirk on my face.

"I thought we could surprise my daughter and son I mean after all your brother did miss you, isn't that right Jackson?" She asked him and he nodded.

"Ah mother! so glad to see you after everything." Jocelyn walked outside of the base and stopped once she was next to me, "We haven't heard of you in the underground... taking a little break?" Jocelyn spoke in sarcasm tilting her head and my mothers face turned red showing her anger.

She cleared her throat trying too "calm." herself down, "Hello Lorenzo," she changed the subject and I quickly turned my head looking as he made himself present,


Lorenzo and Ara (mom) had a thing three years ago, he fell for her tricks and when we woke up and she was gone and took every quarter the love he had turned into hate. This was everything but good.

"Ara." He nodded,

"You know you can look at me right." She walked up to him and Everyone only watched,

He stared at the sky rather than her and my mother only had enough patience, "I needed to leave Lorenzo." She grabbed his chin and his eyes flickered to hers..

He looked annoyed and she was provoking him more, "I don't fucking care." he snatched her wrist off of his face,

She scoffed, "You're going to regret that." She narrowed her eyes and clenched her jaw turning back towards us, "I need a place to stay until further events." she ran her hands over her dress looking at me,

I needed to keep her close to find out her plans, "I have just the place."


I drove to my main house Antonio sitting in the passenger seat and everyone else followed behind in another car,

I pushed the button to the gates watching it open and driving inside I noticed Baila's car wasn't here and I scrunched my eyebrows as I told her to stay home.

I parked the car in my garage and closed the door, "Is Quinn here?" I asked Jocelyn as we made our way towards the door,

"More likely."

"Park the limbo there." I pointed making sure that when Baila got back she will still have her spot in the driveway.

I was looking forward to seeing her the most so finding out she wasn't here actually made me mad and upset,, I opened the door to the house placing my keys in the bowl.

"Who?" Quinn called from the kitchen and I heard her small foot steps coming closer. She was wearing a light green tank top and some pajama shorts, her blonde hair was a mess and she looked out of breath, but when she locked eyes with Jocelyn she broke into a smile, "Baby!" She clapped like a kid who just got a new toy,

Jocelyn walked towards her and gave a small kiss, "I missed you." Quinn nodded,

"So where's my princess?" Antonio came into the house with a smile,

Everyone just loves smiling today when seeing their girlfriends don't they.

"Ant?" Bria walked into the room with Ethan by her side but quickly ran giving him a hug, "Hi!" She wrapped her arms around his waist her chin on his chest as she looked up at him,

"Hey princess." He kissed her lips, "You feeling okay?" He asked his voice sounding worried,

"Better now that you're here." She giggled giving him another quick kiss, "No baby are you okay?" Antonio asked again his voice changing from blissful to sympathetic..

"I asked her the same thing." Ethan came into the conversation,

"Hey." Quinn walked up to me,

I looked at her and walked passed looking around, "Where's Baila?" I asked her since they've been close,


I stared at her like she just grown two heads... why the fuck was Baila at work? does she know how dangerous it is specially because some man is stalking her.

"Why the he-"

"Whos limbo?" Quinn budged in before I can finish looking at the open door, "Who's that women yelling at Lorenzo.." I walked up behind her watching Lorenzo and my mother argue, no surprise I knew this was going to come sooner or later,

"My mother." I responded blankly with no explanation, she knew her place to ask any questions so she simply just nodded,

Ara slammed the limbo door closed Jackson following behind, "Where's our room?" Ara asked her hand holding tightly on her purse and her eyes told me that she was pissed off.

"Oliver will take you." I told her sending her off and she was quick to walk up towards Oliver,

"Nice home brother." Jackson commented smiling showing me his small dimple on his left cheek before walking away with Oliver and Ara.

"Movie anyone?" Quinn asked shutting the door and facing us..

Everyone was quick to nod Jocelyn holding a bag of popcorn and we all made our way into the living room. Jocelyn and Quinn sitting on one couch while Quinn held the remote picking the movie and Jocelyn ate No surprise. I sat next to Bria with Antonio on one side and Ethan well... he sat alone.

I looked down at Bria as she cuddled in Ant's chest my first time actually looking at her features her big blue eyes looked tired it had bangs underneath and her skin was paler than usual... I looked down at her arms since her sleeves on her hoodie was rolled up and noticed faint bruises on them her hair was on the side of her shoulder since Antonio was playing with it and noticed a small bald spot a little bit over her neck.

Did Baila know this? her sister looks completely tired and weak... I never actually looked at Bria besides small conversations about her and Ant and stuff she liked—she was a good person to talk to and actually listened she was perfect for Ant and I adored her for that.

It was none of my business to make a comment about but i'll just talk to Baila about it whenever she decides to come home.


Half way through the movie and it was going okay, I wasn't really paying attention as my eyes was closing; I knew Quinn spoke to Baila since she was on the phone with her durning the movie. I heard the door close and I jumped from my seat rushing to the front door.

There she was.

She was wearing some tight jeans and a black shirt, her hair was in a messy bun and I could smell the coffee coming off of her. Even though I was completely mad with her for not following my orders seeing her made everything vanish, it was only me and her in the house.

And if I couldn't say so myself she looked amazing in those jeans.

Before she could turn around I walked over hugging her from behind snuggling my head in her neck planting small kisses in the places I know she likes. "Jay?" Her voice was confused but when I gave a small 'hum' I can feel the smirk on her face as she gave me more access towards her neck.

"Hi baby." I turned her around wanting to see her blue eyes and when she smiled I could feel my head beat faster. I hated her for making me feel unusual things, I was used to not caring and killing people she was only supposed to stay for a week until she got her life together but it was harder for me to let her since the day in my office.

Without a thought I crashed my lips into hers grabbing her waist to bring her closer towards me not leaving any space in between. She was quick to wrap her arms around my neck savoring the kiss as both our lips molded one another. I made sure to let her know how much I missed her instead of making it more sexual, I didn't want her to think I wanted to get inside her pants before anything.

When I pulled away I looked at her features taking everything in, her face blushed and I moved my thumb grazing over her burning hot cheeks—she let out a small giggle that only made me smirk.

"Hi beautiful." I smiled,

"Hi." She chuckled pecking my lips once more and I tighten my hold on her waist and her arms were around my neck.

God I missed her.

"Who's cars are outside?" She asked her eyebrow s scrunched up together and I heard the curiosity in her voice.

My face dropped not out of anger more because I didn't wanna talk about family problems knowing i'll have to explain to her everything. She raised her brows seeing my face drop, "Everyone's back." I stated and she only nodded as of asking for me to 'contuine.'

Once sensing I wasn't going to continue she opened her mouth to speak, "But the doesn't explain the limbo..." she pushed, "I know everyone's car even the guards which they don't even keep their cars here only in the one cabin house they live in... so who's the limbo?" she explained more.

"Well if you would let me speak." I raised my voice slightly getting annoyed,

"I'm just trying to get to the point." Her voice was small and calm,

"Where the fuck were you anyways?" I crossed my arms over my stomach waiting for her response,

She rolled her eyes and I clenched my jaw at her movements. Pushing pass me she made her way into the kitchen and when I followed she let out a groan and I almost wanted to bend her over the counter and make her apologize for the but I stood quite.

"I was at work." she stated dryly not bothering to make eye contact and I hated that.

She opened the fridge with a water bottle in her hand and I closed it shut growing frustrated with her and she sent daggers to me narrowing her eyes as of warning me, "Didnt I tell you to stay in the house until further notice? I thought I made myself clear." I growled—

"Okay but i'm fine!" she shouted, "You don't fucking control me." She turned around throwing the waterbottle on the counter before walking up the white stair case,

did she really think i was controlling her? I was only fucking protecting her.

"Oh but I do when you're in this house."

She quickly turned around while she was on the top of the steps I was still on the last one, "You." her voice was laced with venom, "Don't fucking control me! i'm not like other people Jay." She said my name like it something that she couldn't stand on her tongue and I could tel that my face was boiling with anger as much as hers was as well, "Why so you have to start all the time?!!"

"Because I care about you fucking safety Baila! why can't you listen!" I shouted back

"But I did listen! I stayed in the fucking house for five damn days! while you were doing what?!" She screamed her face red and her blue eyes a dark shade than normal and I only felt guilty,

She wasn't upset about the car she was mad that I left without a call or a explanation but I could've give her one.. I didn't want her in this life or mixed up in it, "I have business." I mumbled,

She scoffed, "Business right? but I have to sit in this house like it's a damn jail cell and wait till you come home and be perfectly fine with it? when you can't even trust me enough to tell me anything." she spoke quieter neither of us yelling both just wanting explanations,

"You know that's not true." I sighed frustrated-and confused about everything.

"How am I supposed to know what the hell is true or not?" her voice was low and she sounded sad? "I don't even know anything about yo-"

"Okay Jay the mafia ball is hosted saturday at your brother will be back in a few-"

Baila eyes flickered towards the door and I snapped my head in the same direction mentally wanting to kill my mother on spot.

Lorenzo laughed and Oliver looked at him shutting him up,

"Who's that?" Baila whispered and my mother just stared at us,

"My mother." I mumbled and I heard a faint gasp leave her lips..

Hi my baby's! I haven't done like one of those little notes in a while.. how are you? I'm sorry I took a break before but i'm happily back on track :) enjoy this chapter and I love you all so so much! also if there's any grammar problems let me know!

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