The Royal Secret

By janhaviwaikar

143 1 0

A secret that completely turns your life upside down. A secret which is bound by several promises. A secret k... More

The Royal Secret


42 1 0
By janhaviwaikar

I threw my alarm as it beeped ruining my beauty sleep. I woke up and got dressed for school. I wore my grey loose top and black jeans pairing them with black boots. I let my straight brown hair flow down till my elbows. Last month my mother finally allowed me to color my hair streaks blond for my 18th birthday. Flipping them behind my shoulder and grabbing my bag for school, I walked down the stairs.

I'm Katy, a regular teen, no sorry, a regular adult (gotta get used to it now) about to graduate Queen Elizabeth High School from a small town Carmarthen, Wales, in a few months. I can't wait to move to USA and live my life my way. Well I am doing it now as well, but you know, without parents. Surprisingly they are ready to send me half way across the world. I even looked up for scholarship courses and stuff. Berkeley is my dream college hope I make it. We submitted our applications way back. And by we I mean me and Kevin. I'll definitely miss my parents. I love them so much.

They are actually not my parents but they took me in since I was born. My real parents died in a car crash leaving me the only one alive. But I never really got upset when they broke this to me 4 years back. I don't care, it's not the blood relation that matters, the people you love is your real family.

"Finally! Don't you hear me screaming? I'm sure the neighbours kids have become more disciplined with my contant scolding." Mom shouted as I grabbed the cereal bowl she prepared for me.

"Relax mom, Kevin's coming to pick me up. I'm not walking today." I said checking my phone.

"Ooh Kevin." She teased me. He's just a best friend and she doesn't get it. I simply rolled my eyes.

"Pass me my cereal." My dad said as he walked down in his full office attire turning on the TV for news. I did as he told. He placed his briefcase on the coffee table and sat on the couch with his bowl. He works as an Economics professor at the University of Wales.

"Dad, are we going to the shooting range this weekend?" I asked dad. We are a bit of an adventure duo. We go for boxing, wrestling, trekking, shooting and what not. It's fun to have him in my life.

"Yeah definitely." He said then turned the volume of the tv up.

'The Princess of England, Amelia, was scheduled to get crowned this month but we have been sensing some insider pressure of being someone else in the line of the crown. That's right people, Prince of England, George IV, the son of Prince William, the king's brother has stated that 'even though he was the younger brother, his son is oldest in the next generation. He deserves to be the King of England'." The reporter said shooting live from the Buckingham Palace.

"Ugh sounds like a lot of work being a princess." I snorted finishing my bowl and placing it in the sink. As I turned, both my parents stared at me.

"What? Oh don't worry, I love being your princess." I said and that's when I heard Kevin's car honking. "Kevin's here, love you two, byeee!" I shouted and ran out grabbing my bag and phone.

Kevin sat there in his black truck. He is my best friend in the whole world. Well I do have more but we've known each other since the second grade.

"Hey handsome." I teased sitting in the passenger seat.

"Hey... Dark stuff." He said and I just stared at him. "What?" He added.

"Nevermind." I shrugged it off.

Everyone ships us at the school, they think we're a couple making me get looks from all the bitches at the school for stealing their 'Kev-Kev' from them. Well I did had a small crush on him back in the seventh grade but since then, nothing. I knew being friends is enough, anything ahead just makes it awkward. But sometimes I still think I like him.

"So wanna hangout this weekend?" He asked.

"Nah, I'm going to the shooting range with dad. You can join us if you want. We get to live in tent."

"Cool. See you there." He clicked his tongue pointing at me. On our way to school, we blasted the songs from his car's speakers.

"There's my sqaud!" I shouted getting my top half of the body out the window as Kevin parked in the lot beside my best friend Emma's car. There's Mark, Evelyn and Dylan getting off her car.

"Hey girlll!" Emma shouted.

"Hey man!" Kevin said getting out greeting everyone.

We aren't the most popular group at school but yeah we're cool. Kevin threw his arm over my shoulder as we walked in.

"Nooo Kevin let's go back home." I said suddenly stopping and realising my schedule.


"It's history period!" My face was on the verge of crying.

"Come I'll pass you love notes in class!" He laughed and I jumped around in happiness. We always back bitch about the students in class on small notes if we find the class is boring.

The school went by fine. We ended up skipping the last lecture of literature. Mrs. Brown is an old lady, she doesn't mind. Me and Kevin hung out at the monkey bars.

"Wanna grab something to eat?" Emma asked as she walked to us after the last bell rang. The rest of my friends arrived too.

"Sure." I said hanging upside down from the bar. I saw Kevin jump off and come to me.

"Let's go monkey!" He said and grabbing me taking me off the bar. I was now on top of his shoulder like you hang a jacket on a string.

"Put me down." I hit him a couple times until he let me go.

"Ow you're heavy." He said rubbing his shoulder.

"Ass." I said giving a high five to Emma as we laughed our way to our cars.

We grabbed some cinnamon rolls from the bakery nearby and parted our ways by the time it was evening.

"See you tomorrow." I hugged Kevin and he gave a small kiss on my cheeks.

"Bye Katy!" He said and I got out of the car ignoring the jitters in my stomach. He's never gonna like me back. Even I don't like him. I don't care. Whatever. Ugh!

I walked in and mom was already home reading a book on the couch. She works for a local bank here, normal 9-5 job. She said she's happy but I would hate sitting in closed walls filing other people's accounts. I wish she was more into adventure stuff, but it's her choice. I gave her a kiss on the head and headed upstairs to change into comfortable clothes.

I picked up my black shorts from this morning lying on the floor and my peach tshirt hanging in the bathroom. Neat and clean or tidiness is not in my dictionary. Even my handwriting looks like 'ants fighting for food'. Mrs. Brown's words, not mine.

Tying my hair in a bun, I jumped down from last forth stair from the floor and spread myself on the living room couch scrolling through my Instagram.

"You are such a mess!" My mom snorted getting up and walking into the kitchen.

"Thankyou!" I responded. This is like an everyday tradition, she calls me a mess and I take it as a compliment.

Later dad came home and wore his night pajamas. He isn't a messy guy, just fun loving. I don't know from where I picked this habit. I like it though, feels home.

We had dinner and I went in my room to stream some Netflix and sleep. The next day I woke up and got ready for school slamming my alarm but something didn't feel right.

Mom. I didn't hear her yell this morning to get ready for school. Maybe she's oversleeping today. I grabbed my dark skinny jeans and white t-shirt and black jacket. Combing my hair straight, I was about to grab my bag when I heard a light knock and my dad walked in. He looked a little off.

"Wassup!" I asked.

"Katy... Your aunt is sick so we have to leave right now for London. Pack a bag for a few days, I'll see you downstairs." He said.

"Ummm ok, let me just text Kevin. He was on his way to pick me up." I said and he nodded.

I knew that mom has a sister but she never talked about her. Maybe they didn't get along. I never pushed it. I quickly texted Kevin and he said take care and keep texting with the updates. Aww!

I packed a small bag with my t-shirts and jeans and all the required stuff. I packed for about 5 days. It's was Wednesday today, so till Sunday. London is just a three hour ride so I'm sure dad can drop me back here for my school if things go right.

I walked down and saw mom packing us some sandwiches. "Hey mom, you okay?" She nodded. "What happened to her?" I asked.

"A heart attack." She said. I simply nodded and held her hand squeezing it a bit.

"I'll go pack the car." I said grabbing the two bags on the couch while dad was checking the car tools in the back.

I've never been to London before. I don't know why. My parents never took me.

We all settled in the car and I spread myself on the backseat scrolling through my phone.

In a few minutes we were out of the city and I put on my headphones. Little did I know the mess I was being pulled into.

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